ITEM 4.1 Prairie View Estates0 OtsTY` o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 24 September 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.1— Prairie View Estates City Engineer Wagner STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. No Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Map rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-4 District, preliminary plat, and final plat. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a preliminary plat for 25 single family lots. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 17 September 2018 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Joshua/Markum Builders, Inc. has submitted plans for development of 10.31 acres located south of 80th Street and east of MacIver Avenue. The proposed development consists of 25 single family lots to be known as Prairie View Estates. The proposed development requires applications to amend the Zoning Map rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-4 District, preliminary plat, and final plat. A public hearing to consider the Zoning Map and preliminary plat applications was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 17 September 2018. The developer was present and agreed to the recommendations of City staff. There were no public comments. The Planning Commission discussed the proposed subdivision and how it relates to surrounding properties, but had no concerns. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the Zoning Map amendment and preliminary plat. The developer will be making revisions to the final plat application for consideration at a future City Council meeting. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: ■ Planning Report dated 13 September 2018 ■ Engineering Review dated 13 September 2018 ■ Zoning Map amendment Findings of Fact ■ Ordinance 2018-09 amending the Zoning Map ■ Preliminary Plat Findings of Fact POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-09 amending the Zoning Map and approve a preliminary plat for Prairie View Estates subject to the conditions listed in the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Review No. 1 �Halcanson 111Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Joshua/Markum Builders, Inc. Roger Humphrey, Sambatek Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: September 13, 2018 Development: Prairie View Estates Street Location A portion of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section 30, T121, R23, Of Property: South of 80th Street NE and west of Marlowe Avenue NE. Applicant: Mark Olson Developer: Joshua Markum Builders 7867 Eastwood Road Mounds View, MN 55112 Owners of Record: Chad Holland Hugh & Brenda O'Donnell 12197 80th Street NE 122398 oth Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Otsego, MN 55330 Purpose: Ashwood is a proposed 25 single-family low-density residential lot development on approximately 10.3+ acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREET/TRAFFIC PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Prairie View Estates, dated 8/7/18, by Sambatek Final Plat for Prairie View Estates, received 8/7/18 Preliminary Stormwater Management for Prairie View Estates, dated 8/7/18, by Sambatek Storm Sewer Design for Ashwood, dated 4/25/18, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. 2. Existing owners for the properties to the east and north of the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. 3. Provide the name phone number for the developers contact. 4. Provide the datum for the benchmarks listed. The datum should be NGVD 1929 adj. datum. Benchmark #1 does not agree with the TNH elevation in the as -built plans for Arbor Creek 5th Addition (954.73) which uses the 1988 NAVD datum. Benchmark #2 is very close to the TNH elevation in the as -built plans for Arbor Creek Yd — Phase 3 (948.98) which uses the 1929 NGVD datum. SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 5. The proposed configuration appears to meet the proposed zoning and land use as well as provides reasonable street and utility connections to the existing infrastructure as well as potential development of future adjacent properties. PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREETS/TRAFFIC 6. Street intersection jogs with centerline offsets of less than 200' are prohibited. The proposed Marlowe Avenue and existing Marlowe Avenue do not meet this requirement but it is anticipated that the existing Marlowe Avenue will be removed in the near future when the property to the east develops. 7. Provide horizontal curve and tangent information for the street centerlines. All street (except 75th Street) shall have 250' min. horizontal curves and 100' min. tangents between curves. It appears that 791h Street does not provide the required tangent. Concrete valley gutters are required across all intersections with less than 1% cross slope (north end of Marlowe Avenue). 9. The storm pond's NWL and 100 -yr HWL shall be labeled. Outlots containing the stormwater basins shall cover the basins up to the 100 -yr HWL. It appears that Outlot A may not completely contain the 100 -yr HWL. 10. The proposed ROW along the north side of Lot 1, Block 2 does not need to be vacated. The 40' wide ROW doesn't exist yet only a 33' prescriptive. Reducing the ROW to 30' here does not require that the 3' extra prescriptive ROW be vacated. PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 11. Street grades shall be a minimum of 0.60% and a maximum of 7%. The proposed street PAGE 4 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx grades shall be labeled. 12. A vehicle maintenance route must be provided (i.e. no 4:1 slopes and covered by minimum 10' wide easement) to the storm ponds inlet and outlet structures for the ponds. 13. All cross drainage shall be covered by drainage easements or have the swales relocated to within the easements along property lines (Lot 8, Block 1 and Block 2, and Lot 6, Block 3). 14. The grading in the rear yard of Lots 1-4, Block 2 and 6-7, Block 2 as well as Lot 1, Block 3 appears to have errors. Review and revise. 15. The southern front lot corners of Lot 7, Block 2 and Lot 7, Block 3 do not match the grades shown for the existing lots to the south. The grading along these two lots southern edges shall be reviewed and revised. 16. There is approximately 6.5' of elevation difference between Lot 5 & 6, Block 3 house elevations. This will require special grading and retaining wall(s). Grading shall provide fall away from the lower house to the lot line. 17. The grades along the east property line of Lot 4, Block 3 exceed the 4:1 max. Review and revise. 18. The pond NWL, 2 -yr, 10 -yr, and 100 -yr HWL elevations shall be labeled. Houses adjacent to the storm pond shall have lowest openings a minimum of 1.5' above the emergency overflow (EOF) elevation. 19. A geotechnical report is required with a recommended R -value for design of the street sections. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 20. The maximum hydrant spacing is 500'. A hydrant is needed near the intersection of Marlowe Avenue and 80th Street. 21. The watermain along Marlowe Avenue shall be located on the opposite side of the street as the storm sewer. Storm sewer is approximately 9' deep and will conflict with the watermain. 22. The pond NWL, 2 -yr, 10 -yr, and 100 -yr HWL elevations shall be labeled. 23. No pond outlet is shown for the pond in Outlot A. It shall be verified that any downstream receiving storm sewer system can accommodate the proposed discharge. 24. Draintile shall be placed along the rear lot lines so that no lot is more than one lot width away from a storm sewer structure or pond. Cleanout(s) shall be brought to the finished ground at all bends an end of lines. PAGE 5 S:WMunicipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx 25. It shall be verified that any downstream receiving storm sewer system can accommodate the proposed discharge (from the pond and along 791h Street). 26. The storm water along Marlowe Avenue, north of 791h Street, is being discharged off-site without being treated or rate controlled. This will not be allowed. We recommend directing this water to the existing storm sewer west of Marlowe Avenue. If this is done, it shall be verified that any downstream receiving storm sewer system can accommodate the proposed discharge. Note: this existing water flows to the NE to a low area on a neighboring property and "sits" there for days while the existing draintile system drains it to the Otsego Creek. This system cannot always keep up with the rate/volume of water that is currently being discharged in this direction. Allowing this water to discharge as proposed to the NE may exacerbate the issues. DETAILS 27. The Otsego Engineering Manual has been updated as of March 2018. Please use the updated Otsego Standard plates from this revision for the final plans. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 28. The project introduction in the Stormwater Management Plan shall be revised to list the City of Otsego's stormwater requirements as a design consideration along with the MPCA NPDES permit. 29. The two filtration basins mentioned in the report are not shown in the plans. 30. The site appears to meet all City of Otsego and MPCA NPDES requirement with regards to rate controlling of the off-site discharge but the preliminary plans do not show that these BMPs are being constructed as mentioned in the report. 31. The City of Otsego requires the water quality volume be design for to be 1.1 inch of water from new impervious area. The report/calculations are using 1 inch per the NPDES permit. Please revise. 32. Page 4, it appears that the last calculation for the Volume Control Analysis is mislabeled. Should this be for the South NURP pond not NW Biofill? 33. Page 5, under Erosion & Sediment Control the 2013 MPCA NPDES permit shall be 2018 permit which went into effect August of this year. 34. The existing conditions does not model any ponding. The resulting discharge rates are higher than we believe is accurate. Area 1 discharges to the north and ponds around the existing 18" FES. A portion of Area 2 routes through an existing driveway culvert which would slow the discharge rate. Area 3 would pond to a depth and then discharge from the site as would Area 4. 35. The NURP calculation for pond 3P should not have a starting elevation. PAGE 6 S:\MunicipalWotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx WETLANDS 36. A Wetland Determination Report has been submitted and a for review. The Notice of Application is out for comments. ENVIRONMENTAL 37. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as de fined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8 is required. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We cannot recommend approval until the storm water management and off-site discharge items are addressed. Please revise and resubmit. PAGE 7 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx OtCI�e,ffoF MINNESOTA (—Do APPLICANT: Joshua/Markum Builders, Inc. 18 Sep 18 FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a Zoning Map amendment to provide for a change in zoning classification for land to be preliminary platted as Prairie View Estates. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 24 September 2018 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the West Sewer District and is guided for Low Density Residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District in accordance with the interim land use policies of the Comprehensive Plan. D. The applicant has requested approval of a Zoning Map amendment to zone the property R-4, Residential Single District to allow for development of a preliminary plat of 25 single family lots; single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-4 District. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential development within the West Sewer District. The proposed development density of 2.54 dwelling units per acre (not including Outlot A) is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed single family lots are consistent with the on-going buildout of the adjacent Arbor Creek subdivision and provides opportunity for new homes in close proximity to Prairie View Elementary and Middle School. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Institutional INS District Prairie View E-8 East LD Residential A-1 District Rural single family Cultivated field South LD Residential R-4 District Single family Arbor Creek West LD Residential A-1 District Single family Arbor Creek 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed subdivision will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed subdivision is accessed from 80th Street east of MacIver Avenue. With construction of Prairie View Elementary and Middle School, 80th Street was improved to a minor collector street. MacIver Avenue is an improved residential collector street. These streets have capacity sufficient to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is an infill development within the West Sewer District. The City has anticipated urban development within the West Sewer District and there is adequate public service capacity to accommodate the proposed subdivision. F. The planning report dated 13 September 2018 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. G. The Engineering Review dated September 13, 2018 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 17 September 2018 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 4-0 to recommended that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of September, 2018. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 2 Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.: 2018-09 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally by Exhibit A. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to R-4, Single Residential District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of September, 2018. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A OtSTr O MINNESOTeA g APPLICANT: Joshua/Markum Builders, Inc. 18 Sep 18 FINDINGS & DECISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a preliminary plat to be known as Prairie View Estates. