ITEM 2Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Creating Places that Enrich People's Lives Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Joint Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council Meeting October 16, 2018, time, Prairie Center Park Comm. Role: Participate in Park Commission meetings where Park System Master Plan items are discussed. Advise project team and consultants on planning goals and decisions. Volunteer to host Pop Up Meetings at community events. Attend the Community Open House. Encourage city residents to participate in online engagement. 1. Introductions 2. Project Schedule Update 3. Review Community Input Results • Summary of input received from online survey, Social Pinpoint, stakeholder meetings, and Prairie Festival • Discussion: Are you surprised by what we heard from the community? 4. Present Needs Analysis • Peer Community Comparison • NRPA Metrics • Gap Analysis and Park Service Areas S. Present Draft Guiding Principles & Draft System Recommendations • Potential organization: Policies, Partnerships, and Actions 6. Discussion /Activity • Small group activity to discuss Guiding Principles and Recommendations • What's missing? Brainstorm new ideas • What should be removed or changed? ■ Begin to think about prioritization of the recommendations 7. Next Steps • Prepare master plan document • Prioritization and cost estimates Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 www.hkgi.com Project Title — Meeting Title — Meeting Date • Park Commission Meeting + Open House: tbd Dec./Jan. 2019 PA Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q1 Are you an Otsego resident or visitor? Resident Visitor other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES Resident Visitor Other (please specify) TOTAL Answered: 570 Skipped:2 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% RESPONSES 86.32% ...11.40% .2.28%. 492 65.. 13.. 570 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Rogers resident 9/14/2018 10:31 AM _..... _.2 _.... Rogers...._ _ _.... 9/14/20188:27 AM__. _3 Rogers resident 9/14/2018 8:20 AM 4 previous resident, now live in Rogers 9/14/2018 8:01 AM 5 My daughter's play ROSA softball so play on otsego fields based on league. We live in Rogers. _._ 9/14/2018 7:37 AM 6 Nowthenrnn _. _... 9/13/20188:27PM.__.. _.7 _ Albertville __... _..... _.. 8/27/201810:06 PM._. .. 8 Past resident _._ _...... _.... _.... 8/27/2018 9:13 PM.__. 9 Soon to be resident as of sept 2018 8/27/20188:01 PM.......... 10 Moving to Otsego in Sept from ER 7/28/2018 9:26 PM _..11 Rogers _.. _.... 7/25/20187:09 PM_.. 12 Just moved from Otsego to St. Michael this year 7/25/2018 5:45 PM 13 Otsego organization leader 7/25/2018 3:20 PM 1/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q2 Have you visited any of the following City of Otsego Parks and Recreation parks and/ or facilities? Check all that apply. Answered: 560 Skipped: 12 Prairie Park Splash Pad Prairie Park Baseball Any City Trails Prairie Park Soccer Prairie Park Dog Park Frankfort Park School Knoll Park Beaudry Meadows Park Zimmer Farm Park Northwood Park Carrick's Landing (Tra... Prairie Park Archery Range Kittredge Crossing Park Lily Pond Lefebvre Creek Park Norin Landing Wilson Preserve 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Prairie Park Splash Pad 82.32% _.. 461 ....265_. 47.32%. Prairie Park Baseball .... .....232... _.Any City Trails _.... 41.43%. _.. ........191... ....... Prairie Park Soccer 34.11%.. .....167 ._Prairie Park Dog Park..... _. _.... 29.82%. .......132.. Frankfort Park 23.57%. .......132... .....School Knoll Park ....... 23.57%.. Beaudry Meadows Park _. 23.21%. 130... .......130 . ...Zimmer Farm Park 23.21% ...112... ...Northwood Park 20.00% Carrick's Landing (Trail by Cowboy Jack's) 18.57% 104 Prairie Park Archery Range 12.68% ........ 71 _. ....Kittredge Crossing Park 12.14% 68 _. Lily Pond..... 9.11% _....... 51 _. _ _ ..... Lefebvre Creek Park 7.14%.. _.. ._.... 40 Norin Landing _....... _.... _..... 6.61%_. 37.. ...Wilson Preserve 4.82%... 27_. Total Respondents: 560 3/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q3 How would you rate the quality and maintenance of the City of Otsego Parks and/ or facilities? Answered: 564 Skipped:8 Natural Areas 3.25 Otsego Prairie 3 18 Park Parking Otesgo Prairie Park Dog Park 3.15 MEMMEMEMMEMEMEM Otsego Prairie 3.11 Park Archery... MEMEMEMEMEMEM SIM Neighborhood ',r,.�-: - 3.09 Park Parking=::-�:::---'//.:.,.�.r Otsego Prairie Portabler2.69 Toilets POOR FAIR GOOD EXCELLENT N/A TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Prairie Center 0.72% 3.80% 49.64% 38.41% 7.43% 4 21 274 212 41 552 3.36 Playgrounds 0.37% 5.85%54.48% 32.91%° 6.40% 2 32 298 180 35 547 3.28 Natural Areas 1.47% 4.97% 52.30% 30.39% 10.87% 8 27 284 165 59 543 3.25 Otsego Prairie Park Parking 1.44% 12.43% 48.29%....... 32.43% 5.41% 8 69 268 180 30 555 3.18 Otesgo Prairie Park Dog Park 0.19% 5.31% 22.01% ...... 11.39% 61.10% 1 28 116 60 322 527 3.15 4/48 # ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: DATE 1 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 9/19/2018 8:27 AM 2 Otsego Prairie Park Archery Range 0.77% 1.35% 12.31% 5.00% 80.58% Would love to welcome area families and ball players to this wonderful community and put out 4 7 64 26 419 520 3.11 Athletic Fields 2.21%..... 8.46% 43.38% 20.96% 25.00% 9/14/2018 4:42 PM 6 Build more softball/baseball fields, pleasel Thanksll 12 46 236 114 136 544 3.11 Neighborhood Park Parking 1.49% 11.90%49.81% 9 22.68% 14.13% 10 1 believe more baseball/softball fields are necessary for the growing number of youth teams 9/14/2018 8:37 AM 8 64 268 122 76 538 3.09 _..... ...Trails 2.03%... 8.13%.......45.29%......... baseball fields with grass infields and mounds would be a phenomenal improvement 18.30% 26.25% More baseball fields and a nature center would be wonderfull 9/13/2018 2:35 PM 16 11 44 245 99 142 541 _... 3.08 ..Signage _.._ 2.20%.. 12.45%.......60.44%_._... 17.40% 7.51%. 9/13/2018 2:25 PM 19 Trails are incomplete - They all need to be connectedlll 12 68 330 95 41 546 3.01 Otsego Prairie Park Ice Rink(s) 1.92% .._.. 4.98% 15.33%... 5.75% 72.03% dogs. 10 26 80 30 376 522 2.89 Portable Toilets / Porta -Potties 3.10% 25.14% 42.62%...... 7.29% 21.86% 17 138 234 40 120 549 2.69 # ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: DATE 1 Move ice rinks closer to schools and highly populated areas 9/19/2018 8:27 AM 2 Would love to see more baseball parks in Otsegol My sons play for Northland Little League and 9/16/2018 5:26 PM we had to travel to Robbinsdale and Crystal for most regular season games as our home fields. Would love to welcome area families and ball players to this wonderful community and put out money Into Otsego local businesses! We traveled May thru August to Robbinsdale and Crystal 4-5 days a week. Would be nice to stay local! 3 Additional and accessible trails needed from River Point Development 9/15/2018 1:01 PM 4 Add softball/baseball/soccer at DES 9/14/2018 8:55 PM 5 It would be nice to have more trails/running trails 9/14/2018 4:42 PM 6 Build more softball/baseball fields, pleasel Thanksll 9/14/2018 10:31 AM 7 More baseball fields would be great) 9/14/2018 9:51 AM 8 We need more softball fields. The fact that it's called a baseball park tells us that. The girls fast 9/14/2018 9:25 AM pitch program is growing and we need to support it. Thank you! 9 Need to add an ice arena 9/14/20188:54 AM 10 1 believe more baseball/softball fields are necessary for the growing number of youth teams 9/14/2018 8:37 AM 11 have to walk a long way at priarie park for a portable restroom 9/14/2018 8:01 AM 12 Would love more YOUTH sized softball fields. 9/14/2018 7:37 AM 13 Baseball fields tum to concrete in summer; irrigation on infield would help make them better. 9/13/2018 4:00 PM 14 baseball fields with grass infields and mounds would be a phenomenal improvement 9/13/2018 3:28 PM 15 More baseball fields and a nature center would be wonderfull 9/13/2018 2:35 PM 16 There should be more fields and an Ice arena. 9/13/2018 2:33 PM 17 We just moved to the area, so I don't have input In this but would totally support baseball fields 9/13/2018 2:30 PM being added so Northland Little League could utilize and we wouldn't always have to drive all the way to Elk River for games. 18 Would be nice to have the parking at the Prairie Park baseball fields paved 9/13/2018 2:25 PM 19 Trails are incomplete - They all need to be connectedlll 9/13/2018 9:56 AM 20 Add some actual youth baseball fields for Northland little league and royba 9/12/2018 5:39 PM 21 We are new residents, not yet familiar with all of the parks. We five in Boulder Creek near Lefebvre 9/6/2018 9:16 PM Park. We were hoping to have dogs on a leash on walking trails and near the park, but this is not the case. Sometimes it is difficult for me to take walks when I am surprised by large unleashed dogs. M: Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 22 Baseball fields need water. Always VERY dusty. Allow coaches or volunteers to water between 8/29/2018 5:26 AM games. 23 Upgrade prairie park playground and splash pad 8/28/2018 7:23 AM 24 Would like to see the splash pad upgraded especially the temperature of the water. It's freezing 8/27/2018 9:25 PM cold) _ 25 Upgrade splash pad... 8/27/2018 6:16 PM _ _....... 26 Would like to see splash pad and archery range expanded 8/27/2018 3:18 PM 27 Longer splash pad times starting earlier in the morning 8/27/2018 2:47 PM 28 Wish there was more kiddie area at the splash pad 8/27/2018 2:41 PM 29 Loved improvements to ice rink, but would lobby to see morel 8/27/2018 2:17 PM 30 Toddler playgroup could use some upkeep/cleaning or new equipment. 8/27/2018 2:09 PM 31 Splash pad is terrible. Needs updates and more features. Water is freezing. 8/27/2018 2:00 PM 32 1 would like to see updated splash pad. The water is terrible cold and I feel the water pressure in 8/27/2018 12:44 PM some is too high. 33 As an avid runner, and active family, I would love more wooded trails, not just city streets. 8/22/2018 1:00 PM 34 Please build a Park off Odean and 77th. 8/22/2018 12:44 PM 35 Need concession stands and dugouts with roofs. 8/15/2018 1:38 PM 36 1 have only been to Prairie Park, for the Prairie Festival. 8/8/2018 1:57 PM 37 Really hoping for more investment in community athletic complex 7/29/2018 3:16 PM 38 Can the city split off some of the dog park for little dogs? 7/29/2018 11:06 AM 39 Would like to see more bike trails 7/29/2018 8:06 AM 40 We need more traits for biking, walking and running. 7/28/2018 11:00 PM 41 Put in realbathroomsl! 7/28/20189:26 PM........ 42 It would be nice to see an update splash pad11 7/28/2018 8:49 PM 43 We take our grandchildren when they visit. They love the parks. 11, 13, 4 , and 2 year olds. 7/28/2018 3:27 PM 44 Would LOVE a basketball court at the Otsego city park! 7/28/2018 3:06 PM 45 Some tennis courts need a little touching up 7/28/2018 6:26 AM 46 We need a wmmunity pool! More signage on county roads indicting Prairie Park, I often miss the 7/27/2018 7:57 PM turn. 47 Thank you for finally not neglecting Otsego Elementary playfield 7/27/2018 4:44 PM 48 Just moved here. Hoping for adog park 7/27/20189:11 AM 49 Would love a restroom with changing stalls for the splash pad 7/27/2018 9:01 AM 50 Looks like the Prairie Park playground had an issue with a large piece of plywood over the top of a 7/27/2018 8:02 AM slide a couple weeks ago. May be fixed now. 51 Splash pad needs an upgrade like Champlin Park and have the warm water like the maple grove 7/26/2018 10:35 PM splash pad ............. 52 Need more bike trails 7/26/201810:05 PM 53 Hard to know where parks are. Lived here 2 years,only know of 2 parks and don't know their 7/26/2018 9:54 PM names. 54 The trails in Otsego need a lot of help, there are tree roots that interrupt the path and make it hard 7/26/2018 9:33 PM to stay steady on bikes for younger kids and rollerbladers. 65 Need little League fields for northland baseball and babe Ruth field last year we played in this 7/26/2018 9:32 PM league and It was a great experience but because we don't have true little League fields no one wants to travel here and because of this we only had one home game In front of our fans and had to play 18 road games 6/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 56 I'd love to see Praire Park get'real' bathrooms besides the port o pottys 7/26/2018 9:16 PM 57 We need way more baseball fields, some with infield, other teams went fine play here. 7/26/2018 3:18 PM 58 It would be great to have more biking trails! Also, any grassy areas where there's mud or near 7/26/2018 3:05 PM water fountains where there's mud, it would be helpful to build up those areas and resod/seed. 59 At the beginning of the baseball season only one buff was available by the playground it was over 7/26/2018 2:21 PM flowing. My 7 year old had to go and it was horrible. I have lived in otsego since 2004 and I was embarrassed by this and we were hosting champlin at our baseball field. 60 Hoping for a new park in the harvest run neighborhood being built. 7/26/2018 12:45 PM 61 1 am a newer resident, and still exploring. 7/26/2018 12:16 PM 62 We love Prairie Park 7/26/201810:26 AM 63 I'm a senior with a disability. Getting out there is too hard. Granddaughter plays soccer I can't get 7/26/2018 1:42 AM out there to her field to watch and cheer. I strongly suggest u have a gulf cart valleal Someone to drive u with your chair out to the field then pickup after game to get u to parking. Or more cement and wheelchair rental. 64 More trail systems through nature areas. 7/25/2018 11:30 PM 65 Need more trailslll 7/25/201811:10 PM.... 66 Things keep being taken from Prairie Park and not replaced—sand excavator in sand box, car on 7/25/2018 10:17 PM a spring, etc. 67 we have no trails over in river place to connect us to these parks. 7/25/2018 9:53 PM 68 Basketball hoops at Prairie Park are very stiff 7/25/2018 7:46 PM 69 Archery range needs attention 7/25/20187:43 PM 70 Need more athletic fields. Specifically softball/baseball _. 7/25/2018 7:37 PM _. 71 No comment _... _.... 7/25/20187:04 PM 72 Landscaping has declined dramatically over the past few years - old mulch, weeds, dead trees, etc 7/25/2018 6:58 PM 73 Add parking by VFW fields. Is RIDICULOUS THERE. 7/25/2018 5:39 PM 74 Parking for baseball fields at Prairie Park are not great. 7/25/2018 4:15 PM 75 Wish especially Prairie Park had bathrooms 7/25/2018 4:10 PM 76 It would be wonderful to have the baseball fields to be watered (the dirt) and even more amazing 7/25/2018 3:35 PM to have grass infield's/ 77 A slide at pralrle park was boarded up last time we visited 7/25/2018 3:31 PM 78 The ports -potties are gross 7/25/20182:06 PM 7/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q4 What elements should be included in a neighborhood park? Choose all that apply. Answered: 524 Skipped: 48 Play equipment Parking tot Lighting Paved loop trail Natural play areas Open field (grass lawn) Basketball court Native landscape... Diamond field (softball,... Rectangular field (socce... Tennis court Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 60% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Play equipment 91.60% 480 _.Parking lot _. _.... 76.91% ........403.. ....Lighting _..... _... 76.34% ....400.. ....Paved loop trail 68.51% _ 359..... _.Natural play areas _..... _. _... 66.03% _... .....346.. _._ _... 63.17% ....331... Open field (grass lawn) ...Basketball court 54.39% ......285... mum Otsego Parks and Recreation Systetn Plan Survey Native landscape (prairie, woodland) 46.76% 245 Diamond field (softball, baseball) 44.66% 234 Rectangular feld (soccer, football, lacrosse) 33.02% 173 Tennis court. _ 26.15%. ......137... Other (please specify) 12.98%68 Total Respondents: 524 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Outdoor ice rink - 9/19/2018 8:28 AM _.. _..... 2 Skate ....... _..... 9/15/2018 10:06 AM 3 More softball fields 9/14/2018 9:25 AM_........... 4 We need an indoor ice arena 9/14/2018 8:55 AM 5 restrooms or at minimum porta potties 9/13/2018 2:31 PM 6 bathroom facllitites, water, covered shelter, sealing 9/13/2018 2:26 PM _.. _7 _. _. Bike racks 9/13/2018 9:57 AM 8 Baseball... grass infield raised mounds 9/12/2018 5:40 PM 9 Splash pad, pool, grills, changing and shower flcality, 8/27/2018 9:21 PM 10 Splash pad- maple grove Central Park and Champlin andrews Park 8/27/2018 8:03 PM 11 Dirt hiking trails 8/27/2018 6:25 PM 12 Splash pad 8/27/2018 6:18 PM 13 Water fountain and portable toilets (multiple) 8/27/2018 3:19 PM _.. _... _ 14 _.... Volleyball _... 8/27/2018 2:58 PM _. 15 restooms_. 8/27/2018 1:56 PM 16 a wading pool in the area would be great 8/27/2018 1:54 PM _17 Splash pads! 8/27/201812:45PM_.. _18 Fitness center 8/21/2018 3:31 PM_. 19 no parking lots... _ _.... _.. 8/20/2018 11:51 AM._. 20 1 have no objection to having some sports facilities at a neighborhood park, but don't feel that any 8/8/2018 2:02 PM one park needs to have all of them. I'd also like to have nature trails, and nice benches along them where one could relax, enjoy a nice view, and reflect. Some parks should have picnic tables. 21 Ice Rinks- Growing up in Crystal all of the city parks had Ice rinks _. _.... 8/7/2018 3:17 PM 22 _ Hockey arena _. _..... 7/29/20183:17 PM _.... 23 _..... Lounge areas __. 7/29/2018 1:31 PM 24 Porte potty _ 7/29/2018 8:49 AM 25 Would not have all field types at the same park but try and speed them out accross community 7/29/2018 8:35 AM 26 Tables/Benches 7/28/2018 9:59 PM 27 Running water bathrooms 7/28/20189:26 PM 28 Horse shoe pit, volley ball court, shelter, 7/28/2018 6:04 PM _.29 Splash pads are great 7/28/2018 3:29 PM 30 Shelter and tables 7/28/2018 2:45 PM 31 Fountains/splashpad 7/27/20189:29Pfv1 • ,m Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 32 Pickle ball 7/27/2018 5:39 PM 33 DOG POOP GARBAGE BINS/BAG STATIONS ON TRAILS 7/27/2018 5:19 PM . _34 Kayak rental _. 7/27120181:67PM__.. _... _. _35 _. Dog park._ _.. ..... 7/27/20189:12 AM 36 bathrooms and picnic tables, shade 7/26/2018 10:53 PM 37 To upgrade the splash pad and have an Indoor recreational park for kids during winter time 7/26/2018 10:37 PM 38 Little league field complex and bane Ruth field 7/26/2018 9:33 PM 39 REAL BATHROOMS 7/26/20189:17 PM 40 Dog waste cleaners 7/26/2018 9:11 PM............ 41 Toileting, water fountain 7/26/20189:00 PM 42 Ice skating rinks 7/26/2018 8:33 PM 43 Bathroom and picnic shelters 7/26/20188:02 PM 44 Trail connections to other neighborhoods 7/26/2018 7:43 PM _45 Exercise area 7/26/2018 5:20 PM 46 Drinking fountain, doggie bags, shelter 7/26/2018 4:58 PM 47 Bathrooms and water fountains 7/26/2018 3:06 PM _.. 48 Bathrooms _. 7/26/20182:34 PM 49 Trash cans, maybe water fountain 7/26/2018 2:20 PM 50 Lights that turn off after a certain hour 7/26/2018 1:21 PM 51 Restroom facilities with plumbing 7/26/2018 11:38 AM 52 Things for handicapped. 7/26/20181:44 AM 53 We need a community outdoor swimming pool 7/25/2018 8:15 PM 54 .... Drinking water......... 7/25/2018 8:10 PM 55 Handicap accessible swings and playground equipment 7/25/2018 7:20 PM 56 Toilets,electric, cameras, signage 7/25/2018 7:11 PM 57 Seating and options for toddlers 7/25/20187:07 PM... 58 Winter Hockey Rinks + Warming Houses 7/25/2018 6:38 PM 59 Pickleball lines on tennis courts 7/25/2018 6:12 PM.......... _.. _..... 60 Hockey rink _. _. 7/25/2018 6:05 PM..._. 61 Ice skating rinks/hockey rinks 7/25/20184:47 PM 62 Warming House 7/25/20184:42 PM 63 Bathrooms 7/25/2018 4:11 PM 64 Disc golf, mountain bike 7/25/20183:28 PM 65 Shade near equipment, either from trees or a canopy/umbrella. 7/25/2018 3:03 PM ,. 66 Trail or park map/sign 7/25/20182:31 PM..... 67 The sports courts/fields would be nice, but not necessarily all of them at each park. 7/25/2018 2:18 PM __... _68 Hockey Rink 7/25/2018 1:50 PM..... 10/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q5 Which of the following do you prefer for future Otsego parks development? Answered: 516 Skipped: 56 Increasing amenities at... Otheror combination Adding multiple... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% ANSWER CHOICES Increasing amenities at a centralized community park Other or combination Adding multiple neighborhood parks TOTAL 11 /48 70% 80% 90% 100% RESPONSES 42.64% 220 .35.85% ......185... .21.51%.... ......111... 516 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q6 Which of the following improvements or additions to the Otsego parks and recreation system would you be willing to support through a potential property tax increase, a referendum that increases taxes, or user fees? Currently, a home valued at $250k in the City of Otsego pays about $86 per year for parks and recreation services which include programs, events, and trail & park maintenance offered by the City. Upgrade existing... Acquire land for new park... Acquire land for natural... Upgrade existing facilities Acquire land for new parks and trails Acquire land for natural areas Answered: 499 Skipped: 73 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 GREAT MARGINAL NO TOTAL WEIGHTED SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT AVERAGE 49.19% 41.67% 9.15% 242 205 45 50.61% 36.79% 12.60% 249 181 62 30.74% 43.44% 25.82% 150 212 126 12/48 492 1.40 492 1.38 488 1.05 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q7 What new parks and recreation facilities would you be interested in? Answered: 488 Skipped: 84 Nature trails (natural... River access (canoe Candi... Canoe and Kayak equipm... Greenway traits and... Natural play equipment Trail connections ... Cross country ski trails a... Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Nature trails (natural surface trails through woods, prairie) 55.33% 270 ..... River access (canoe landing, fishing pier) 51.43% 251..... Canoe and Kayak equipment rental 45.29% 221 Greenway trails and connected corridors (i.e. along the rivers) _ 44.26% 216 .......215_. ...Natural play equipment 44.06%._.... Trail connections to other communities 42.21% 206 Cross country ski trails and winter facilities 29.92% 146 ........105 ..Other (please specify)...... 21.52%....... Total Respondents: 488 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) 1 Ice Rinks that are light and have nets available 2 Softball complex 3 Grass In feild baseball feilds 4 Softball fields, trails to other communities 5 Willing to support any of these with taxes 6 Full sized baseball field; only "big" fields exist in Rogers 13/48 DATE 9/19/2018 8:29 AM 9/18/2018 838 PM 9/16/2018 7:15 PM 9/15/2018 1:03 PM 9/14/2018 8:58 PM 9/14/2018 3:18 PM Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 7 more baseball fields 9/14/2018 9:54 AM 8 We live in Otsego off cry rd 36. We have very few biking and walk h trails making it dangerous if 9/14/2018 9:27 AM walking on narrow windy roads. We want more walking/bike paths! 9 New indoor ice arena 9/14/20188:55 AM 10 baseball and softball fields 9/14/2018 8:40 AM _... _11 Softball complex _ _.... _... _._ 9/14/20188:25 AM 12 softball fields for the girls in our community 9/14/2018 8:01 AM 13 Softball fields 9/14/2018 7:46 AM 14 It would be great to Have some little league fields . My son's play for Northland little league and 9/13/2018 8:38 PM they love it but they would love to play on there own little league field . Or turn two fields at praire park to little league fields with a concessions stand and batting cages. And grass infield we could have a tournament one week it would bring money to the community. It would be fun 15 Baseball/Softball complex 9/13/2018 7:06 PM 16 BASEBALL ONLY fields for 12U and under (225' fences), grass infield, 9/13/2018 4:03 PM 17 Better baseball field for Northland Little League 9/13/2018 4:00 PM 18 Baseball fields with lights and concessions 9/13/2018 2:58 PM 19 Ice Arena, Baseball fields 9/13/20182:35 PM............ 20 Baseball fields 9/13/20182:27 PM..., 21 Paved Bike Trails 9/13/2018 9:59 AM 22 Baseball fields 9/12/2018 8:50 PM _.23 Community center....... 9/4/2018 9:33 PM 24 public hunting land 8/28/20189:52 PM 25 Full size ice hockey rink 8/28/20188:42 PM......... 26 Enhanced splash pad 8/28/20187:02 AM _.27 Splash pad 8/28/20186:54 AM_____. 28 Pool splash pad 8/28/20186:25 AM 29 Outdoor pool for community use 8/28/20182:32 AM 30 More splash pad features 8/27/2018 10:20 PM 31 Nature inspired play It manufactured equipment 8/27/2018 6:46 PM ............. 32 Without tax increase 8/27/2018 6:26 PM 33 Update the splash pad at Prairie Park 8/27/2018 2:58 PM 34 Better splash pad and orpool 8/27/20182:31 PM 35 More water play activities for the kids that are a bit older (6-12 yrs) 8/27/2018 2:19 PM _ _........ 36 pool 8/27/2018 2:07 PM 37 ...... Better splash pad _.. 8/27/2018 1:38 PM..........., 38 Splash pads _ 8/27/2018 12:46 PM_........ 39 The road going by the crow river into the river point neighborhood needs a pedestrian trail, it is a 8/25/2018 11:20 PM windy narrow road that traffic drives fast on and no room for pedestrians, very unsafel There are many people who try to walk, run, and bike along there and I just feel that someone is going to get hurt! _.40 Playgrounds _ _ 8/22/2018 12:45 PM 41 More baseball/softball fields and a Indoor facility for these programs to use/rent. High need in 8/15/2018 1:40 PM communities and no where to go. 42 Ice Rinks at all parks 8/7/2018 3:18 PM MIFEN Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 43 Update splash pad, add a wading pool 8/6/2018 10:30 PM _44 Hockey arena _... 7/29/2018 3:18 PM___ 45 Beach. Pool. 7/29/2018 1:45 PM 46 Larger dense wooded areas to explore 7/29/201810:31 AM 47 A pool facility. There are no public pools close by. 7/29/2018 10:16 AM _48 Pool 7/29/20188:51 AM_ 49 1 believe Otsego has enough parks....) don't think we need more 7/29/2018 12:38 AM 50 Trails that connect to some of the older Otdego neighborhoods. 7/28/2018 11:02 PM _ 51 Running water bathrooms 7/28/2018 9:27 PM..... 52 Safe pedestrian -bike access across 194 to Albertville and Wright County. While 7/28/2018 1:27 PM Intergovernmental, this Is a dangerous crossing that should be prioritized as a trail connection with neighboring communities 53 bike trails paved 7/28/20186:55 AM 54 The people of Otsego need encouragement to get outside for daily exercise. I strongly believe this 7/28/2018 6:30 AM would help) We are lacking many of these proposed new facilities, but we have the potential to put them in now before the land is over developed and It becomes another "normal" park 55 1 feel we should aquire as much land for parks and wildlife areas as well can to set aside while we 7/27/2018 11:28 PM can. It's plain to see that a lot of development is happening around us which is a good thing! We just have to make sure we keep our city and all it's Beauty accessable which will make the city as a whole more desirable! 56 Another splash pad 7/27/201811:06PM......_... _57 Ice rinksll_. _..... _. 7/27/2018 9:24 PM 58 An inclusive playground for kids with disabilities 7/27/2018 8:52 PM 59 The three biggest things Otsego needs are first a community pool (there is no accessible beach 7/27/2018 1:47 PM nearby), river front paved trails (walking/biking, and a well maintained atv/ohv trail system. 60 Permanent bathroom/changing house at prairie park 7/27/2018 9:47 AM 61 Leave existing natural areas alone to produce native vegetation for birds and butterfllesl Start 7/27/2018 9:46 AM destroying this plague of Chinese Elm taking over this comer of Otsegol _.62 Dog park... 7/27/20189:13 AM_____. ............. 63 Mountain bike trail 7/27/20186:24 AM 64 Biking / walking trail networks completed and upgraded 7/27/2018 3:05 AM _... _.65 _.. Pool 7/27/201812:00 AM_.. 66 neighborhood park In Crimson Ponds Addition 7/26/2018 10:54 PM . 67 Indoor recreational facilities 7/26/2018 10:39 PM 68 Have enough parks -just upgrade the ones we have 7/26/2018 9:17 PM 69 Real Liittle League Baseball fields with grass infields. Our city has an outstanding little league 7/26/2018 9:11 PM organization and the poor kids can't play home games. 70 Ice rinks 7/26/2018 8:35 PM _.71 Pool 7/26/20187:52 PM 72 Swimming pool 7/26/2018 5:49 PM 73 community pool _.. _.... 7/26/2018 5:44 PM 74 Softball field withlightsl 7/26/2018 4:59 PM 75 Baseball fields with concession stands and infield, a complex _ 7/26/2018 3:20 PM _.... 76 Beach, pool _... _.. _._ 7/26/20182:34PM..... 15/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 77 Actual restrooms and concessions at prairie park 7/26/2018 2:24 PM 78 Community Pool or fitness center 7/26/20182:21 PM........ 79 Docks for boats 7/26/20181:23 PM............ 80 Playgrounds in developments 7/2612018 12:47 PM _.. 81 Tennis__.. _... 7/26/201811:32AM..._ _ 82 Pool 7/26/2018 11:12 AM.. _.. _.... _.83 more dog parks ....... 7/26/2018 10:47 AM 84 Plush pads. Swimming pond /pool. Community center 7/26/2018 7:53 AM 85 Dog access to water area to play, also bike paths or sidewalks on busier streets (701h) 7/26/2018 7:44 AM ............. 86 Gulf cart rental 7/26/20181:46 AM 87 Open nature areas) 7/25/201811:32 PM.... 88 lights at Prairie Park fields 7/25/201810:56 PM 89 trails to connect river place & river pointe to there rest of otsego 7/25/2018 9:55 PM _........ 90 _.... Hockey arena _. _ 7/25/2018 9:48 PM ... _.... 91 Outdoor swimming pool 7/25/2018 8:16 PM .............. 92 Man made lake with beach 7/25/20187:49 PM 93 Archery natural shooting trail 7/25/2018 7:46 PM 94 Trails are needed from east Otsego!!! Trail access to and from the Frankfort Park area is a critical 7/25/2018 7:02 PM need for safety and connecting the city. _.. _95 _...... Community pool 7/25/20186:59 PM.. _. _96 Hockey rink _.. _... _.... 7/25/2018 6:25 PM___. _97 Warming House 7/25/20184:43 PM 98 You should put In a concession stand at prairie park. Also, the baseball fields need to be 7/25/2018 4:39 PM regulation and lights would be nice. _... _..... _.. 99 _.... Outdoor pool _.. 7/25/20183:58 PM... 100 Trails connecting Frankfort park to other areas of Otsego 7/25/2018 3:58 PM 101 Disc golfcourse(s) 7/25/20183:53PM........... 102 Putting restrooms and changing areas at Prairie Park 7/25/2018 3:51 PM 103 Disc golf, mountain bike trail 7/25/2018 3:32 PM ...... ....... 104 Neighborhood splash pads/wading pool 7/25/20182:32 PM 105 More Hockey Rinks in neighborhood parks 7/25/2018 1:51 PM 16/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q8 Have you participated in any of the City of Otsego Parks and Recreation programs or events? Please check all that apply. Answered: 418 Skipped: 154 17/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Tennis Camp Dances Cheer Camp Community Garden CrossFit for Kids Senior Programs Dog Sledding 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Otsego Prairie Festival 71.53% 299 Entertainment in the Park 60.53% ...37.08% 253 ......155.. Easter Day... _..... _........ ....36.84% .......154... Touch -A -Truck ....35.41% .148... Santa Day._ _ _. ...34.69% .....145.. _T -Ball _... ....31.34% ......131 Pumpkin Patch _. Theater in the Park 22.01% ....18.66% _.. 92 ...Soccer Camps _.... 78 _72... Park & Rec Days at the Water Park 17.22% ....13.88% ...Tiny Tot Time .....13.16% _ 58_.. Tumbling....._ ...10.05% _ 55. ...Adult Fitness ....9.57% .... 42 __. ...Flag Football ....8.13% 48.. ..Multi -Sport Camp ...6.46% 34.. ..Archery ....6.22% 27 ..Programs for Dogs 26 Golf 4.31% 18 ._Tennis Camp ...4.31% 18... ..Dances _ ....2.63%. 11_.. Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Cheer Camp _... _...... _... _.2.63% _..... ...Community Garden ...2.39% _..... CrossFit for Kids _... _...... _ _.._ ..1.67% ....Senior Programs _. ....1.44% ...Dog Sledding _.. _.... _... 1.20% _... Total Respondents: 418 19/48 11 10 7.. 6 5_.. Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q9 Rate the OVERALL QUALITY of the recreational opportunities provided by the City of Otsego Parks and Recreation Department. Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Answered: 492 Skipped: 80 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Excellent 26.02% 128 Good 55.49% ......273.. _.Falr _. 9.35% 46.. Poor 0.81% _.4 _.N/A _.. 8.33% 41_.. TOTAL 492 20/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q10 Please list any other improvements or additions you would like to see for the Otsego parks and recreation system. Answered: 234 Skipped: 338 # RESPONSES DATE 1 An inground pool, ice rink 9/19/2018 3:37 PM 2 Support building an Ice arena in Otsego or provide funding to the Rogers Activity Center 9/19/2018 8:30 AM 3 More softball fields 9/18/20188:39 PM 4 Grass infield baseball feilds 9/16/20187:16 PM 5 Baseball/Softball Fields! 9/16/2018 5:29 PM 6 Higher level support for Rogers/Otsego Athletics, equal opportunity for girls softball as baseball, 9/15/2018 1:06 PM trails connecting Riverplace Development to Rogers and Otsego 7 Add baseball fields with grass infield 9/15/2018 7:05 AM 8 Safe bike path to PRairie View middle school 9/14/2018 9:00 PM 9 Trail to prairie park from the north 9/14/2018 8:39 PM 10 Community pool, no new taxes,cut other places 9/14/2018 6:54 PM 11 At OPP, concessions stand & full sized baseball field _.... 9/14/2018 3:21 PM _.......... 12 _.. Canoe rental _ _... __.. 9/14/2018 2:27 PM 13 Lights on ball fields __. 9/14/2018 2:25 PM _.. _.14 community pool 9/14/2018 2:22 PM 15 More baseball fields 9/14/2018 9:56 AM 16 Softball fields/complex and more waking/biking trails near 101 and cty rd 36 towards Dayton 9/14/2018 9:30 AM mansion. 36 _.. 17 bigger splash pad _.. 9/14/2018 9:14 AM 18 Archery range expanded for more shooting areas. 9/14/2018 9:08 AM 19 Indoor ice arena 9/14/20188:57 AM 20 An increase of Softball fields for Girls 9/14/2018 8:29 AM 21 .... Softball complex __.. 9/14/2018 8:27 AM 22 another multi -diamond softball field location 9/14/2018 8:26 AM 23 Non cement splash pad. Update it. 9/14/20188:24 AM 24 Concessions at Prairie Park 9/14/20188:08 AM 25 more girls fastpitch softball fields - lots of talented young ladies in our community. 9/14/2018 8:04 AM _.26 Softball fields _... 9/14/2018 8:02 AM 27 Improvements to the softball & baseball fields with concession stands for tournaments. 9/14/2018 7:47 AM 28 More softball fields 9/14/2018 7:43 AM 29 YOUTH sized softball fields. 9/14/2018 7:39 AM 30 Put In little league fields grass infield concessions stand batting cages and lites on one field 9/13/2018 8:42 PM 31 More baseball fields 9/13/2018 8:00 PM 32 Baseball/Softball large complex for tournaments 9/13/20187:06PM 21 /48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 33 improve Prairie Park dirt infields w irrigation, baseball only fields, build center building in middle of 9/13/2018 4:04 PM prairie park fourplex of fields 34 little league baseball fields, restrooms 9/13/2018 3:35 PM 35 Little league baseball fields 9/13/2018 2:58 PM 36 Lights on the ball fields 9/13/20182:58 PM ............... 37 Need baseball grass field 9/13/2018 2:38 PM 38 A baseball facility that's not for park and rec 9/13/2018 2:28 PM 39 Bathrooms and concession building at Prairie Park Ball fields 9/13/2018 10:26 AM 40 More park land and connecting trails 9/13/2018 10:01 AM ............. 41 Baseball grass infield 9/12/20188:51 PM 42 Baseball.. 9/12/20185:41 PM 43 jM j - A safer way to bike ride from Otsego to Elk River. 9/6/2018 9:22 PM 44 1. _ . o Concession stands at ball fields and or near the splash pad. 9/5/2018 10:40 AM 45 go Some of the older trails could use some maintenance. 9/4/2018 9:06 PM 46 ME Biking and Waking trails that connect to others throughout the area. 9/4/2018 1:08 PM 47 ' ® • a o - a Would love to see an upgraded splash pad like they have in Delano 8/29/2018 2:32 PM 48 - Full size baseball diamonds to host tournaments and bring people outside of the 8/29/2018 5:32 AM community in and spend money in Otsego. There is a serious shortage of full size diamonds in our area. Would greatly support a "Town ball field." If you build it, they will comet 49 " m. zero entry pool and water slide park 8/28/2018 9:54 PM 50 = a • a =+ Additional splash pad 8/28/2018 10:12 AM 51 • • - ®.a A bigger splash pad. More covered areas around there. 8/28/2018 9:58 AM 52 _ ,... a:® Bigger splash pad._... 8/28/20188:26AM_____.. 53 ll e =- a.a Upgrade slash pad at Prairie Center and young child play equipment 8/28/2018 7:30 AM 54 ' ®• ., a Better splash pad 8/28/2018 7:02 AM 55 . • . - a Upgrade splash pad 8/28/2018 6:54 AM 56 EMU= Splash pad upgraded 8/28/20186:18 AM.. 57 ".. We need an outdoor poolll 8/28/20182:33 AM 58 a. .., Better splash pad _ 8/27/20189:53PM___ 59 • • - e - ^ additions to the splash pad as well as more options for toddlers 8/27/2018 9:29 PM _.... _.60 _ p.. outdoor pool......_ _. _... 8/27/20189:24 PM..... 61 a=- a=a More features at the splash pad 8/27/2018 8:41 PM 62 Better water park. 8/27/20188:35 PM 63 °'e® ..-0.: o.o Pool and/or more salad pads 8/27/20187:59 PM _.64 _... o , a .. Splash pad 8/27/2018 6:59 PM _ .. 65 o • m a Splash pad.., new one in Delano is great example of what we'd like to see 8/27/2018 6:48 PM 66 ma- a,. More water features 8/27/2018 6:33 PM _67 1 think It's fine 8/27/2018 6:32 PM 68 ME= ..., Upgrade play equipment at older parks Including Otsego park 8/27/2018 6:27 PM 69 . .. _ ""+ ®- a : < Upgrade splash pad, community - - ME= 8/27/2018 6:18 PM center/pool/indoor playground _.70 ..... lo Water park 8/27/20185:47 PM__. 22/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 71 MM Connect to rogers 8/27/2018 3:00 PM 72 s . - s - < Upgrade splash pad. Have a big, new park like Maple Grove has. Add outdoor 8/27/2018 2:59 PM skating rinks. 73 ®. o.e updated splash pad 8/27/20182:47 PM 74 m - ° > _ < Add more to the splash pad and more shade cover picnic areas 8/27/2018 2:46 PIM 75 More to do at the splash pad 8/27/20182:43 PM 76 e . o -a I'd love to see the splash pad extendee with more tower like water features. more 8/27/2018 2:10 PM creative ways for the older kids to use the space _ 77 Bigger splash pad 8/27/2018 2:06 PM 78 Restrooms 8/27/20181:57 PM 79 m . s :a Have separate splash pad areas. So big kids 8 or 10 years & older aren't knocking 8/27/2018 1:55 PM younger kids (2 year old) down to smack their head on the ground. 80 " m a Local swimming pool 8/27/2018 1:39 PM .81 ®.° a.e Upgrade splash pad. 8/27/2018 12:46 PM 82 � Neighborhood park for Crimson Ponds of 75th Stand Odean 8/22/2018 1:11 PM 83 pf�"t,.,,i""� We love in a huge area, with houses going up like crazy and tons of kids ... would love 8/22/2018 1:02 PM to have a neighborhood park) 84 . - Fitness Center 8/21/20183:33 PM....... 85 MM no parking lots,hiking trails 8/20/2018 11:53 AM 86 e a m wading pool 8/6/2018 10:31 PM 87 walking path from City Hall to Co Rd 39!1 8/3/2018 10:32 AM 88 Trail access to neighborhood/development by river 8/1/2018 2:48 PM _.89 a Ice arena _.... _ 7/29/2018 3:19 PM 90 doing great) ........ 7/29/2018 2:41 PM_ 91 "e® Beach. Pool. Lazy river. 7/29/20181:46PM............ 92 "a. a., More/bigger splash pads 7/29/20181:33PM............ 93 7.rte a � � More small neighborhood parks 7/29/2018 10:32 AM .... 94 EE= " • a + Me - _ _ ® Upgrade the Prairie Park splash pad and add some 7/29/2018 10:19 AM upgrades to the playground. More communication about events; event reminders. 95 [Ir7jSta�a'�„la Better restroom facilities 7/29/20189:58 AM 96 oma Pool _... _... _ 7/29/20188:51AM______.. 97ON ,eei�'n}Jjy�j( Concession stand at OPP.7/29/20188:30AM. 98 More bike trails 7/29/20188:09 AM 99 m®e Swimming Pools 7/29/20186:37 AM 100ae7tnrttno"""Bathroomandparkbenches 7/29/20184:25 AM ...101 N/A _. _... 7/29/20182:20AM______.. 102 Connecting neighborhoods and parks with a trail system 7/28/2018 11:04 PM 103 - m Better advertising for special events. Were there any this last year? 7/28/2018 9:28 PM 104 Is a mother, I would like my children more interested In going to play at the park, as of now the kids 7/28/2018 8:53 PM say it to boring at the park.. 105 None 7/28/2018 7:03 PM 1067j,q New developments should be required to provide green space and neighborhood 7/28/2018 6:49 PM parks. 23/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 107 �.y1"C•ia3 . Prairie Park Tennis court, concession building, bathrooms _.. 7/28/2018 6:07 PM ...108 mSwimming pool... _.... .. 7/28/2018 3:30 PM__ . 109 More trails water access and lighting 7/28/2018 2:27 PM 110 - Trails, trails, trails and more bicycle friendly amenities 7/28/2018 1:28 PM 111 rftEfflWe don't have many parks close to our neighborhood- 77th St 7/28/2018 8:40 AM 112 more librarystands 7/28/2018 6:56 AM 113 - - _ ' - • • < . More organization and advertising for events. I didn't know half of the 7/28/2018 6:34 AM listed events existed. I would also L O V E to see a race (5k, 10k, t Omi, 1/2 or full marathon) that's utilizes Otsego's parks and nelghborhoodsl It could be a part of the Fall Festivalll! 114 Would like litter picked up more often. 7/28/20182:06AM............ 115a : � + More/bigger splash pads 7/27/2018 11:07 PM 116 EZEEM Community center like ymca 7/27/2018 10:09 PM 117 More ice (ink options 7/27/2018 9:25 PM 118 If the City of Otsego invests In natural parks, they should make sure they are properly maintained 7/27/2018 8:57 PM i.e. seasonal control burns, mowing and spraying. These parks should also hold high environmental value and not just a bunch of brome grass. 119 ' a . � 4.Y � Updated splash pad with more interactive things 7/27/2018 8:03 PM 120 An interconnecting paved trail system linking with Albertville, Elk River and Rogers 7/27/2018 8:02 PM ....121 m e ®...Pool _.... 7/27/2018 7:59 PM 122 - Walking paths from residential area onto the park property. 7/27/2018 7:02 PM _.. 123 ..-^ f ,-.-.. ,a. - .�.. ,, � s n Lk„�Oii, [a_il•�°1d,k, 7}?Yn7 CITY SIDEWALKS TO HAVE DOG POOP STATIONS (BAGS 7/27/2018 521 PM AND BASKETS) ESPECIALLY ON NE PAGE AVE 124 Nature trails, natural paths 7/27/2018 4:48 PM 125 ' = a ®. Additional classes and programs. Sports, dance, art, etc 7/27/2018 3:08 PM 126 a•. Indoor and outdoor pool _... 7/27/2018 2:23 PM _.. ..127 • ... Kyak rental 7/27/20181:59 PM_____ 128 < • 1st Community pool (badly needed because there are no other beaches or pools 7/27/2018 1:51 PM within a 15 minute drive (Monticello Is the closest). 2. Paved walking/biking trails along the riverfront. 3. Well maintained alv/ohv trails (the closest one Is an hour north of Otsego). 129+r Would like to see a park added to our neighborhood. Benzinger/Crimson Ponds 7/27/2018 12:43 PM Second addition. There Is only one park near us, which still is a One mile walk. 130 - Would like to see an event center built 7/27/2018 11:45 AM ............. ...131 ..... WHIM Dog park.., _..... ...... 7/27/2018 9:14 AM 132i�a;111C�"n, r .More shade. Reslrooms, separation of wet and dry for play area 7/27/2018 9:05 AM 133 •••- More classes 7/27/20189:02 AM 134 "= • •. - More programming for kids on Wednesday or Thursdays. Very limited activities for 7/27/2018 7:58 AM working parents to bring their kids to. 135 Mn More bike trail 7/27/2018 6:25 AM 136 "•+ Community Pool!! 7/27120183:21 AM 137 Walking/biking trails extended and completed 7/27/2018 3:07 AM 138 „,t,<e4,ngE Updated amenities 7/27/2018 12:02 AM 139 ' • + •• - The summer programs are costly, yet put on by volunteers and or very young 7/26/2018 11:13 PM kids. Is t -ball, gymnastics/dance. After 2 yrs of doing I will no longer and also strongly encourage other parents to seek better planned programs for their children, even If It costs more. 140 Cross country ski trails 7/26/2018 11:13 PM %ZI N El Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 141 More neighborhood parks, ampltheater at Prairie Park for events 7/26/2018 10:55 PM 142 - Alleast to have an indoor recreational facilities kids and adults 7/26/2018 10:42 PM 143 I'd like to see more paved bicycle trails 7/26/2018 10:03 PM 144 • - - A community center would be nice 7/26/2018 10:01 PM 145 More trails and paths to connect us all 7/26/2018 9:54 PM 146 - Just little league complex and Babe Ruth field 7/26/2018 9:36 PM 147 _ ,..