ITEM 3.3A OHPC 9.10.13 MinutesI -rem 3.3^ Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission - 9-10-13 ers: ror■ �erosni, Join Noll, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson,on, Jamie Present, Commission CitPlanner. Planteberg^Selbitoha* Also Jessica so1ams Mayor; a Licht, Toni called the meeting to order. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. . Prairie sin prepared b KimWelter with Dais unanimously to accept the Prairie Pari ■ Motion gassed � ■ fit Campus print seeds to b more assistance with the caveat that the Prairie Park noticeable. ' osier, prepared by �l with help from fan, was Former and Current Schools �r� t � � it is rived for �e � ` � !Here r�r��i be rr���nor correction before u�i! received � the �r�n���+ �' r�i cost a gratefully 11 be anted a e banner at reasonable the Festival Saturday, Both posters w� sponsor of the Festival* Otsego tsego Ftival this Saturday: Chris and Jamie wiill be there at 9am to sed and Gaii will l bri n g over the artifacts stored. Ross, Dan and Jessica will be present to heir us access our materials. Commissioners have iV1rLV✓ assigned theirtime slots manage ou VVr display +asraand talk withfolks. Toni and Gail will disassemble the display. He needs to write a letter addressed to fan Constant regretfully �islns tresign.� � on the� �ot � appreciation. �e has enjoyed time Licht. �e Council wail write himletter o Commission but at this time feels he cannot comMit to it. ti farms and t least �r�vr�orr hose before suggests that l�P� needs cer i�� Join sg heck out iota .s a map of the old farms reared form they are gone. Dan that there ` this when our inventor r i all i its permanent r1 location members so we reed t fid • SA3�at reported on the history of ownsh Hall/old City Hall Bldg. on � �booi District ori � t �er�io orcin Regulations as per ' s always been under public use. Wild r � lot the site �rbrc �a � �`der�tial or public open space. Residential Law limits property to single family resp ` �t o the � �� state /�..■+�■ �/.+�■ will to use the garage which � rye � � \./ #f11 �./� r acres, �L City Yl �i1 continue se mcan continue but cannot be end ' storage and for ongoing public works and it building dor sto beyond current structures. ' � the building for clothing distribution after s spoken with the �A�R erector about using building and ti Dan ba . + {� Y� �//�+.�■ /r■� 1'1 din isy�,�/lctor needs to 400 over the �� from the ��t]a ���J Otsego Building 1 ■ i r ;�V L4�V costs. ve lea rrr ' CAE would have t incur building maii an stlrate as to the costs of ra�r� ore tine �A�R hoard with tie of Otsego residents) will o bef Then the ��R erector (daughter� present, is accepted the i�P� this option, favored b all those commissioners proposal. if ■ would need to document the inside before it is improved. Jamie and Jessica updated us on the remodeling project at Prairie tenter. Meeting adjourned at .'i Next meeting iOctober 8, 2013 at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder