ITEM 3.5 Drinking Supply Management studyot CITY OFgo MINNESOTA nFPARTMFNT INFC)RMATIOKI Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE. Public Works City Engineer Wagner September 23, 2013 PRESENTER(s)- REVIEWED BY: ITEM #,, Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.5 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION. City staff recommends authorization to obtain quotes for completion of a study to determine and update the limits of the Drinking Water Supply Management Areas within the City of Otsego. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Every 10 years the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) requires municipalities with public water systems to update and amend their Well Head Protection plan. As part of that, any changes to the water supply sources must be reviewed and Drinking Water Supply Management Areas (DWSMA) boundaries set. These DWSMAs are used by the City and State to determine the vulnerable areas for the City's water source. The City and State then manage the land uses in those vulnerable areas. In o rd e r to do that, geoscie ntists must complete a study. We have prepared a R F P to be sent to 7 or 8 firms capable of completing the study in accordance with the MDH requirements. The MDH has estimated this will cost $20,000. This should come out of the water fund. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 0 Request for Proposal POSSIBLE MOTION Z ATTACHED Ej NONE Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to authorize staff to obtain quotes for completion of a study to determine and update the limits of the Drinking Water Supply Management Areas within the City of Otsego. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: 601 -Water Fund BUDGETED' x YES DNO ACTION TAKEN o APPROVED AS REQUESTED u DENIED L) TABLED ❑ OTHER (List charges) COMMENTS- Request for Proposal (RFP) City of Otsego hift-odtiction The City of Otsego requests proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide expertise related to wellhead protection activities. To be qualified, the person who is responsible for managing the work identified in this RFP must be licensed by the State of Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 326.02, pertaining to work conducted by a geoscientist. This expertise will be directed towards assisting the City in fulfilling the requirements of Minnesota Rules, parts 4720.5100 to 4720. 5590, with respect to conducting wellhead protection area delineations, completing vulnerability assessments, and meeting associated reporting requirements. The result of this RFP will be a contract for technical services as described below. Pin-pose/Anticipated Results The objectives of the work activities are to complete the wellhead protection area (WHPA) delineation, c an assessment of well and aquifer vulnerability, and associated reporting requirements in order to meet the wellhead protection rule requirements (NIR, pails 4720.5100 to 4720.5590) for wellhead protection. Wot-k Tasks 1. 0. Assemble Necessary Data 1. 1. Physical Environment (MR 4720.5400, subp. 2) 1. Precipitation, Assemble the data necessary to fulfill the requirements of the scoping decision notice (Addendum 1) prepared by the Minnesota Departnient of Health (MDH). 1.1.2. Geology. Assemble the data identified in the scoping decision notice (Addeiiduni 1) related to geology of the area. 1.1.3. Soils. Assemble the soils data identified in the scoping decision notice (Addendum 1). 1.1.4. Water Resources. Assen-ible the water resources data identified in the scoping decision notice (Addendum 1). 1.2. Land Use (MR 4720.5400, subp. 3) 1.2.1. Land Use. Assemble necessary land use data as identified in the scoping decision notice from MDH (Addenduln 1). 1.2.2. Public Utility Services. Compile the maps and records required in the scoping decision notice from MDH (Addendum 1). 2 Rev, 6: 'November 12, 1999; edited March 2008 1.3. Water Quantity (JAR 4720.5400, subp. 4) 1.3. 1. Surface Water Quantity. Compile surface water quantity data as identified in the MDH scoping decision notice (Addendum 1). 1.3.2. Groundwater Quantity. Compile the groundwater quantity data identified ill the MDH scoping decision notice (Addendum 1). 1.4. Water Quality (MR 4720.5400, subp. 5) 1. 4. 1. Surface Wat er Qualit { . Comp i le s urfac c water quality date. identified I n the MD H scoping decision notice (Addendum I). 1.4.2. Groundwater Quality. Compile groundwater quality data identified in the MDH scoping decision notice (Addendum 1). 2.0, Delineate Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) 2.1. Method Scoping. Assess available geologic and hydrogeologic data to determine the level of effort required to meet the wellhead rules for WHPA delineation. The Mituiesota wellhead rule (MR 4720.5510) requires that the following criteria be evaluated and considered as part of the method used to make the delineation: $ time of travel $ flow boundaries $ daily volume $ groundwater flow field $ aquifer tralismissivity CONTRACTORS should use data assembled in Tasks 1.1 through 1.4 to make the evaluation of these criteria. This evaluation will lielp to define the conceptual model for the aquifer(s) used by the city wells and will serve to guide the WHPA delineation efforts. A preliminary review of these criteria was performed at the time of the first scoping meeting with Joy Loughry from the Minnesota Department of Health. The scoping decision notice (attached) defines how these criteria must be addressed. For the purpose of responding to this RFP, the City staff, in consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health, have identified that the delineation method must address the following items: 11-1111tiple Pumping wells and their pumping effects on the capture zones of other wells; changes in the base elevation of the aquifer(s) used by the city wells; o in -homogeneities resulting from changes in geological conditions; 0 variable rates of recharge to the aquiter(s) used by the city wells; and 0 influences of local streams and the Mississippi Crow Rivers on the groundwater flow field. 2.2. Pre -Delineation Meeting. After completing all tasks under Section 2. 1, CONTRACTOR shall ineet with staff from the City and MDH to discuss the delineation criteria, the conceptual model, and the WHPA delineation method. Rev. 6: 'November 12, 1999; edited March 2008 3 2.3. Delineation of the WHPA. Using the method identified in the previous subtasks, delineate the wellhead protection area for each of the following city wells: A time -of -travel of one and ten years will be used to define WHPA boundaries for each well listed. All of these time -of -travel zones must be shown on maps in the project deliverables. The designated WH As for city wells must include the surface water drainages in the up - gradient direction of groundwater flow that may recharge the unconfined aquifer used by these wells. 2.4. Delineate the Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) using the boundary definitions contained in the wellhead protection rules (MR 4720.5 100, subp. 13). 3.0. Conduct Vulnerability Assessment The vulnerability assessinent must be done in accordance with the wellhead protection rules (MR 4720.5 210) for each of the wells and aquifers in the area of the DWSMAs delineated for the City. The well vulnerability assessment conducted by M to phase a well into the WHP program must be reviewed in light of other data collected for the WHPA delineation to determine whether it should be revised. Also, geologic data collected for the WHPA delineation and groundwater chemistry data collected to satisfy the requirements of the scoping decision prepared by M must be used to prepare an aquifer vulnerability assessment of the entire DWSMA. 4.0. DelineationNulnerability Reporting/Deliverables 4.1. Draft Report. A draft report will be prepared and submitted to M to satisfy the wellhead Protection reporting requirements for WHPA delineations and vulnerability assessments. A key objective of the report is to provide sufficient documentation to meet wellhead protection rule requirements for SDH review and approval (MIS 4720.533[0 for the WHPA delineation and vulnerability assessment. 4.1.1. The report will describe how the data elements listed in the scoping notice prepared by M were addressed in conducting the delineations and assessments,, and the technical approach used to inake the analysis of each specified data element. Accordingly, the report must describe, for each of the wells, the following details: 1) the hydrogeologic setting used to characterize the aquifer, 2) the five delineation criteria, 3) the delineation inethod used, 4) the delineation results, 5) data collected and used other than those provided by MDH, and 6) a copy of the calculations perforn-ied when a computer model is used, the electronic data input and Solution files). 4.1.2. Documentation of the VUlnerability of the DWSMA inust: � identify the method used; $ describe the geologic conditions throughout the DWSMA, fioni the land surface to the base of the aquifer and adjacent geologic materials; $ contain the data elements collected and used; and $ contain the maps, diagrams, reports, studies, and tables used to prepare the DWSMA vulnerability assessment. 