• I would like to see more paved trails for biking and rollerblading 7/26/20`18 9:35 PM 148 " ®• 1 would love to see a community pool go in 7126/2018 9:31 PM 149uo,1TratluijixY• REAL BATHROOMS at Prairie Park 7/26/2018 9:18 PM 150 • • More adult classes 7/26/2018 9:15 PM 151 - Real little league baseball fields. 7/26/20189:12 PM 152 - • - We need skating rinks for families 7/26/2018 8:36 PM 153 ' • e Swimming pool similar to Elm Ceek. Where the dug our hole is by Prairie Park 7/26/2018 8:20 PM 154JfA I " �rr%3A,?•g�t 9 )�tac�i� Bathroom at prairie park, picnic shelters to rent 7/2612018 8:05 PM ..155 .... omm Pool 7/26/20187:53 PM.__ 156 All paved trails should connect 7/26/2018 7:45 PM 157 ` - < • 9 , p : • At prairie Park, one part of the splash pad and some of the playground 7/26/2018 7:35 PM equipment needs maintenance. 158 More parking at soccer fields by Target. There is not enough parking and your not supposed to 7/26/2018 6:17 PM park on the streets. 159 r�J=Mfir, obstacles for dogs in the do ark -tunnels, um s,etc 4_� 9 9p 1 P 7/26/2018 5:46 PM 160 = Public swimming pool, revenue source through season passes, and admission fees, jobs for 7/26/2018 3:30 PM kids as lifeguards and concessions 161 I=• _ • During big events (Santa, Easter, etc) more signage, rope lines and 7/26/2018 3:09 PM organization would be helpful ... a better flow versus ppl going in all directions would be nice. . 162 `a=, Community pool 7/26/20182:35 PM...... _... ...163 ., ®® Pool 7/26/2018 2:22 PM 164 MM =Connections throughout Otsego city limits to neighborhoods. Bike fix It stations 7/26/2018 1:40 PM 165 - More multi use fields for football and lacrosse. Or allow these sports to use soccer fields 7/26/2018 1:28 PM 166 M=" - + • •- Flag football, lacrosse or fall soccer for 4 year olds 7/26/2018 12:48 PM ........................... 167..,xy . a E Restrooms with plumbing 7/26/2018 11:40 AM 168 - Tennis courts upgraded, correct net heights 7/26/2018 11:33 AM 169 "®® _= m.s Pool and better splash pad 7/26/2018 11:14 AM _... _.170 g'k,a.-?f: warming house _.... _tT- 7/26!2018 10:30 AM 171 ' - • • • - More organization for the tball coach volunteers. 7/26/2018 7:18 AM 172 - - Better advertisment in the community for events. 7/26/2018 7:00 AM 173 More bencheslll Rent gulf carts 7/26/2018 1:49 AM 174 - My wife and I would like to see more trail connections through nature etc. 7/25/2018 11:34 PM 175O Restroome 7/25/2018 11:26 PM 176 More trails 7/25/2018 11:13 PM 177 Field improvements 7/25/2018 10:57 PM 178 More bike trails (connected to each other) 7125/2018 10:50 PM 25/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 179 More regional trails 7/25/2018 10:29 PM 180 Community pool 7/25/201810:28 PM......... 181 ' • . o. . More early evening children's events so working parents can take their kids to fun 7/25/2018 10:21 PM things, too. 182 Me we really need safe trails to connect our neighborhood to Otsego from River Place on Co. 7/25/2018 9:56 PM Rd. 36 183 = More biking trails that connect to neighboring towns 7/25/2018 9:49 PM 184 00 .. Hockey arena 7/25/2018 9:48 PM 185 = Connected trail systems that allow kids and families access to community- both the people 7/25/2018 9:12 PM and the beauty that Otsego has. 186 ".o Outdoor swimming pool 7/25/20188:17 PM 187 e = - ... Bigger better splash pad- we came from Champlin and it had a lot more to do at the 7/25/2018 8:17 PM pad then otsego .............. 188 Walking/bikingtrail system 7/25/2018 7:52 PM 189 ' - • . . Love to see more sports programs like soccer and baseball for kids. 7/25/2018 7:47 PM 190 am®- a ... Better music at the festival/activists for kids 7/25/2018 7:45 PM 191 Access to a lake for paddleboarding. 7/25/2018 7:37 PM 192 - More baseball/softball fields and include a concession stand. 7/25/2018 7:20 PM 193 ---'.---- dY. Keep up with safety of area, like grounds cameras, bathrooms, lighting, 7/25/2018 7:16 PM equipment of playgrounds and machines. Water safety. Good clean beautiful area to enjoy some fun and relaxation. 194t.,L- Lovethedogpark _.... 7/25/20187:11 PM__. 195 - It would be nice to see better connections to the river. 7/25/2018 7:11 PM 196 - < . - Ice rinks at the neighborhood parks 7/25/2018 7:03 PM 197 - We have had a great time at all the events at the prairie center except the Easter egg 7/25/2018 7:02 PM hunt. We had to park Incredibly far away in the cold for my son to get zero eggs. Pretty dissatisfied with that but other events have been perfect 198 ' a • Community pool 7/25/2018 7:00 PM 199 - Emphasis on more bike trails 7/25/2018 6:59 PM 200 e - 1 would like to see the trail along Nashua extended to 39, it would also be nice to 7/25/2018 6:51 PM have a trail along 39 so bikers can be off the road 201 I= Additional Trails connecting parks. 7/25/2018 6:40 PM 202 MM Covered Dugouts for ball fields 7/25/2018 6:38 PM 203 Would love to have more paths for walking/biking, natural areas 7/25/2018 6:30 PM 204 Pickle ball courts 7/25/20186:22 PM....... 205 I'd love to see trails connecting communities/neighborhoods, etc. 7/25/2018 6:17 PM 206 Did not see Otsego park on 96th street listed. That is an awesome park. Would like to see all 7/25/2018 5:39 PM existing parks look like that. 207 More baseball flelds 7/25/20185:34 PM 208 Trails and pathways that would help keep pedestrians and bicyclists off of narrow county 7/25/2018 5:23 PM roadways. 209 ,!� ®_ .: Another dog park 7/25/2018 4:56 PM 210 • • • • • Offer more of a discounted rate on programs for either lower income or just otsego 7/25/2018 4:49 PM residents. I would love to put my kids in otsego programs but have gone to Rogers because it's cheaper. 26/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 211 • . - Warming houses and ice rinks at neighborhood parks 7/25/2018 4:45 PM 212 ^ • • 1 would also like to see a community pool along with the splash pad. 7/25/2018 4:41 PM 213 SM More events offered for families. The pumpkin patch day, Easter day and Santa days are 7/25/2018 4:29 PM always so packedlll Too many people so the experience has not been enjoyable. 214 I'd like to see more parks coming to the new neighborhoods . 7/25/2018 4:21 PM 215 a - f . a Upgraded splash pad 7/25/2018 4:18 PM 216 - m • • a • + The Easter hunt should have a separate toddler area. Wish the splash pad 7/25/2018 4:16 PM was more interactive than just water spraying from the ground 217 ' • • • • Continue to offer classes for kids that focuses on teaching skills & having fun ... not 7/25/2018 4:00 PM just on winningM I love this about the Otsego Parks & Rec activitieslll Good jobill More activities for early teens might be nice. 218 a®= Outdoor or indoor pool 7/25/2018 3:59 PM 219 a ••- Add fan to zumba class 7/25/20183:56 PM 220 - e • • - A disc golf course and more outdoor fit camps 7/25/2018 3:55 PM 221,G$1, •Ja it, Restrooms or changing areas at Prairie Park 7/25/2018 3:52 PM 222 Upgrade splash pad and add wading pool. 7/25/2018 3:34 PM 223 j f o' fbffi@ We love having family get togethers at a park, so it'd be great if there were 7/25/2018 3:14 PM shelters that could be reserved. For daily use, shelters should be very close to the play equipment so parents can keep a close eye on the little kids. Northwood Park is great, so I suggest using that as a model for new parks. I'd be interested in seeing ideas that others come up with and voting on which ones are of most interest. 