ITEM 6.1 Cost Sharing Policy w/ Wright CountyOtCITYOF 0 MINNESOTA 9 DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for' City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration REQUESTOR: Lori Johnson, City Administrator MEETING DATE: September 23., 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney 6,1 Ron Wagner., City Engineer Dan Licht, City Planner Dan Licht, City Planner Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION, Respond to a request for input from the Wright County Board and County Engineer Virgil Hawkins on Wright County's Cost Sharing Policy (Policy) with adoption of a resolution and exhibit setting forth -Otsego's recommended changes to the Policy. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BAC KGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: The Wright County Board of Commissioners has directed the County Engineer to gather input from Wright County cities and townships as part of the Boards process of updating the Wright County Cost Sharing Policy that was last updated in 1993. Obviously, Wright County has changed considerably since 1993; urban growth has become the norm in the eastern part of the County bringing with it increased population and significant increases in the County's market value (tax base). Wright County is now one of the fastest growing counties in the State and is poised for significant economic development due to its proximity to the Twin Cities and St. Cloud. When the Policy was adopted in 1993, the County's cost participation was determined by the size and type of jurisdiction. Townships and cities under 5,000 in population benefitted greatly from more transportation fu nd ing f rorn the Co u nty for projects within their jurisdictions+ Eve n in 1993 that PoIicy was not fair and reasonable to the larger cities that were then also generating a larger share of the County's property tax revenue. Clearly, the inequity of funding more of the costs for townships and small cities is not acceptable in 2013 and beyond. To be clear, in no way is Otsego attempting to reduce or take away funding from the townships and cities under 5,000 in population; rather, Otsego is asking for funding equity across all cities and townships in the County. The Public Works Subcommittee reviewed the Policy in detail at its September meeting and recommended changes and additions to the Policy. In reviewing the Policy and developing the City's recommended Policy changes, the main consideration was to create equity and fairness among all local jurisdictions Ynthe County regardless of size and type. |naddition, the cost sharing policies of other counties, including the data provided by County Engineer Virgil Hawkins, were taken into consideration. Please see Exhibit A to the resolution for a detailed list of the Public Works Subcommittee's recommended changes and funding ite0additioD8. Pedestrian facilities including regionalbaUfund/ng and cross walk striping were added tothe Policy along with signage. Also added was Gfunding item for Federal and State funding that |sreceived bwthe County for aproject pertiaUypakjforbmanother1oca| jurisdiction. Currently, the County receives the benefit ofall ofthat funding. The recommendation 1s that such funding should benefit not just the County, but all jurisdictions that are paying for the project. As I stated earlier, many of the changes are recommended to eliminate the current funding inequity between the two formulas. Further, while the Public Works subcommittee did not make arecommendation regarding the County right ofway policy, the Council may want 10consider recommending changes |nthe designation ofe project by the County as "developer driven" wherein all rihtofwaycostserethentobecovenadb«the City, such as the right of way which was all acquired by the City for the CSAH 42 improvements in front of Great River Centre. The Council also may want to consider recommending that there be County cost participation inright ofway acquisition for City street improvement projects thatareschedu|edto become County roads. The