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 24 September 2018 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the West Sewer District and is guided for Low Density Residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R-4, Residential Single District. D. The developer is proposing a preliminary plat of 25 single family lots; single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-4 District. E. The planning report dated 13 September 2018 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. F. The Engineering Review dated September 13, 2018 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 17 September 2018 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 4-0 to recommended that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. PA 3 Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: The builder shall install two trees within each lot in accordance with Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Wetland Interior 12,000sf. (net) 75ft. 100ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 100ft. 35ft. The builder shall install two trees within each lot in accordance with Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer including: a. The developer shall be required to complete the urban section for the south half of 80th Street to the east plat line. b. Installation and operation of street lights required by Section 8-8-4 of the City Code. Fabrication and installation of street signs. 5. The developer shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land for park dedication for each single family lot in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of final plat approval. 6. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes. 7. The developer shall pay stormwater area charges for Otsego Creek at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 8. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 10. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The proposed phasing plan is subject to review of the City Council concurrent with final plat approval. 13. The developer shall submit a final plat as required by Section 10-7-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 14. The applicant shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of September, 2018. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 2 Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk =LENGINEER SAMBATEK 12800 WHREWAYER DRIVE, SURE 300 MINNETONKA, MN 55343 TEL763.398-9 FAX 76 7.II02 CONTACT: ROGER HUMPHREY SURVEYOR —11ATEK 12BD0 WHREWATER DRIVE, SURE 300 MINNETONKA, MN 55343 TEL763-076.6010 FAX 763176/532 CONTACT: THEODORE BROWN IANDSCAPEARMMU SAMRATEK LUDO WHREWATER DRME, SURE 900 MINNETONKA, MN 5S343 TE1763476 0 FAK76317" 32 CONFAMMSHUA MOUNNEY Preliminary Plat for Prairie View Estates Otsego, Minnesota Presented by: Joshua/Markum Builders, Inc. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE Know what's below. Call before you dig. k,—,,S'qamb&k www.sambotak.com 17000 WNWN W r DMo, SUZY X00 M.d.kL, MN 55319 753.n5.5otDNI4MmR 7B]A78.S592 f4oIWL FApH. I hip I R`ANp I— Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC, 7567 EASIW000 RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN SS112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location Qt sepp Certification N.M�mh as wbr µn+r.am„m.. ,y�n.I.Nn «auwl� M,ek eA,a RAL.r HYTPRny uwx.rw.n�w.. pn.NxN • n.vxa..� w+I�.M,�i Summary 0mhn.a:w onmc A.a vvv,...d:lw emk/v.L.:wu %uv:ruuurur In10.l A.u.:nymAVA Revision History No.D93L Dy SAbmltbl / RMLI,A wbr/..— —I— TITLE SHEET Sheet No. Revision C1.01 Project No. 21355 LEGEND ]OUNotw[T NO N] � eDUNOMV NM ----- 9 0 �N[M — — — xY/AwACFMtoT ® ]bIwMM-WAY .�. TIF�pNFYI MD— I 11N OHUMWTI11N a�nRMxlxe WALL O WS nL]G ® FmMNRAIMNN WALL On FTAIImUN! mIiAS MnHImIF ND; WARn UN[ eIbUIMtMpxN ml ...•.• RMA l000xoNFNM � YMrncMAnmq ■ NmaM:MFTG R m nwxoxnmeul ® mmMF uxNATRM MAxxoIF DESCRIPTION .mll nt W N•M MNM1mn W Nm•xnNmnt U<Nmnim Fq T•M4131 N:e. z; W:IFAI Wary, dnmlNd nINMY mabNN.t em M.Mwi r.mn Num X.Mert W rt en X•nnnm U, H M wMm0. 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Tptk d.bxW W.t on enM1 m.r.N.•sunryahwt.W m Wl• Wtl Mlne•Id. Nr�.rsmnan•, [ IlMoq Y.r dv nrn mnll]i/ny�.n YlNuwnwtlnfnm q.�YN M1rumryYmhr•nlMr �Oornlemu.4 awM mM[d.u��pulp.nt.rd4,M.ni�u uNMwlmm�Mnil.n.l4.. n�n.iuwrv.�nunu•tM•uM.ramN Ymennxmm•m.ww.ond NnNmnq..n.,.unrnrrtMnwd.N,n.q lN.m.o-n.nmmn.n•n rc.Ar. —0- bttmnNtM[NuarNna M[mulMnmmwn.�wFt wnn II•rM.l.bN. u.nlw�nNNtlbl•4 YIMUNr n.tivrmnn u.t llrWm tmrNMrnwMl.u.mw.rm.um.ngnl..Th.mminmwtMvrlmM brnlN Iln untlmcMrnl utllRx. Mn•M b Mi 31AD mnbn Gepnw Sbb ql[ F•II n RS1�N�xeil PNn u •M •rnnbn amb&k www.sambetek.com nNoWhIm OrM, sla[90D M111uIWq, MN 55]19 7e9A6501a bgirarn 7a9,Imassz Iv1elY[ DMNM1YI9ltrptlplPWMlpiDnloMNNN Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7967 EASIWOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN SSM Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location 92L'76 nU9S TH ST NE Certification �MMm •.nti•rmwN�rnmwxm n,µumwlArlorvxman 4•bLlNnnn mm�won ..w.xm,: a.w... Summary Dmbndm Apm—:.x 0 ok/rq•: Rum: mt NMN Ntu.:INpUax] Revision History No. Dale ay Submlltal/Revlslon �T Sheet Title EXISTING CONDITIONS Sheet No. Revision C2.01 Project No. 21355 —UEGEND O t9 I` I I m emao"nuwK'm" — nnx LM1/•oHaxrun — csss B m uxo�vu .m wAr M .u.u�. 0 a xwnnnu3mv .INI UmnM w]®.yHswx lust emirs TTM a Nb anvun/xroHYr — — HNIrAxrstwG O euurlxou sus eHa © m1x]InrfulVA[[ I I ® HMAei M.WH6n c1HNO6r St611MaaW[n — aceWmalclnY — — exeeWm� NON[ Ocavuousna 0. OAC I I;63e 9 I I v��n�MAnxou l aexax runm ermsacrox _ _ maaurm mrtnxuODrcnluswK � caMrawsma — — — — — — — — — — — --- ��n"'.]fiF pp mHun �" "�rA v�alwxe �m U,,aaHunNHe]lham W,I,W emtFina: WweM,Nneen.uxivenhi„ tLNNw NmMnrt 4q:Fm �� BOTH STREET NE w'l� is u�xr reu+.KnOn yrs Bnnnr4lc — — WRHNa"n %w-- - x1rLKf�1. �. xL l/1, I L-..- � �1 ��Kt/4 >4 m,M1aa m auxwrosr � 4wAu "�,AmxawNa +„, wxr4nno ��-�,`--- B sru'm"~'imuxi I Yvs s 80TH EET NE n asMe,u =____= sroxs eeHnnx4ww m us MxxHW: �a toxo/wennina -r ,- �..«,RM1 4•,,.� menrnKMNMxaLL ....... eaAfAllOoaz4xauxn `�' ,Hrrn:Awrus - � ■ en�N.Menn-------a4-t--- , Z m l-- ee.a I I a rvnw ten` O t9 I` I I r ®m mimmw]mKMLxxOu � B � j � I I —DESCRIPTION 0 3 4 1117. Ac tzme 9I 2 7l TTM a Q O 11,176 Sq --------- I I Nw N,nMm a/INtM1. N,MwY VIdm,Hem«rsVlalf.Nv]4ywNly lll, e.m.1; WNM �kl�:ti"iroa.n.m.mh.ol'"N..IaNrxrnvlawwwmvlaw N.1N«n Vl: Wnw W«sebv u.r.. abwr.rm.mx6NwwsrMnmrlraenmmal.nwa.,«.amnarm,.aeN I — �- L�� LLI 0. OAC I I;63e 9 I I 0.N2 AD I I I I;]b 9 I I I I I I N.etr«.w.xwmulrmwxw,w..l.Yaw,w.nvinrwxr,n..nv,aw .m,n.Yil..am.m.dsHml..pwroYM Hwarawmw.rmNx.+n.mvlawx.nm«n In I l I I I I I j I I v�alwxe �m U,,aaHunNHe]lham W,I,W emtFina: WweM,Nneen.uxivenhi„ tLNNw NmMnrt 4q:Fm � W ss �P 11.ee2 51 8j L_______I ______ L' -1 fmMi4lw4Yn�m'"i,v' 4,mmvdnuavlMmw MvrlrtlmML Y Q I;ea19 Arx.nr:wrry..IanusvLsmw W 9 B II__________ b no1M,N,nFrn4uNraw N,nlmNpWrawWnnwrtnw,trNSNn.4lwuuNpv>, 3 I I I I 4211 AC i________ I w Whmu,.h. wmm,m. a..rl,rulneor: mmrxaYN,xeMrmmmrrarM Wnnmta.n.rdwxuw«emw«olwwfnmapamr; 0I w Iza03 IL ss I lg 7 a� 11.51 5f I I 0.27. Ac 1 I I;11]9 I mN.n.mvu,.mtnomus.amr.nr»sns bamm..mrlpaarem,AMaln.f„aNlwm rrw;mm«mw«. .w.bnwav,«,.emMm.m,.mnaN,alw«,nnr]]r..nww M1 s.dxe«In naa,mu4mewnm.r.