ITEM 3.8 Jalger AveCITY OF Ot e 0 MIHNV5i0TA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQ TOR: ..MEETING DATE: Public 1 orl s lion Wagner, Cit} Engineer October '�, 2013 PRE ENTER s . REVIEWED BY. ITEM t ion Wagner, City Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.8 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends ordering Hakanson Anderson complete preparation of Plans and Specifications of J lge r Avenue NE ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? IS PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BA I > oUNDIJU TIFICATIO : A Feasibility Report was completed by Hakar son Anderson Associates and accepted by City Council. Staff has been in contact with all of the property owners and all but one have signed an agreement waiving their ability to contest an assessment greater than the amount estimated in the feasibility report. Some residents requested the work be completed in 2014 rather than 2013 due to the lateness in the year. In order to have the plans and specifications ready for an early spring bid opening and construction to occur early in the 2014 construction season, survey of the project should occur in late fall prior to snow fall and design would occur over the Tinter months. This item was reviewed by the PW Subcommittee on October 8 and recommended for approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED © NONE 0 Resonation Authorizing Com pleti n of Plans and Specifications for AIger Avenue Street Improvement POSSIBLE MOTION .................. .__.—.---:_::._:::_.:.:w.::..:nn:.,.:n.:..:.::.:...:__..:.:....:.... ........................ ............... __.._._..----.__.__:._.::n:_.:_._::n:::::.:..}:.n._:::.n::.:::.n..:.x.:::..:....::.....:......:......__:................. ................................. ---- -----._....w._....n_...n....n..._....__..nMn..n.... _.N...... v _._._..............__.. Please word mdon as you would Ince It to appear in the minutes. Motion for the City of Otsego to Authorize H k nson Anderson to complete preparation of Plans and Specifications of Jler Avenue NE. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: xYES MSAS Funds Wright h County CSAH Funds o N Region 7W Federal Funds kCTION TAKEN AP P ROVED AS REQUESTED n DEFIED TABLED o OTHER (List changes) "OMMENT : RESOLUTION X10. 2013-53 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION of PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FORT E IMPROVEMENT of JALG RAE JE AND 100 TH STREET — NORTH of 95TH STREET WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 14th day of October 2013, ordering Hai anson Anderson to prepare plans and specifications for the Improvement of JaI er Avenue and 1 00th Street s North of 95 th Street; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. Hai anson Anderson is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement, and are hereby directed and authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the council this 14 tri day of October 2013f Motioned y: Seconded By., All in Favor: These Opposed; Jessica Stockarp, Mayor Tani Loff, Clerk