Letter I-94 SupportCITY n)Of. 0-/)t1eTo rA.A - 7 k 1.1114 1 J I! S 0 T (�0 " ��h October 14,2013 Dear MOOT Corridors of Commerce Project Selection Team: The City Comicil of the City Otsego requests yom, support for Corridors of Commerce Program ffinding for a capacity eximnsion project on 1-94 beginning in Rogers at Highway 101 going west to Highway 241 to eliminate congestion and improve the safety of this heavily traveled section of inLerstate. Otsego is also a member of the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition and strongly supports the work the Coalition is doing to seCUre funding for this project, As you know, the 1-94 expansion project is important not only to the communities and residents along the 1-94 corridorproject area, but to the entire State of Minnesota. This section of 1-94 is a heavily traveled commuter, tourism, fitelght, and commerce corridor that impacts businesses and Minnesota residents fax beyond the vicinity of the expansion project. Further, the section of Interstate 94 from Rogers to Highway 23 In St, Cloud represents only 1.6 percent of MOOT's Interregional Corridor System yet accounts for 40 percent of the system's congestion, Not only Is it the most congested stretch of interstate In Minnesota, the crash rate and severity of crashes are double that of the state average. Finally, an inveshnent in this project through the Corridors of Commerce Program will aid in economic development, reduce costs for bushiesses using the corridor, and improve the lives of the traveling public; it is a wise investment that brings vast benefit to many people and business, Sincerely, Otsego City Council Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Doug Schroeder ,rom Dar kenwald Jason 'Warehime Vern Heidner