95-05ORDINANCE NUMBER: 95-5 AMENDMENT TO CITY OF OTSEGO ORDINANCE 95e"1vESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL UTILITIES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RE- GARDING IITILITIES, RATES AND CHARGES AND COLLECTION OF UTILITY PAYMENTS *(ORDINANCE TO BE CODIFIED AS 12-1 ORIGNIAL ORDINANCE) The City Council of the City of Otsego ordains the following: SECTION 1. Otsego Ordinance No. 12-1 is amended to read as follows: Delete existing Section 12-1-1 which reads as follows: Section 1. 12-1-1: Purpose and Establishment. of Utilities: There is hereby established a Utilities Department. The water and sewer systems as they are now constituted or shall be hereafter enlarged or extended shall be operated and maintained under the provisions of this Chapter subject to the authority of the City Council at any time to amend, alter, change and repeal the same. The City Clerk shall have charge and management of the water and sewer systems subject to the direction of the City Council. The City Clerk may designate other City employees to carry out duties and responsibilities under this Chapter. Add new section 12-1-1, as follows: Section 1. 12-1-1: Purpose and Establishment of Utilities: There is hereby established a Utilities Department. The water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer and drainage systems as they are now constituted or shall be hereafter enlarged or extended shall be operated and maintained under the provisions of this Chapter subject to the authority of the City Council at any time to amend, alter, change and repeal the same. The City Clerk shall have charge and management of the water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer and * drainage systems subject to the direction of the City Council. The City Clerk may designate other City employees to carry out duties and responsibilities under this Chapter. Delete section 12-1-2, 2 which reads as follows: 2. "Municipal Utility" means any City owned utility system, including, but not by _way of limitation, water and sewer service. Add new section 12-1-2, 2, as follows: 2. "Municipal Utility" means any City owned utility system, including, but not by way of limitation, water service, sanitary sewer service, and storm water sewer and/or drainage service. Delete section 12-1-3 which reads as follows: 12-1-3: Mandatory Connection To Public Systems: It shall be unlawful for any person to install or hook up to a private water system which is intended to provide water for human consumption or to install or hook up to a private sewer system in the City, except in cases where the public water or sewer systems are not accessible to the premises requesting installation or hook up. The City Clerk shall refer to the City Engineer all questions of accessibility which may arise. The City Engineer shall determine if the public water or sewer systems are accessible to the premises requesting installation or hook up. Add new section 12-1-3 as follows: 12-1-3: Mandatory Connection To Public Systems: It shall be unlawful for any person to install or hook up to a private water system which is intended to provide water for human consumption, install or hook up to a private sanitary sewer system, or to hook up to private storm water sewer and /or drainage system in the City, except in cases where the public water, sanitary sewer, or storm water sewer and/or drainage systems are not accessible to the premises requesting installation or hook up. The City Clerk shall refer to the City Engineer all questions of accessibility which may arise. The City Engineer shall determine if the public water, sanitary sewer, or storm water sewer and/or drainage systems are accessible to the premises requesting installation or hook up. Delete section 12-1-4 which reads as follows: 12-1-4: Fixing Rates and Charges For Municipal Utilities. All rates and charges for municipal utilities, including, but not by way of limitation, rates for service, permit fees, deposit, hook up, meter testing fees, disconnection fees, reconnection fees, and penalty fees for delinquency, shall be fixed, determined and amended by the Council and adopted by resolution. Such resolution, containing the effective date thereof, shall be kept on file and open to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk and shall be uniformly enforced. For the purpose of fixing such rates and charges, the Council may categorize and classify under the various types of service, provided that such categorization and classification shall be included in the resolution authorized by this Section. Add new section 12-1-4 as follows: 12-1-4: Fixing Rates and Charges For Municipal Utilities. All rates and charges for municipal utilities, including, but not by way of limitation, rates for service, rates for contribution to the system, permit fees, deposit, hook up, meter testing fees, disconnection fees, reconnection fees, and penalty fees for delinquency, shall be fixed, determined and amended by the Council and adopted by resolution. Such resolution, containing the effective date thereof, shall be kept on file and open to public inspection iii the office of the City Clerk and shall be uniformly enforced. For the purpose of fixing rates and charges, the Council may categorize and classify under various types of services, or by contribution to the system, provided that such categorization and classification is just and equitable and is included in the resolution authorized by this Section. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance Amendment shall be effective from and after its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED thisl;2-9 day of March, 1995 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Larry Fournier, Ron Black, Vern Heidner, OPPOSED: and Suzanne Ackerman, Council Members No One was Opposed. CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Citv Clerk Posted: 4/4/95 Otsego City Hall Posting P,pblished: 4/12/95 Elk River Star News W