^I.t.,nn.rrn,.t.a.ml.wr.Ma.Mn.M. O I 11 I I 10 I I .« o INI.N�wmNnem' �'imex.,wm4.wrdwx.nm«nm:wam. w:N.,rra,wm. fa.m M1KNanva U! IryNrfm,av 011psaclrpir�wrpmannm/f4nae4 uNriNa w,Wnrlafv,plMwlM M1wmm.mw.n.,F.,me.,a,wrA I� I I I o-lwam'trbsxM mpw"owmnN.v�u..n' w�.eKin. s O S 11,1x9 ous'OT,K. nuel.:� u"mHwn:rt«mrrN..`NH.nnrYrw,f..Nwxmm..n4..n..dm.NmM...m.n.c r,M-N wr.igenwu�trs�xnmwxWm.rtmn.rNdaNwN.+Y w.n.ra .xrew wa.erwmd,,ampNw,Aymrm ilrmrntanamFM.Aanra�nx�sH.mowm m �' j I I INS I I I p � I < Q I I I } A+ I I I PROPERTY SUMMARY 700 15,M]9 I---°°'µ-- --,.'\_I :wl����earmnv,.r..m+,omn.xn.l«N.r.vY..NnrrMnn«a,.,,. r:nsvmmw.. m «ONar. 79TH STREET seaasern lszm '• •'-4m zua rm..rm.«a�Nermar,Mn„]Nnx«.a muo nnm'°".norrm.A«.ammd wmn,Nn,d«nb NE @ 19 79TH S e-14ne�. n . �iM� n«.nn.,N.r.wnpu�mx-r....r,mewr...wlmem,-rmrrl+.wnr. Na6adal'E ,3z6o _ ; a�•ei� ' .•, ,ma.�.n.nww.w,ma. — — z— O _ __ `�weY.lnw,ni.N.n>mrmYm.dwwwe.,.nl.re:rwl.r.l.,.w,m.nwm:..Ln«w,r..w F I I }r I ! ,t+...l«.rmr:trbm.a•s-nonwu,a.mn..b.«..mavbrM++v.«w:wbwm.nw � I I CO �I I Y —BENCHMARKS «m ga.�new.nw.wn,Im.nem.avFina„mA.mn.rn.rF,.rm�an.mwMnoor Q 0 $ 5 wx Ac 13.W 9 I I I I I I / I I I K a4x�q xLfA lnr l/{� sq fn. It slmxwwl I I` I I r Kmra wlK — mmiLa4M1v— - I 4 I t______________] I I I;m1 9I .____________J 3 4 1117. Ac tzme 9I 2 7l 1 u.4a19 1 I I I O 11,176 Sq --------- I I 1;111119 I — �- L�� LLI _________ .K 311,5{4 9 I I I l I V IR 6 I $1 6 � W ss �P 11.ee2 51 8j Z 4 --- � m I Q I;ea19 x..141 Ac j 14.M9 hl Z 5 �I 9 B II__________ zaaa..nN„rr,gm«,7ps/maM1 - 3 I I I I I I s__]sOt__� epe I 112 S I w Iza03 IL ss I lg 7 a� .��+g5�1i --------- M1 s.dxe«In naa,mu4mewnm.r.^I.t.,nn.rrn,.t.a.ml.wr.Ma.Mn.M. O 0 $ 5 wx Ac 13.W 9 I I I I I I / I I I K a4x�q xLfA lnr l/{� sq fn. It � h K,,•n �Et/In�t''i1', K meg a i!i'niia I` I I r Kmra wlK — mmiLa4M1v— - I 4 I t______________] N Ie -w sI .____________J r- N � ' ------------T I 1117. Ac tzme 9I 2 7l 1 u.4a19 1 I I _ 2J O I 16 I I U I I$ Oaµ Ac I LLI _I 1134 Ac N 311,5{4 9 I I I l I I IR 6 2 611]]A ma eve«rnm.rn Hnomzln< n.ma ss �P 11.ee2 51 8j Z 4 --- � m I I I SLI x..141 Ac j 14.M9 hl Z 5 �I TFta�:anxwr,mraa. rrnan emwMuuv M 4 LK I` I I aaz Ac I 3 I I 4 I t______________] ARBOR CREEK 3RD ADDITION -i.p x,11 dwa,Ya.arawM.m.....m.. x...at4n —SURVEY NOTES Y 1 y�10 AD I 14.373 9 I 1 u.4a19 1 I I I I u6a 111J'µ3 14,61] ss Www Ac 9 I I 16 I I 3RD ADDITION I I$ Oaµ Ac I n.x.m W I I I I I I l I l I IR 6 81 ma eve«rnm.rn Hnomzln< n.ma 18 u,oeoss 6 L,n.ran,wmroruamr.raver.,wwntntc..nm.mnN.mb,,,,tuoopnaAgmu. nmrwxmm..non.rons«w,.o.,..ma,atv,rv.ax.mmamw+xwtea4w. W � m I I I I 11 I 3 I �m.e1 I �i I zaaa..nN„rr,gm«,7ps/maM1 � �__TiOt__i L_ X"I _J s__]sOt__� �__T3.o1__i I lulo _______________ --------- M1 s.dxe«In naa,mu4mewnm.r.^I.t.,nn.rrn,.t.a.ml.wr.Ma.Mn.M. O IryNrfm,av 011psaclrpir�wrpmannm/f4nae4 uNriNa w,Wnrlafv,plMwlM M1wmm.mw.n.,F.,me.,a,wrA Mmal.«nnmm,nrM.mw«euvmwnnn«nu..nmr mwmerm.°•arr.«r mm r.r w6N,wvmm�n«a.,.:mwrmwr. Wunumw.rlvx,:d errNe.mliruaam�«IlmmLwmO.rormYvv O S 11,1x9 ous'OT,K. I sHnwu I I I g . rm”..rwim.me.mmma nYm«wmr.nnar.al.wmaw.Mw.«..nn«m,..l..«..rnem�r Wlirylnlrmrnauxn Nrvnllx,nb,.mpinbn nlNbmrplMmnNmNNmWix.aYlwrtnnwn < •ttCKf >WN1, y. 7n1 102]Y /6 � 700 15,M]9 mwrannvw.m«.nla wa,n.m«w«n„nvawmtw,r,.aanwma.smw„wNrw�m Irrmyx,q,mNW, maxau,nvmexand nl:wenir a«, m,WrwrwymbvW unmxrYrr rm,v.ImmiNmrmn,nA.an.,N«N.mr Fumtpnr,burbnWtF.ur.mmxuuMurLFim„Mto Ms ¢ mnnl y�"ry, r 114 ta,M1 ,i 2KI6 , I I;1sv9 I ppa,as 1 la4egKt I 1a0.0i _ .narn.raa.on.onnlev+Haoaal rlrfn.ry«m.ur. CONTACT INFORMATION t�` m.Lfa. k`u `°"°a KN/�n "� �I rwllrm«:t'l a.mm: N�±4omxiLru.d,Mownma ARBOR CREEK 3RD ADDITION ARBOR CREEK .r«la.,.rrryam,.n ur•�.abaa ��_ zQ 3RD ADDITION � � .mmm�Md«mr.n���.nlla.mlm. M vbW Fixifn I / ma eve«rnm.rn Hnomzln< n.ma ! \ / / 1$—M-41 I I ambatek www.eamhatek.c6m 12Bm.1—DI.,&1111116 MI-tanxe, MN 55343 ]63./]64616 WII6 ]01A]6D532 hnbar JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7067 EASTWOOD W MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55312 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location OTSEGO, MN Certification Summary Oruema:w w Nw Avvro.r:w ana/ren: rN,Nrwuriw Mxtl h,u:MVNe Revision History Nn.D.W By SuhmittLl/ftA.1- Sheet Title PRELIMINARY PLAT m- If �' 80Ty.STR(=ET E '�. / I III I � SIII• oisa[Wo Lors wo �` or Lw LO/SL o -� � �o o_�� „ � � ��I ,,, �� o o � } t:. 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""32 f°clMl ENI—M I&u gIPWm IFm4mmnW Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7861 EAS WOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES t 0611L'0 =yZ •.emn=sp=Z. zsmr I.m°eNrkara Mux..... ux m.r.•n i Summary aopw.e:xx e.o�/re.:w,. nw .ww.u. wn.uw.:xye.neo Revision History No. Date By Subml[bl/RaWslon wn.n. w.a rwxaxurru, Sheet Title PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN Sheet No. Revision Project No. 21355 .1 a; I Dw a 6e ow NORTH e all before u Sambatek 12800 WNMI t dkmv, MN N 5 300 MInMIW55313 r8 AM.5010 toh : ]0.1. ""32 f°clMl ENI—M I&u gIPWm IFm4mmnW Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7861 EAS WOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES t 0611L'0 =yZ •.emn=sp=Z. zsmr I.m°eNrkara Mux..... ux m.r.•n i Summary aopw.e:xx e.o�/re.:w,. nw .ww.u. wn.uw.:xye.neo Revision History No. Date By Subml[bl/RaWslon wn.n. w.a rwxaxurru, Sheet Title PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN Sheet No. Revision Project No. 21355 I I I ;,,I i • B.m, Jr I 1 I I_I xlwme ttl I nTKw rxoux[ I I I I I I I I j • S Anrf TarspR A• m YNnO DRwp VMM 11 %%�y\� -r-1 Rnl ley= N.T3TYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY WALKOUT(WO) TV not PAD GRADING DETAIL ��ll II I 1 ATKLAIIMOMN[ I xnw[RDI IluGwn E°Ii,I41y1 TYPICALSI-ME FAMILY LOOKOUT (LD) BUILDING PAD GRADING DETAIL N.TS >DIOTGrfmll�� �' .ew9wRT AT .1 J•L °� II f I I I II I I u'mnog I mx,mATeo I I y Ii ncvuu[Dmrl NrN.TS TYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY FULL BASEMENT (FBI BUILDING PAD GRADING DETAIL II rMw IIYI Mr —Al I I I 2'TamvDMP[ I I I wvVon ° an0°'°Gi[Inw[ssu' I 1 nm I' u,pyl IrRmwAmmnl I I NDnA Armr,¢"i B it NmpPVWK ATwAudrt'D[NAIION° r R RR[AUB[Pmn TYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT MM) BUILDING PAD GRADING DETAIL S Bu0 nro.vulwKel LmmRIwORmI .Me .wlwol umr WI rvuw[M avrnWwpl NO1L GRACES MAY DMNGE TO MANMUM ALLOWNBL[ PLR -.INC DEPARTMENT &TITYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY LOT GV A.INLS DETAIL rs. a e0'_ le' 28 e - e le' f q 1 SIDPC I S' PLA R. xDt L N C SEC PLATE 701 I" THICK. S' WIDE OONCRCTC CURB k cONCRCtC SIDEWALK [III A k B DINbINOUS WT BUTLER PLACID OH APPROVED wGGRAOC ••• APPROVED SUBORAO (OTNLR-SIDE) — C CLASS S GRAVEL BASE (MODIFIED) 2e' WIDTH D APPROVED SUDDRADE 00' WIDTH _W-- IUM -NEA. "1,'ee70wa�0w«°I • SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY OUAUNCD SOILS ENGRIECR •• MIHIYUM ALLOWAOiC OCSIGN THIGIU133 •••R VALUE OF LESS THAN 20 RCOUIRES e" GRAVIL BASE BEHGTH CONCRETE SIDEWALK Norm. VALUE IS A MEASURE or EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE NVCEM STAGILOMETER METHOD SIGMA NIB VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE Er CT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LEC Or A rLoo.. 1AVLAV.1 LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON No SCALL OJ.Se r STANDARD1 PLATE NO. �Sy1 1 O NOTES: �pp moluoe ��RNWMP AAD[ mx m m SNR . mHM RRxMRnp,r" . __ __^• _ ' \` �� WAV Nru¢w/mann � DeOr,oM NTz INFILTRATION BASIN & SEEDING/EROSION CONTROL DETAIL — ,. TDI[°[,ImIAnOH°mOvvx,xuLrtmxnenOAoloii,xe rxmrewlomorTW lmlvo[lmun[t°,Iv[mrux4 mIL°"vA(m�wRD�� AmxcuRul FROmA°[. ILL Hoo n°a NdT oHVLM oLT u¢ Mor arbme AaO 1p TH[Rl-1—VIA rAO M—Ift IoftL , 1 ,. Rw.D.Mo[,xM[:; n:. .. MIT x[mrmMMRMrR MxrMx.