ITEM 5.2B Agreement with Wright County, Albertville, and St. Michael"P. TY 0 Ot C1 e F 0 1111INKSOTA #g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT- REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Legal Andy MacArthur, City Attorney, October 14, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Attorney Lori Johnson, City Administrator S. B AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Council review proposed Agreement between Wright County and the Cities of Albertville, St. Michael and Otsego with changes requested by each party, and provide direction to City staff regarding the acceptability of proposed changes. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes. I No. BACKGROUNDMUSTIFICATION: The City Council previously reviewed a proposed Agreement regarding 70TH Street and change of jurisdiction after City improvement of 70th Street in 2014. The Agreement also addresses future projects on CSAH 19 from the Albertville Outlet Mall to 70th Street, future upgrade of 7 oth Street from CSAH 19 to Madver Avenue as well as jurisdictional changes of a portion the current CSAH 37 at such time as a Naber Avenue 1-94 interchange is constructed. The Agreement was originally drafted by Otsego and was circulated to the County, Albertville and St. Michael for comment. The document attached is a compilation of their comments, County changes are in red, St. Michael's changes are in blue and Albertville -s changes are in green. The majority of the County comments are technical in nature and clarifications of terminology. St. Michael's comments were generally designed to emphasize that they only had limited participation in this Agreement. Albertville's changes related to deletion of sorne language included by St. Michael regarding potential contribution to the Taber Avenue Interchange and insertion of a five year limit on maintenance of 70th Street. It appears that the major issue between the County and Otsego (and Albertville) is maintenance of 70th Street after the jurisdiction change. In the original Agreement Otsego indicated it was willing to maintain (snowplowing only) 7 oth Street for 3 years after it becomes a County road. The change made by the County calls for perpetual maintenance by the City of snow and ice control. Albertville has proposed five years of maintenance. I spoke with Brad Belair and he would like to see a limitation on maintenance reinserted in the Agreement. He did indicate that he did not see substantial cost for the City in continuing maintenance of the road for a few years. Staff is seeking direction and comments from the Council regarding the Agreement in order to continue negotiations with all involved parties. There has been some confusion regarding the references to the various road segments. Dan Licht is working on an Exhibit to the Agreement that would help clarify these various roadway segments. We are trying to get this Agreement finalized by all parties as soon as possible. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED o NONE 0 Agreement between County and Cities with proposed changes designated by all parties. MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Staff seeks direction from the City Council in order to negotiate a final Agreement for Council approval in the near f utu re. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Q YES NA Ei NO ACTION TAKEN E) APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED TABLED r3 OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: I Revised Draft- October 1, 2013 AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY OF WRIGHT AND CITIES OF AI, BERTVILLE, OTSEGO AND SAINT MICHAEL REGARDING PORTIONS OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 37,70"' STREET IN OTSEGO-,kNwDn-]PDOIJLDI%xt--R%O-FN.S OF COUNTY SAT -EA -11-1) HIGHWAAX49 AGREEMENT this day of _, 2013 by and between WRIGHT COUNTY (COUNTY), a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota and the CITY OF ALBERTVILLE (ALBERTVILLE), CITY OF OTSEGTSEGO), and the CITY OF ST. MICHAEL (ST. MICHAEL), all Minnesota Municipal corporations. WHEREAS, COUNTY, ALBERTVILLE, ST. MICHAEL AND GT EG partnued mi the preparation of the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan adopted by eacli City and the COUNTY in 2004 to establish a fi-amework for future roadway system improvements and functional classificatioll for area roadways; and WHEREAS, OTEG O lias commenced a Project to begin construction in 2014 which would provide for construction of new roadway and improvement of existing roadways from Martin Farms Avenue NEthej Plat of Martin Farms) to the intersection of the current 701h Street with County State Aid Higliway 37 (CSAH 37)_(s1pproximqte1y 1.85 miles in Otsego; and WHEREAS, TSEGO leas entered into an Agreement with COUNTY to reconstruct a portion of CSAH 37 from its intersection Nvith the current 70"' Street at Oakwood Avenue to Odean Avenue approximately 0.5 mi in 2014 iii conjunction with OTSEGO's 70"' Street Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the County lias applied for and tentatively received approval of $1.53 million in MAP -21 Federal Funds to go toward reconstructing CSAH 37, from Odean Avenue to TH 101 (approximately 1. 7 miles). It is antici aced this work Nyould be completed in 2017, subject to available County funding for the local share. WHEREAS, the possibility of combining the current TSEGO Project Nvith the COUNTY 2017 Project on CSAH 3 7 from can Avenue to TH 101 was considered but not agreed to as it was determined that combination of the Projects would not result in substantial savings and would impair OTSEGO's need to titilize existing MSA ftinds for 2014; and WHERE AS, OTSEGO and COUNTY have agreed upon the constmdlffll of a roundabout at the intersection of Oakwood Avenue and 70"' Street-WSAH 37), and WHEREAS, C01IStRICti011 of the OTEG O 1111provements to 70"' Street will provide for another direct route from Tf Unk Highway 101 in the eastern portion of OTSEGO directly to CSAH 19 consistent Nvith its designation (redesignated as minor arterial per Otsego City's re tient in 2012 as a minor arterial route by the Nortlieast Wright County Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and TSEGO agree that once 70'h Street is improved from Madin Farms AvelILIC to Oakwood Avenue (CSAH 37) that this segment will carry a much higlier traffic count than the existin g,.40- 1,000 ADT, will serve as a convenient east west route for residents and others, and rl 0 P^ % x felt F 614 funetion more"Jad of -I.....L......... ..Jis consistent with the Northeast Wright County Tra n sp ortat i on P I anJ . and WHEREAS, the MNDOT CSAH Mit Subcommitteereport , dated April 24, 2006 identifies the conditions that this segment of 7C Street from CSAH 19 toL Formatted: Superscript Oak-wood Avenue/ CSAH 37) could be designated a CSAH route; and WHEREAS, 70"' Street from CSAH 19 to MacIver Avenue is a joint road between ALBERTVILLE and OTSE GO which was shaped and paved and tipgraded from a gravel road in 2006 which will reqUire additional ffiture improvements to have sufficient capacity for projected traffic VOILinies and the type of traffic utilizing a nihior arterial roadway; and WHEREAS, ALBERTVILLE lias planned for specific public improvements on CSAH 19 within its City limits including widening and signalization of the intersection of 70"' Street Nvith CSAH 19 at ALBERTVLLE's northerly City boundary that will reqtiire improvements to CSAH 19 and 70,h Street within OTSEGO; and WHEREAS, COUNTY, ALBERTVILLE and TSEGO agree that upgrades to CSAH 19 north of the Albertville Outlet Mail driveway in ALBERTVILLE should be, completed as soon as pGs&"efeasible; and WHEREAS, St. MICHAEL has plainied for and received approvals from the Federal Highway Administration related to a proposed extension of Naber Avenue (future CSAH 22) and construction of an 1-94 freeway interchange at that location at an as yet unspecified date in the future- and within ST. MICHAEL, I 3YHE REAS, due to its regional benefit, the Patties agree that the interchan Formatted: Font: Bold conStRlCtiffll and future roadway connection from 5C Street (CSAH 18) to 7th Q Formatted: Superscdpt Street (futtire CSAH 37.) will be funded through a combination of sources-, and rormatted: Superscript r e. e i i i e i i t WHEREAS, the Parties agree that upon completion of improvements and construction of an interchange at Naber Avenue that CSAH 37 from that intersection eastward to 701h Street in OTSEGO along 60'h Street and Oakwood Avenue will operate more as ta local street than as a County road-. WHEREAS. ST. MICHAEL's oblivations under this Agreement are specificall contained in and are specifically limited to the provisions set forth in paragra lY D Nos. 5, 6 and 7,--d q as well as the general provisions of the Agreenielit set forth in ,QdAo tmraeraDh Nos. and 12). and sai"WeatiefflMs. are sveciffli 1;14!11fRAILLILL140 PIT HW -MM NOW, THEREFORE the Parties agree as follows: 1. TSEGO shall construct improvements to 70'11 Street (Martin Farms Avenue to Oakwood Avenue) as well as improvements to CSAH 37 (Oakwood Avenue to Odean Avenue) in 2014 as set forth in Agreement No. 1352. OTSEGO and COUNTY agree that combination of the 2014 Otsego Project and the 2017 COUNTY Project on CSAH 37 between 0 dean Avenue and TH 10 twill not resu It in substanti al savings, and that OTSEGO will proceed with the current Project as scheduled for 2014 -;Land the County orolect will w-oceed in 2017 (subiect to available County local fllrrdln 2. Effective upon final (s.ublect to County acceptance and MNDOT aproyal ) of said 2014 Otsego-iniprovements, OTSEGO and COUNTY agree that COUNTY shall take over jurisdiction of 70'4 Street from CSAH 19 to Oakwood Avenue and designate the road as aCoun1y State Aid Highway 37. The existiny, sepanient of CSAH 37, from CSAH 19 to the intersection of Oakwood Avenue/ 7 �r' Street (CSAH 3 Forni�atted. Superscript become County Road 137 at this same time. Ca..."tir RAA4 %,XJILAIIIJ LXAJ164,%45 