ORD 94-03ORDINANCE NO. 94-3 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF NQNNESOTA AN INTERIM ORDINANCE TEMPORARILY PROHIBITING APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT REQUESTS WITHIN THE "LeFEVBRE WATERSHED DISTRICT", THE BOUNDARIES OF WHICH ARE GRAPHICALLY ILLUSTRATED ON EXHIBIT A. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Definitions. The following terms whenever used in this ordinance shall be interpreted to mean: Development: The division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels; the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any structure; any mining excavation, landfill or land disturbance, and any use or extension of the use of land. Governmental Projects: A development undertaken by any department, commission, independent agency or instrumentality of the United States, State of Minnesota, Wright County, City of Otsego, authority, district, or other governmental unit. Section 2. Intent. It is the intent of this Ordinance to allow the City of Otsego time to complete a previously authorized indepth storm water drainage study of the area and acquire necessary drainage easements to effectively accommodate future development in the area. Said study is for purposes of considering possible adoption or amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan or official controls. Section 3. Authokity and Purpose. The City Council is empowered by Minnesota Statutes 462.355, Subdivision 4 to pass an interim ordinance applicable to part of its jurisdiction for the purpose of protecting the planning process and the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. Section 4. Temporary Prohibition. For one year after the effective date of this ordinance, or until such earlier time as the Otsego City Council determines by resolution that then reasons for said moratorium no longer exist, no new development applications shall be processed, approved or accepted for lands lying within the "LeFevbre Watershed District, the boundaries of which are graphically illustrated upon Exhibit A, attached hereto and herein incorporated by reference. Exceptions to this ordinance shall include the following: (1) Property for which properly completed applications for development approval were filed on or before 1 January 1994. (2) Developments which have been previously approved by the City Council in settlement agreements. (3) Building permits associated with projects approved on or before 1 January 1994. (4) Building permits associated with governmental projects subject to acceptance by the City of Otsego. (5) Any development or portion of development related to that proposed project identified as the "third industrial site" (Exhibit B), located within the watershed boundaries as delineated on Exhibit A, subject to approval of proposed storm drainage facilities by the City Engineer. Section S. Misdemeanor. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 609.02, Subdivision 3, or as subsequently amended, plus costs of prosecution. Section 6. Injunctive Relief. In the event of a violation of this ordinance, the City may institute appropriate actions or proceedings, including requesting injunctive relief to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such violations. Section 7. Separability. It is hereby declared to be the intention that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable in accordance with the following: If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this ordinance to be invalid, such judgement shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specifically included in said judgement. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication and shall remain in effect until one year after the effective date, unless a shorter period of time is approved by proper resolution of the Otsego City Council. 2 WA 0 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 28th day of February 1994. ATTEST: By: CITY OF OTSEGO By: &,,, 0` Norman Freske, Mayor I I � Q Alt \1 I 4S OL �,�,,��(,,1,r.illunl.ri\4If..alis:• rf1(uwLdlwaN!l.fe.o• Oil / SL YA -`'v rN • •a' � sr.u�a>rd f.nu..l14..'18e rfJlrm tit d 4a'1i;1 RI, R.t6, wyala•a►� wmmarmi M x ►1r1A4ir.�.14►yh.�itastil'•<<saw _..1�L2.1f.--• •f�U\ 54.26 Acres ---141(r.(rh••• \ b. rky1� P,wll �� ►l..Izti C lana Atr. ►I.r� Certificate of SurvGy I .t�lw.l%'1►.�4 � the West line -of said Southwelpt quarter ofSoutheast quarter 'a distance of 272.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue North 00• 00' 00" East, along said Nest line, a distance of 347.00 feet; thence South 906 00. 00" East a ;distance of: 313.53 feet; thence South 00. 00. 00" Nest a distance of: 347.00 feet; thence North 90• 00. 00" Nest a distance of 313.53 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to public road easement. Subject to all recorded documents. according to the Y.S. Government Survey thereof. 1 We hereby certify that this is a true sad correct representation of a survey wrmw ant w run of the boundaries of the land described 0 0,00199 IUM mom■999 above. It does not purport to show Improvements or eneroschmenslfe If a y, surveyed by ext thledgr of AIMR-ROHLIN,PC�/ Sj�l REVISIONS 1 19�• NRr�m,a,6r"'iN.�mw.N'iAM°"ir.a minis `J' 6ZS�9�/ DATE BY �� O"AN" By SOORFigeNELT1 O, fILE AANO. I�SNECi3 Ito $J For ' Lin -Bat Development Inc. I• I Deed of Record r w ~ '•d The South Half of the southrost quarter, Section Twee 1 eight (2e), Township one Hundred Twenty-one (1211, y u Twenty three (23), excepting therefrom the following des- e11Q w cribed tractal The North 416 feet of the west 242 feet of :V ,y the Southwest quarter of the Southeast Ounrter; the went 330 feet of the East 660 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter; the test 330 feet of the South Hair of the (Southeast quarter; the East I95 feet of the Nest 347 feet of the North 416 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. all in Section Twenty-eight (26), Township One ml Hundred Twenty-one (121). Range Twenty-three (23) ; and ALSO i I iCexcept that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast V. Quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28). Township One Hundred Twenty-one (121), Range Twenty-three (23), Wright County, Minnesota described follows: Commencing the as at Southwest S. •._. • , ...Olmsa/„ t" 2;'"41Ft�i+, «a1(pmlyil,Mlri t• e,�y corner of said southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter; � �the�re on an assumed bearing or North 00" 00• 00" East along .t�lw.l%'1►.�4 � the West line -of said Southwelpt quarter ofSoutheast quarter 'a distance of 272.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue North 00• 00' 00" East, along said Nest line, a distance of 347.00 feet; thence South 906 00. 00" East a ;distance of: 313.53 feet; thence South 00. 00. 00" Nest a distance of: 347.00 feet; thence North 90• 00. 00" Nest a distance of 313.53 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to public road easement. Subject to all recorded documents. according to the Y.S. Government Survey thereof. 1 We hereby certify that this is a true sad correct representation of a survey wrmw ant w run of the boundaries of the land described 0 0,00199 IUM mom■999 above. It does not purport to show Improvements or eneroschmenslfe If a y, surveyed by ext thledgr of AIMR-ROHLIN,PC�/ Sj�l REVISIONS 1 19�• NRr�m,a,6r"'iN.�mw.N'iAM°"ir.a minis `J' 6ZS�9�/ DATE BY �� O"AN" By SOORFigeNELT1 O, fILE AANO. I�SNECi3 Ito $J