[ A Nw Nrr�rom°Dw wx DLx� kambatek w W...Mbatek.CDm 120110 YRBIMIM0,11M, DBSBoo MbneSnMK, MN 659/2 7eBA76BOlOb IG1A70L5321eod.bu1mN Fry W rM1q I9mr,Yq I flunSp I FVSuuvlrkl Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7867 EASTWODD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location Ot§&o NINx[RBTA Certification n..a SUN rti. w M•n y.mvK.n r N� ..I,xmrAur.e.rwM..an..w. 0.wer Humphrey x.2s0v .Dw,nmG Summary De.Im H:m AwrerB:rx motn:n:,wa rlura:rrmvruT v0l,llvw:ovU/nu Revision History N¢%t. ay SubmlUKl/RKvblon wnly xv¢ MwNiwn, rui Sheet Title PRELIMINARY GRADING DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C4.02 Project No. 21355 E LEGEND IwnsaFwnuqux¢ � � o+` naW MRDW, w-�-r trE � _ �'' WlfrxlDrfmDxDNNE, 80 H.S~ EE E '- '�--._�• EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS I Il.la I,� _ •,1 oI' - _ ' QUANTITIES 1 I M IIT�1 I 1 1 1 ll • -- 1 1-� REM UNIT QUANTITY s LT— D xEsfi EONSTqunom EMRMa M a ^--_- -I J t� m ..� _I xurvxorernox oevnx na,) fn w `i - �— _� .. - _ \ \' � •z x ` /. �,. .� IM1,T MoiECDON atVICE IIP-]) M 01 -PR /� —/ ` 0rtC,1ON7- IIPd1 M 1 �_ SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION PME t:I � - - - �r II } - _ I •\ - I - ! \ \ Q vA:l / / I ��_ _' 3. P STAU. EMIRUMI PMMHGANOS7n—NO ). WSTALLEON55RUcaoN FCNQMDUNDMEAS NDTTD OFDISNRalD. 7 1 I \ �. Q J f a foxsTquerPERlMerzs cnxmoLs .�-" I V -1 -" - � \ I } I�I •.. IN6TALLINIITMIDRRION IN DaSTINa WLERPERfNOSMN AND,[WMEMCDN11tOl6nE xALTALLARINtIECNIDNMACTTNECNR[NCNfE4TO PCRfORM INSt[Ll1ON OfDMYi I / GNNRA.001 7.noR SMU.SOIEDUD:ANDEDNDUCTSTORM-TERPAr-N-cnox MCEnNG-1 NDINEOEAND.LLLGRDUNDDUNRWN000NrMCTO HDDRCPR-EDING - ^.- jt _o ff-_ m coxSTltU-N. I -_ _ -y•' _ „5 I (� ! r/.,'�,:,.� a TIMFDWos IMOt AMNI1JtN0UTULsrmlerugfs lmRvs, swAluaea oAMc TEMPDMRYS'[DIMIMATN1N DMiN aUnE,3, [TG) _ AD (IPAAAHDGRUI THE,174 - X79 STREETN �I _ I r':`j -14GRANNo,H-E. l�'r ��(�l v. STAIUMNSTRUE11011-11L 11— I'If 2u^ / i fs PH EllIPDawnr secD Dfxuom Mrwv I• UTRITIO, UNDEADMN3,5,0RM3I-MCURDSANDGU— _ / RN I 1 WnAu uv MVMouno ounErSTnucluu4 .'�,1T� / J/ R ' -' _/ / I i A INSTALL NLET pgOfE[11oNAROUNOALLSTogMSEWEq 5TR11ETlgfi ''/� /! 1 ` 1 ' s. PREPARE srtI tGRPAVING. III III• / - , Jam, I ; R. vnvFvm. ! I 7.INSTALL WLETPROR-No.- 1 I I I y J %I` I• ` aY / �' a j f .- , I 4 mMPfOEGMDING ANDINSTALLPERPMNENT6CCDIN6ANDPNMINo. 11II11 I I I I S g _i I / ,._- S'...:�.1 o nEM°vEMLTEMPOMnr LnovoxAxo sEOlmExrmxrnoLomasloNLY lfsncls sTAaIu,ED) NOTE TO CONTRACTOR r��_ 1ili Jit li' --,N �7L_rjl ' 1 _- 1 IFI\%.I [RM �ADn°NMRS°I�NfN[[i,NN[�°fNtti°WNA�MU°oI1pNAt R[OUWMt'Nni1¢ ilJ�z�( _I— f a ! :r1 °Nn°D°�° w: Wa°awm°A°rc".IwmfuM,N�xnfµmnux ,,G' � �I• � •' � y- �':�""x:r.SR.MnrfDronrcawxTM:°n.rtMEMIxASm.aMawmi,Nf I,ro � lry ;— M .:. _ �1+'��f+• f \ 1 1 P _ - /° �� +._ ._ \. _ 0 /; A1 �. — ;,.•l' MmAWawNASRfmMMf°NFR•fxYAMIaAMA.rA..AA.M,f.N.,fNI.�,IE,=wq /J� _ �� gRMWA,<RRS0,aA0nArtax MMADSMExTaDNND DRAgx4wRx PRMRMMnAtafTNE l l I l P2 P I, \ ., ! ! / _�/�,..� \ ..,�..w..,,.....�. .�.....,.»,,..,.,.....�, .,,�.m......�..v...,..W.. `�/i!! L, y It ..' \teams _ i i� ``��•` `, jn��R`•.. �!// 7 �j h ♦'71 t•--- - 1 =y \ \., Y`\ \i ! �` \ Ji/ y ! ! //i�•/ 71 1'\ 1 Dw • be ow NORTH P ktambatek www.sambatek.com Inoawta-ItIr o.'BUR Rno MM.=. MN 58943 70 AMS010 NIRpRmf 70,176&592I6uhNIR D4;IMWgI9m ft IMtwft I6MmmmW Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7867 EASTVOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN SS112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location OLITI 11 epr0 Certification IMMmu:,. ¢RUMVN�n •sl UwxN. .u6v �: oe/m7zDle �:•MnNAmun., N,,,N wMx.m.. Summary EtiR.N:gx Avvre..e�.: Raar7P ar+am AaRtImIMMr NURI IMxR:MM/mN Revision History ND.Data ey SUbR, tt i f it lslan MIM MMA ..ax..MYM, EROSION CONTROL PLAN Sheet No. Revision C5.01 Project No. 21355 EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS / "SITE MAP" —SITE°LO�CATION MAP Kw"Qm OQ¢ — EIIIRANOE —USGS MAP —AREA SUMMARY IN ACRES = xmmrw, TDTAt DIsiVRPFD 10.11 ACt mc-cDNSTRURwx W3rurvwLa POSf-CONSDWLTIONIMPERVX]US PJIRACE INLET PROTECTION DP -11 = TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN R15ER = lew- x. .w r- n INLET PROTECTION NP -21 'IL._U.a GENERAL EROSION NOTES: nw. wu�nyrNort.urwncww�rr u'rt""i+riumwau®O�r'"rorl��uui�o o°MwuMvn�"rrnexmmrwruxucrux4rxrnum,revrtuvixrrux „nw wxrMLn�ixro�.�.'wmwl�l."'nn.°"m¢wlo�'n:�r«m>«`;rmw`xrW�TiM ::rwu �m a.°¢'"..;:;:;�rw"x"`°x"m1ID6,x',ew�M.�'r w"nunuw�x"m"°`wrwvm v mxrunwWw.umwcr,mxwcoxsn�Rr�rurvu ori�mx�lw�:�ursvuuu:uuu�rvnouvnlnxi:nn"mnwwM'irm. onnwrum.rr"oY ..Dx�wAxDR.r.,P.,`Dw,Ix,rDn..�4un�wx¢rn, �4N,.rwnr,.wns�4.q..ww..n,rmU.xwr. xm.„�r>mnµ� ..rr..�a;,'r D"ono xD Wax[owRwwuuurowowrm M'rrtcux x4 n4MwiuuwnomAofNxrquugnxumRwRMun[wuumww r,gn,Df,Mngw LLr�rn.AMwfm n,wmb.f,fw��•�w,�,�...�.m." m'�,...�m��q.�,o� .a.xD��n¢MrnPdwr,w x.w,wclwnR.um,lxR�.wx¢wniMw Rfrn'wnnx;lw.;m""`oxn+wi;x'O¢.:nprw�u�.l.nwnn.m,.rw,w n,nwrT..non¢Ine.ron.,nu D,wDMwwNAxRxaml'w'Irnrrl"O.x�rv.q'"x'ri.':.:nmMwf�mr n.rxub.,lln..rwfw..rrn.,em°:x.��l¢.x¢,.Dx � i�ur¢�rox°rNu'm U mwu°rwrt"a mr vn.m rxfr,un.xw"Vi.�n¢r°w u"rwwnuw°iwcwmnmmmLlmauw lmrruvvoxwwq —MAINTENANCE NOTES: mm,awawauwauovvlmumuwu°Ix.¢u,wmwxTxww¢wwu wuwmumwxrura¢Narrwxuvxrwmsrwu.Txuc,vuunw xVulnlfxwnxowspr wfmmvwusooxufAwmlwlwfuwvRcasv vwl¢Nxxumv.Rc Tl- www.olu"uo,um¢vuvrtuurtnmuvemmwxnxmuwwmiur,wu.mxuxrumllvmwuNuavN�f Iu"rutnaorsx[gwouru.ml. W InrAVxo.M wugrw .r wma*+ki I"no i"xr°em�:"� mPiw�x.u.¢.rugmmw,rl¢x:.xx°uowxnwlnm.,mx.w°.lua.lxu ire.WmlwfmMfM.x,nrnRmRgnwxrxrDWmnw�pfwwn,x.. ': I",�ww o:: �I"r'."mw,o,o'Im°¢"`°'�Nw'".m':,�inwMmw«R"In.,¢n =SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTIONInIo.:NwrrawRnMwx..0 PHASE I: NnAltnnenaEDMm I—DN ENTa S 2. PACWETEMPGMRYPARNNGANDSTGMGEARG. 3. roNS1WRTHF SILTRNRS ONTH[SRT. 1. roNSTRURTNE5D3LNIXfATN)N ANO SFOIMENf1RN MSINS S. HALTALLACTMf16AN0roMARTHE OVRENGINEERINC roHSUITAMTO PfAfoRM INVECiIONOi DMPf.DE11FMl roNIMCFORSHALLsI]IEDUIF ANp [ONW RSTORM WATlT PREroNMRUCfIeN MEETND WIM ENOINF¢RANDNCGROVND wSNPRWG CDxTPaROrS BEiDRE PROCEEDING W W, NSTW—N. 4 CDAA MDGRUDIHESRL �. DeclNCAkaxcTx¢srte. STAmroNSfRVRM)N Or RVILDINGrAO ANDSmUCiLIRFi PHASE Il: Y TEM -10 Serw —u— :— fNUDED LINSTALLVIIlN1MUNDERDRA1N5,5roRMIIWEIG,[URDSANDDUrrt115. INSTALL RIP W AROUND OURR MUCNREI R. IN-LLINLRPROTERIONAROUNDALLSTORM SEWERSTRUCMLES. 