ITEM 3City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan DRAFT Peer Community Comparison 09.26.2018 -..., ,.. ., r.. .;� .. .. :.. _. _ „,.... _,-- _ Average Range City Area and Population City area in square miles 30.49 5.91 43.82 34.37 36.02 33.21 8.94 26.33 35.21E14 2 9.79 27.32 9 to 44 Total City population (2016 Met Council estimate or 2016 15,065 8,636 24,364 9,599 14,223 21,117 13,214 12,284 23,09945 8,385 15,185 8,000 to 24,000 ACS Syr estimate Park Totals Number of parks 13 11 41 7 18 '29 32 "30 31 23 7 to 41 Number of community parks 1 5 6 4 3 10 3 2 3 4 1 to 10 Number of community piayfield parks (sports 1 (Prairie Park Baseball Complex) 5 3 3 1 2 7 5 3 3 1 to 7 complexes)Number of neighborhood parks 6 5 17 0 14 18 12 18 7 _10 0 to 18 Number of lot lots or mini -parks 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 2 11 2 Oto 11 Number of dog parks 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.4 0 to 1 Total City Parks/parkland (in acres) 173 1479.1 1,388 325,95 18 563 541 239 590.8 -173 to 1479 Active City parks space acreage (athletic fields, 127 115.4 421 230 130 422 361 118 120 227.2 127 to 421 playgrounds, etc.) - Passive City park & open space acreage (natural 46 1,233.70 967 95 276 140 148 66 118 343.3 46 to 1233 areas, trail corridors)_ 10- No Agreement School athletic field acreage (under agreement 07 0 between City and 0 256 2 0 18 46.1 0 to 256 with City) School District Special use facilities acreage (golf course, community centers, reservoir, garden/cemetery, 0 120 26 cemetary - 1 0 11 0.9 30 0 7.1 21.7 0 to 120 etc) Total non -City parks & open space acreage 65.86 103.3 0 0 828 2,188 NA 830 1800 726.9 0 to 2,188 Slate, Regional, Private with public access _ _ - Total City and Non -City Parks & Open Space 394 1,414 335 1,234 2,751 541 1,014 2,039 1,215.2 335 to 2,751 acreage Total area of City (in acres) 19,595 4091.7 28,045 22,000 23,036 16,851 23,040 23,309 6,860 ' `18,536,4 4,091 to 28,045 Percentage of City Area dedicated to parks and open 1% '36.10% 5% 1.50% 5% 16% 2% 4% 29.70% '. 11% 1% to 36% space Park Acreage/ City Acreage)- Percentage of City Area dedicated to parks and open space(Park Acreage/ City Acreage)` Including City 29/ owned empty lots and County Park FACILITIES (availablelprogrammed for public use - owned or maintained by the Cityor under agreement Mlles of sidewalk 28.02 81 9 26.6 62 21.01 9 to 81 Miles of Striped Bike Lanes - 0 0 - 8 0 2.6 NA 1.5 0 to 8 Mlles of bike routes (signed) - 0 0 ''.8 0 2.6 NA 1.5 0 to 8 Total Trail Miles (includes City+Park trails, not sidewalk) 25.56 11 61.5 0 12 42.4 49 '28.85 q1835.1 29.1 0 to 61 Miles of Paved Trails (off-road) 25.12 11 32 0 12 15.4 46 27.6 18.8 0 to 27 Miles of unpaved trails 0.45 it 2 5 23.4 3 1.25 5.8 O to 23.5 Miles of mountain biking trails - 7.5 0 5 0 0 0 1.6 _ 0 to 7.5 Miles of cross country ski trails 0 11 2 5 0 0 0 0 2.0 0 to 11 Miles of Paved Trafls *includes private and county 7.72 _ park Miles of cross country ski trails' includes private 1,67 and county park Number of playgrounds 10 `. '-`13 15 "3 1 12 15 14 - 22 6 17 12.7 3 t 22 Number of tennis courts 8 2 3 4 -at school 3 6 10' `.2 12 5.8 2 t 12 non dedicated but Number of pwklebail courts (includes shared courts, total) 3 6 3 sometimes used as 2 0 6 '. 