10-09-18 Public Safety Commission Minutes October 9, 2018 Otsego Public Safety Commission Meeting 6:30 PM Call to order: 1830 Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime Commissioners: Chairman Bill Abderhalden Chuck Schauss - Excused Paul Fields Jim Breitbach Greg Hubbard Dan Freiberg - Excused John Braun - Excused 1. Approve Agenda: Motioned by Bill Abderhalden and seconded by Paul Breitbach, passed unanimous- ly 2. Approve meeting minutes from September 11th, 2018. Motioned by Bill Abderhalden and seconded by Greg Hubbard, passed unanimously. 3. Open forum -Prairie Festival went well. One injury to a tent crew staff (fingers) Updates: Elk River Fire Department Not present Ambulance Not present, but presented quarterly response data. 181 calls for service with 109 transports. Albertville Fire Department 11 calls for service 1 building fire within their district Now have three trained Youth Fire Setter Interventionists Met with fire chiefs to discuss fire district boundary adjustments. Received approval for new engine and 110ft aerial tower. Rogers Fire Department No one present WCSO Busy with small, routine crashes and juvenile complaints. Boondocks patrons are parking in AMVET area marked no parking. November starts no overnight parking Old business: Working on mutual auto-aid agreements - especially on house fires. Starting more fire departments at the same time to help in increase response times and to help save property. New business: Rescheduled November public safety meeting to November 14th @1830 Add agenda item to November 14th meeting to review city fire code adoption. Have Tami invite City At- torney per Mayor Stockamp. Next meeting November 14th, 2018