1 PREPARE SIZE IOR MVIN4 4. PAVE 513E. ]. INSTAll INLETPRGTECTION OfM¢i —n— 0ING-1—PER—DING— RLMDYEALLTEMPOMRY fRe510N AN0 SfDIMFMCONTROI DNwfS IDNLY If SISf BSTARRIIIDI,IF RCWIDCD DYTHF roMIMCT ambatek www.sambatek.com 12EoowRl—.' olNa, Sully WC ML -t A, MN 5591] 7MA70.8010 Iab*m ]8 AM.65921-W. Enp111M-q aw, "I -14I EmbwnxxW Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 786]TASTWOODRD MOUNDS VIEW MN 55312 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location 4 OtI T1 11 T. c3p S2p'0 Certification RDExr HumphW s]5G1Tgr:a OR/01/2018 WM�wkemvm�grnr..rnf..wn 1k Mbnn...4lnxarav Summary dRx OmkllynMm I°IWIlvwuwprwwl Revision History NO.D-BY SUb.1.1/gmbl¢n Sheet Title PRELIMINARY EROSION CONTROL DETAILS & NOTES Sheet No. Revision C5.02 Project No. 2M5 •-�Y i -Y i "iY T Sr ! Y A -�Lt A.xj W4 —SITE°LO�CATION MAP Kw"Qm OQ¢ — EIIIRANOE —USGS MAP —AREA SUMMARY IN ACRES = xmmrw, TDTAt DIsiVRPFD 10.11 ACt mc-cDNSTRURwx W3rurvwLa POSf-CONSDWLTIONIMPERVX]US PJIRACE INLET PROTECTION DP -11 = TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN R15ER = lew- x. .w r- n INLET PROTECTION NP -21 'IL._U.a GENERAL EROSION NOTES: nw. wu�nyrNort.urwncww�rr u'rt""i+riumwau®O�r'"rorl��uui�o o°MwuMvn�"rrnexmmrwruxucrux4rxrnum,revrtuvixrrux „nw wxrMLn�ixro�.�.'wmwl�l."'nn.°"m¢wlo�'n:�r«m>«`;rmw`xrW�TiM ::rwu �m a.°¢'"..;:;:;�rw"x"`°x"m1ID6,x',ew�M.�'r w"nunuw�x"m"°`wrwvm v mxrunwWw.umwcr,mxwcoxsn�Rr�rurvu ori�mx�lw�:�ursvuuu:uuu�rvnouvnlnxi:nn"mnwwM'irm. onnwrum.rr"oY ..Dx�wAxDR.r.,P.,`Dw,Ix,rDn..�4un�wx¢rn, �4N,.rwnr,.wns�4.q..ww..n,rmU.xwr. xm.„�r>mnµ� ..rr..�a;,'r D"ono xD Wax[owRwwuuurowowrm M'rrtcux x4 n4MwiuuwnomAofNxrquugnxumRwRMun[wuumww r,gn,Df,Mngw LLr�rn.AMwfm n,wmb.f,fw��•�w,�,�...�.m." m'�,...�m��q.�,o� .a.xD��n¢MrnPdwr,w x.w,wclwnR.um,lxR�.wx¢wniMw Rfrn'wnnx;lw.;m""`oxn+wi;x'O¢.:nprw�u�.l.nwnn.m,.rw,w n,nwrT..non¢Ine.ron.,nu D,wDMwwNAxRxaml'w'Irnrrl"O.x�rv.q'"x'ri.':.:nmMwf�mr n.rxub.,lln..rwfw..rrn.,em°:x.��l¢.x¢,.Dx � i�ur¢�rox°rNu'm U mwu°rwrt"a mr vn.m rxfr,un.xw"Vi.�n¢r°w u"rwwnuw°iwcwmnmmmLlmauw lmrruvvoxwwq —MAINTENANCE NOTES: mm,awawauwauovvlmumuwu°Ix.¢u,wmwxTxww¢wwu wuwmumwxrura¢Narrwxuvxrwmsrwu.Txuc,vuunw xVulnlfxwnxowspr wfmmvwusooxufAwmlwlwfuwvRcasv vwl¢Nxxumv.Rc Tl- www.olu"uo,um¢vuvrtuurtnmuvemmwxnxmuwwmiur,wu.mxuxrumllvmwuNuavN�f Iu"rutnaorsx[gwouru.ml. W InrAVxo.M wugrw .r wma*+ki I"no i"xr°em�:"� mPiw�x.u.¢.rugmmw,rl¢x:.xx°uowxnwlnm.,mx.w°.lua.lxu ire.WmlwfmMfM.x,nrnRmRgnwxrxrDWmnw�pfwwn,x.. ': I",�ww o:: �I"r'."mw,o,o'Im°¢"`°'�Nw'".m':,�inwMmw«R"In.,¢n =SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTIONInIo.:NwrrawRnMwx..0 PHASE I: NnAltnnenaEDMm I—DN ENTa S 2. PACWETEMPGMRYPARNNGANDSTGMGEARG. 3. roNS1WRTHF SILTRNRS ONTH[SRT. 1. roNSTRURTNE5D3LNIXfATN)N ANO SFOIMENf1RN MSINS S. HALTALLACTMf16AN0roMARTHE OVRENGINEERINC roHSUITAMTO PfAfoRM INVECiIONOi DMPf.DE11FMl roNIMCFORSHALLsI]IEDUIF ANp [ONW RSTORM WATlT PREroNMRUCfIeN MEETND WIM ENOINF¢RANDNCGROVND wSNPRWG CDxTPaROrS BEiDRE PROCEEDING W W, NSTW—N. 4 CDAA MDGRUDIHESRL �. DeclNCAkaxcTx¢srte. STAmroNSfRVRM)N Or RVILDINGrAO ANDSmUCiLIRFi PHASE Il: Y TEM -10 Serw —u— :— fNUDED LINSTALLVIIlN1MUNDERDRA1N5,5roRMIIWEIG,[URDSANDDUrrt115. INSTALL RIP W AROUND OURR MUCNREI R. IN-LLINLRPROTERIONAROUNDALLSTORM SEWERSTRUCMLES. 1 PREPARE SIZE IOR MVIN4 4. PAVE 513E. ]. INSTAll INLETPRGTECTION OfM¢i —n— 0ING-1—PER—DING— RLMDYEALLTEMPOMRY fRe510N AN0 SfDIMFMCONTROI DNwfS IDNLY If SISf BSTARRIIIDI,IF RCWIDCD DYTHF roMIMCT ambatek www.sambatek.com 12EoowRl—.' olNa, Sully WC ML -t A, MN 5591] 7MA70.8010 Iab*m ]8 AM.65921-W. Enp111M-q aw, "I -14I EmbwnxxW Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 786]TASTWOODRD MOUNDS VIEW MN 55312 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location 4 OtI T1 11 T. c3p S2p'0 Certification RDExr HumphW s]5G1Tgr:a OR/01/2018 WM�wkemvm�grnr..rnf..wn 1k Mbnn...4lnxarav Summary dRx OmkllynMm I°IWIlvwuwprwwl Revision History NO.D-BY SUb.1.1/gmbl¢n Sheet Title PRELIMINARY EROSION CONTROL DETAILS & NOTES Sheet No. Revision C5.02 Project No. 2M5 BOTH STREET NE _ LLf _____�._ ___—_—�.� ✓ .N11. [lam I II I I II I I I I � ❑FrzM�m I I I I ❑ ❑ ❑ -, o I II �--.— ❑ , ------I lin. I i 1 I , 1 I I I I I I j I -+isi u u I I l i I 1 t---_-- � .I --------I uu.la um•ii �� ry acvP I 1—�_—_— T� 79TH STREET NE III I I i wio J I I I III i I III I ❑ ❑ III III I F-1 ❑ IIIIII I III III I I i t I »ntin I I I I I , III I III III I III _ III � rt -Nva —-------------- -- ,Ir-- II ------------------- 1 1 I I I I-------------------- ' i �;;� ui III III � I --------------------- -- III III —_______________ ip — R•asa]N Noi u III III I —„ L„—u ,II III ;r------------------------ -----------------, II 1 J L—< ----J t--'O-- -��`��� —,—.� I I III :\ • ' �-' LEGEND u:.mal um:w�oi'� s.o — � _c..•.m a,'geL— �� ew°.I ;'PW wMNl.w 1.'.W GGgI �M ,•'n 10� � � NORTN ow s be ow so 300 Cellbetam uII Is ktambatek www.sambatak.com 12800WNfto mWDMy Bulb oDD MW.WJq MN 88010 MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7867 EASTWOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN SS112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Certification MMM.ua. ¢^w0.r N.lw aftM.l.w Rog, NumG6fey .a.xxl..x.usv ox.�fag/m/xOla wM..w wx wl... ......,.x.1� Summary ..�a.°• I�x.exua Im...rwww mu.l wxrwmins. Revision History No. D.tc By Submittal/Revl.lon aWr/u wwa nawrwnrw Sheet Title PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN Sheet No. Revision C6.01 Project No. 21355 la� SiANDARO UTC N0. =11=1 Wft= .1 ia; A— �gtL BASIN pa' .7 . —6 (ti .w�. <um,.ui=ice ll J� -' a 1-c NIX t� yambqteqk www.sambatak cam 1.0M—,D". c.lb a. MN 65343 763.470.0010I,W '03.110.002 f-l— JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7867 EASMODD RD MOUNDS VIM, MN 55112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location 4' 01ego .%B Summary D— Revision History CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.01 Project No. 21355 d N� - 1. a 1-c NIX t� yambqteqk www.sambatak cam 1.0M—,D". c.lb a. MN 65343 763.470.0010I,W '03.110.002 f-l— JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7867 EASMODD RD MOUNDS VIM, MN 55112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location 4' 01ego .