4 Rev. 6: November 12, 1999; edited March 2008 4.1.3. All geographic information must. be presented on a stable base material or in electronic form. If this information is to be submitted electronically, CONTR-ACTON must use ARCGIS formats using UTM, Zone 15, north -meters (NAD 83 Datum). 4.1.4. 3 paper and electronic copies of the draft report will be required. 4.2. Final Report. The draft report will be updated to respond to comments made by the City and M staff. 3 paper and electronic copies of thefinal r will be required. 4.3. Project Work Products 4.3.1. Model Input Sets. The modeling input files, as revised to meet the terms of this project and the MIH wellhead protection rules, will be a key component of the project deliverables, 4.3.2. Supporting Data Files. Project -specific data files that define aquifer geonietry/hydraclic characteristics and from which model input files are created (insofar as the model is modified from an existing model) must be presented digitally, preferably in an ARCV1EW or ARCANFO format. Model input should be in the form of: 1) polygons (e.g., representing zones of like hydraulic conductivity, unit base elevation, recharge values, etc.); 2) lines, (e.g., defining locations of various hydratilic boundary conditions), and 3) point data (e.g., wells). Metadata aimotation must accompany these files. The metadata documentation files need not be elaborate or lengthy but must, ata mininiuni, contain the following: 1) description of feature being documented (e.g., stream location and elevation, bedrock elevation); 2) data source (e.g., USGS q"ad sheets, IVIES bedrock geology IS cover); 3) date of the source s), and 4) areas where the model input differs from referenced source s), 4.3.3. Wellhead Protection Area Delineations. The one and ten-year time -of -travel WHPA delineations must be delivered in such a way that a minimum of 20 streamline traces are defined (using X, y, z, time, line id, and well unique number data attributes) in an ASCII or an ARCGIS compatible electronic file -format. Geographic coordinates for the city well s) listed above must be those provided by the MDH. 5.o, Meetings During the course of this project a series of formal and informal meetings are expected (assume 4 ineetings @ 2 hours each). Inform al meetings with City staff will be necessary on an occasional (approximately once every four to six weeks) basis while the project is active. These meetings will take place at the City offices and will serve as progress reports on the techiiical activities. It may be possible to hold these meetings via telephone. 5 ReNt. 6: over 12, 1999; edited March 2008 6.0. Schedule All project activities must be completed within 120 days after the contract is signed. This request for proposal does not obligate the City to complete the project, and the City reserves the right to cancel the solicitation if it is considered to be in its best interest. Prospective responders who have any questions regarding this request for proposal may call or write: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer. City of Otsego 13400 90"' Street Otsego, NW 55330 Telephone: 763-427-5860 E-mail: ronw@liaa-ine.com Other City of Otsego personnel are NOT allowed to discuss the request for proposal with anyone, including responders, before the proposal submission deadline unless directed in writing or email by City Engineer. All proposals must be sent to the following address: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer City of Otsego 13400 90'h Street Otsego, MN 55330 All proposals must be received no later than October 23, 2013. Late proposals will not be considered. Submit three copies of the proposal in a scaled mailing envelope, or package, with the responder's name and address written on the outside. Each copy of the proposal must be signed in in]k by all authorized member of the -firm. Submission by telephone facsimile is not acceptable. Prices and terms of the proposal as stated inust be valid for the length of any resulting contract. The project must be completed within 120 days from the date that the contract officially begins. Rev. 6: November 12, 1999; edited March 2008 6 All proposals will be evaluated on the basis of content. The following are considered ininfliluill contents for the proposal: A restatement of tile objectives, goals, and tasks to show or demonstrate the responder's view and understanding of the nature of the project. 