ITEM 1 Prairie Center Construction UpdateCITY OF Ot 0 A MINNESOT f9 To; Otsego City Council FROM: Ross Derrant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: October 15, 2014 RE: Prairie Center Construction Update BACKGROUND Renovations are well underway at Prairie Center, Phase one includes the construction of the building east of the Council Chambers, the kitchen, the HVAC and roof. Phase 2 of the project includes renovation of the Council Chambers. Currently we are still in phase one of the project with the construction on schedule to be completed by mid to late November. Staff would like to update the City Council on the project's budget and bring back certain items for consideration that require additional approvals. Entryway. The original construction plan and budget included replacing the existing tile at the front entry way with carpet with the listed as an alternate, At the City Council meeting on August 12, 2013, it was decided that carpet is not be the best option for the entry of the building due to the potential of heavier traffic for special events and meetings. The original budget had an alternate for tile to be installed throughout the entry way and all hallways for $6,600. The cost estimate to retile just the front entryway is $3,785. The Prairie Center Reuse Committee recommends approval of the tile installation limited to just the entryway as previously existed. Additional Items, The Prairie Center Subcommittee and Staff have done preconstruction walkthrough and identified a number of additional items to be considered as part of the renovation project. These items are listed below for direction from the City Council as to whether they are to be included: Council Chamber millwork, It was recommended after the preconstruction walkthrough that cabinets be installed on the east wall of the the side of the Council Chambers for additional storage for Parks and Recreation items and counter top for a serving area. Cabinets were also recommended to be installed in the alcove behind the City Clerk at the dais for storage of meeting related items. Kingham is preparing a quote that will be presented at Tuesday's meeting. ■ Dais Facing, Tile is proposed by the Prairie Center Subcommittee to be added in place of the existing carpet on the face of the dais with the cost to be supplied by Kinghorn at the Tuesday work session. Wainscoting. The Prairie Center Subcommittee has recommended removal of the existing wainscoting in the Council Chambers with the wall repaired and painted. The cost for this work will be available at the work session on Tuesday, Wall Sign. The project budget does not specifically include the fabrication and installation of a wall mounted sign above the entry. Staff is recommending a wall sign that includes the City's button logo and text identifying the building as Prairie Center be installed. The cost for the sign including installation is estimated at $1,,500. Landscaping. There has been discussion of replacing the existing landscaping at the front of the building and adding additional plantings along the north side of the building, which is now more visible from 90th Street which wasn't in place when the building was originally constructed. Staff would like direction from the City Council to work with Midwest Landscapes to develop a landscaping plan for Prairie Center. Due to the time of year,, the landscape plan and cost estimate would be brought back to the City Council for approval in Spring 2014. Furniture, The cost of furnishing the building was not included as part of the initial project budget. The Council directed staff to wait until the building was near completion before coming back with a cost estimate after which funding would be determined, With construction underway, Staff would like direction to obtain quotes for furniture for review by the City Council. Staff has preliminarily identified the following items: o Senior center tables/chairs o Front conference room table, chairs, side table. o Additional 8 foot tables Fire Alarm System. The cost to reinstall the fire/ burglar system was included in the project budget; however cleaning the detectors was not. Bear alarms suggested cleaning the detectors after the construction for a proposed amount of $250. Staff would like direction from the Council to move forward and have the detectors professionally cleaned after construction is complete. F� ■ Re -Keying Interior & Exterior Doors. Staff has discussed re -keying both the interior and exterior doors once construction is complete. Staff 'has included a map with this memo outlining the recommended key configuration and would like direction to obtain quotes to re -key the building. Insurance Claim. During the planning process for the Prairie Center renovations, $7,000 was identified as already being received from the City's insurance company for a claim filed in 2011 for hail damage to the roof. Staff has been in contact with the insurance company to verify which items on the roof are covered under the claim. Through these discussions, Staff has discovered that no money has yet been received from the insurance company and that the rubber membrane of the roof was not damaged and is not covered by the insurance claim. CONCLUSION A special City Council meeting has been scheduled for October 22, 2013 at 6:30PM at Prairie Center do discuss the entryway, insurance claim status and additional project items. John Studer will be at the meeting to provide additional project cost and construction information and to answer questions, City staff is requesting approval of 4 the City Council for those items to be included as part of the project ect based on the submitted cost estimates. Attachments: 0 Project Budget Summary 0 Map layout of Re -keying Interior & Exterior Doors 0 Roofing Insurance Quote C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director tJ Prairie Center Project As of October 18, 2013 Budget Actual Comments Sources of Funds: Capital Improvement Revolving Fund $ 306,000-00 Community Facilities Fund 137,000.00 Insurance Reimbursement (Roof) 71000-00 Project Costs: General Requirements Concrete Metals Wood & Plastics Thermal & Moisture Doors & Windows Finishes Specialties Equipment Mechanical Electrical Design Allowance Profit and Overhead Subtotal HT G Architects Permits, soft costs Contingency Bid Alternates/modifications: Tile in Front Foyer Removal of Wainscot Signage Millwork Landscaping Keys/Alarm system Additional Item(s) Not Included Above: Penthouse Repair Furniture 10/18/2013 Estimate Bid/Actual To be determined 30,150.00 30,150.00 91500.00 20,500.00 2,500.00 341368.00 370343.00 89,295-00 5l, 53.00 12,300.00 81000.00 74,984.00 53,163.00 5,100.00 6,300-00 31500-00 3,50100 87,000-00 71j536.00 110400.00 170480.00 5,000-00 23,700.00 23,375.63_ 388,797.00 383o0D0.63 9,500.00 9,500.0 Permit 5,516.26; Storage 741.05; Portable 26,703.00 7,007.11 Restroorns 750 (all as of 10/15/13) 25,000.00 3,785-00 11500.00 Additional millwork requested in large (tiled) room and behind Council dais (city clerk area) $ 450,000.00 $ 4041792.74_ Due to storn) damage; paid in full by insurance Not yet specified; ed; requesting Council direction MMO Q T EV FILM f47E FULSWIM CL-M—RAL Wl% ftxp •- 5a SO M -w v W,art � 0 RI m, q �� k lq W--ffk�x I 51ir-S a 1 F -i ,�i t �, 0 'A'&, il M. 1W Ilk 0, W IMT K..Ls b&&>1 WKE r%L7 kV�4 KvuF-MCOAW fj" 7s IFELMAV MIP 10 E TOO 4LA I j Or- to x 10 PR=A'f CAN U WILI LSA t, 1"3 `Z Iftn1 6 W&ILm To a? 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R&R Cup flat yin 500.00 LF 11.13 5,565-00 (0.00) 5,565.00 9. rcinove and replace cx1cf ior 4.00 EA 75.00 300.00 (0.00) -300-%00, aluminum Windowsills, Total: Wflldhig 11,724.78 0.00 11,724.78 Linc Iten i Totals 11077059 11-5724.78 0.00 t 11724.78 11077059 4/16(2012 pa c: