ITEM 3.2A 9.23.2013 MinutesI T E M 3. TEO CITY.CCIL MEETING TSEGO CITY HALL September 23,, 2013 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp np called the meeting to order at :go PM. Roll Call: mayor Jessica St cl amp; ouncilrnember : Vern Heldner, Jason Warehir o, Doug Schroeder and Toni Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur,, City Attorney; Dan Jordet,, Administrative Services Director and Tara! Loff, City Cleric. Pledge of Allegiance: mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 Open Forum ■ Wright County Deputy Jason Oltmanns was present and gave an update. , Consider agenda approval. City Adr 1ni trator Iohnson requested to add item 3,10 Approve recommendation to add Administrative Services Director Dan Jordet as an authorized City Representative ntative for banking and investment purposes. CM H l n r motioned to approveamended* Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 3., Consent Agenda {lion -controversial items) 3,1 Approve Claims List. 3,2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. September 9,, 2013 Meeting. 33 Received Commission meeting Minutes: Police Commission August 13, 2013, Heritage Preservation Commission August 13, 2013, Parks and Recreation Commission August 14, 2013, 3.4 Approve Audit RFP. 3,5 Approve RFP for Wellhead Protection. 3,6 Accept resignation of Tori Constant from the Heritage Preservation Commission. 3,7 Approve Ricoh Color Copier lease. 3,8 Pay Estimates/Requests: A. Approve Pay Estimate #1 for Irrigation System to Great Northern Landscapes in the amount of $69,525.28. Approve Pay Estimate #1 for Pond Lining to Fehn Companies in the amount of $27,,644.10, Cr Approve Final Pay Estimate for Fog Seal and Striping to Pearson Brothers in the amount of $52,156.85. D, Approve Change Order #1 for LaBeaux Avenue Bus Sidewalk to F hn Companies in the amount of $3,304.00. 3,9 Approve quote for Public Works Fencing. 3410 Approve recommendation to add Administrative Services Director Dan Jordet as an authorized City Representative resentative for banking and investment purposes. Payor Stockamp questioned the funding for iters 3,8D and the additional maintenance cost and requested this item be reviewed by the Public Works Subcommittee, The City Council agreed. CM Heldner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. t Public Works. 4.1 Campus Signacie. City Planner richt presented the staff report, CM Heidner asked for a mock sign with form and height as recommended to rake sure it is readable from the street. The City Council agreed and directed City staff to prepares CM Warehime asked for this item to be tabled until October 14 as he is working on an option he would like to present. M Heildner motioned to table until October 1 ,, 2013. Seconded by CM D r enwald. All in favor. Motion carried. . Community -.Development. .1 Consider 2013-14 Firearms No Discharge Ma t City Planner Licht presented the staff report stating no changes are recommend on the No Discharge Map only the recommendation of amending the City Code to add a minimum Soo foot buffer zone from the park property and open space. City Planner Licht said City staff would notify the adjacent property owners with the change and the Wright County Sheriff. M Heidner motioned to adopt ordinance 2013-14 amending the city Code to establish a 500 foot setback from public parrs for the permitted use of a firearm outside of the No Discharge Zone, Seconded by cM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. r Admini trati n. 6,1 Consider Resolution 13- 51 ads tin Ci of Otsego"s Recommended Chan es to Wri ht County's Cost Sharing Poli . City Administrator Johnson reviewed the recommended changes. The City Council agreed with the recommendations. CM Dari en ald and City Council thanked City staff for the work on this. CM Darenrald motioned to adopt Resolution 2013-1 responding to request for input from Otsego on the proposed update of the Fright county Cost Sharing Policy and recommending changes to the Cost Sharing policy and, further, requesting that the resolution be forwarded to the WrightCounty Board and Wright County Engineer. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2 Authorize Filling Vacant Finance position. A,......,App rove updated Finance Assistant II Position Description & Authorize Advertisement for Finance Assistant II Position. Administrative Services Director Jordet presented the staff report. CM Darkenwald asked what was budgeted for this position. City Administrator Johnson said 25 hours with discussion on increasing the hoursand stated there is room in the contingency for the additional 7" hours. Mayor Stockarnp asked who will be on the hiring committee. There was discussion on the committee consisting of the City Administrator,, Administrative Services Director and an additional Department Head possibly. The City Council directed in house staff only on the committee. CM Schroeder motioned to approve the revised job description for the Finance Assistant II position and that the city Administrator is authorized to recruit a neer employee to fill that position for 32 hours per reek subject to approval of the appointment by the City Council, Seconded by CM Heldner; All in favor. Motion carried. 63 Approve claim list for Metro Appliance Rei lin t CM Darkenwald motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Heldner. Motion carried -o. CM larehime abstainedl . Cily Council Reports and Updates, No items. . Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson informed the City Council of the Family Speech and Therapy Open House to be held this Friday,. September 27 from 3-7 PM and also said the Chamber will b bolding their annual dinner this Thursday y and to ret her know if they plan on attending as tickets are needed. City Planner Licht reviewed the Wright County Tobacco Ordinance amendment that will include Electronic Cigarettes. Being that bright County has the authority for tobacco licenses for the City of Otsego; City staff Is requesting approval to send a letter of support to Wright County for the amendment. M Heldner motioned to approve City staff send a letter of support to Alright County, Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 91 Adjourn. CM Dar enr aid motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor= Motion carried, Adjourned at :24 PME ATTEST: T mi L.off, City Clerk 3 Mayor Jessica Stockarnp