2. Identification and description of the deliverables to be provided by the responder. 3. An outline of the responder's backgrowid and experience, with particular emphasis on the skills and expertise necessary (e.g., geologic mapping, computer modeling, etc.) for conducting WHPA delineations in accordance with TVIDH rules. Note that professional licensure P.G. or P.E. with sufficient geologic experience) is required for performing WHPA delineations in Minnesota. The proposal should identify the personnel that will work on the project along with details on training, work experience, proposed role in the project, and hourly rates. No change in personnel assigned to the project will be permitted without prior approval of the City. The work described in this RFP inust be performed by either a geoscientist. or engineer who is licensed by the State- of Minliesota. Past experience conducting the work activities described herein, or in conducting equivalent work activities, n-iust be included in theqtialifications section of the proposal. 4. A detailed cost estimate and work plan that will identify the major tasks to be accomplished and who will do them, This work plan will be used as a scheduling and managing tool, as well as the basis for invoicing. All proposals received by the deadline will be evaluated by representatives of the City. The following criteria will be used in evaluating the proposals: 1. Expressed understanding of proposal objectives (20 percent) 2. Work plan (40 percent) I Cost detail (15 pereent.) 4. Qualifications/experience of company (1 percent) 5. Qualifications/experience of personnel working on the project (15 percent) City staff expect to evaluate all proposals and select a conSLIltant by November 12, 2013. Rev. 6: November 12, 1999; edited March 2008 7 SCOPING DECISION NOTICE No. I The purpose for the first Scoping Meeting, as required by Minnesota Rules, pall 4720.531 , is to discuss the information necessary for preparing the Part I Report of a Wellhead Protection Plan. The Part I Report identifies the area that provides the source of drinking water for the public water stipply (PWS) so that the PWS can develop land use or management practices to protect their groundwater resource from contamination. Specifically, the Part I Report docurrien(s the delfimition of the wellhead protection cared (WHPA), the delineation of the drinking water stipply management area (DWSMA), argil assesses the vii I nera b I I ity of th e PWS veli s and DW S MA. The we I I licad ru I e (Mi mi e so ta Ru I es 3 part 472 0.5 3 1. 0) refers to the information reqaired for wel I h e ad planning as data elements. Tliis form lists the data clement s that are stated in Mimesota Rules, part 4750.5400. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) uses this form to designate which data oresents are needed to prepare the Part I Report, based on the hydrogeological setting, vulnerability of the wells, and aqwfer information known at the time of the Scoping I Meeting. Name of Public Water Supply Date Otsego (PWSID ==: 1860026) A)ril 4 2013 Name of the Wellhead Protectiou Manager Mr. Kinn Neidermeler, Manager Address City Zip 13400 90th Street Otsego 55330 Unique Well Numbei-s Pholle 554501 (Well 1), 622715 (Well 2), 657343 (Well 3), 696888 (Well 4), 612-644-0612 696889 (Welt 5), 709269 (Well 6), 721663 (Well 7), 752116 (Well 8) Instl'uCtlotis fol' C0111glethm the Scoving No, 1 Foi-m NV D S N = If this box is clieckll " ed with an this data elenmit is N01" necessary for the Pall I Report of X X fYour Wellhead Protection Plan. This data element may be identified later at the Scoping 2 Meeting and used for the Part 2 Report. Please jzo to the next data clement. N D V S D = If this box is checked with an "X," the preparer of the Part I Report is required to use this X 11iformation foi- the DELINEATION of the W14PA or the DWSMA. If there is no check in the C(Sl) box, this information is available in the public domain or is on -file at MDH. N D V S V = If this box is cliecked Nvith an 44X I" the pre parer of the Pall I Repoil is required to use this X information for the VULNERABILrryissess"Ient of the PWS well(s) or the DWS IA. If there is no check in the "S" box, this information is available in the public domain or is on -file at MDH. N I D I V • I- S = If this box is cliecked with ;:iii "X," the PW S must S U B Ni rr tiie 111 format ion to the M DH. DATA ELEMENTS ABOUT THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT At �RE CIPITATION N D V S A, 1: An existing map or list of local precipitation watiging stations. X I Technical Assistance Comments; Precipit- tion