Packet - Storm WaterCity of Otsego STORM WATER -1 Storm Water Utility Fund Budget - 2019 Department Requests / 49490 - Storm Water Utility Fund (Out -of -District) Requested Account Number Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget Fund Department Source Account Description 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Comments Revenues 220 49490 31010 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 13,000 $ 26,000 $ 30,000 TOTAL - OPERATING 25,000 25,000 13,000 26,000 30,000 220 49490 36210 INTEREST EARNINGS 901 1,474 - - - 220 49490 36213 NET CHANGE IN INVESTMENT FMV (392) (613) TOTAL - NON OPERATING 509 861 - - TOTAL -REVENUES 25,509 25,861 13,000 26,000 30,000 Expenses 220 49490 292 CULVERTS - - - 20,500 20,500 Lump Sum - Replacement of Storm Water Culverts TOTAL -SUPPLIES - 20,500 20,500 220 49490 301 LEGAL SERVICES 2,035 - - 500 220 49490 302 ENGINEERING FEES 30,968 1,266 5,500 5,500 25% of Culvert Costs - Engineering Oversight 202 49490 303 PLANNING FEES 200 - - - TOTAL - SERVICES & OTHER CHARGES 33,202 1,266 5,500 6,000 220 49490 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY (GENERAL) - - - - 220 49490 510 LAND ACCIUSITION/EASEMENTS 8,063 220 49490 530 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDG 73,390 220 49490 599 CAPTILAIZED ASSET OFFSET (114,655) TOTAL - CAPITAL OUTLAY (33,202) TOTAL -EXPENSES NET INCOME / (LOSS) 1,266 26,000 26,500 $ 25,509 $ 25,861 $ 11,734 $ - $ 3,500 Change ($) 3,500 Change (1%) #DIV/0! City of Otsego Storm Water Utility Fund (Out District) Cash Flow Summary E Revised: October 16, 2018 Revenues Property Taxes Investment Interest Miscellaneous Transfers In Total Expenses Personal Services Supplies Engineering Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Cash Balance - Beginning Balance Sheet Effects Revenues Expenditures Cash Balance - Ending 114,656 22,500 15.38% 6.67% 6.25% 5.88% 5.56% 5.26% Actual Forecast Budget I Projected 77,752 70,410 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Comments $ 25,000 $ 26,000 $ 30,000 $ 32,000 $ 34,000 $ 36,000 $ 38,000 $ 40,000 Annual Increase of $2,000 861 - - - - - - - (28,500) 25,861 26,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 20,520 $ - 20,500 20,500 21,000 21,500 22,000 22,500 23,000 Annual Increase of $500 30,968 2,000 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 Annual Increase of $500 2,235 - - - - - - - 81,453 - - - - - - - 114,656 22,500 26,500 27,500 28,500 29,500 30,500 31,500 77,752 70,410 520 4,020 8,520 14,020 20,520 28,020 81,453 (73,390) 25,861 26,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 (114,656) (22,500) (26,500) (27,500) (28,500) (29,500) (30,500) (31,500) $ 70,410 $ 520 $ 4,020 $ 8,520 $ 14,020 $ 20,520 $ 28,020 $ 36,520 XABudget\2019\Cash Flows\Utility Funds STORM WATER - 2 220-Storm(Out) City of Otsego imStorm Water Utility Fund Budget - 2019 Department Requests 49490 - Storm Water Utility Fund Account Number Fund Department Source Account Description Revenues 222 49490 37500 STORMWATER UTILITY CHARGES 222 49490 31900 PENALTIES AND INTEREST TOTAL - OPERATING 222 49490 36100 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 222 49490 36102 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - PENALTIES 222 49490 36210 INTEREST EARNINGS 222 49490 36213 NET CHANGE IN INVESTMENT FMV 222 49490 36231 CAPITAL CONTRIB. GOVT FUNDS 222 49490 36232 CAPITAL CONTRIB. DEVELOPERS 222 49490 38990 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL - NON OPERATING TOTAL -REVENUES Expenses 61,540 63,885 61,443 67,974 29,121 33,379 20,472 32,215 32,215 222 49490 119 PAYROLL ALLOCATION TOTAL - PERSONAL SERVICES 526,448 - - - 10,000 222 49490 220 REPAIRS/MAINTSUPPLIES