ITEM 3.8D LaBeaux AveOt " e 0 =,�~FIII'MESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR.- MEETING DATE' Public Works City Engineer Wagner September 23, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REMEWED BY' ITEM #: -City Engineer Wagner City Ad rn i n istrator J o h n so n 3.8D AGENDA ITEM DETAILS City staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 1)nthe amount �$3,304.00 for installation of a concrete sidewalk and CUIvert at the south end of Labeaux Avenue between the cul-de-sac and CSAH 19. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BAG mmRouwouuar/F/oAnON, The addition ofasidewalk between the cu|'de-oocand [SAH19isbeing added tothe project toprovide aconnection between the frontage road and CSAH1B. The A|bertvU|e/St.Michael School district currently has abus stop atthe intersection of75mStreet and CSAH19. This intersection isbeing removed with the improvements toLabeauxAvenue. Concerns about the location ofthe bus stop were presented atthe Public Hearing. The addition ofthe sidewalk connection was one ofthe options mentioned at that time to resolve and issue between traffic and school children and the loss of the intersection at this location. Keeping the bus stop at this location provides esafer alternative tomoving kto busier intersections like 7rmStreet or 80th Street. Also, because this ba bus stop for an open enrollment bus route mos children are driven to this location and wait with their parent in their cars. The cu|'de'uacprovides an optimum place out of the way of other traffic for these cars to park while waiting. We have received wr|t1enver|f 1cationfro mboth Don's BusServ/ceaInd the Sohoo|Districtstat ingthey vvou|dUkethebus stop to remain in this location and that they will utilize the sidewalk if built. This work includes: installation of 12,4 SY of 4" thick,� 5' wide concrete sidewalk and installing an additional culvert (24 LF 15" RC pipe and (2) 15" RC Safety Aprons) under the sidewalk. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- 1Z ATTACHED oNONs w Email verification from DonsBus Service arid the 3TMASchool District 0 Change Order No. 1Location Exhibit 0 Change Order No. 1 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the changes to contract for Labeaux Avenue Improvement Project as shown in Change Order No. 1 in the amount of in the amount of $3,304.0{x. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING - Assessment 408 - Otsego Creek Fund 209 — Street Reconstruction Fund 403 — Collector Street Fund ACTION TAKEN o APPROVED AS REQUESTED COMMENTS' D lk J D G E 'TE- 1) X YES ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED M I• ❑ OTHER (List changes) Tami Luff From: Brent Larson <brentI@HAA-inc.com> Sent: Wednesday. September 18,2013 2-53 PM To: Tam i Lf f Cc: Ron Wagner Subject: FK PATHWAY From: Don's Bus rmailto:don sbusC&erib arqmall.coml Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 8:20 AM To: Brent Larson Subject: PATHWAY WE WILL USE THE STOP AT LEBAUX AVE AND 75TH ASABUSST(P A PATHWAY LEADING OUT WOULD BE REAL NICE FOR THE STOP ;)e& sewa# Operations manager Don's Bus Service,, Inc. (763) 497-2585 Tai mi Loff From: Brent Larson <brentl@HAA-inc.corn> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 2-53 PM To: Taml Doff} Ron Wagner Subject: FW, STM A Bus Stop From: Hoistad Wayne f r ailto:wayn h _ stma.k1 . Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:56 PM To: Brent Larson Cc: — Don's Bus. Company; Ron Wagner Subject: RE: STMA Bus Stop Brent, It is our intention that the bus stop would stay in the same location if there is a walking path and the city of Otsego removes the snow so students are not going over large d rifts. Thant you. Wayne Hoistad, Ed, D. Director of Technology & Transportation St. Micliael-Albertville Schools ...if we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow..." --John Dewey From: Brent Larson [mailtotrentl HAA-Incxom] Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:25 PM To: Hoistad Wayne Cc: —Don's Bus Company; Ron Wagner Subject: RE: STMA Bus Stop Wayne, I've had a few phone calls into you regarding getting and email letter or something in writing regarding the path between the new cul-de-sac (where 7 Sth Street intersection currently is) and the county road. The City needs something from you (we already have a written statement from the bus company) simply stating that the path between the frontage road and CSAH 19 at 751" Street is requested and that if installed the bus stop in this location will be used (i.e. not moving the bus stop in the near future and therefore making this a pointless add on to the contract). d We had a preconstrUction meeting with the contractor about two weeks ago and their start date was Tuesday Sept. 3' . They have not moved their equipment on site as of today but have started locating utilities. I suspect that they will start full construction later this week or start of next week. The current bus stop at 75th Street should be ok for the start of the project. We will try and give you a heads up as to where they will be working and if the location of the stop needs to be temporarily moved during various stages of the project. Thanks, Brent Larson., P.E. Haka nson 1-111Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 (763) 852-0495 office 24 LF 15" RC PIPE (2) 15" RC APRONS X946— —946— ^� 945 f= —944-9} H - 12.4 SY CONCRETE ADJUST HYDRA SIDEWALK. 4" THICK � VALVE To FINI STATE AID HIGHWAY 11+00 LABEAUX AVE -— Page 1 of 1 Contractor Fehn Companies Address: - 60-50. Barthel Industrial Drive WIAIGITIMI =21711211UMT11 —M S.P. No. NIA FR No. N/A Location: LaBeaux Ave NE Improvements Contract No. _N/A In accordance vAlh the terms of this Contract, you are hereby autharized and instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: Pl=- a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Add installation of Concrete Sidewalk at the south end of Labea"x Avenue between the new Gul- de-sac and GSAH 19 to allow school children to board the buses. The sidewalk will be pis ill the same location as the current 75th Straet intersection to utilize the existing gravel and street subgrade as the sidewalk sub grade. An additional culvert (24 LF 16" RC pipe and (2) 15" RC Safety Aprons) will be required in this location under the sidewalk. 12.4 SY of 4" thick concrete sidewalk shall be installed, ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 -NAME 15" RC PIPE CULVERT DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LF 24 $36.00 $864.00 2 1511 RC 6A SAFETY APRON LF 2 $600.00$1,20000 3 5'WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK, 4" THICK 3 Y 12.4 $100.00 $11240to� Original Contract Amount Change in Contract d0e tO this Change Order Total Contract Amount CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Due to this change, Me Contract Time: El is Increased by 13 Working Days [I Is Decreased by C] Calendar Days 0 is not changed. El May be revised If the work affected the controlling operation. $1833048,82 $----3,304.00 $1861352.82 Issued by: Projecthinginder to Approved by, cepted by: WJob Fi lesl201Xa B eaux Ave N E Improverne ntsXC h a nge Order RequestsU3 8 9 co 1.d o G Otsego,VT ity 0004 Date rais Lftl)bozed Representativ-&-_ 16ate"