%B Summary D— Revision History CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.01 Project No. 21355 nu.DARO Ru[ x0, 101 1 7T A 4 ME, i I 95 N nu.DARO Ru[ x0, 101 1 — I rV, 0 Qtfego ;,-, 711111111111 7T A 4 — I rV, 0 Qtfego ;,-, 711111111111 1 7i] J bl. &Vambatsk Mm, bulb eB5 MIMCoNu, MN 65519 FI—V IEmLmwRU Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 78V EASTWOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55132 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location Otk11TY I 11-1-A go Certification in OS/Bt/A3e Summary -1 d;., ,pp— Revision Histo N.X%� BY SubH� LIR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.02 A 1 7i] J bl. &Vambatsk Mm, bulb eB5 MIMCoNu, MN 65519 FI—V IEmLmwRU Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 78V EASTWOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55132 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location Otk11TY I 11-1-A go Certification in OS/Bt/A3e Summary -1 d;., ,pp— Revision Histo N.X%� BY SubH� LIR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.02 43amb&www.sambk 12800M'hhh WD64,U3,3oo MIN —. MN 55]1] 70,170A%0 Waphhnh 76IC&D5321— uaPwn,pl[urn4NiFlanalNlEaAmmwxN Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7067 EASIWOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location 061ezl O Certification ..r�uu.un �phray 7spv moB/h7/mv «'ruu.4Muunuww Xzw♦.mY Summary W.Mm1:rx wrn uuo Arpona:rx paoR/h.cuyq rhncr.a"tui Hl.l a.w:vM/m Revision History NINW By Sub,1MI/1'.. wmn. «Xn .rwwx,.,nu Sheet Title CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.03 Project No. 21355 s� »-.. «• •aum. •• «w �.....,...«..., NE ..». �"" ;- :;��•u (�- _y '_ - _��,_•�, WI rf �.;« • sm ::vtd,. � ' u•G.: n- :.7'i:."',.n' ' ..wu r m. 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MN 55]1] 70,170A%0 Waphhnh 76IC&D5321— uaPwn,pl[urn4NiFlanalNlEaAmmwxN Client JOSHUA/ MARKUM BUILDERS, INC. 7067 EASIWOOD RD MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 Project PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Location 061ezl O Certification ..r�uu.un �phray 7spv moB/h7/mv «'ruu.4Muunuww Xzw♦.mY Summary W.Mm1:rx wrn uuo Arpona:rx paoR/h.cuyq rhncr.a"tui Hl.l a.w:vM/m Revision History NINW By Sub,1MI/1'.. wmn. «Xn .rwwx,.,nu Sheet Title CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.03 Project No. 21355 s� Yxawx.xmma.y,Mm,.�rXq.,~,»xhm..awrr.�n..�rrq.MNrv.m.mw�.gaw�,.mnawm.�n..: narn.rwmnmrl UXwwxxmn.n]rywwHSM.r. Vlnffrw.n wTnmNM vL««.n, WgNI brry.Mlnmm�lxnMenlNYr: PRAIRIE VIEW ESTATES Mnh.lm.xru..nr�rr.rvu x.n«w V4wll.x.nennnVx.rwnwan.N)/Va.mw.twswrManmxx4.nu�o N)um WGw:okwnlnwnr4lYnn[ MrrgnrlFrmmmnuanlRnnum NNV)IxGmrn W.nrnwMmwxaMmnnlru XeM..n]«nlwmMn.Y, VIAmnMMnuk VanlawunlldmEnrt Iwneunf/.awwNmw — I��L33a ��— — — — — — — — -- — • DFN016 mUHp MONUMfMIMRRDaY rnucf Np.1)4NT VNlfS3OTIERWNF — � Vxwm. 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ARBOR CREEK 3RD ADDITION O MNmasl/i INOImiI IHUIIIroN MONVM[x) S[i ANp MMFm SY IIo?lSF N0. 115]D. • DFN016 mUHp MONUMfMIMRRDaY rnucf Np.1)4NT VNlfS3OTIERWNF NoM De3aMep. O pmOTC WRIGMImVx1Y['RSTIRON MONUMENT. SD ®3 s rn e(ANNGON[MATIOM 11N—FM Txf xpprxux[ prTIG NonnlwEnpuMpcnp xpmNw[sraunnn4zcma7uaRl3 ur SAMBATEK, INC, mTxe SUMmM DfAIISOUM 19 D[m[613 MIHVI6 )a s[mNDS FAST. SN PLANNING AND L SUNVEYING AND LANDSURVEYING TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPCQPlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 13 September 2018 ACTION DATE: 7 October 2018 RE: Otsego — Prairie View Estates TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Joshua/Markum Builders, Inc. has submitted plans for development of 10.31 acres located south of 80th Street and east of MacIver Avenue. The proposed development consists of 25 single family lots to be known as Prairie View Estates. The proposed development requires applications to amend the Zoning Map rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-4 District, preliminary plat, and final plat. A public hearing to consider the Zoning Map and preliminary plat applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 17 September 2018. Exhibits: Site Location Map Preliminary Plat submittal (11 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The proposed preliminary plat requires a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site to R-4, Residential Single Family District, which allows the proposed single family lots as a permitted use. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria established by Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential development within the West Sewer District. The proposed development density of 2.54 dwelling units per acre (not including Outlot A) is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed single family lots are consistent with the on-going buildout of the adjacent Arbor Creek subdivision and provides opportunity for new homes in close proximity to Prairie View Elementary and Middle School. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Institutional INS District Prairie View E-8 East LD Residential A-1 District Rural single family Cultivated field South LD Residential R-4 District Single family (Arbor Creek) West LD Residential A-1 District Single family (Arbor Creek) 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed subdivision will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed subdivision is accessed from 80th Street east of MaclverAvenue. With construction of Prairie View Elementary and Middle School, 80th Street was improved to a minor collector street. MacIver Avenue is an improved residential collector street. These streets have capacity sufficient to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is an infill development within the West Sewer District. The City has anticipated urban development within the West Sewer District and there is adequate public service capacity to accommodate the proposed subdivision. OA Streets. The subject site abuts the south side of 80th Street, which was improved to a minor collector street with construction of Prairie View Elementary and Middle School. The preliminary plat provides for dedication of 40 feet of right-of-way for the south half of 80th Street consistent with the roadway's designation as a minor collector street. The right-of-way east of Marlowe Avenue within the plat will transition to 60 feet (30 feet south half) for a local street entering planned low density residential neighborhoods to the east. The developer will be required to complete the urban section for the south half of 80th Street to the east plat line. Direct lot access to minor collector streets is allowed and Lots 1-4, Block 1 will have driveways to 80th Street. Within the subject site, the preliminary plat provides for extension of Marlowe Avenue north from Arbor Creek 3rd Addition to 80th Street and extension of 79th Street east from Arbor Creek 5th Addition to Marlowe Avenue. Lots 5-11, Block 1; Lots 1-7, Block 2; and Lots 1-7, Block 3 all access these internal local streets. The local streets are proposed with 60 feet of right-of-way and a 28 foot wide street section having a sidewalk on one side. The design of the local streets is consistent with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. The developer has provided profile plans for all of the streets within the preliminary plat. The proposed streets comply with the design specifications of Section 10-8-5 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the standard plates of the Engineering Manual. The cost of all street signs is to be paid for by the developer at the time of final plat approval. The developer must provide for the installation and operation of street lights required by Section 8-8-4 of the City Code at street intersections and midblock points longer than 900 feet at the time of final plat approval. All street construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements of the R-4 District. All of the proposed lots comply with the minimum dimensions of the R-4 District and all lots have suitable building envelopes within required setbacks. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires planting two trees per lot. The trees are to be planted at the time a house is constructed on each lot with a security paid with the building permit to ensure installation of sod and trees. The type and sizes of proposed trees must comply with Section 11-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. The 2012 Future Parks and Trails Plan does not identify acquisition of land for land for public parks within the area of the subject site. Park and trail dedication requirements will therefore be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land. The cash fee in lieu of land will be the amount in effect on the fee schedule at the time of final plat approval and paid at the time the development agreement is executed. Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Wetland Interior 12,000sf. (net) 75ft. 100ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 100ft. 35ft. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires planting two trees per lot. The trees are to be planted at the time a house is constructed on each lot with a security paid with the building permit to ensure installation of sod and trees. The type and sizes of proposed trees must comply with Section 11-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. The 2012 Future Parks and Trails Plan does not identify acquisition of land for land for public parks within the area of the subject site. Park and trail dedication requirements will therefore be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land. The cash fee in lieu of land will be the amount in effect on the fee schedule at the time of final plat approval and paid at the time the development agreement is executed. Utility Plan. Trunk sewer and water utilities are available at the property. The developer has provided a plan for extension of lateral sewer and water utilities to serve the proposed single family lots. The developer will pay sewer and water availability charges at the time of final plat approval with execution of the development agreement. Payment of sewer and water connection charges will be paid at the time a building permit is issued for each lot. The utility availability and connection charges will be those fees in effect at the time of final plat or building permit approval, respectively. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan for the proposed development. The proposed development includes a storm water basin within Outlot A to provide for water quality treatment and rate control such that runoff will not leave the subject site at a rate greater than predevelopment conditions. Outlot A will be deeded to the City as required by Section 10-8-12.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. The subject site is within the Otsego Creek watershed district and a stormwater area charge will be required to be paid at the time of final plat approval and execution of the development agreement. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots and over all stormwater management facilities. The required drainage and utility easements are shown at the perimeter of lots are to be a minimum of 10 feet wide (overlaying side lot lines five feet on each side). All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Phasing Plan. The developer intends to final plat the subject site in phases consisting of Lots 1- 4 and 8-11, Block 1 and Lots 1-4, Block 3. A lot will need to be platted for the existing house that is within the area of Lots 1-3, Block 2 that is to remain until the second phase. The balance of the plat intended for phase 2 is to be final platted as an outlot. The proposed phasing plan is subject to further review by City staff and approval of the City Council at the time of final plat approval. Final Plat. The developer must submit a final plat prior to City Council consideration of the application and development agreement. Development Agreement. The City Attorney will draft a development agreement related to the proposed final plat to provide for completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. The Development Agreement is to be adopted by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the final plat approval, and executed prior to recording of the final plat. M RECOMMENDATION The proposed Prairie View Estates preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision ' — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-4 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the Prairie View Estates preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: 3. The builder shall install two trees within each lot in accordance with Section 11- 19-2.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer including: a. The developer shall be required to complete the urban section for the south half of 80' Street to the east plat line. 5 Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side I Rear Wetland Interior 12,000sf. (net) 75ft. 100ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 100ft. 35ft. 3. The builder shall install two trees within each lot in accordance with Section 11- 19-2.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer including: a. The developer shall be required to complete the urban section for the south half of 80' Street to the east plat line. 5 b. Installation and operation of street lights required by Section 8-8-4 of the City Code. C. Fabrication and installation of street signs. 5. The developer shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land for park dedication for each single family lot in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of final plat approval. 6. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes. 7. The developer shall pay stormwater area charges for Otsego Creek at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 8. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 10. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The proposed phasing plan is subject to review of the City Council concurrent with final plat approval. 13. The developer shall submit a final plat as required by Section 10-7-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 14. The applicant shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. B. Motion deny the application based on a finding that the request does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision Ordinance. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Roger Humphrey, Sambatek ri w_ I 118295000020 �. • ' t, 83RDlSiI'JNE= --_ —•-+ w " 001:01X w 118500193400 118295000010 ; �+ 0 AWN 4 p� Q , 9;1`8500302203 ,79THeS;T NE' + ;" t s G I H 1181 E 500302'101 78TH ST NE ., ' i' UJ ' LU �Q �w ui U G ' AU � 1181970'00200 I' ���� ► � � X11 Iue Fill