values can be used to determine the local recharge in the groundwater I El 'z'I model. The map can be used to delermine the closest aging station. The locations of the gagincy stations areavailable in the public domaill. N D V S A.2: An existing table showing the avenage monthly can(i annual precipitation, in inclies, fol. tiie I preceding five years. Technic -al Assistance Comments: B.GEOLOGY N D V S B.1-0 An existing geologic map sand a description of the geology, including aquifers, confining layers, X X X recharge areas, discharge areas, sensitive areas as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 1031-1.005, subdivision 13, and groundwater flow characteristics. Technical Assist-rtece Comments- Information of this type, is required to charactefize the geologleand hydrogeologic setting of the PWS Novell field(s). This information is used to define aquifer geometry, location and inagnitude of the recluirge and disc lu arge areas, it nd gro u ndwa t er flow i n form(i o i i. Aqu i Fer tests or a Itemat ivc.s listed i 11 M N Rules, part 472 o. 5 5 10 subpart 6, can be used to help charcacterize flow in the aquifer. Reference aII ill format loll used to develop the conceptual. model of the gcologic selling and submit to 1xI1 I-1 only the information that is notavailable in the public domain. N D V S 13.2: Existing records of the geologic materials penetrated by Nvells, borings, exploration test holes, or I X X exceavations, including those submitted to (lie department. X X Technical Assistance Comments: Information Of this type Illi-ly he LISeffil to rcline, the understanding of the. geologic and hydro geologic setting on a local basis. Submit Only if the PWS or city has information of test drilling, or site investigations cond=ted by the city that is not available fil the public domain. N D V S B.3: Existing borehole geophysical records from wells, borings, and exploration test holes. . X X X Technical Assistance Comments: inforiiiation from geophysical records may provide additiontil information Aout aquifer thickness, Drell constniction) and water level information ata local scale. Submit only if the information is not mallable in the publi, dom a i 11. N D V S BA, Existing surface geophysical studies. A Tecliffleni Assistance Comments: Itifoi-iii�itioiifrolligeol)jlysic-tilstti(liesiii,,iybetiseftiltoi-cfiiietlictijidersti-iiidiiigoftlic geology on a local basis. Submit only ifthe information is not available in the public. domaill. C. SOILS N D V S C. 1:'Exisfing maps of the soils and a description of soil infiltration cliar,-Icteristics. X i X Technical Assistance Comments: This inflormation is available in the public domain and may be used to delineate the surface mc'itcr contribution of the WHPA and assess the vidnerability of the DWSNIA because it indicates tile Underlying geology. N _D V S C.2: A description or an existing map of known eroding lands that are causing sedimentation X problems. Technical Assistance Comments: A WATER RESOURCES N D V S D. 1: An existing map of the bomidaries and flow directions of major watershed units and minor x watershed units. Teelmical Assistance Comments,: This information is awallable In the public domain and may be used to delineate the -surfacc water C011fibUtI.011 Of thV, WHPA. I- -- - - - N D V S D.2: Ail existing map and a list of public waters as defuied in Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.005, x x subdivision 151, and public drainage ditches. TeelitilealAssistaii,ceCoiiiiiients: This ill Formation is 41mailable in the Public domain and may be used to del i neate. the surface water contributiozi of the W1 IPA and determine the VUhicrability of the DWS1,01%. N D V S D.3: The shoreland classificatimis of the public waterslisted under sub -item (2)-, ptirsuant to X part 6120.3000 and M i nnesota Statutes, sections 103F.201 to 103F-22 1. Technical Assistance Comments: N D V S D.4- An existing map of wetlands regulated under Chapter 8420 and Minnesota StclftkS) x section 1030.221 to 103G.2373. [T,'eclinical Assistance Commews: I I — I N D V S D.5: An existing map showing those areas delineated as floodplain by existing local ordinances. x "I eL '11111c, s chnical Assistance Comments: DATA ELEMENTS ABOUT THE LAND USE E. LAND USE N D V S E.1: An existing map of parcel boundaries. x X Technical AssistanceCOMB-1011tS: 'I'llis ii1formation may be lioli)ful in delineating the DWSNIA, if available. If (his information is provided, identificatimi numbers must be provided for each parcel. An clectronic. Format for the map is preCerable. N D V S E.2: An existing mai) of political boundaries. x x Technical Assistance Comments: Please providc this informiltimi if the bomidaries have been tipdatc(l./chaliged. 