TOTAL -SUPPLIES 2,500 Rip -Rap -Rock/ Fabric 401 222 49490 301 LEGAL SERVICES 222 49490 302 ENGINEERING FEES 222 49490 303 PLANNING FEES 222 49490 310 MISCELLANEOUS 222 49490 315 GIS SERVICES 222 49490 322 UTILITIES 222 49490 355 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 222 49490 360 EDUCATION/TRANING/CONFERENCE 222 49490 361 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INSURAN 222 49490 390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 222 49490 410 RENTALS 222 49490 441 LICENSES, TAXES & FEES TOTAL -SERVICES & OTHER CHARGES - 222 49490 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY (GENERAL) 222 49490 510 LAND ACQUSITION/EASEMENTS TOTAL - CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,669 24,800 26,300 222 49490 420 DEPRECIATION 222 49490 720 OPERATING TRANSFERS TOTAL -OTHER 246 TOTAL -EXPENSES NET INCOME / (LOSS) STORM WATER - 3 Requested Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Comments $ 46,811 $ 61,540 $ 63,885 $ 61,443 $ 67,974 Includes 0% Rate Increase - See Cash Flow 46,811 61,540 63,885 61,443 67,974 29,121 33,379 20,472 32,215 32,215 714 2,076 - - - (311) (863) - - - 329,140 526,448 - - - 358,664 561,040 20,472 32,215 32,215 405,475 622,581 84,357 93,658 100,189 - 15,313 - 12,000 10,000 Reimbursement Allocation to Streets Department 15,313 - 12,000 10,000 401 727 - 2,500 2,500 Rip -Rap -Rock/ Fabric 401 727 2,500 2,500 - - - 500 12,758 9,011 8,329 24,000 20,000 Annual Costs - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP; - 50 - - - 2,185 - 320 - 1,000 760 760 760 800 800 LMC - Annual Stormwater Coalition Contribution - - 750 - 1,000 850 617 - - - 720 1,176 2,510 - 3,000 17,889 10,997 12,669 24,800 26,300 246 246 24,051 35,134 - 25,000 45,000 24,051 35,134 - 25,000 45,000 42,341 62,171 12,915 64,300 83,800 $ 363,134 $ 560,410 $ 71,442 $ 29,358 $ 16,389 Change ($) (12,969) Change (%) -44.18% City of Otsego STORM WATER - 4 Storm Water Utility Fund (In District) Cash Flow Summary Revised: October 16, 2018 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% Actual Forecast Budget Projected 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Comments Revenues Charges for Services $ 61,540 $ 67,974 $ 67,974 $ 69,333 $ 70,720 $ 72,135 $ 73,577 $ 75,049 Special Assessments 33,379 32,215 32,215 32,215 32,215 32,215 32,215 32,215 Investment Interest 1,213 - - - - - - - Miscellaneous - - - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - - - - Total 96,132 100,189 100,189 101,548 102,935 104,350 105,792 107,264 Expenses Personal Services 15,313 12,000 10,000 10,200 10,404 10,612 10,824 11,041 2019 Budget -Then 2% Inflation Supplies 727 2,500 2,500 2,550 2,601 2,653 2,706 2,760 2019 Budget - Then 2% Inflation Engineering 9,011 24,000 20,000 20,400 20,808 21,224 21,649 22,082 2019 Budget -Then 2% Inflation Other Charges & Services 1,986 800 6,300 6,426 6,555 6,686 6,819 6,956 2019 Budget - Then 2% Inflation Depreciation 35,134 25,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 2019 Budget - Then Flat Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - Transfers Out - - - - - - - - Total 62,171 64,300 83,800 84,576 85,368 86,175 86,998 87,838 Cash Balance - Beginning 81,341 149,933 185,822 202,211 219,183 236,751 254,926 273,720 Balance Sheet Effects 34,631 Revenues 96,132 100,189 100,189 101,548 102,935 104,350 105,792 107,264 Expenditures (62,171) (64,300) (83,800) (84,576) (85,368) (86,175) (86,998) (87,838) Noncash - Depreciation 35,134 25,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Cash Balance - Ending $ 149,933 $ 185,822 $ 202,211 $ 219,183 $ 236,751 $ 254,926 $ 273,720 $ 293,145 XABudget\2019\Cash Flows\Utility Funds 222-Storm(In)