ITEM 3.6B Mississippi Shoresto Ot�TY F O MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: ' MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner October 8, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent 3.6B STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: River Corporation for work completed on the 2018 Street Renewal Project (Mississippi Shores). Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. No Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. All work has been completed on the 2018 Otsego Street Renewal Project (Mississippi Shores) with the Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. The original project substantial completion (everything except turf restoration and striping) date was July Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Work Order #1 and Pay Estimate #3 in the amount of $51,466.52 to Knife River Corporation for work completed on the 2018 Street Renewal Project (Mississippi Shores). ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OFA CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: All work has been completed on the 2018 Otsego Street Renewal Project (Mississippi Shores) with the exception of punch list items for which 5% retainage of $67,106.83 is being withheld until completion. The original project substantial completion (everything except turf restoration and striping) date was July 31St, with final completion being August 15th. The contractor requested a contract extension. The substantial and final completion date was pushed to August 17th. The paving was complete August 17th but the topsoil shouldering, turf establishment, and striping were by September 6th. 20 days of liquidated damages at $150 per day has been assessed. We have reserved the right to add liquidated damages if the punch list items are not completed soon. Some additional grading work has been completed at the engineer's direction to provide proper drainage along the shoulders and to match into some driveways. The Contractor has submitted for extra payment for this work and additional explanation is included in work order #1 Pay Estimate #3 is for $51,466.52 which include 5% retainage. The Total Bid was $1,289,855.10. Based on anticipated final quantities (See Pay Estimate #4 — Final DRAFT) we are estimating the final construction costs to be $1,342,136.51. This is 4.05% over the bid amount but within $1500 or 0.1% of the Feasibility Estimate of $1,340,661. With engineering and other administrative costs under estimate, the project is below the estimated project costs and residential assessments will be approx. $140 less than presented at the public improvement hearing. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Pay Estimate #3 • Work Order #1 • Pay Estimate #4 — Final DRAFT POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Work Order #1 in the amount of $44,882.08 and Pay Estimate #3 in the amount of $51,466.52 to Knife River Corporation for work completed on the 2018 Street Renewal Project (Mississippi Shores). BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund #201— Pavement Management Yes PAY ESTIMATE 83 CITY OF OTSEGO 2018 Otsego Street Renewal Project (MISSISSIPPI SHORES) City Project # 16.02 September 27,201 D Honorable Mayor a CIN Council Cityof Olsogo 13400901h Street Ols000, MN 55330 RE 2010 Otsego Street Renewal, Project No, 18.02 (Micslssippi Shoros) Contractor: Kni(o River Corporation ContfaCl Amount; $1,289,055.10 Award Dale: April Our, 2018 Complolion Dale: August 15th, 2018 Dear Honorable Mayor and Coundl )dumburs: The foltowin0 work has boon cumploled on the above -referenced project by Knife River Corporation Did aehudol, "A" ITEM NO, SPEC, NO ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTRATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 2021.501 140BILIZATION 1 LS ;39,250.00 S 39,250.00 