ITEM 3.3B OHPC 8.13.2013 MinutesITrEM 3_30 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission -August 13, 201 Present: Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, Toni Seroshek,Tom Constant, John Boll, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockann . Toni called to the meeting to order. Minutes for July g, 2013 and Minutes for May 14, 201 were approved. Otsego Festiva, Our theme for the Festival will be Otsego Schools, past and present. Materials Gail gathered from the six schools active around 1880-1910 in Otsego township were turned over to Jessica who will get them to Kira Welter, graphic artist; King will pull them into an exhibit which is attractive and informative. Jamie will email Kim Welter with material on Otsego Element r r,Gail will email Kim Welter with the information on Kaleidoscope Chris gathered. Chris will email Kim with further information about Kaleidoscope charter School such as the date they moved to Otsego, enrollment, etc. Getting Reader for Prairie Center remodel: We will reed copies of our OHPC books for sale, the easels Tom rade, background banner, handouts from tours. We need table coverage for the Otsego Festival = The schedule is: Jamie, 9-12; Chris, 9-12; John, 12.3, Gail 2-5, Lisa, 12-3; Toni, -5. Preservation Conference: John Doll, Chris Wilson and Gail Anderson will be going to the Conference in Lanesboro. We each will register for the Conference online through the History Center site. Dan Licht is writing a grant this week which may carer our costs in going* Old school District 10 School HouselOtsego Township and Otsego's first city 1 -all Building: There was no new information on the possibility of using the old School District 10 building/township hall as a distribution site for CAER. Jessica will check into the status of this question. The Capital Improvement Fund will be on the city Council's agenda soon which will refocus everyone on the status of this historic site and what is to be done with it. Jamie asked if we would like to participate in an educational history of Otsego opportunity for the Parent Advisory Council of which she is President. We agreed that we would accept this opportunity gladly. Chris has had printed the material from the National Alliance of Preservation. She feels that some of the material is relevent to us and that some of the material is not. She agreed to bring to our attention the sections which are the most relevent. to oHPC in our current situations. The meeting was adjourned at Bpm and the materials we meed to use for the Otsego Festival were set wide. Next meeting is on September 10 at 7 pm. Recorder: Gail Anderson