0 6 3.3 0 to 3 pickleball court Pickieball- dedicated 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0to6 3 1-4 depending set 2 0 6 0 2.0 0 to 3 Pickleball- shared with tennis 3 0 up as picdecall Number of outdoor basketball courts $.5:`. 1 13 <.2 2 -8.`. 8 8:` 4 7 6.2 1to13 Number of outdoor Ice rinks 1 : 3 4 4 d associatewith 1: not city owned 1 5 1 1 2.3 1 to 4 'school Page 1 City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan DRAFT Peer Community Comparison 09.26.2018 Page 2 " - °.. - E'.,: , -• Average Range associated with Number of Indoor Ice rinks1 0 3 2 -school 0 1 1 0 2 0 to 3 Number of sledding hills 2 ` 0 5 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 to 5 Number of ballfields (total) 7 6 14 8 `3 7 22 24 9 12 3 to 24 Number of adult baseball fields unknown 2 3 N/A 0 4 0 1 2 M43 _ 0 to 4 Number of youth baseball fields unknown _ 2 11 _ 4___ _3 _ 0 11 _ 8 2 Oto 11 Number of adult softball fields unknown 0 11 N/A 1 4 _ 5 3 6 o to 11 Number of youth softball fields unknown 2 11 4 13 8 8 2 2 t 11 Number of soccer/lacrosse/football fields (total, multi- 15 5 3 5 6 16 26 9 10.6 3 to 26 use) Number of soccer fields (dedicated to only soccer) 15 4 0 5 6 2 0 9 32 3 7.6 0 to 32 Number of lacrosse fields (dedicated to only 0 0 0 0 0_ 0 3 2 0 0.6 0 to 3 lacrosse _ — ---- 1- associated withschool Number of football fields (dedicated to only football) 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0.4 0 to 2 Number of volleyball courts :' 1 1 3 '0 2 4 0 2 0 0 13 'O to 4 Number and type of outdoor aquatic facilities(pools,1 1 1 2 0 0 pool and water 0 1 Splash Pad r 0 0 0.5 Oto 11 water parks, splash pads, beaches) slide 0, but private Fox Hollow and Cedar. i Creek (partially in Number of golf courses '. 2 (private course) 1 1 0 1: not city owned 0 2 private 0 0 St. Michael, ' 0 0.3 0 to 2 'mostly In Albertville) Other recreation facilities (disc golf, community gardens, Archery 2 2 0 0 0 -1 private 3 2 1.5 O to 2 archery ranges, etc.) - see below Disc golf 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 O 0.5 Oto 11 Community Garden 0 1 0 _ 0 0 1 2 80 1 1 8.6 0 to 80 Archery Range 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 to 1 Other (please specify) 1 0 0 Bandstand 0.3 O to 1 Number of recreation centers 0*Community Center only 2 3 '0 0 `.1 2 2 0 1 1.2 0 to 1 large rentable shelter, 6 small Number of shelters 11 *one reservable 15 21 3 13 10 2 2 gazebos with 1 7 9.1 2 to 21 .picnic table Number of permanent bathroom facilities 0 ` '. 5 0 3 0 4 2 ,2 1 8 2.5 0 to 80 Key Facilities 55$ Les r r "-.r, r'" ^ - ...�_..,., ,.�. r >,. ,.... .. r .-,..,+. ..� ...:.. ., .... ...r..:: ..r;;.r. _ , - ,✓,,..a .,- r _. 1000 ,- Paul Hugo Farms Bertram Chain of All regional parks Lions Park (shelter, #1 Otsego Regional Park Red River State Recreational Area Woodland Trails Fichtner Park- Wildlife Lakes Regional Hassan Park Reserve are offered by ball fields, -Sherlock Park Campground Regional Park soccer related Management Area Park Dakota County playground) Diethelm Park (ball fields, soccer fields, Rogers Activity Fichtner Park- Wild Wings of Monticelloc recreation center, #2 Prairie Park Shelter Sherlock Park Lion John Weicht Park Ce arena and baseball and softball Oneka Community Center playground, skate Meeting Room) Meetin park, community gardens) Rogers Community Bailey Point Nature Rose Road FIeW- Oneka Ridge Golf Montissippi Bayfront Plaza #3 Sherlock Park