'I'llis 4 31401-111"Itioti may 11CIP deffileate (lie DWSMA, An cicctronic format for the mal) is profmable. E.3: An existing map of public lf-111d surveys, including township, range, and section. L X 1 1 Tecinfleal Assistance Comments: 't'his iiiformation is available in the public dom(ain and may be used to delineate the DWSINIA. N D V S EA: A in -tip and an inventory of (lie current and historical agi-icuittiral, residential, conunercial, x I I hidtistrial, recreational, and histittitional land lases and potential contaminant sources. Technical Assistance Comments: E,5: An exist ing, comprehensive hand -use inap. X 1 0 1 1 Technical Assistance Comments: N D V S EA Existingzoningmap. X I I Technical Assistance Comments: F. PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES N D V S FA: An existing mal) oftvansportation routes or corridors. X Technical Assistance Comments: This information isavailable in the, public domain and may be used to delineate the D NV S NM A. N D V S F.2: An existing map of storjiisewers, sanitary sewers, and the public water supply systems. X I X I Technical Assistance Comments: Do not submit a maj) of the storm sewers and sanit,(-iry sewers. Describe [lie difference in how much water is ptimped and how much is sold. The difference is the lett] age thm may lie used as recharge in the groundwater model, N D V S F.3: An existing map of gas and oil pipelines used by gas incl oil suppliers. X I I I Technical Assistance Cori mens: N inage systems. D V S IF. Aii existing mcip or list of public drain X Technicial Assistance Comments: N D V S F.5: An existing record of mistruction, maintenance, and use of the public water supply well(s) and X X X I other welis within the dri A in eater :supply maria ement area. Technical Assistance Comments: If the inibmiation is different than that oil -file with NIM, please provide 1) the pumpinOr rates fog -.-lie curt-entand previous years, and [lie projected mumal pumpitig rates for the next rive years for each we] I in the t7 PWS; and 2) well record(s) for the PWS well(s). Information about the PWS well(s) may affect the vulnerability assessment due to i-elizibilit�ilioi)/i-ecoiistritctio)i ol'a well or changes in pumping rates. DATA ELEMENTS ABOUT WATER QUANTITY G. SURFACE WATE R QUANTITY N D V S G.1: An existing description of high, mean, and tow flows oil Streams, X TecliiiienlAssistance Coniiiieiits-, This iiiforiiiatioiiisqv4-iil,-tbleiiitiicPLIbliC(10111',Iill,-tii(iiii,ttybetise(itodeteriiiiiie hydratilic connections between surface water bodies and the aqL tifer(s) orconcern N D V S G.2: An existing list of hakes where the state has established ordinary high water marks. X X TeclinicalAssist,iiieccoiiiiiie,its: riiis inrormation isinailable iii the public doiil,-iiiiaril maybe used to delincate the WHPA, 4 S G.3: An existing list of permitted withdrawals from lakes and s(reams, including source, Use, and X X X amounts withdrawn. Technical Assistance Comments: Only required if different from the DNR database. Surface water bodies mcay be iii C direct hydratilic conne'dion with (lie aquifers of concern Fuld withdi-CMals oma aft' ct water levels in hoth the surface water and adj- acmit groundwater systems. N q D V S G-4: An existing list of lakes and streams for whicli state protected levels or flows Nave been established. X Teelinical Assistance Comments: This information is availifible ill 111C j)L1b1iC domain and J11'(1y be Used to determine hydratilic connections between. stirface water bodies and the aquifer(s ) of concern. N D V S G.5: An existing description of knowa water -use conflicts, including those caused by groundwater I X X X pumping. I TeciiiTical Assist,qiieeCoiiiiiicitts-. Ple;iscnotify j'vIDHof stirf,,tccwziler/wel[iiiterfet-eiiceprof leiiisofNvii.iciithe PW Sis I (Awilre, because this in rorm.