ITEM 3.6 Resignation of CommissionerRequest for ClCity TY Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION __ ._.__.___....... of I F TMIEI T: REQ E T R: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 23 September 2013 PF E ENTER(s): REVIEWED Br. ITEM[ ; Consent Agenda City Adnninistrator Johnson 3.5 -Tom Constant AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: DATION: City staff recommends accepting the resignation of Torn Constant from the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) and declaring the seat vacant. ARE YOU S EEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? IS A P U B L IC H EARING REQUIRED? No. No. BACICGRoUND/JU TIFICATIoI ; Mr. Torn Constant has submitted his resignation from the HPC in a letter dated 11 September 2013. The HPC consists ofseven members appointed to four year terms. Nor.Constant's term expires on 28 February 2015 and his resignation creates a vacancy for the remainder of that tern. City staff recommends posting the vacant HPC seat and also the one vacant Parks and Recreation Commission seat on the City website and in the Winter edition of the Otsego vier to advertise for people interested in being considered for appointment to an open position. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: c) ATTACHED u NONE A. Letter from Torn Constant dated -11-201.3 B. Draft City Council letter POSSIBLE MOTION ....::....:.:..:.n:.:.r..:.....:::::.,.,.w.:.ry::n:.::n.::..:.nrt..::..n....._n.. - n..._.._....._.._.._._.._}.....__........ _.._.._... ---1 ---:-- -_—:n.-_:-:.:..:_- ..... -_::.n.:.:._ ----- ::.n::..::.:::.,_._.....v...n...... .........._. _.....,................., v _ . nnn.... _.._ . ..... ...... _........ Please ��ord rno�in ss �r�u ��r�u1o� li�C �t �o appea... r � t17� rrtirtut�s. Motion to accept the resignation of Torn Constant from the Heritage Preservation Commission and send a letter of appreciation for his service to the community; and further directing the City Cleric to post all vacant advisory commission seats on the City website, and the Winter addition of the Otsego View. MJb :*dIILIMolNJI1�1111 ► FUNDING: BU ETED* p YES NA NO ACTION TAKE{ APPROVED AS REQUESTED a DENIED a TABLED o OTHER (List changes) OMME ]TS: 9-11,-2013 Attn: Dan Licht. Hello Dan, As of Tuesday, Sept. 1.0, 2013, I am resigning from the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission. J enjoyed my time with the commission but I am unable to continue my membership. Thank you for the opportunity to tet me serve. Sincerely, Tom Constant /00�/' . / b'"r 1�;� n� CITY OF ot IATA September 23, 2013 Torn Constant 1377685 1h Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Torn* The Otsego City Council at our meeting on September 3, 2013 accepted your resignation from the Heritage Preservation Commission. Resident. involvem nt in the City is svery important to building strong community and effective local government. We would therefore like to extend to you our appreciation for the time you dedicated to the City with your service on the Heritage Preservation Commission. Best wishes to you and we mope there are opportunities for you to be involved with the City again in the future. Sincerely, Jessica L. Stockamp Doug Schroeder Mayor Council Member City of Otsego 113400 9 Street SIE, Otsego, MN 553301 Tel, (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163 Mr. Tom Constant Page Vern Fei ner Tom Darkenwald Council Member Council Member Jason Warehime Council Member