Swimming Pool Room(Banquet Reserve softball Course County Park (bandstand) Facility Page 2 City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan DRAFT Peer Community Comparison 09.26.2018 Page 3 Average Range Laketown Park (ball Bald Eagle fields, #4 O'Leary Park Dave Anderson Athletic Keene Creek Park- Sportsmen's City/%cel Athletic Rogers Senior Center soccer/lacrosse/fo)t '. Complex passive park Fields Association ball, playground, shelter) **Carver Park Reserve (nature center, trails, archery Onkea Lake Boat 95 Orono Park Otter Creek Park Veterans Memorial range, campground Launch and historical buildings)**opperate all by Three Rivers Lions Park Building Victoria Recreation #B Youth Athletic Complex Groveland Park (Breaking ground Center 2018) Henrys Woods #7 Hillside City Park Pioneer Park (Protectect old growth maple forrest) Rivers Edge Commons West and East #8 Park Bridge Park William H. Houlton #9 Ellison Park Conservation Area #1e Babcock Park Swan Park River Mill Park Freeway Fields ,,,, „rr a, fiAP9G?�Fl��ofltJ�Ptfft�c�b�S1�a'_�,_ ._._ .,,,.: ,.- . ,,,-:�•, ,F ,w ...,..0 , � , ,. Recreation Center (gym, meeting Prairie Center Rental #� Civic Center Ice Arena None Indoor Play Area Ice Arena RCC rooms, 2 ice arenas, Rooms/Kitchen walking track, fitness center) Lions Park Shelter (all -season, heated #2 VFW Memorial Arena Lions Park Center Ice Arena Senior Center Steeple Center meeting and gathering space) **Lowry Nature #3 Blue Line Club Arena Senior Activity Center Basketball Courts Rosemount Center** Operated Arena by Three Rivers #4 Trott Brook Barn Climbing Wall Pool and #5 Waterslide Page 3 City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan DRAFT Peer Community Comparison 09.26.2018 ," 3 '., - „ 1 Walking Track _ Average Range #6 #7 #9 #10 PROGRAMMING What types of youth programming is offered? (after school, school release days, arts, clinics) Available through the none, ECFE and #1 Youth Snowmobile Training Class After School Youth enrichment camps school district - no Movies in the Park Cheer America Learn to Skate mainly summer FYCC provide all Sport Camps, Classes f City sponsored programs youth and Clinics programming programming Sports and Activities #2 Unicorn Dream Catcher Summer Recreation Pre-school sports Summer classes Movies in the Park contracted through arts Art Classes with area schools 728 Community Ed School Release days - one or two Youth safety training and Mite Jamboree Outdoor Recreation #3 Tiny Tot Open Play Time a year programming Swimming lessons (Hockey) special events Camps 94 Pumpkin Patch Zombie Run Youth sports camps Teen Activites Fall and Spring Hockey Leagues summer playground Playground Program 95 Princess Party Open skating programs Learn to Skate Playground Program open gyms #6 Boy Scouts (Troop 90) Opengym Frendship Island Community Tree camps Lighting _ #6 Pre-school Gymnatics (CE) Programs Open Gym (CE) Soccer (CE) - - — - T -Ball (CE)--- Tennis (CE) _ Seasonal Penny Carnivals (CE) Art in the Park (CE) Basketball (CE) Cheer Leading(CE) Colf(CE) Lacrosse (CE) _ Volleyball (CE) Park Races (CE) Football(CE) Entertainment/movie in the park _ Skate With Santa What types of adult programming is offered? (fitness classes, art classes, outings) - Available through the none, ECFE 91 Cardio Drumming Fitness Classes Open gym school district - noCity