importance of recommending Policy changes is shared among other cities |DWright County as well. This was the topic of the August Wright County City Administrators meeting at which County Engineer Virgil Hawkins spoke about the Policy and the opportunity torequest change. All ofthe cities represented were in support of requesting changes to the policy. Finally, city and township input on and recommended changes to the Policy are due to the County Engineer by October 11. Therefore, to meet that schedule, the Public Works Subcommittee i's recommending that the City Council review and adopt the attached resolution formally requesting changes tothe Wright County Cost Sharing Policy. |fyou have changes and additions tothe resolution and attached exhibit after review, please make those changes a1the meeting for inclusion before adoption. Public Works Subcommittee Members Vern Heldner and Doug Schroeder as well as the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner, and | will be prepared for discussion and to answer your questions atthe Council meeting. Wright County isplanning toschedule ameeting (nthe next month ortwo for purposes ofreviewing the input received. Council members are encouraged toattend that meeting to support the City's position. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: xo*l7ACHsD owome 0 Wright County Cost Sharing Policy m Letter from Virgil Hawkins, Wright County Engineer 0 Resolution 2Ol3'51including Exhibit A POSSIBLE MOTION �o�onommu�nmo�mnomu�mu�m�o�mmommu�o Motion to adopt Resolution 2013 -51 Responding to Request for Input from Otsego on the Proposed and, further, requesting that the resolution be forwarded to the Wright County Board arid Wright Caunty Engineer. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING.RUDIGETFD� ci YES N1W cj NO ACTION TAKEN. r n APPROVED AS REQUESTED n DENIED ci TABLED ci OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: WRIGHT COUN'T'Y DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS M 0 Wright County Public Works Building 0 1901'Highway 25 North 7j3 ES 6 .4y Buffaloo MN - 55313 Jet. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 :Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX: (763) 682-7313 Date: July 12., 2013 To: Wright County Cities & Wright County Townsill Frohn.g Virgil H ' awkins, P.E., all V Wright County Highway ngineer R E Wright County 'Cost- Sharing Policy Update VI IL G. RAWKJNSY P.E. Highway Engineer (7631682-7388 CHAS] 'D. HAUSAIANNOPM Assistant Highway Engineer (763) 682-7387 MARK A. JOHNSON Right -of -Way Agent (763) 682-7386 We are writing to you to invite your City/Township to become an active participant in the process of updating the Wright County Cost -Sharing P01iCy (fOr COUnty Highway construction projects). The Wright County Board has directed us to begin the process of updating our Construction Cost -Sharing Policy (that was last updated in 1993). The objectives for the policy update include. I. Update theCost-Sharing Policy to include missing elements like Roundabouts, Electric/Specialty Signs, Trails, ' Land . scaping, Aesthetic Treatments, Pedestrian Ramps (A[ A) & any other items that are ide I ntified through this'Inpuk gathering process. I 2. Develop an updated Cost -Sharing Policy to include both conventional projects (projects that are included in our 5 -Year or 10 -Year Work Plan); and a separate written policy to address development driven projects. Past practice for devel6pnient driven projects has been negotiation (generally with no county participation Unless the segment of highway affected was included in our 5 -Year Plan). I Ensure a fair and'consistent approach for all projects regardless of location. 