-it ion would be used to delineate the WHPA or determine, or coil firm the vulnerability radtity H. GROUNDWATER QUANTITY N D V S 1-1.1: An existing list of wells covered by state appropriation permits, including amount s of water X X- X appropriated, type of use, and aquifer source. `rechnicall Assistance Comments: Please SUbmil this intlormation for Nvells that are not permitted by the DNR because this information may be useful in Identirying the liydrologic boundary c0t1diliOlIS thilt COUld RffW 111C SiZC Eltl(l S1111pe of the W I I PA b o i i ncharl C -S N D V— S H. 2: An eFisting description of known well i jiterfere ti pro le ms and water- 11 Se conflicts. X X X Teciiii1cal Assist,ineeCoiiiniciits: Please noli fy 'M DH of well interference problems of Nvliicli the PWS is aware. Interferenco problems with oilier Nvel Is, if present, likely ind icate a Hydrologic boundary that Nvould need to be considered in mak i n g the WI IPA. dc I I nc ation, N D V S 113: An existing list of state, environmental borcholes, including unique Nvell mimber, aquifer X X , X measured, years of record, and average mon lit levels. XTDV X Technical Assistance Comments: Only submit monthly water level measurements (%vith tmique well mimbers and dates) if this inforni'Mion is not available in the public domain. DATA ELEMENTS ABOUT WATER QUALITY 1. SURFACE WATER QUALITY N D V S 1.l : An ex 1 sting ma P or Ii st o f (lie state weci ter qua I i ty management cla ss 1 fic at io n for each stream and X lake. Teelmical Assistance Comments: N D V S 1.2: A existing summary of lake and stream water quality monitoring data, including: — --------- I 1. bacteriological conlamination indicators;' 4. sedimentation; I X Xe 2. inorganic chemicals; 5. dissolved oxygen; and —3. organic clienlicals; 6. excessive growth or deficiency of aquatic plants. 1jee Technical Assistance Coninients: ThisfilffiFilliqtion cmube m to evaluate mirl' Wleltel -/groundwater interactions- and aquifer water quality. SUbmit if the PNVS has infomintion that is not available in.the public domain. EJ. GROUNDWATER QUALITY .1.1; An existing summary of water- quality data, including: 1 bacteriologic contamination x x indicators; inorganic chemicals; and organic: chemicals. cls. A. Technical Assistance Comments: Submit if the S leas inromication that is not available in the public clonlain, because the information may help explain gromidwater flow pa(lis. D V S J.2: An existing list of water Chemistry and isotopic data from wells, springs, or other groundwater X X X S'.Iffiplillg points. Technical As lst-,iri a Coriiriierits: SUbmit if Il e PWS has in oi'mation that is nut tavai14a le in the public domain, bcemise tlic information may help explain aroundw ater 110%v l)aIths. J.3: An existing report of groundwater tracer studies. X Technical Assistance Comments: Submit if the I)WS has information that is not available hi the public domain, because the inromi-frtion may help explain gromidwater flow I)ratlrs. -D V S JA An existing site study and we11 water analysis of known areas ofgroundwater conta minatioll. x _x Technical Assistance Comments: Submit if'the PwShas information oil Contaminant SOLI ices nol available in the public c10111airl, because these reports may contain ,e-iddition al geologic or hydro ;eolo ie informac tion.. D S J.5: Ail existing property audit identifying contamination, x :1 -- Technical Assistance Comments: J.6: An existing report to the i linnesota Department of Agriculture and the Minnesota Pollution x Control Agency of contaminant spills and releases. Technic l Assistance tance Corniments: Notify H of reports on shills or mittainiiiant relefrses that are on -file with (lic PW or city but are not in tfie public domain. '! hese reports do not need to he submittal brit (lie MD11 staff wolrid like to remiew the re ol-t . "Fable I Public Water Supply Well Inform troll Otsego, Minnesota Local Well ID I Unique Number 554501 Use / Stattis E E Casing Diameter -(inch cs 18 1 Casing Depth (feet 122 119 Well Depth feed 201 172 Date Constructed/ Reconstructed 1994 1998 Aquifer Ironton- Galesville Ironton- Well VulneralAlity Not Vulnerable Not 2 622715 (Millions of Gallons) Galesville Vullierab[c I I I I Name/ 2008 2009 Franconia- 2012* 3 657343 P 18 178 370 2001 Ironton- Not 0 0 0 2 (622715) 27.1 0 Galesville Vulnerable 4 696888 P 24 411 494 2003 Mt. Simon Not 0.5 0.3 1.2 Vulnerable 5 696889 P B 410 490 2003 Mt. SiIII011 Not Vuhicrable 6 709269 E 1.8 265 343 2004 I'VIL Simon Not Vulnerabl-c 7 721663 p 18 352 429 2005 Mt. Sinton Not I Vtthierable 8 752116 P 18 336 437 2007 Mt. Sinton Not I I Vulnerable Note: I. Priiii-,iiy(P)orEiiicrgeiicyBacktip(Li) Well Table 2 Annual Volume of Water Pumped from PWS wells (Millions of Gallons) Well I I I I Name/ 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012* Projected* Number 2017 1(554501) 0.1 0 0 0 2 (622715) 27.1 0 0 0 3(657343) 8.4 57.8 69.5 118.5 C) 4(696888) 41.8 0.5 0.3 1.2 5(696889) 75.9 119 125.2 125.1 6(709269) 193.6 7.2 0 0 7 (721 +63 8 9 9.3 8.9 8(752116) 0 166 157.6 99.5 9.-7 Source: DNR State Water Use Database System: SWUDS Penilit Number 3005-3146. * Data to be Provided by the city, Map