92-39CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE EDA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN DATED OCTOBER 20, 1992 Resolution No. 92-39 At a meeting of the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, which meeting was duly called and held on the 9th day of November, 1992, at 7 o'clock p.m., the following Council Members were present: Larry Fournier Floyd Roden Ron Black Norman Freske Douglas Lindenfelser The following Council Members were absent: None The following Resolution was offered by Council Member Tarry Fournier who duly moved for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority of the City of Otsego (the "Authority"), pursuant to a Resolution dated Octpber 20, 1992 approved the Redevelopment Plan for the Otsego Community Center Project dated October 20, 1992 by the Economic Development Authority of the City of Otsego (the "Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Otsego Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Authority has transmitted the Plan to and, by resolution, has applied to the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota (the"City"), for approval of the Plan; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Authority undertake and carry out the Plan pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047, said Plan area indicated on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part thereof, (which area is herein called the "Redevelopment Area" or the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the City on the date hereof, after having published a notice of public hearing in the official newspaper of the City, conducted a public hearing on the Plan and received public comments on the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. That the area described as the Redevelopment Area in said Plan is a Redevelopment Project within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, Subd. 14. Section 2. That said Plan and Project will carry out the purpose and policy of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469. Section 3. That the land in the Project area would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought. Section 4. That the Redevelopment Plan for the Project area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with sound needs of the city as a whole, for the redevelopment of the such area by private enterprise. Section 5. That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the Project area set forth in the Plan booklet conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. Section 6. That the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota does hereby approve the Plan as presented in the booklet entitled "Redevelopment Plan for Otsego Community Center Project", dated October 20, 1992. Said Resolution was duly seconded by Council member Floyd Roden and put to vote. Voting in favor thereof were Council members Douglas Lindenfelser, Norman F Freske, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ronald G Black Voting against said Resolution: None Approved this 9th day of November, 1992. o Freske, Mayor erkau t, City Clerk EDABC�" EXHIBIT A CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on November 9TH , 1992 at 7:00 o'clock PM .m., at City Hall, 13474 95th Street Northeast, Otsego, Minnesota, relating to the proposed adoption of a Redevelopment Plan and establishment of a Redevelopment Project Area within the City, pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 469.028, as amended. Copies of the Redevelopment Plan as proposed to be adopted will be on file and available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk at City Hall. The property proposed to be included in the Redevelopment Project Area is described in the Redevelopment Plan on file in the office of the City Clerk. All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or in writing. Dated: October 22 , 1992 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL acne Beatty, Deputy City&1"k EDA6E