ITEM 3.2A 9.9.2013 Minutes1TV=M 3.2^ OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER September 9,, 2013 7:00 PM Call to order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 Pel r Roll Call:aY or Jessica Stoc am ; Councilmembers: Vern Heldner, Jason Warehir e, and Doug Schroeder, Councilmernber Tom Darl e Wald arrived at 7:0 PNM. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan ord et, Administrative Services Director; Doss De ant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Tari L fi~, City Clerk. Pled e of Alle lance: Mayor Stoclamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 Open Forum; Special Presentation: Deco ninon of the Otsecio Prairie Festival Sponsors. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the 2013 Prairie Festival Sponsors, The City Council thanked the sponsors for their financial support, volunteering and commitment to the Festiva I . 2. Consider acienda_aporoval- City Administrator Johnson requested to remove iters 5.3 and add items 5A 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project; 5.5 Quilley Avenue Storm Sewer and 5,6 Change order 1 for Soccer Field Project. CM H i n r motioned to approve as amended., Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried% 3, Consent A enda. (lion -controversial items). 3.1 ApDrove Claimc Li t, 312 Approve City Council Meetina Minutes. , Auclust 26, 2013 Meetin . B, Auclust 26,2013 Special Meeting. . 3 Awrove auote for Biosolids hauling. 3,4 Pay Estimate a etr A, Approve Pay Estimate #1 in the amount of $10,326.50 to GR Mechanical Plumbing & Heating , for the Otsego Soccer Fields Project. CM Heldner motioned to approve a5 written, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. , CommuniW Development, .1 Wildflower meadows 2nd Addition Final Plat. City Planner Licht presented .the staff report. Applicant Rick Murray; Meridian Lana Company; was present. CM Darkenwald asked ed what type of homes will be built in this development. Mr. Murray said ramblers and two stories and that he is working with Keyland Homes and Morning Suri Homes and that both builders have worked in the city before. CM Heldner said on the original application there were comments from neighbors on the north side of East River Road about trafFle issues. City Planner Licht said thea was concern from the East River Road residents but the issue was resolved. CM Darl en ald asked City Attorney MacArthur r if he i able to vote on this item being it is next to Riverbend. City Attorney MacArthur said yes, M Schroder motioned to approve the Wildflower Meadows 2 "a Addition final plat subject to the conditions as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision and adopt Resolution 2013-48 approving a Development Agreernett Seconded by CM Heiner. All in favor, Motion carriedl 4.2 Arbor Creek Yd Phase 2 Construction Agreement. City Planner Licht presented the staff report, Applicant Rick Packer of Centra Hones was present. CM Heldner motioned to adopt Resolution 2013-49 approving an addendum to the Development Agreement for Arbor Creep 3rd Addition Phase 2 as presented. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 3 Prairie Park Master PI nr City Planner Licht presented the staff report. M Schroeder motioned to approve the Prairie Park Master Plan as recommended by the Parks and Recreation: Commislons Seconded by Mayor Stockamps All in favor. Motion carried 51 Administration. A Consider [resolution 13-50 rovin 2014 Preliminary Tax L Set the meeting for public. Input on the 2014 bud and tax I for Mond December 9,2013 at 7:00 PM at Prairie Center, Ci Administrator Johnson and Administrative Services Director ord t presented the City t i Preliminary Property Tax Levy for2014. CM Heldner stated that the City's proposed levy about 1 percent below the maximum levy allowed y the State under the levy limit lave. CM I iif' arkenw ld stating that increases n contracted services r flre and police are a majority o the General Fund levy increase. Cly Schroeder motioned to adopt Resolution 2013- setting a Preliminary Property Tax Levy for $4,539,285 for Property Taxes payable for 2014 and setting a public meetingn the property tax levy for takes payable for 2014 and operating budgets for 2014 for Monday., December 9,, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the Prairie Center, Otsego, MN, Seconded by CM D r e waldm All in favor. Motion carried. 5 .2 rove claim list for Metro Appliance I dir . Cil Dar enwald motioned to approvet Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. Motion carried 4-0,t CM Warehir a abstained. . . Pour ciol Event Li or Permit. - Removed 5.4 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Pro' t, City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CSI Heldner motioned to approve plans and specifications for the 2813 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Projectf authorizing Request for Quotes, and authorizing l Staff to award the contract for the 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project contingent on the quote being less than $35', 550=8, Seconded y CM Schroeder. All In favor, Motion carrieda .Qilley Avenue Storm Sower. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Heldner motioned to award contract for replacement of the Quilley ven e Storm Severer to Dave Perkins contracting, Inct of tame, M, In the amount of $14,,870.00 contingent on obtaining the required ea ement r Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor. Motion to carried. 5,6 Change Order #1 for Soccer Field Pt'ot. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report stating with tete change order the project will still be under budget. CSI Heidner motioned to approve change order #1 for Irrigation System for the Soccer Fields not to exceed $7130, Seconded by CM Schroeder; All in favor. Motion carried. . 0 council Reports and Updates. No iters. Staff Reports and Updates. City Engineer Wagner gage ars update on the LaBeaux Avenue Project and Needham Avenue Project. 1 Adiourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn, Seconded by CM Wre ime,, All in favor. lotion carried. Adjourned at 8:11 E ATTESTit S Tarnl Loff, City clerk Mayor Jessica Stockamp