ITEM 3.3C OSC 7.10.2018ITEM 3.3C Public Safety Commission Meeting July 10, 2018 6:30 PM Call to order: 1834 Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Council Member Jason Warehime Commissioners: Chairman Bill Abderhalden Chuck Schauss Paul Fields Jim Breitbach Greg Hubbard Dan Freiberg John Braun 1. Approve Agenda: Motioned by Jim Braun and second by John Braun 2. Approve meeting minutes from June 12th, 2018. Motioned by Abderhalden and second by Braun. Approved Unanimously, 3. Open forum Updates: Steve with ambulance: Run reports: April May and June Documents provided 911 call to time of scene 175 medical calls to Otsego in the above months. 125 patients transported (71%) New ambulance coming this week, making three total. Fleet will be completely rotated out by the end of this year New contracts with Allina paramedics, expires 2020 Issues with contract - union agreements Elk River Ambulance Base, change in Allina contract so it's a no bid location - making it easier for other paramedics to work in Elk River, Eric Albertville Fire Department: Mostly routine calls. Nothing unusual No one present from Rogers or Ell-, River Fire Department Sergeant Pete Walker — WCSO: Riverwood Concerns 112 calls for service - mostly self -initiated by deputies SIA. is defined self -initiated activity on the call log 30 calls total since 12-3-17 Comparing it to super target - 130 calls for service (some SIA) - 85 calls were from the public or target employees. New business: New meeting in August 15th 1830 hours National Night Out information: Nothing to mention. Adjourn 1715 hours Written by: Dan Freiberg