RES 13-51CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO, 2013-51 RE SOLUTION RE, SPONDING TO REQUEST FOR INPUT FROM OTS GO RE GARDING PROPOSED UPDATE TO WRIGHT COUNTY COST SHARING POLICY AND RE, COMMENDING CHANGES TO THE COST SHARING POLICY WHEREAS, The Wright County Board of Commissioners (Board) has initiated review and update of the County's Cost Sharing Policy (Policy) and the Board and County Engineer have requested input from affected local imits of govemnient on. the Policy; and WHEREAS, the Policy establishes formulas for the construction and maintenance of County roadway improvements and facilities requiring financial participation by the cities and townships for said improvements and facilities with regional benefit; and, WHERE, AS, the Policy currently establislies two separate cost sharing formulas, one for cities five thousand and less in population and townships and another for cities over five thousand in population creating ineqUity in County funding for transpoilation improvements; and, WHEREAS, the majority of the County's population resides within cities of over five fliousand in population and those cities provide a majority of the County's market value and tax revenue thus. the County has an obligation to provide services and facilities in an equitable and fair manner to these residents consistent with the services and facilities provided to residents in cities under five thousand in population and townships; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego hereby requests revisions to the Policy to elin-iinate. the current ffinding disparity and create consistency, firlimess, and equitable application of the Policy between the two existing separate formulas by creating one funding formula that is applicable to all local jurisdictions within the County; and, WHEREAS, under current Wright County Cost Sharing Policy the City bore all costs for upgrade of the intersection of CSAH 39 and CSAH 42, including installation of traffic control signals within Otsego which facilitated commercial development in the area benefitting the County as well as the City; and, WHERE AS, under current Wright County Cost Sharing Policy the City bore all costs for upgrade of CSAH 42, CSAH 39, and 85t" Street within Otsego which fiaeflitated conitnercial development in the area benefitting the County as well as the City; and, WHERE AS, the City of Otsego contributed all local share costs (including Wright County's share) for upgrading Trunk Highway 101 benefitting the County as well as the City; and, WHEREAS, curb and gutter, center median, retaining walls and storm sewer are all methods to reduce right-of-way needs (and land acquisition costs) for roadway improvements therefore the County should participate in the cost of to a greater extent than established by the current Policy; and, WHEREAS, the existing Policy needs to change to reflect the benefit that urban development has to the entire County; and, WHEREAS, the changes suggested by the City of Otsego would facilitate development within Cities over five thousand and thus would benefit all residents of the County. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The City of Otsego requests that the Wright County Board consider and adopt the changes to the Wright County Cost Sharing Policy as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. 2. All future Federal and State funding for projects covered by the Policy be allocated to the benefit of both the County and the participating city or township by subtracting such funding from the total project cost prior to allocating the cost between the County and local jurisdiction. ADOPTED this 23th day of September, 2013 by the City Council of Otsego. 2 MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member_...... and seconded by Council e- ifn Member__�qa.rh' ,�, _ IN FAVOR: Stockamp , Dar kenwald , War ehim e, Heidner, Schroeder OPPOSED: on CITY OF OTSGO q spur. am Stockp, Mayor Jli( Tami Lo f, City Clerk 3 V) t4 0 u -D 0 Li 0 vi tA 0 0 L2 cd 4A o Ln a. 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