ITEM 5.2A 70th St ProjectRequest for OtSCtTY2OF �'O City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION �-_--��.._.�.:._t�_�._._�::_--:�:_.:_:.:._�_:*:.:_..:.:.:_..__:.�._..__::__:__:_.....:.n�_____._ ORI l[ ATI[[ DEPARTMENT: REQUEST R: MEETING DATE: Public worts Ron Wagner, er, City Engineer October 10, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY, ITEM #: Ran Wagnef, Cit} Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator S.2A AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends removing the section of pared trail from the o'h Street Project (Co 13-01) in order to eliminate the expansion of the noise study into an area that does not include street construction or reconstruction. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PU6LfC HEAR] NG REQUIRED? No I No BAC KG [ oUNDIJ STIF[CATION: The project memorandum and noise study were sent to MNDOT Central office for review. we received 4. comment on October 4 1h that the noise study was deemed incomplete. The requirement is that the noise study needs to be completed from project termini to project termini regardless if a section of the project is only trail. We would estimate the additional noise study to cost $5,.000. Completion of the ]noise study will slow down the overall project time lire by at lust an additional month which may jeopardize the 2014 construction timeline. The cost of the trail including both construction and soft cost) from Martin Farms Avenue to Lambert Lane is estimated to be $x.35,500. The Federal funding was intended to corer o of the construction and soft costs. An alternative option would be to remove the trail only portion of the project and complete the trail later using MSA or other funds. Federal funding for the remaining portion of the 701h Street Project would remain at the $800,000 regal as the o local share minimum would continue to be exceeded. This wound allow the City to continue progress toward a 2014 construction schedule. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED X NON . POSSIBLE MOTION ..,.n�:J»..w.._._.�_�.w,.:�����n.���.-_ww.�.._J.,,.._w::_.__:�:__:_______-___-.____.::.:_:__.:.__:__--.�._ ... ... .... .. ...-�'-----'-----.«..._.>..._.M...w>.�. wM. .n ..� � �...................n_.._...�...__...�...r..----..__.._....._..._...-'---.......�_._..._._,._.._....---'-'--'---------'-- -- Pleas word r-►otior� s you would lilt It � app"ear [n the m1nut' . Motion to change the western termini point for the 70th Street Project (COP 13-01) to be Martin Farms Avenue rather than Lambert Lane thus removing the portion oft the project that is trail only. BUDGET INFORMATION . ................. . ........ .......... I ... . ................... FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YES WAS Funds Wright County CSAH Funds aNO Region 7W Federal Funds ACTION TAKEN MESMERISM-' ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED u OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: