RES 18-54CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2018-54 APPROVING PAYROLL TMEKEEPING POLICY WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute §412.271 Subd 2(c) outlines that a city may use electronic time recording systems if the governing body of the city adopts policies to ensure that the timelceeping and payroll methods used are accurate and reliable; and WHEREAS, the City currently has no formally adopted policies in place that address the requirements of the respective Minnesota Statute above; and WHEREAS, the City has developed a policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has met to discuss and review the policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the policy shall be in force and effect upon the date of adoption of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: That the Payroll Timekeeping Policy as attached hereto is hereby adopted effective immediately. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 10th day of September, 2018. MOTION made by Council Member Heidner Warehime . CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Lo , ity Clerlc and SECONDED by Council Member INFAVOR: Stockamp, Heidner, Warehime, Tanner OPPOSED: None 2 PAYROLL TIMEKEEPING POLICY ADOPTED: N/A—This is a draft policy. Council to consider on 9/10/2018. 1. OVERVIEW This policy outlines information pertaining to recording and tracking hours of work and accruals. 2. OBJECTIVES This policy has the following objectives: A. To ensure compliance with Minnesota Statute §412.271, Subd. 2-C. B. To ensure that timekeeping and payroll methods used are accurate and reliable. C. To establish uniform timekeeping procedures for all City staff and across all departments. 3. OFFICIAL PAYROLL SYSTEM The City of Otsego uses a third -party web -based software as the official timekeeping system (the Software), which is a time and attendance system that tracks compensable hours and employee accruals (PTO, COMP). 4. TIMEKEEPING PROCEDURES The following procedures are established for recording and approval of timecards: General The regular work week is Monday through Friday. The pay period for all employees is for a two- week period (14 days), beginning on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday. The deadline for timecards to be entered and approved by the employee, as well as being reviewed and approved by the Supervisor is 9:00 AM the Monday following the end of a pay period unless otherwise directed by Payroll staff. Employees will be compensated on the Wednesday following the end of a pay period, unless it falls on a holiday, in which case employees will be compensated on the Tuesday following the end of a pay period. Recording Hours - Employee All employees of the City are required to enter hours within the Software for each and every compensable pay period. Entered hours should be recorded to the nearest 1/4 1h of an hour (15 minutes). Entered hours should be recorded on the respective day of the week within each pay period. Entered hours should differentiate between the different types of compensable time, which includes, but is not limited to: Work, PTO, Holiday, Comp -Time, Etc. Approving Hours - Employee All employees of the City are required to approve the entered hours at the end of each pay period. This approval is completed within the Time Card function within the Software. With the Employee's affirmation or approval of the entered hours, the Employee is agreeing to the following declaration, which shall be the same as if subscribed and sworn to under oath: 1 declare under the penalties of perjury that to the best of my information and belief the entered hours for this payroll are correct. Employees are responsible for inaccuracy or omission of which they are aware of at the time the electronic timecard was approved. Employees may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the City Personnel Policy for purposefully submitting inaccurate timecards. Approving Hours - Supervisor The Supervisor is required to review and approve the electronic timecards of all employees assigned to your department. The Supervisor is responsible for verifying the completeness and accuracy of the electronic timecard. The Supervisor approval is completed within the Time Cards function within the Manager Dashboard of the Software. Supervisors who will knowingly be out of the office and unable to approve their employees time cards must notify both the City Administrator and Payroll staff, one of whom will approve the employees time cards in their absence. In such an instance, the Supervisor is required to review the timecards after the Payroll has been processed, and indicate their review with written initials or signatures on each of their employee's time cards. 5. EMPLOYEE ACCRUALS PROCEDURES The following procedures are established for recording and approval of employee accruals: General The Software will maintain employee accruals for personal -time off (PTO) and compensatory time off (COMP). Employees access the information within the Time Off function within the Software. Employees are responsible for notifying the Payroll staff if the employee accrual hours are inaccurate within the Software. Personal Time Off (PTO) PTO is outlined in detail within the City's Personnel Policy. The Software is merely a tool for requesting, approving and tracking of PTO accruals for each employee. Compensatory Time Off (COMP) COMP is outlined in detail within the City's Personnel Policy. The Software is merely a tool for requesting, approving and tracking of COMP accruals for each employee. Requesting Hours - Employee All employees are required to submit a request to use accrual hours within the Time Off function within the Software. Whenever possible, requests should be made in advance of the requested time off. Upon submitting the request, a notification is provided to the Supervisor for review of the respective request. Employees are required to submit a cancellation of a request to use accrual hours if the respective request has already been approved by the Supervisor. Approving Hours - Supervisor The Supervisor will receive a notification upon an employee submitting a request for time off. The Supervisor is then required to review the request for time off and provide approval or denial of the request. The Supervisor should complete the review of the request for time off within one week of receiving notice of a request. In instances of a denial of the request for time off, the Supervisor is responsible for providing clear communication to the employee for the reason of the denial. Upon approval of the Supervisor, the hours requested will automatically populate within the employee's time card and will also populate within the Time Off Calendar within the Software. The Time Off Calendar is only available to Supervisors for viewing. 6. CORRECTIONS OR PROBLEMS In the event either an Employee or Supervisor becomes aware of a needed correction or problem within the Software, the City Administrator and/or the Payroll staff should be notified immediately. The respective corrections will be made in the following pay period.