1.00 $ 39,250,00 2 2104.501 REMOVE METAL CULVERT 1514 LF $5,00 $ 7,670.00 1064 $ 5,320.00 3 2104,605 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DRIVEWAYS) 358 SY $9.00 5 3,204.00 456 S 4,104.00 4 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH 4207 LF $2.00 $ 0,414.00 2165 S 4,370.00 5 2105.802 ROAD WIDENING 93 SY $20.00 $ 1,060,00 03 S 1,860.00 8 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 205 POST $345,00 ; 101,715.00 205 $ 101,715.00 7 1 2211,601 JAGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (DRNEWAYS) 74 TON $1.00 $ 74.00 27 S 27,00 a 2211.606 SALVAGE AGGREGATE RECLAIM TO STOCKPILE 9311 CY ;1.00 $ 9,311.00 8449 S 8,440.00 9 2215.501 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION (P) 79988 BY $0.70 ; 55,991.60 79988 $ 55,081.60 10 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (1.5') 193 SY $6,00 ; 1,150.00 193 $ 1,160,00 11 2357.602 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 4330 GAL $0.01 S 43.30 3275 S 32.75 12 2360.501 TYPE SP 9,6 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) 7306 TON $54,50 S 398,177.00 7247 S 394,960.08 13 2380.602 TYPE SP 12.6 NON WEAR COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) 9741 TON $54,00 S 620,014.00 10376,98 $ 580,358.92 14 2380.603 TYPE SP 8.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) 3" THICK (TRAIL) 22 SY $50,00 $ 11100.00 0 $ 16 2540.802 RELOCATE MAIL BOX SUPPORT 26 EA $95.00 $ 2,376.00 21 S 1,995,00 16 2663.801 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS $4,000.00 ; 4,000.00 1,00 S 4,000.00 17 2673.530 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 28 FA $50,00 $ 2,080,00 20 $ 2,080.00 10 2574.625 PULVERIZED TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) 889 CY $1,00 $ 569.00 1105 $ 1,105,0{) 19 2575.655 TURF ESTABLISHMENT(Hydra Seed)(2AC) 1 LS $0,000.00 $ 6,ODO.00 1.00 $ 6,000,00 20 2502,502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT 6401 LF $0.20 $ 1,296.20 6401 $ 1,298,20 21 2582.502 24" STOP LI NE WHIT E -PAINT 221 LF ;3.00 S 663.00 221 $ 863.00 22 2601511 12" RC PIPE CULVERT Cl. V 40 LF 346,00 $ 2,205.00 48 $ 2,180.00 23 2601,611 16" RC PIPE CULVERT CL V 19a LF $45.00 $ 8,910.00 232 $ 10,440,00 24 2601,511 18" RC PIPE CULVERT CL V 272 LF $46,00 $ 12,240,00 240 $ 10,1100.00 25 2601,511 21" RC PIPE CULVERT CL 111 02 LF ;45.00 $ 3,690.00 00 $ 3800,00 28 2501.511 24" RC PIPE CULVERT CL 111 593 LF $45.00 S 28,005.00 456 $ 20,520,00 27 2501,515 12"RC PIPE APRON 2 EA $650,00 $ 1,700.00 2 $ 1,700.00 20 2501.515 16-RO PIPE APRON 8 EA $075.00 $ 7,000.00 10 $ 8,760.00 29 2501.615 18'ROPIPEAPRON 14 EA $950.W S 13,300.00 12 S 11,400.00 30 2501,515 21"RC PIPE APRON 4 EA $975.W S 3,BD0,00 4 $ 3,900,00 31 2501.615 24" RC PIPE APRON 24 EA $1,050,00 $ 25,200,00 16 $ 18,000,00 32 2601.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24"PIPEAPRON 24 EA 678.00 ; 13,860,00 18 S 10,350,00 Total BW Schedule "A" S 1,259,866,10 $ 1,z91,314.43 konon WnRk ORORA tlt ITEM NO, SPEC,ND ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNR`PRIOE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 MOBILIZATION I LS $500.001 500.00 1 S 500.00 2 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL (1112118) 1 LS $2,705.97 S 2,765,07 1 5 2,785,01 3 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL (7113118) 1 LS $3,175,88 $ 3,176.80 1 $ 3,176,00 4 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL (7114110) i LS $2,106.16 $ 2,180,(13 1 $ 21180,16 6 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL(Vie/19) 1 LS $3,182,81 $ 31162.61 1 S 3,162,61 6 LOWERING/GRADE EXISTING SHOULDERS (04118) 1 LS $2,087,63 $ 2,967.03 1 $ 2,967.63 7 LOWERINGIGRAOEEXISTING SHOULDERS (013110) 1 LS $7,760.44 $ 7,75OA4 1 $ 7760.44 6 LOWERINGIGRADE EXISTING SHOULDERS (B1a118) 1 LS $6,214,99 $ 6,214.90 1 $ 8,214.99 9 STREET SWEEPING(8A11O) 1 LS 64116.00 $ 2,116,00 