3. OTSEGO shall continue to provide maintenance (snowpl-ewing enly MARC -and 01h ice control) on 7 Strect (CSAH 19 to Oakwood Avenue) after it is designated as a-CountyRead -Arer a Peried of th'1109141� vianm- JW L I I -L %0 %.f k --1 .1 J VW L4 L . after- the date that the COUNTY asstimes-i "I 1 State Aid Highwa 37 until the earlier 0 1) rive years from the date of this Agreement, or 2) the COUNTY, o"rSEGOand ALBERTVILLE enter into another agreement that provides for the ti)ahitenn nce of this section of CSA[I 37. All other maintenance and repairs on the roadway shall be the responsibility of the COUNTY. The COUNTY shall continue to provide all in a i nte n a n cc to the n e wI v deli P -n ate d CR 13'7, as described in No. 2 above; 4. COUNTY, ALBERTVILLE and OTSE GO shall jointly apply for Region 7W transpoilation funds in order to improve CSAH 19 from the Albertville Outlet Mall driveway in Albertville to five hundred (50(x) feet north of 70,h Street in OTSE GO including an upgrade of 70'h Street from CSAH 19 to MacIver Avenue. Cost sharing and construction timing for this project will be determined by further negotiation and agreement between the Parties. 5. At such time as the proposed Naber Avenue interchange with 1-94 is actually constructed and a-read�the roadway currently designated as CSAH 37 (now also known as 60 Street) is constructed from th-at- the 1-94 interchange and connects to the roadway that is currently designated as &1 Street (and will in the future be designated as CSAH 37), the existing CSAH37 - (6W" Street) roadway froin that proposed Naber Avenue alignment along 6 01h Street eastward to the intersection of existing Oakwood Avenge- s and 70t� Street shall be turned back to T. MICHAEL and OTSE GO as a City street within their respective boundaries the Turnback). Prior to that fin the Turnback COUNTY shall perform regular maintenance and repair on that section of existing CSAH 37(Lroni Naber Avenue to 70"' Street) so that it is in as good condition as other comparable County Roads within the ininiediate area. 6. COUNTY., ALBERTVILLE,, T. MICHAEL and OTSEGO shall all -each make a good faith efforts to achieve the specific goals iniposed upon each . of thein as set forth in this Agreement. All parties shall budget for and adjust plans so as to meet the specific oals a-&-. imposed upon each of them as set forth in this Agreement. In the event that one or more than orae of the Panties becomes aware of unusual circumstances that may delay or hinder their that Par ability to perform its specific obligations under this Agreement, t4ey-_Lhqt Partshallininiediately- notify the other Patti s. Formatted: Superscript ForMa Red: Superscript Formatted: Superscdpt 7. COUNTY, ALBERTVILLE, ST.M104AELand 0"I'SEGO shall enter into more specific Agreements in the future to CffeCtUatc the terms and emiditions of this Agreement that are related to and specifically illil2osed upon them. The future Agreements will include, but not be limited to: A separate Agreement between TSEGO and COUNTY for maintenance (snowplowing only of 70th Street (CSA14 19 to Oakwood Avenue) after its designation as a -County �adState Aid Highway 37. V. nr.9A ntp greeentAer fttyro -Tor application for Stat 4. T11 Lt t %W k 45 m an and receivin Federal fun dsir iz, through Region 7W, a separate Agreement for finding and cost sharing between ALBERTVILLE, COUNTY and OTSE GO related to improvements to CSAH 19 from the Albeilville, Outlet Mall driveway to five hundred (500) feet north of 70"' Street)) and that poilion of 70"' Street from CSAH 19 to Madver Avenue. C. A separate Agreement between COUNTY and TSEGO and ST. MICHAEL relative to the fixture tLimback of the portion of existing CSAH 37 from the proposed Naber AVC11Ue alignment along 60"' Street eastward. to the intersection of existing Oakwood Avemie and 70'11 Street. 8. In the event that any sentence, paragraph or poilion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdictimi, the Agreement shall be revised and interpreted so as to leave the remaining portion of the Agreement in full force and effect and interpreted as close to the original intent of the Agreement as possible. 9. This Agreemetit is a full and complete recitation of the Agreeme.nt between the Pailies. and supersedes any and all previous retevant Agreements whether written or oral. 10. This Agreemeat is to be construed Under the laws of the State of M i nne so ta. 11. This Agreement is not to be construed strictly against the drafter of the Agreement. 12. This Agreement can only be amended or changed by written Agreement of all Parties. Dated: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Chair, County Board County Coordinator Dated: CITY OF ALBERTVILLE Jillian Hendrickson, Mayor Kimberly Olson, City Clerk Dated: CITY OF ST, MICHAEL Jerty Zachman, Mayor Diana Berning, City Clerk Dated: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk vefv'rew t _ f Mend Roads CAHCL w�.• CTYC L -� MUNICL PRrVATECL 1 1r41■ CL 'ity/TownshIp Limits C t