09-24-18 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING
SEPTEMBER 24, 2018
Call to Order.
Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call:
Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Corey Tanner, Jason Warehime and
Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City
Engineer; Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Open Forum.
Recognition: Rene Metcalf, Years of Service.
Rene Metcalf is retiring from the Parks and Recreation department; City Council and City staff presented
Employee Rene Metcalf with a certificate of appreciation for his 11 years of service.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty requested to move Item 3.7 Approve Otsego Rod and
Custom Storage Agreement to Item 5.2.
CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion
3. Consent Agenda.
3.1 Approve Claims List.
3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes.
A. September 10, 2018 Special Meeting.
B. September 10, 2018 Meeting.
3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes.
A. Heritage Preservation Commission August 6, 2018.
B. Public Safety Commission August 15, 2018.
3.4 Approve 2019 MMUA Contract.
3.5 Call Special Meetings for Utility Budget and CIP.
3.6 Adopt Resolution 2018-60 Designating a No Parking Zone on a Segment of Odean Avenue.
3.7 Approvc Otscgo Rod and Custom Storagc Agrccmcnt. REMOVED
3.8 Approve Pay Request #1 for Pearson Bros. Inc. 2018 Street Maintenance.
CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion
4. Community Development:
4.1 Prairie View Estates:
A. Zoning Map Amendments to Zone the Property to R-4, Residential Single Family District.
B. Preliminary Plat.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The developer was not in attendance.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Ordinance 2018-09 amending the Zoning Map and approve a
preliminary plat for Prairie View Estates subject to the conditions listed in the Findings of
Fact and Decision as presented. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried.
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4.2 Dignicare Concept Plan:
A. PUD Concept Plan for 32 Unit Residential Memory Care Facility.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Warehime asked for clarification on the storm pond and
questioned if there were any deed restrictions on the property. City Planner Licht said to the east is a
storm pond. He further stated that the deed restriction on the parcel is between the property owner and
the developer. CM Tanner asked how many employees this facility will bring. The applicant said around
22 full time equivalent employees. He explained the other facilities that they own in other communities
and invited the City Council to tour one of those sites. He also said if they are approved they are looking
to start building this fall or early spring and it should take around six months.
CM Heidner motioned to provide the developer favorable comment regarding the proposed
concept plan, subject to the stipulations listed in the Planning Report dated September 13,
2018. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried.
4.3 RL Larson Interim Use Permit Related to 85th Street/MacIver Avenue Project.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Darkenwald asked if this will change their bid on this
project. City Engineer Wagner said no; it will not affect the contract. Brent from R.L. Larson Excavating
was present and explained the hauling that will take place.
CM Warehime motioned to approve an Interim Use Permit and grading agreement for R.L.
Larson Excavating, Inc. allowing excavation for transport subject to the conditions listed in
the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor.
Motion carried.
5. City Council Reports and Updates.
5.1 Adopt Resolution 2018-61 Accepting Otsego Festival Donations.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 2018-61 accepting donations for sponsorship of
the 2018 Otsego Prairie Festival. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried.
5.2 Approve Otsego Rod and Custom Storage Agreement.
Mayor Stockamp said she will be abstaining from this item. This item was brought up at an
Administrative Subcommittee meeting; the Otsego Rod and Custom is looking for storage for the
equipment they use for the prairie festival; if they are not able to store the items they city will have to
buy and store. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the draft agreement that would
allow Otsego Rod and Custom to store the tables, tents and banners used for the Otsego Prairie Festival
in the old town hall with an agreement similar to the Otsego Lions or Otsego Snowmobile Club.
CM Darkenwald motioned to approve the agreement between the City of Otsego and Otsego
Rod and Custom regarding storage of items for the Otsego Prairie Festival. Seconded by CM
Tanner. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stockamp abstained.
CM Heidner gave an update on the 7W meeting he attended last week. He spoke of a possible federal
grant/funding for trails that may be available. City staff to explore.
Mayor Stockamp said she has received a lot of emails and phone calls from residents regarding the
garbage can article in the View. City staff said the article was placed in the View to educate residents
and the city only enforces on a complaint basis.
6. Staff Reports and Updates.
City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said that Wright County Highway Department was awarded
approximately $250k of extra federal money from MNDOT District 3 for the CSAH 38 Project that will
reduce the city amount by around $40,000.
The City Council concurred they would like a worksession for review of the additional scenario
information for the Fire Study. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty will follow up once he
confirms with Beason GIS.
Mayor Stockamp said County Commissioner Mark Daleiden will be at the October 8th City Council meeting
to give an update on the Preliminary 2019 County Property Tax Levy. She also asked the City Clerk to
contact the Heritage Preservation Commission and Public Safety Commission to reschedule their
November 13th meeting since the City Council will be meeting that night due to Veterans Day.
City Planner Licht said the next Planning Commission meeting is October 15 and City Engineer Wagner
gave City project updates.
7. Adjourn.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion
carried. Adjourned at 8:08 PM.
Tami Loff, City Cler
yor Jessica Stockamp