1 $ 21118.00 i0 1STREETSMEPING(9101i8) 1 I LS_L $1,322.60 $ 1,322.50 1 S 1,322,60 11 ITURFESTABU5HMENT 1 LS $6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 2,61 $ i5,660A0 12 _ _ 1 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 20 DAY -$160.00 $ (3,000.00) 20 $ (3,000,00) Total Bid Schedule"Minor WorX Order tll" S 36,182.09 44,022.08, OT392-2018 PE PE- 1 PAY ESTIMATE 43 CITY OF OTSEGO 2018 Otsego Stroot Ronowal Profoct (MISSISSIPPI SHORES) City Project 818.02 Bid Schedule "A" Bld Schedule "Mloor Weill Order 9 V TOTALALL DID SCHEDULES TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE LESS PAY ESTIMATE di: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 62: LESS RETAINAGE (see punchlIsl of Items dated 9113119) WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR, KNIFE ER PORATION Con18callon by C cto I nify that all Items and amounts am correct for the work complotod to dale. Signed: TI9a:! CU)E 6Q- Dole to I,D ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC, Car9ricallon by En9kteot: We to mr end aymenl formik and quanh'0es as shown, Til a: i,.s�` Pate OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Tille: Data - OT392.2010 PE PE -2 $ 1.2091866.10 S 1,207,314.48 f 36,162.00' S 44 022.08 I; 1s326,atm10 $ 1,342,138.61 $ 1,342,138.61 $ 840,661.14 s362.662.02 4 67,i0s.63 $ 51,466.62 FINAL PAY ESTIMATE #4 CITY OF OTSEGO 2018 Otsego Street Renewal Project (MISSISSIPPI SHORES) City Project # 18.02 October 22, 2018 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 13400 90th Street Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 2018 Otsego Street Renewal, Project No, 18-02 (Mississippi Shores) Contractor: Knife River Corporation ContractAmount: $1,289,855,10 Award Date: April 9th, 2018 Completion Date; August 15th, 2018 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above -referenced project by Knife River Corporation ITEM NO, SPEC, NO ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USEDTO DATE EXTENSION 1 2021.601 MOBILIZATION 1 LS $39,250.00 $ 39,260.00 1.00 $ 39,250.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE METAL CULVERT 1514 LF $5.00 $ 7,570.00 1064 $ 5,320.00 3 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (DRIVEWAYS) 356 BY $9.00 $ 3,204.00 456 $ 4,104.00 4 2104.613 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) 4207 LF $2.00 $ 8,414.00 2185 $ 4,370.00 6 2106.602 ROAD WIDENING 93 BY $20.00 $ 1,660.00 93 $ 1,860,00 6 2112.501 SUBGRADEPREPARA11ON 295 RDST $345.00 $ 101,775.00 295 $ 101,775,00 7 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (DRIVEWAYS) 74 TON $1.00 $ 74.00 27 $ 27.00 8 2211.506 SALVAGE AGGREGATE RECLAIM TO STOCKPILE 9311 CY $1.00 $ 9,311.00 8449 $ 8,449.00 9 2215.501 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION (P) 79988 SY $0.70 $ 55,991.60 79988 $ 55,991.60 10 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (1.51) 19$ BY $6.00 $ 1,158.00 193 $ 1,158.00 11 2357,502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 4330 GAL $0.01 $ 43.30 3275 $ 32.75 12 2360.501 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) 7306 TON $54.50 $ 398,177,00 7247 $ 394,960.96 13 2360,502 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) 97 . ;.- TON $54.00 $ 526,014.00 10376.98 $ 560,366,92 14 2360.503 TYPE SP 9,5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) 3" THICK (TRAIL) Y $50.00 $ 1,100,00 0 $ - 15 16 2540,802 RELOCATE MAIL BOX SUPPORT 2563.601 ITRAFFICCONTROL EA LS $95,00 $ $4,000.00 $ 2,375.00 4,000.00 21 1.00 $ 1,996.00 $ 4,000.00 17 2573.530 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION '' 26 EA $80.00 $ 2,080,00 26 $ 2,080.00 16 2574.525 PULVERIZED TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) - 669 CY $1,D0 $ B69,00 1105 $ 1,105.00 19 2575.555 TURF ESTABLISHMENT (Hydro Seed) (2AC) 1 LS $6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 1.00 $ 6,000.00 20 2582,502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 6481 LF $0.20 $ 1,296,20 6481 $ 1,296.20 21 2582,502 24" STOP LINE WHITE- PAINT 221 LF $3,00 $ 663.00 221 $ 663.00 22 2501.511 12" RC PIPE CULVERT CL V 49 LF $45.00 $ 2,206.00 48 $ 2,160.00 23 2501,511 15" RC PIPE CULVERT CL 198 LF $45.00 $ 8,910.00 232 $ 10,440.00 24 2501.511 18" RC PIPE CULVERT CL V 272 LF $45.00 $ 12,240.00 240 $ 10,600.00 25 2501.611 21" RC PIPE CULVERT CL 111 82 LF $45.00 $ 3,690.00 80 $ 3,600.00 26 2601,511 24" RC PIPE CULVERT CL Ill 593 LF $45.00 $ 26,685.00 456 $ 20,520.00 27 2501.515 12" RC PIPE APRON 2 EA $850.00 $ 1,700.00 2 $ 1,700.00 28 2601.615 15" RC PIPE APRON 8 EA $875,00 $ 7,000.00 10 $ 8,750.00 29 2501.515 18" RC PIPE APRON 14 EA $960.00 $ 13,300.00 12 $ 11,400.00 30 2501.515 21" RC PIPE APRON 4 EA $975.00 $ 3,900.00 4 $ 3,900,00 31 2501.516 24"RC PIPE APRON 24 EA - $1,050.00 $ 25,200.00 18 $ 18,900.00 32 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24" PIPE APRON 24 EA $575.00 $ 13,800.00 18 $ 10,350.00 Total Bid Schedule "A" $ 1,289,866.19 1 $ 1,297,314.43 ITEM NO. SPEC, NO REM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AMOUNT USED TO DATE EXTENSION 1 MOBILIZATION 1 LS $500.00 $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 2 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL (7/12/18) 1 LS $2,765.97 $ 2,765.97 1 $ 2,765.97 3 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL (7/13/18) 1 LS $3,175.88 $ 3,175.68 1 $ 3,175.88 4 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL (7/14/18) 1 LS $2,186.16 $ 2,186.16 1 $ 2,166.16 5 STOCKPILING RECLAIM MATERIAL (7/16/18) 1 LS $3,162.51 $ 3,162.51 1 $ 3,162.51 6 LOWERING/GRADE EXISTING SHOULDERS (8/2/16) 1 1 LS 1 $2,967.63 $ 2,967.63 1 $ 2,967.63 7 LOWERING/GRADE EXISTING SHOULDERS (8/3/18) 1 LS $7,750.44 $ 7,750.44 1 $ 7,750.44 8 LOWERING/GRADE EXISTING SHOULDERS (816/18) 1 LS $6,214.99 $ 6,214.99 1 $ 6,214.99 9 STREET SWEEPING(OR118) 1 LS $2,116.00 $ 2,116.00 1 $ 2,116.00 10 STREET SWEEPING (8/9/18) 1 LS $1,322.50 $ 1,322.50 1 $ 1,322.50 11 TURF ESTABLISHMENT 1 LS $6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 2.61 $ 15,660.00 12 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 20 DAY 4160.00 $ (3,000.00) 20 $ (3,000.00) rorareslaacneaure -mmorworKoraernr a 40,104,.. a ea,ozz.vu OT392-2018 PE PE - 1 FINAL PAY ESTIMATE #4 CITY OF OTSEGO 2018 Otsego Street Renewal Project (MISSISSIPPI SHORES) Clty Project# 1802 Bid Schedule "A" Bid Schedule "Minor Work Order#1" TOTAL ALL BID SCHEDULES TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE LESS PAY ESTIMATE #1: LESS PAY ESTIMATE #2: LESS PAY ESTIMATE #3: WE RECOMMEND FINAL PAYMENT OR APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: KNIFE RIVER CORPORATION Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date, Dale ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. Title: Date OWNER: CITY OFOTSEGO Signed: Date OT392-2018 PE PE -2 $ 11289,865,10 $ 1,297,314.43 $ 36,162.08 _ $ 44,822,08 $ 1,326,017.18 S 1,342,136,51 $ 1,342,136.61 $ 840,681,14 $ 382,882.02 $ 61,446.62 $ 67,128,82 Rev .July 2010 WORK ORDER FOR MINOR EXTRA WORK Page 1 of 2018 Otsego Street Renewal Project (Mississippi Shores) : WO No. 1 Project Location: Mississippi Shores 151-811 Additions, Otsego, MN North of CSAH 39 and West �ofCSAH_42 ._...._. _ _. _.._........ _i j Local Agency_ City of Otsego _....._ .. ...._. ...I Local Protect No. 1.8-02-., Contractor: Knife River Corporation �Cotltract No; -- -- - Address/City/state/zip: 4787 Shadow Wood Drive NE, Sauk Rapids, MN 55379 _ .._ . __ _._._ _ ..._ ------ .------__ __.