ITEM 6.2 LaBeux AveI7rV=M 6.2 Main Offlee: 6b nson 3601 Thurston nu Ano NT 55303 Phone: '763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520�6"IAnderI III Hal(a son www.�'i-Ing CONI � MEMORANDUM T # Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer DATE: October 1, 2013 RE: LaBeaux Avenue Bus Stop Trail Update UPDATE: City Council requested staff review here the funds for the bus stop trail approved as Change Order l would cone from and how the City would handle the keeping the trail clear for students using the bus service. Funding for the trail ($3,300) would need to come from the City. We have had no indication that the school district would pay for it as it is outside their jurisdiction. The students using this service are open enrolled. Clearing the snow and ice has been discussed with City staff. Staff has indicated that there are ways to minimize the amount of snow left on the trail during snow removal. Since it is on a cul-de-sac with no other driveways or trails, the plow angle can be set to bold the snow until it is past the trail and dumped in other areas. County plowing generally is completed at higher speeds and tends t throw the snow rather t .an windrow the snow. City staff will aid the trail to its maintenance list of priority trails and will complete when it sloes trails and sidewalks in the area such as sidewalks along the front of nearby parks and a school (Kittredge Crossing, Beaudry Park, Zimmer Park and Kaleidoscope),