4. Remove uncertainty so that cities and developers understand county expectations related to cost share for improver encs oil county highways needed to accommodate development, Please find enclosed a spreadsheet that shows how the existing Wright C.pui.ity Cost -Sharing Policy compares to the policies of adjacent and/or similar sized counties. Wright County will schedule a public meeting late summer, early fall this year for PLIrPOSeS of receiving input about possible changes and updates to our current policy. You will be given advance notice of this meeting, to attend and provide input. Feel free to send written input/comments to our -office at any time. Please contact our office if you have any questions or require additional information. Enclosure cc: County Commissioners Chad Flausniannht 'AssistaCounty unty Engineer Lee'Kelly, Ir .terim County Coordina'tor File CADoc u ni o ii ts gild S e16i19S\vo01i73 8 7Wy Diali ll ii Is\Cost S liarijig Poli y Update 2013Mor&Cover. Lette r, Cos L Slur c.Pol i CY. Update. Ai ne. 20l 3-docx Equofl Oppoitunity Mffly*tnative Action Employer Cost Participation Policy Comparison Comoarable Mlnne5toa Counlies ilurieZO13-Courity�Par-ticlioationConi ar, P 15on StOn dard CO Qjq t V CQQ S Vuc tio 0 in Citic S i vith P0 u 10 t On > 5000 (5 to to A id Cities) and Cities < .5Q()0 c7n d to vvn sh Fos vjh ich t Yoko I/VF 11 a ve ve a v co I te rn _!� -5 t shot org N 5 YEAR PLANA R INITIATED BY CO UNM wrigm (CLirrent 1993 Policy) NDIQ ->5,0-00 populat?on Sher[Yurne County Stearns Co tj my Arioka County 000 To wn s h Fp s >5,C6W pop. urban areas <5,000 gra Are -as ,OM p op. u rba n areas <5,000 -urban Areas >5,0-00 Pop U13 tic rk 0 f U nAf ea Cost cop on , Fte rlw�" R [a ht of Via y (R/w) 100 (Co u n ty de s,g n ed pcoj..); 100�S [County desigried jprol); (0 ty des_ I g n e d prol-) 0'34 Urba n a ir e a 51 (0 art d.2 5 fig n u d jP r ci.) 03/a UrWn Are�s -50% - CSAH Routes UP tO 100 �4 (6 Ve:� p ay f of R/%V Up to IMS L County Roads n a -E! d ed ro r s Ieevial ks, tralqs, etc.) for sic lural De s 1 An G ra jir-ig Items u ra - 100 va rn id nd; Vr b 3 [1-- 0�YS Cc m C, A rens (Ag g 0 as e, b,t i te ms, turfy 10 () 75 � culveits, etc) Iorben Ga�ir4 [tEr'rls rern;�IWjner after recierar/state 4:1� (At B a s e, bit Ite rn s, tu r -f, VarUcipatfon Is deducted) culiv-Er-ts, etc) ir e rrt a pri'nZ_ a ft r= r Fe deral/state C -o n -c r et -e Curb Gutter r4 e.v I 4f Concrete Curb Cu Mer enmf 2 C e m e F-4 t NIS, Curb and Gutter for F. !E! d; m ri s i Up to 1001/a rn Con ore te hle dia r[ — 4 — Up to 1002.es 1100%, Turn Lines - Le ft Rin h t, Center tPaveme.-It surfadvgl lsph�cr cm (P.3 U'.J ers) "gypo 70 S pa, P t(%I-ernent coSt) Concrete 5i de - Ne -,,L; 1 05 re d 3. -Pi P 5 5"d ia 1 k R e p ak e m e n t 02 iun!ess relocation due to gra- 'n 3) 5;ke -.,, a y Re p 1 a ce.-n e n t P4 ia [ I b .3-x Support (rn e E- tir-n go s-.,-fng-aw,ay 53fEty standards) 10 Lova I U ti I ti e 10 0 ,2rs UP to Y00 0 Up to 100�� up to CSAH R uIC-3 - County pa -es w,thfn CSAH &_jUte!S _ C04Unt-y pa�_S w; t Wn 10.3 curbi.-Frie; CovntyR.oad -County Curb I In !:-0 U n ty R o a d 5 - C:0 U n ty Pa 5 center 24', Orty pays pars renter 24', City p a YS 010'erYffi"n-7 outsTde of that eVeryth 'nor O.0 t 5 Tde -0 f that n 43- 50% Pr a cLrn crit t 10{ - Re IdCeMEnt sci-A - t%,Qvr New P,, -p I j3 c e M,;-- Repr2CeMEM 0 0 311;, U, a .P to _1002", I 00M I n te r secting Streets treets t`obI';zat!on, Traffic Vontrol n trol Pf o -r e od h ibco risAtr u cotiv n 9 Fra re Pf o-ra teOod bv;i ckU risAtructon share Stoi rn Srwer rnan o' -es, grates, rAStln5) -U(bused on Sate -d Letter of Based nsateN Lett orf i cctruu'n0Fve CFLtrbt tl OF R I - I n nfX. rm L -h m - I - - I Tra ffid c 51-n a! s 8 ridg c:.s T TfniFaff 1c Signa not %,�a:rranted R ou id3 bo Lup ts Street UghtFng - Utbrn kr Ur a n 05� Corte, Aprons u ra - 100 va rn id nd; Vr b 3 [1-- 0�YS Cc m C, A rens 0 - riev.1 100 - Replacement 0 3 -So 0M, n I -e s s f e,10 ca t loo du e to re m al ri`n-3, a f te r Fede f a f/S ta te Em rern;�IWjner after recierar/state 4:1� 55Y.2 of Local Share (amount VarUcipatfon Is deducted) Psi ticip-ation Is deductedj; job}, ir e rrt a pri'nZ_ a ft r= r Fe deral/state 100Y T a To -.vns W'p!