--. _—.._ { Total Work Order Amount $ $ 44,822.08 At the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor performed the extra work as described below necessary to fully complete the Project as contemplated and within the allotted time frame. The contract required that the Contractor strip enough reclaim material to return the. streets to existing grades once the final lift of bituminous was, placed. This required that the Contractor load and haul the excess reclaim material to a designated stockpile location as designated by the City. City crews attempted to keep up with the stockpiling of the material as the Contractor delivered it to the chosen location but were unable to keep pace. The Contractor supplied a Dozer and Operator. Additional time and different equipment were necessary to lower/grade existing street shoulders to allow for proper drainage. As the street crown was re-established it became evident that -existing topsoil shoulders would not allow the water to properly drain off the pavement. The excess material in these areas was removed and shoulders re -graded and prepared for the final topsoil shouldering to be placed after the wear course was completed. Additional turf establishment was required due to extra shouldering. Measurement of turf establishment area is actually 3.61 times the original bid of 2 acres. The contractor shall provide all equipment, material and labor to perform the necessary work as determined by the Project Engineer and shown in the Estimate of Cost. All work shall be completed in accordance with all the applicable specifications, Payment for this work will be made on a Force Account basis as provided in MnDOT Specification 1904.4; except Exhibit A, attached, is a Force Account Summary showing the labor and equipment hourly rate breakdowns for the various types of work performed. A Lump Sum cost for each item based on these labor and equipment rates is shown in the Estimate of Cost below. The Contractor requested an extension of the time of completion due to extra work. The time of completion was revised from July 31st (substantial) and August 15th (final) to August 21St (substantial and final). The final wear course paving was completed by August 171h with the final bit of turf establishment (seeding and hydro mulch) being completed September 6. Per the contract this results in a 20 -days of liquidated damages at $150.00 per day. mm.JmyzNn WORK ORDER FOR MINOR EXTRA WORK Page 2 of 3 Estimate OfC�� '-' ' | '����---����- |twmNo. � '-'_--_--�- - ' | � Unit � Unit Price | ' Amoun * | -_ - | STOCKPILE RECLAIM MATERIAL ' ' ---'- —'------ 1 / MOBILIZATION --' --- -1 ' '--r- � LG � $500.00 1 '--- $500.00 , STOCKPILING RECLAIM 2 / LS ' ! $3.7O5.Q7 ' 1 / $2'765.97 | ! MATERIAL x�/cnu- | | | STOCKPILING RECLAIM � 8 'K�ATERkAL(7/13/18)' u, / � 1 ' -'''--- ��.175.88 | `- ' | ' � � ' / STOCKPILING RECLAIM � 4 � ---` LG $2.186.16| 1 � | ---- - ~--- ` � $2.180.16 - STOCKPILING RECLAIM 5 MATERIAL �_--_- v9-_-_'-'_-_-__-1----'_��-___1___---_j i LS 1$3,162.511 !1 / $3.102.51 STOCKPILE RECLAIM MATERIAL / 'L(}VVER|NG/GRADEEX|8T|NG O ' LS �y.8O7.08� 1 -- � -- SHOULDERS��.907.O3 � . \ ' /L{}VVER|NG/GAADEEX/8TING 7 ' / SHOULDERS (8/3/18) 7 LG �75O/�� 1 � -�' �775O/�� ` ' � ' - LOWERING/GRADEEX|GT|N(3 8 -T-''- --' - - LG �O2149g} 1 ' ---- �82149Q ' � SHOULDERS (8/6/18) ` ` ` | ' � ' 9 \STREETSWEEPING_1$2�1O.-� 10 | / ! y� |.�/ 1 | $1 322 50 $1,322.50 ' TURF ESTABLISHMENT ' ' ---- ----___'__--_--' � | � 11 TURF ESTABLISHMENT � / LS�8.00O.00 � 2.01 i $15.600.80 'LIQUIDATED DAMAGES _/- / ' ' (2OOAL4ND�RDAY8DP 12 / ! | D/\Y i �U�0.00\ -` 2D � %/3.0O80O>| . LIQUIDATED DAk�A{�E8 ' | ^- ' Net ��VVork0rder' ' ' '` $44.822.U8-' Due to this ohGnQm\ thocunt[aot�one'_�heokon� Is NOT ( ) revised as provided in Mn/DOT Specification 1806 | � |y( x) Is Increased Calendar Days � �/ ) |wDecreased by__�_�Working Days |oDecreased by____Calendar Days � WORK ORDER FOR MINOR EXTRA WORK Approved by Print Name; Approved by Print Name: Distribution: Project Engineer (Original), Contractor (copy), Rev ,July 2010 Page 3 of 3 Date; Date: 10` Z -/3