ITEM 4.1 Eagle Scout projectot§'e o MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Department Parks & Recreation Director Demant August 27, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Parks and Recreation Director Demant City Administrator Flaherty 4.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approving Jonathan Kuehn's flag memorial Eagle Scout project to be located at Otsego Prairie Park. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Jonathon's Eagle Scout project proposal involves installing additional flags in the island area located directly north of the Otsego Prairie Park shelter. Jonathon has put together a video proposal of his project which currently is available at https:Hyoutu.be/r8HNV9gU9a4. Jonathon will be present at the Council meeting and will be presenting his project and available for answering questions. Jonathon presented his project at the August Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. The Commission voted unanimously to recommend Jonathon's project move forward for City Council approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Eagle Scout Project Request Form • Sample Fundraising Letter • Project PowerPoint Presentation POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Jonathan Kuehn's flag memorial Eagle Scout project to be located at Otsego Prairie Park. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A No Eagle Scout Project Proposal Form EAGLE SCOUT REQUEST INFORMATION EAGLE SCOUT NAME: PROJECT IDEA: TODAY'S DATE: Jonathan Kuehn Flag Memorial PROPOSED DATE FOR COMPLETION: PROPOSED PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET: October 20 The "Island" at Prairie Park $3,770 STEPS FOR EAGLE SCOUT PROJECTS MEETS: I PROCEDURES: STEP 1: Meet with the Parks and Recreation Director to review project idea. STEP 2: Complete Eagle Scout Project Form. Plan on spending at least one month on the Project Form and allow for ample time for review. STEP 3: Present project to the Parks and Recreation Commission. • Meetings are the 3`d Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. • Completed Eagle Scout Project Form will need to be submitted the 2"d Monday of month to be able to present project to the Parks & Recreation Commission. STEP 4: Present project to the Otsego City Council. • Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 7 p.m. PROJECT BREAKDOWN PROVIDE A DETAILED EXPLANATION OF WHAT YOUR PROPOSED PROJECT IS. YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN ADDITION TO THIS FORM: • MAP OF THE PROPOSED LOCATION • PICTURE AND/OR DRAWING OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT My project will be an addition of eight flagpoles to the island, extending in a semicircular fashion from the current flagpole, in accordance with flag code. They will be the Minnesota State Flag, Air Force, Navy, Army, Minnesota National Guard, Marines, and Coast Guard. The flags will be 3ft by 5ft. The total cost for flags will be $305.48, and will be bought from Annin Flagmakers. In order to add the eight flags, the two trees on the island will need to be removed before the flag pole part of the project is begun. Footings for the poles will be 18 inches wide by 29 inches deep. Poles are being purchased from Annin Flagmakers. They are 20 feet tall, 3 inches wide, possesses an exterior truck system, and cost $265 per pole, not including tax and shipping. Total cost for all 8 poles including tax and shipping is $2,120. The poles will be spaced 7 feet apart from each other. I have been told by Ross Demant that the existing pole is 25 feet tall and this will pole will remain. Concrete used will be Quikrete, which will be mixed in tubs and poured inside the holes. I estimate that I will need 7.5 bags of 60 Ib Quikrete per hole, for a total of 60 bags of Quikrete for the project. The sleeves will need to set for 24 hours before poles are placed in them. Once the sleeve is set in the concrete, the flagpole is placed inside the sleeve. The sleeves will be PVC ground tubes provided by Annin with the flagpoles, and are not attached to the poles but filled with sand around them, then the top two inches is covered with concrete. A set of detailed instructions from Annin will be followed for flagpole assembly and insertion. A copy of these instructions has been made available with this form and a diagram of the sleeves is included in the instructions. It is my understanding that the sleeves will be two feet tall by five inches in diameter. A maximum of twenty people will be helping me with this project, not including any personnel required to use the city provided machines. The project will be done in three main stages. First, the holes for the poles will be dug and levelled as necessary. Second, the sleeves will be inserted and the concrete poured around them, before allowing them to set, which will take about 24 hours. Third, the poles will be placed in the sleeves and the sand will be poured around them, then finished by topping with concrete. For the first year, an additional two sets of flags will be supplied to the city so that the flags can be replaced every four months. PROVIDE A DETAILED BUDGET FOR YOUR PROPOSED PROJECT. Total Cost: $3,770 Poles: $2,120 Tools/Equipment rental: $150 Concrete/Sand/Gravel: $235 Annual Flag Replacement: $930 Contingency (10%): $335 PROVIDE A DETAILED EXPLANATION OF YOUR FUNDRAISING PLAN. • INCLUDE WHAT YOU WILL DO IF YOU DO NOT REACH YOUR FUNDRAISING GOAL. My Fundraising plan is to approach the following organizations for monetary donations to supply my project. VFW of Elk River/Rogers, VFW of St Michael, Northgate Church, The Optimist Club, Snow Drifters Club of Otsego, Lions Club of Elk River, Lions Club of Rogers, Rotary of Elk River, Rotary of Rogers If I fail to reach my goal, I would put in only two poles, one for Minnesota, and the other for POW/MIA flags. WHAT RESOURCES (EQUIPMENT, STAFF) ARE YOU REQUESTING THE CITY PROVIDE TO ASSIST YOU WITH THIS PROJECT. Monetary donations would be appreciated but are not required of The City. Removal of the trees currently there would be likewise appreciated, but also not necessary. Jonathan Kuehn 7832 Parell Ave NE, Otsego, MN 55330 763-565-9344 jonelliek@gmail.com Date Recipient Name Recipient Company Name Recipient Address To Whom It May Concern, I am a Boy Scout working on my Eagle Project. The goal of this project is to create a Flag Memorial in Prairie Park, Otsego, honoring veterans and service members. This Flag Memorial will be added to the existing memorial stone and will consist of several flagpoles commemorating the various branches of the armed forces. This project is being built on behalf of the City of Otsego and with the assistance of my scout troop. I have sent this letter to you in the hopes that you will partner with me to accomplish this endeavor yet this summer. I am looking to raise $3800.00 for supplies and equipment, with any excess funds going to assist the city. If you are interested in donating to the project, and/or would like me to come and give a presentation on more of the specifics and logistics of the project, please contact me at the email or address above with your preferred method of contact and I will reach out to you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks. Sincerely, Jonathan Kuehn >- C, L.. 4-j • CY) C6 c6 . — 4-j �- C6 n O 00, 70 M 4-)L. cy) u) n c6 c6 C: '- H (6 O 4-j V) (1) O > Q O m o 0 E V, w • - 0 W W CD E § � § 0 o / \ $ % 0)n 2 2 § k o I e 4-0 3 k \ § ' I / v 0 9 § / \ _ ƒ = 2 mE /o '2 a E � � 3 3 2 � ° = 7 § £ E .) ± p . g ƒ E \ 2 0 ƒ D / ¢ 2 ° } �Iff p -02 � % /CL \ 2 g ) = k ) E E _ a $ £ 0 § 0 a 7 G £ @ 2 > § ® § '2 / I • $ 0 : o 'e — O £ = 3 E — / / 6 _ ' m g LL = E > \ \ E _u 0- � 2 $ m m E / 2 § / 0 _ 75 \ E ® 2 _0 2 E % 'R 0 § L .� -F Q 'a E S _ o 2 0 E a o e 3U)� / 0 % _ o E ) cu _ 20 0 § 2 O 7 E o e 2 9 3 2 E ®_ E 0 3 n > 20 \ \ j / E d ® m 0 E ) \ 2 0 . °2 § § E 7 'o 2 7 = E / \ e § ® ± ± § � > § m