� P--artf0pation Is dedur-t-ed) enmf I n te r secting Streets treets t`obI';zat!on, Traffic Vontrol n trol Pf o -r e od h ibco risAtr u cotiv n 9 Fra re Pf o-ra teOod bv;i ckU risAtructon share Stoi rn Srwer rnan o' -es, grates, rAStln5) -U(bused on Sate -d Letter of Based nsateN Lett orf i cctruu'n0Fve CFLtrbt tl OF R I - I n nfX. rm L -h m - I - - I Tra ffid c 51-n a! s 8 ridg c:.s T TfniFaff 1c Signa not %,�a:rranted R ou id3 bo Lup ts Street UghtFng - Utbrn kr Ur a n 05� Corte, Aprons u ra - 100 va rn id nd; Vr b 3 [1-- 0�YS Cc m C, A rens 0 - riev.1 100 - Replacement 50% of tocal Share (amount 50 � of Lecn I 5h ? re (a -mo U n t re m al ri`n-3, a f te r Fede f a f/S ta te Em rern;�IWjner after recierar/state 4:1� 55Y.2 of Local Share (amount VarUcipatfon Is deducted) Psi ticip-ation Is deductedj; job}, ir e rrt a pri'nZ_ a ft r= r Fe deral/state T a To -.vns W'p!� P--artf0pation Is dedur-t-ed) vii Up to 100�-,j (Per Rreet Lfgstir.,g Po[!cy) Un to U .P tom-- Ve r Street Ug htpir.g Policy) 11- JL._ d- d5 + J1 0 3 S 10 OM 100 f? 5 -D'S of Local _Shane (amou nt ,0 . rem a-. nn- after Fcderal/,State .!h vartl-r-rpation is deducted) 0 031 ri ncs 1 0-4 Q.2 .e r — I — Ms :j 0% 1 Wr 0% 64 Based on .State Aid Le t be r of Ba gssed on State AN Letter of contei b u tin f I cie..-I cc ri cc ritr 1- b ut.'riz fl ovp CP used on Legs Of intersect on B used on Legs of intersection A ml orl eL F t- 13 a s c- cP -on tees -o f i rit e r s e ctrorp Up to 100:,:4 U, E! a v3 d c n State Aki Letter (or Based on 51 cnitribut;rig How fm County Ro3.js) 43 con tiri but;nar fly I-OW6, Fn Hrid (6tfc-s pay 10G3' c -f in k;nd- .0 P,,TT a d it- 5) U 112 tost of County Legs of IFJ trE rs e ctton • CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013-51 RESOLUTION RESPONDING TO REQUEST FOR INPUT FROM OTSEGO REGARDING PROPOSED UPDATE TO WRIGHT COUNTY COST SHARING POLICY AND RECOMMENDING CHANGES TO THE COST SHARING POLICY WHEREAS, The Wright County Board of Commissioners (Board) has initiated review and update of the County's Cost Sharing Policy (Policy) and the Boatd and County Engineer have requested input from affected local units of government on the Policy; and, WHEREAS, the Policy establishes formulas for the construction and maintenance of County roadway in-1provements and facilities requiring financial pat-ticipation by the cities and townships for said improvements and facilities with regional benefit; and, WHEREAS, the Policy currently establishes two separate cost sharing formulas, one for cities five thousand and less in population and townships and another for cities over five thousand in population creating inequity in County funding for transportation improveinents-- and, 5 WHEREAS, the majority of the County's population resides within cities of over five thousand in population and those cities provide a inaj ority of the County's inarket value and tax revenue thus the County has an. obligation to provide sei-vices and facilities in an equitable and fair manner to these residents consistent with the services and facilities provided to residents in cities under five thousand in population and townships; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego hereby requests revisions to the Policy to eliminate the current funding disparity and create consistency, fairness, and equitable application of the Policy between the two existing separate formulas by creating one funding formula that is applicable to all local jurisdictions within the County; and, WHEREAS, tinder current Wright County Cost Sharing Policy the City bore all costs for upgrade of the intersection of CSAH 39 and CSAI-1 42, including installation of traffic control signals within Otsego which facilitated commercial development in the area benefitting the County as well as the City; and, WHEREAS, under current Wright County Cost Sharing Policy the City bore all costs for upgrade of CSAH 42, CSAH 39, and 85"' Street within Otsego which facilitated commercial development in the area benefitting the County as well as the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego contributed all local share costs (including Wright County's share) for upgrading Trunk Highway 10 1 benefitting the County as well as the City; and, WHEREAS, curb and gutter, center median, retaining walls and storm sewer are all methods to reduce right-of-way needs (and land acquisition costs) for roadway improvements therefore the County should participate in the cost of to a greater extent than established by the current Policy -5 and, WHEREAS, the existing Policy needs to change to reflect the benefit that urban development has to the entire County; and, WHEREAS, the changes suggested by the City of Otsego would facilitate development within Cities over five thousand and thus would benefit all residents of the County. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The City of Otsego requests that the Wright County Board consider and adopt the changes to the Wright County Cost Sharing Policy as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. 2. All future Federal and State funding for projects covered by the Policy be allocated to the benefit of both the County and the participating city or township by subtracting such funding from the total project cost prior to allocating the cost between the County and local juri diction. ADOPTED this 23th day of September, 2013 by the City Council of Otsego. 2 MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member. and seconded by Council Member IN FAV4OR. OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Taini Loff, City Clerk Policy Change Reauested? Policy Funding Item Yes Right of Way Yes Rural Design Grading Items No Urban Design Grading Items Yes Concrete Curb Gutter - New Yes Concrete Curb Gutter - Replacement Yes Curb and Gutter for Medians Yes Plain Concrete Median Yes Shoulders No Turn Lanes - L, R., C (pavement surfacing) Yes Parking Lanes (paved shoulders) Yes Concrete Sidewalk- New No Pedestrian Ramps - New Yes Sidewalk Replacement Yes Sidewalk Replacement Due to County Damage New Bikeway Yes Bikeway Replacement Yes Regional Tralils. (trails included in Wright County Trail Plan) New Mailbox Support (meeting swing away standard) No Local Utilities No Adopt Local ROW Policy for Utility Location New Intersecting Streets No Mobilization, Traffic Control Yes Storm Sewer (manholes, grates, castings) No Driveway5 Yes Traffic Signals Yes Traffic Signal Maintenance New Traffic Signal EVP (emergency vehicle preemption) New Bfidges N0 Traffic Signals not Warranted N0 Roundabouts Yes Street Lighting Urban Yes Street Lighting Rural Yes Retaining Walls Yes Retaining Walls in lieu of R/W acquisition Yes Federal Funding New Pedestrian Crossing Striping New Signage New Key. No Change Requested L Inequity between funding categories Resolutlon 2013-51 Exhibit A Existinp Poli T%-jp. and Cities under 5,000 Jurisdictions over 5,000 Recommended Policy for All Wright Cou nty J u risd ictions up to 100% 800/0 100% 0 0 50% 0 0 100% up to 100% up to 100% 100% up to 1001/a up to 100% 100% up to 100-0/0 8 W/O 10070 100% Up to 70"/o pavement cost 1007a 0 0 10070 0 unless relocation due to grading 0 unless relocation due to grading 1001 N/A N/A 100% 0 0 10070 0 0 1003/0 N/A N/A 100% N/A N/A Pro -rated by construction share Pro -rated by construction share Rural 100% in kind, Urban Wlo Conc. Aprons Rural 1000% in kind, Urban 0% Conc. Aprons 501/10 Local Share (amount remaining after 5WIo of Local Share (amount remaining after Federal/State participation is deducted) Federal/State participation is deducted) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Up to 100% (per street lighting policy) Up to 50o (per street lighting PD1iCV) Up to 50° Cities; Up to 100r% Townships Up to 100% (per street lighting policy) Up to 60% (PET street lighting policy) Lip to 50r/a all credited to County share of cost otes: leview Street Lighting Polis+ for consistency with reconi me n, d ed Cost Sharing Pol1Cy Changes tight of Way costs addressed in body of Resolution Adopt jurisdiction poli cV By leg per jurisdiction 100% In kind By leg per jurisdiction By leg per jurisdiction By leg per jurisdiction By leg per jurisdiction 100% 100% 100% 100% Federal funding applied to entire project before determining cost share between County and local jurisdiction 100% 100%