ITEM 3.7 Lease for RicohCITY OF ot go MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT I FORMATI Request for City Council Action -ORIGINATINGD PA T Er T: E UE T RMEETING DATE: Administration Tam! toff, City Clerk September 23, 2013 PRESS TE (s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM : rpt Agenda Lori Johnson, CityAdminlstrat r 3.7 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recornmends approving a 48 month lease agreement with Ricoh for a color copier at ar total of $534.97 a month with B/W copies at .008 and color copies at .048. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HARING REQUIRED? N/A N/A . BACKGRO U N DIJ UST IFICATIO N: Dur+ cu rre nt color copier lea se with Ricoh is due u p i n October. With the US Community Rric!ng that Ricoh is able to provide this gear vire can lock in our lease at a lower rate than what vire previously were paring. The proposal is for a 48 month lease at: Lease $250 Service/Maintenance Agreement $284.97 Supplies included Total= $534.97 W copies at .008 and color at .048 I have attached the o utl 1 ne of proposal whi h also lists a mo nthly comparison. The monthly savings wo ind b $199.02 for lease and main e na nce and there Burr color copier rates go down fro im .08 to .048. It's imp o rtant t note that the lease amount is going down but vire are upgrading o.ur current machine to a new model with higher performance and color quality. All parts, labor, maintenance and toner are included under the maintenance agreement. Also installation and training is included. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTA HED ❑ NONE 0 Monthly comparison POSSIBLE MOTION ---- ---- ---------- L...-'.:.n............._.._..._..._......_..........._._......._..__.._..- -'...--------.n.__._w_.w................_ leaBe word motion a s you wouId Ii a it to appear in tie minutes. Motion to approvea 48 month lease agreement with Ricoh for a color copier at a total of $534.97 month with B/W'co pies at .008 and color copies at .048. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: L) `SES W ACTION TIE[ APPROVED AS REQU ESTE D a DENIED ciTABLED n OTHER (List changes) p+1iIET: investment Details Pri ci' ng Components la installation Operator training Service performed by Ricoh customer service technicians (yo a will incur no addit ona charges for parts or labor) Service rates are locked for the firm of the contract Installation and training is included All parts, labor, maintenance calls, and toner are included under maintenance Financial Considerations 48 -month Lease Option $250.00 Recommended Maintenance (Based an current average monthly volume) Quarterly 21,1.35 b/w 13,788 color Cost: $854.90 Quarterly is price is based on a 48 month agreement Color copies at .048 and b1w copies a ,008 Rates are locked in for terra of con trac an d do n o t escaa to Monthly Savings: $199,02 Yearly Savings : $2,388.24 Contract Savings: $9,552.96