224 h?rl �+ot`- = More parks throughout neighborhoods. Sidewalk along 70th to connect 7/25/2018 3:09 PM neighborhoods together or to get to the other walking path near Martin farms 225 ' - • ®• More tot times available for working parents 7/25/2018 3:08 PM 226 • ••.- Maybe more class options 7/25/20183:07 PM.......... 227 83M • - Access Boat/Kayak/jet ski to the river. Maybe dock or landing 7/25/2018 2:50 PM 228 More paved trails, expansion of trails along busy county roads where it is dangerous to use 7/25/2018 2:34 PM the shoulder for biking/walking/running. 229 - Bigger venue or more dates for Santa. 7/25/2018 2:33 PM 230 ' - • • • - 1 love that the city is continually adding sports and activities for kids. Please keep 7/25/2018 2:25 PM adding more. Especially for younger kids. 231 ME MW More blacktop biking trails. We have a lot of semi traffic and could use more bike 7/25/2018 2:16 PM trails for safe riding. 232 ^ - • •.. More family friendly activities evenings and weekends 7/25/2018 2:08 PM 233 ' - • • More evening options for activities and programs for families with both parents 7/25/2018 1:56 PM working 234 =3 The Easter Egg Hunt was a mess. Older kids and toddlers searching for eggs together 7/25/2018 1:52 PM does not work. Big Lake sections areas off according to age and that works really well 27/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q11 How do you learn about parks and recreation in Otsego? Answered: 486 Skipped: 86 Facebook or social media Recreation newsletter City website Other(please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Facebook or social media 54.73% 266 ...Recreation newsletter.. 48.56%...........236... .....230.. City website _..... _..... 47.33%..... _..... _..... _. ...Other (please specify)..... 9.67% 47 Total Respondents: 486 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Live in the city and use the parks 9/16/2018 7:18 PM 2 Live in the area 9/16/20185:30 PM . _.3 1 don't... website _ 9/15/2018 10:09 AM._. _._ _.4Neighbors _ _ _ 9/14/20189:02PM..... 5 Ok 9/14/2018 8:40 PM .6 Email from youth sports 9/14/2018 4:50 PM 7 Rogers Otsego Youth Baseball Assocaition 9/14/2018 3:23 PM 8 From our coaches and parents of ROSA 9/14/2018 9:32 AM 9 ROSA__.. _.. ........ 9/14/20188:31AM.._.. _.. ._10 Sports 9/14/2018 8:28 AM..... 11 word of mouth/signage 9/14/2018 8:05 AM _.12 _..._ Baseball.. 9/13/20188:44 PM 13 Northland little league 9/13/20188:02 PM Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey 14 Both baseball and softball associations in the area 9/13/2018 7:07 PM 15 team events 9/13/2018 4:01 PM 16 neighbors and friends 9/13/20183:37 PM 17 I 9/13/2018 2:39 PM ... 18 _. sporting events _.. _.... _... 9/13/2018 2:33 PM _-19 Word of mouth _...... 9/12/2018 5:42 PM___ _.20 __... Otsego News _... 9/6120189:26PM_.._.. _.... 21 Friend _.. _... 9/4/2018 9:35 PM 22 local organizations 8/28/20189:56 PM _... 23 friends _.... _... 8/27/20182:09 PM 24 Friends...._ _..... 8/27/20181:56 PM_____.... 25 Used to live in Otsego 8/27/20181:39 PM.. 26 _.... Water Bill.. 8/20/20185:18 PM______.. _.... _.27 1 go to them ........ _.. _... 8/20/2018 11:55 AM._.. 28 Friend _._ 7/29/2018 8:31 AM 29 1 can never find useful Information at any of these outlets 7/28/2018 6:35 AM 30 Word of mouth and neighborhood 7/28/2018 5:44 AM 31 Signs in the area 7/27/2018 12:42 PM 32 Local newspapers _ 7/27/2018 9:54 AM_........... _. 33 _... Friends...... _... 7/27/20188:46AM.__.____. 34 Word of mouth 7/27/2018 1:55 AM____..... 35 1 feel like I don't hear a lot about the events. 7/26/2018 10:00 PM 36 Neighbors 7/26/2018 7:54 PM._ 37 1 am OFFENDED that u asked what gender I indenify as. I will never again participate in any 7/26/2018 7:24 PM survey you send!!! But I am sure u don't care. You will when I vote because I do votell 38 Signs in the community 7/26/20186:33 PM _.39 Employee 7/26/2018 2:23 PM__.. 40 Searching online 7/26/20187:02 AM _.. 41 Exploring/google _..... _.. 7/25/201811:36 PM.._ 42 We haven't learned much—we just moved in a few weeks ago, but would like to know more 7/25/2018 11:00 PM ............. _43 Emails........ _... _.... _.. 7/25/2018 9:50 PM 44 _... Family _... 7/25/2018 8:28 PM.__. 45 1 like going to other parks to see what they offer. 7/25/2018 7:19 PM _46 _..._ Neighbors _.. _.. 7/25/20186:58 PM.... 47 Mailers 7/25/20185:41 PM 29/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q12 How effective is the current parks and recreation communication system? Greatl - I can find... Moderately effective - ... Not good - It is difficult... N/A Answered: 487 Skipped: 85 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Great) - I can find information easily 35.52% 173 Moderately effective - I can find some of what I'm looking for 52.57%° 256 Not good - It Is difficult to find information 7.80% 38 _N/A ......4.11%....... 20.. TOTAL 487 30/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q13 On the map of Otsego above, which area of the city do you live in? Answered: 486 Skipped: 86 Northwest Southwest Central/ Northeast Southeast Other (1 don't live in Otsego) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Northwest 9.47% 46 Southwest 32.30%. .......157 ....Central / Northeast 32.92%. .......160 ..Southeast... 14.61% _.._ 71_.. Other (I don't live in Otsego) 10.70% _. 52... TOTAL 486 31 /48 Under18 19.30 31.45 46-60 60+ Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q14 What is your age? Answered: 487 Skipped: 85 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Under 18 0.00% 0 _19-30_. _... _. _.... 11.29% _._ 55.. 31-45 _.... 68.17% _.. _. ......332.. _46-60 __.. _... 16.02% _.... _. _78 _60+ _... _. _ 4.52% 22 TOTAL 487 32148 Female Male Other Prefer not to say Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q15 What gender do you identify as? Answered: 486 Skipped: 86 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Female 67.90% 330 ....Male 31.28% .....152... ..Other _.... 0.00% _... 0.. Prefer not to say ....... _.... 0.82% 4_. TOTAL 486 33/48 Otsego Parks and Recreation System Plan Survey Q16 Please list the number of children in each age group in your household. Answered: 451 Skipped: 121 Number of kids Age 0-5 Age 6-10 Age 11-14 Age 15-18 34/48 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0 M1 0."2 ffM3 M4 05 6+ Number of kids 0 1 2 3 4 5 6+ TOTAL Age 0-5 15.05% 40.80% 36.79% 6.35% 1.00% 0.00% 0.00% 45 122 110 19 3 0 0 299 Age 6-10 ...... .....16.18% -..... 56.85% 24.07% 2.49% 0.41% 0.00%...... 0.00%.. 39 137 58 6 1 0 0 241 Age 11-14 25.71% 54.29% 18.29% 1.71% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% . 45 95 32 3 0 0 0 175 Age 15-18 37.80% 45.67% 14.96% 1.57% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 48 58 19 2 0 0 0 127 34/48