sponsored Memory CafA Aerobics/Fitness Senior Trips fitness classes provides all adult Art Classes programming programming 42 Couples Fall Canoe Trip Recreation programs, sports leagues Adult Sports Sports leagues Card Clubs Senior Dinning (rips and yours Fitness Classes Garden School of Self #3 Yoga Fusion Senior Citizen activities Mountain Biking Classes Senior Fair an classes Open Basketball Defense Page 4 City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan DRAFT Peer Community Comparison 09.26.2018 Page 5 — i Average Range Y #4 Zumba Senior Fitness Classes Friendship Island Senior -Art cards Open Pickleball Outdoor Recreation #5 Trips and Tours Step to it Challenge educational learning (SUP, Moonlight Canoe) #g Farmers Market hobbies AOA Trips Open Gym (CE) Are any youth recreational sports league offered? (which sports, ages) youth soccer and none, all offered #t Basketball Camp Hockey Lacrosse Youth baseball None by the City Youth Programs Hockey 3-12 tball 4-6 years by Athletic Tball (4-5) old Associations #2 Basic Dance Synchronized Figure Skating Soccer youth soccer Sports Sampler (CE) 3S Coach Pitch (6-7) intoduct to Sports #3 Cheer and Porn Camp Teeball T -ball youth softball (CE) (CE) 3--55 #4 Flag Football Baseball Flag Football youth hockey _ 45 Intro to Tumbling Softball youth lacrosse #6 Soccer Camp Roger's/ Otsego Youth Baseball - Otsego Little League (OLL) Roger's Youth Basketball Rogers Youth Football _ Roger's Hockey Association Roger's Lacrosse Rogers Otsego Softball Association (Youth Fastpitch) Three River Soccer Association What adult recreation sports leagues offered? hockey - not none, ECFE and #t none sponsored by city Softball associated with the None by the City Softball Men's and7S.ftb.11softball FYCC provide all None City programming #2 adult hockey leagues are offered Women's Volleyball Leagues Basketball (CE) basketball privately in our buildings 03 Co-ed Volleyball #5— #a What is offered? All programs will We will adapt if make accomindations None- done by none, ECFE and requested, we do #1 Prairie Festival none sponsored by city n/a None None by the City for people of various community ed FYCC provide not contract the needs services out. Dreamcatchers adaptive baseball #2 Dog Sledding Class does use our fields Parks and Rec Days at Holiday Inn #3 Waterpark #4 Personalized Scarecrow Pallet Sign #5 — Staff and Budget Page 5 City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan DRAFT Peer Community Comparison 09.26.2018 Page 6 - Average Range Full time Employees (Total) 4 8 17 0 3 6.5 10 `' 4 3 6.17 0 to 17 Part-time / Seasonal Employees (total) : '15 100 37 3 __ 45 6 20 <' '32.29 3 to 100 Part-time (only) 0 5 rec programming 0 _ 3 10 9 4.40 0 to 10 Seasonal Employees (only) 32 _ 3 4 21 30 11 16.83 3 to 30 How many staff in your parks and recreation agency are dedicated to 5 10 0 6 4.5 12 10 2 6.19 0 to 12 maintenance? How many full-time recreational programming staff does the Parks 1 5 0 0 0 2 0 1 1.13 0 to S Department have? How many part-time recreational programming staff does the Parks 3 5 0 0 3 1 0 1 1.63 Oto 5 Department have? Annual Budget(total)*Park Maintenance, $ : 615,039.00 $ 1,941,074.00$3,012,100 $364,003 $491,543 $1,125,946 $620,844 $2,000,000 $650,D=$505,000 $ ':1,132,554.90 364,003 to Recreation, and Heritage Preservation 1,941,074 Commission Page 6