ITEM 3.9 Public Works FencingRequest for otSCITYOF 2g0 City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION 7PUINATIN DEPARTM T: REQUE T R: MEETIN DTE blia Works Brad Beleir, Street Maintenance September 23, 2016 Supervisor P E E ITER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, CityAdministrator 3.9 Public Works Fencing AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: The Public Works s Sub- orrmitt e and City staff recommend contracting the installation offencing, gates and bollards at the soccer complex and Public Works s storage yard for security and screening purposes. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Services Contract I No 1:3.0631plIct K11 011112t "91811BURI KIM 10120 The CIP for 2016 includes Project FAC -13-001 Public Works Fence and Trash Enclosure. The project was recommended for security and safety reasons and proposed to coincide with the soccer field development which included construction of an irrigation pond north of City Hall/Public Works. In addition to consideration for security, it is recommended to provide screening of both the trash d urn pstors and the public works outdoor storage area. To meet screening requirements the dur p t r enclosure will be constructed of cedar wood fencing supported by galvanized steel posts and the public works storage area will be screened by constructing earthen berms using the surplus topsoil materials located gest of the Prairie Park ball fields. The berms will be seeded for aesthetics and to inhibit weed growth. The 2013 CIP has an estimated ar project cost for the PW yard fence and trash enclosure of $25,500. As f today I have received two of three quotes requested, and based on the lour quote from Tern Country Fence, I estimate the project cost to be approximately $25,628.26. The estimate includes $1,500 contingency for engineering, surveying, the concrete slab for dur pst rs, and misc. supplies. The quotes are based on an estimated liner feet of fence to be installed. The actual amount will be based on a survey completed by IAA. Construction of the earthen berms will be incidental to daily street department activities as time allows. Torn & Country Fence also submitted the lour quote of $2,500 for the installation of eight bollards for protection of the irrigation pulp station, and a 32 foot barrier gate to be installed at the 90th street entrance to the soccer complex. These items were included in the soccer complex proposal by the City Engineer and will be funded with Park IP Funds. The Public Works Sub -Committee reviewed the proposals and recommended the items be placed on the ept rn ber 2 31 2013 City Council meeting consent agenda for consideration and a p rovari. If approved, the project is estimated for completion in October. SUPPORTING TI DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED p NONE 0 Quotes, etc. POSSIBLE MOTION -- --... - --- �wnww- ..-- - - n._. --l .-.... - .. - w -..�.....................�._.-.n - ... - -- ---vn... �earor mt�nuu�dIIt tr ire the minutes. so Recommend approval of the lour quote from Town & Country Fence to providelabor materials t complete the fencing, gates, and bollard installation at the City Hall/Public Works/Soccer complex. BUDGET INFORMATION EUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES 441 Otsego Municipal Building Fund NO 203 Park Development Fund ❑ ACTION TAKE APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List change COMMENTS: #z T Host h rtF am''C'..0- F ' o,9, City of Otsego rad Belair bac of Estimate: 9/11/2013 8899 NR Nashua Avenue Otsego, NIN 55330 RE4: Public. Work Fencing Terms: Net on Compi, Storage Area Fencing = $22,535.00 -13 25' of 2" high galvanized chain link fence price adj ustmencs @ $14.7 ft) -9 gauge chain link fabric -2 V" O.D. Sch, 40 lino posts drivcn " deep into ground -3" O.D. Sch. 40 end and comer posts concrete set in 36" deep footings 4" .D, Seh. o gate posts concrete set in 6" deep footings -15/8" SS20 top rail 1 — 24' wide cantilever slide gate at fi o .t entrance -sealed bearing nylon rollers and paid -lockable yoke latch -(1) — 20' wide double swing access gate near nw corner -commercial bulldog hinges and PL 152 security latch umpster Enclosure = $2700,00 -1 ' x 30' 3 sided enclosure with no gate -all 3"' 0,D. s h. o posts set in concrete footings -cedar 2" x " s bracketed and attached to posts -1" " x ' Dog Eared cedar boards nailed to outside of enclosure -board next to board style Barrier Gate & Bollards = $1450.00 -32' wide welded double swing barrier gate at adjacent lot -1 518" welded sh.40 -4" seh, o posts set in concrete footings -commercial gra ie bulldog hinges and PL152 security latch -(2) " concrete filled sch.40 bollards installed in concrete footings -in front of rainwater collection pipe @ nw corner of building *Additional bollards installed @ $175,00 each* *Total Project Price = 526,100400* Thank you, Mark Wassin Commercial sales Office (763) 425-5050 fax (763) 425-9006 Cell (612) 968-4945 markw(a7tcfence.com CENTURY FENCE COMPANY 14839 Lake Drive Post Offlee Box 277 Forest Lake, e, 55025 Ph: Fax: 651-4614..7373 951-464-7377 Project. Public works Fencing Date. September 13, 2013 Item Estimated Unit Bid Bid Number ber item Description Unit Quantity Price Amount I storage Area Fence ' Galv LF 1 X325 $14.78 $193583.50 Slide Gate ' Wi #e LS 1 $23215; $2,215,00 Swing Gate 20'Wide LS 1 $13420.00 $*1,420.00 4 Dumpster Enclosure LS 1 $2,985.00 $2,985.00 4.A Dumpster Enclosure Alternate (WOOD) Ls 1 $3,547.00 $3,647.00 5 Barrier Gate 32'Wide EA 1 $1$766-00 $1,756.00 Bollards " O.D. Concrete Filled EA 8 $309.00 $2,472.00 Excludes excavation through rock frost or backfill. Prices only valid if work is done concurrently. Excludes locating of private utilities. Propsal is valid for 20 days Century Fence Company Total $34,078.50 Century Peace is a " MERIT SHOP " organization with no union affiliation. Per: Scott Roush - Estimator Office: 51-464-7373 Cell: 612-309-2148 CITY HALL/PUBLIC WORKS YARD FENCE Description Town & Country Fence Century Fence Line fence -estimated 1250 lineal feet 24 foot gide cantilever gate 20 foot double swing gate $21,428.25 $22.,110.00 Trash enclosure $2,F700.00 $3,647.00 Total bid for lard Fence $24,L128.25 $25,757-00 2 foot Barrier Gate and 8 Bollards for Succor f=ield Project $21500.00 $4,228,00 Total Contract plus sales t Contingencies for engineering, surrey, and misc. grading and turf restoration estimated at $1500 $26,628.25 29 985.00