ITEM 5.1 Campus Signage�j Request for TY OF OtS2g0 City Council Action MIN14ESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works Street Supervisor Belair October 14 PRESENTER(s), REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 5.1- Campus Signage City Planner Licht AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION - City staff recommends the purchase and installation identification signs for the City Campus area. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. I Flo, BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: This item was presented and tabled at the City Council meeting on September 23, 2013, for consideration of another sign option. Additionally, the City Council directed staff to review of the font size on the two proposed illuminated cabinet signs. Public Works staff and the sign contractor provided exa m pies of the sign lettering for review by placing them in t h e field o n October 8, 2013. After' viewing the example sign's lettering, it was suggested that the sign be revised to change "Wright County Sheriff' to "Sheriffs Office" on the signs to reduce the length of this name and allow the height of the lettering to be increased. The information previously presented on this item on September 23, 2013 follows in subsequent paragraphs. The Capital Improvement Plan details project ADM -13-001 City Campus Signage to be considered in 2013 for an estimated cost of $24,000. The project was proposed to provide for installation of signs at the City Campus and at Nashua Avenue /CSAH 39 to assist the public in identifying and locating the City offices and Prairie Park amenities. With recent improvements including the relocation of City Hall and other department offices, remodeling of the Prairie Center,, and Prairie Park improvements including the addition of the soccer complex, City staff obtained designs for the proposed signs and related cost estimates. There are four signs being proposed. One 6' x 9' internally illuminated sign is proposed to be located at 95th Street (CSAH 39) and Nashua Avenue, one 6' x 5' internally illuminated sign is to be located at 901h Street and Nashua Avenue, and two 3' & non illuminated signs, one each at the entrance to City Hall and the other at the entrance to Prairie Center. Quotes were submitted by Arrow Signs and Vinyl Graphics for the manufacture and installation of the signs that included both florescent and LED light sources. A quote was also obtained from Unlimited Electric for electrical installation and connection of the signs. The Administrative Subcommittee reviewed the proposed sign designs and quotes and requested additional information regarding the costs difference for the two illuminated signs to utilize external light sources. City staff obtained this information which indicated a cost reduction of approximately $600 (not including the four light fixtures that would be required). Based on the internal illumination being more effective at lighting the signs with better visibility and the relatively minor cost difference, the Administrative Subcommittee recommends the internal illumination option. TheAdministrative Subcommittee also recommends florescent light sources given the substantial cost difference between florescent and LED lighting that would not be recovered in energy savings or maintenance costs during the expected life of the signs. City Staff recommends approving the low quote of $16,515 from Vinyl Graphics to complete the fabrication of the signs and installation. The City will be responsible for contracting the electrical installation and connection and has received a quote from Unlimited Electric for $5,250 to complete the work. If approved by City Council, Vinyl Graphics will submit final design drawings of the signs for approval by the City after which the signs will be built a Ind i nsta I led seasonal weather permitting. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE A. Sign Locations B. Sign Plans -C. Quote Summary POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the Campus Sign Project for the amount not to exceed $24,765 including the low quote from Vinyl Graphics for sign fabrication and installation for $16,515, and electrical, engineering, and landscaping not to exceed $8,250. BUDGET INFORMATION SIMMONS! I FUNDING: BUDGETED., X YES 414 Revolving Capital Improvement Funds 0 NO ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED ci DENIED o TABLED © OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS- City campus Signs IT 111 =ti 1 I i I i 1 1,11 '' 141 1 I i I .1,0.11 ! : —' 1 5F wilobbo-'.. I Li� 0010.1 0 ft 3.� — r* f 11 f lo ow ;1� Y # lam•— _ 1 - b1L F' wilobbo-'.. I Li� 0010.1 0 ft — _ 11 f ow b1L f� fy t wilobbo-'.. I Li� 0010.1 0 ft 6'x9' Illuminated Cabinet City of Otsego Campus Signs Sign Description 6'x9' Illuminated Cabinet SWIllurninated Cabinet -3'x3' double sided signs Sign Installation Electrical Connection Contingency Total Cost Location 90th and Nashua C and Nashua City Hall & Prairie Center Vinyl Graphics Florescent $4,980 $3,595 (2) @ $845 each = $1690 $6)250 Unlimited Elec, $5250 $3,000 $24;765 Contracted by City LED Lighting $6,795 $41595 (2) @ $845 each = $1690 $6.f250 Unlimited Elec. $5250 $3,000 $27,580 Contracted by City Arrow Sign Company Florescent $7,950 $6/540 (2) @ $1400 each = $2800 Included Contracted by Arrow $25,p770 Sign $5,p480 $3,000 LED Lighting $111985 $8,880 (2) @ $1400 each = $2800 Included Contracted by Arrow Sign $5,.480 $3?000 $32p145 Non Illuminated $51480 $4?080 (2) @ $1400 each = $2800 $4.,400 N/A $3,F000 $19p760 6'x8' Cabinet I I