ITEM 3.6 Trail and Pavement Surface projectIT F otC tNt45 0T Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION - kQUE To tE T111 DATE, IGIWkfING D PARTI � October 14, 2013 Public Works qty Engineer Wagner #: PREETERs):3.6 REVIEWED B: ITEM Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson AGENDA ITEM DETAILS fflffifflm._.,........ . RECOMMENDATION: Citstaff Recommends Final f ��! Payment in the n�r�� of � for the Trail an Y Pavement Surface Maintenance Project to Allied Blacktop Company. ARE 1i`oU SEEKING APPROVAL VAL F A CONTRACT?IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Allied has repleted ill the seal coatingand striping of the bituminous trails and � l cellan o s p a ement associated with the 2013 project. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Z ATTACHED C) NONE Final Payment (Pay Estimate No. 1) POSSIBLE MOTION _::n....- - :.t._.... . Please wo..rd motion as you would like it to appear in the mina e . oCo�np a y in the amount of $37,340.75 for the �. Motion to approve f�na�l payment t� Allied Blacktop Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project. BUDGE' INFORMATION v_....- BUDGETED: xYES FUNDING: 202 Tran Management Fund $31,441.65 u 601 plater Fuad - $1,066.45 602 Serer Fund -- $4,922.66 ACTION TAKEN p APPROVED AS REQUESTED D ❑ TABLE � OTHER (List Changes) COMMENTS' Ef TS' FINAL PAYMENT CITY OF OTSEGO 2013 Bituminous Trall and Pavement SurfaCO Maintonanco Project City Project # 1-04 October 9, 2013 TO Honorable Mayor & Chy Council OAOUSED CNTRC7 AP,9LI#T City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE $1500.00 Otsego, MN 58330 1.0 RE: 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project 00.00 Contractor: Allied Blacktop Company 30}259.60 C ntr ctAmount, $33,610.8 Award Date. September 18, 2013 1,00+5J0 Completion Date. September 30, 2013 y1.0 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members: 1,500.00 The fello%ding work has bear completed on the above -referenced project by Allied Blacktop Compsny 131d6c edule "A" • 013 Bituminous Trail and pavement Surface MaIntenance Pro ect ESTIMATED ITEM c����Tio� QUANTITY UNIT NO,a��� LS 2021.501MOBILIZATION 2356.508 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL. �CS-41I (Pitch Bi c � x,040 SAL 2 2563,501 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS 335 1,_F 4 2582+542 4" SOLID WHITE PAINT (IVO GLASS BEDS '1=EACE-I PAVEl' ENT MESSA E (HAI I APPI=D AAIB 1. Pl�lld7 "Nr 2582,501 Total Bid Schedulo Bid Schedule "A" TTA. Total work Completed to Date WE RECOMMEND D FI lAL PAYMENT F: EN01NEER CONTRACT TO L1FlT PRlC OAOUSED CNTRC7 AP,9LI#T DATP iRTi"iil $1500.00 1,500.00 1.0 00.00 $7.49 30}259.60 4,554 34,079.50 1,00+5J0 1 500+00 y1.0 1,500.00 0� 5 251.25 335 261.26 100+04 .100.00 1 100.00 33 6'1118137430.76 Please ve rify the amou nt of previous pay ments# and the receipt of the foliov in9 items prior to raking payment. 1. Ceate of als payment (ren r State�axes {1�4fState TAS Forrrr iC 134, . Affidav+t of payment of 3+ tatter of cion sent from surety firm. APPROVALS; CONTRACTOR. ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY Certification by Contractor; I oe0 that all items and amounts are correct and complete+ Signed: Title: Date ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATESs ING. CerIffliceflon by Engineer; we recommend final payment for work and quantidles as shown. Signed: Title: pate OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Tile: Cute ,wserslTa ppCata\Locail rosoft\Wlnftq lTemporer Internet FeesN ontent Ou�ook4 Y,O\OT 8 -2413 PE 33,610-85 _ 37,430.76_ _ 37430.76 37,430.76 376430.76 Cost Breakdm n' FTrOl202lManagernent Fund: 31,384,91 oi Water Fund: $1,076. 642 Se�%vr Fuad: $4,949.29