ITEM 3.2B SCC 11.26.2018 MinutesITEM 3.213 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER NOVEMBER 26, 2018 Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 8:20 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Corey Tanner, Tom Darkenwald and Jason Warehime. Staff: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director; Kevin Lamson, Street Operations Manager; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Daniel Licht, City Planner and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Also present: Councilmember elect Tina Goede. 1 Parks Fleet and Miscellaneous CIP. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented the Parks and Recreation CIP and materials as outlined in the packet. Some discussion points included the 2019 items; Carrick Waterfront landscaping on the north side, which is a carryover from previous years CIP, Great River Regional Trail which is a placeholder, Prairie Park Improvements and Riverpointe Natural Park area that would be trees and trails. It was discussed that the City would install boundary signage at the Riverpointe Natural Park. Parks and Recreation Director Demant also reviewed the Park Capital Equipment CIP that includes a storage container similar to the one in the soccer fields which is owned by TRSA. He stated the department is running out of storage and the intent is it would be used for special event items and recreational items and stored in the back salvage yard at Public Works. The City Council concurred as presented. Street Operations Manager Lamson presented the Fleet Vehicle and Equipment CIP as outlined in the packet. He reviewed the 2019 recommended replacements or additions which included a tractor with mower/broom/plow, roll off asphalt hot box and a single axle dump truck/plow. Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the utility vehicle replacement. He said that City staff will be looking at the trade value and will consider selling the equipment if the trade value is not acceptable. The City Council concurred as presented. Each purchase will be brought back in 2019 individually for City Council approval. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the public safety CIP. City Council concurred as presented. He also reviewed the addition of the City Buildings and Property Maintenance fund. He stated the purpose of this fund is accumulate funds that will be used in financing the costs associated with maintenance of City buildings and properties. Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the Prairie Center Improvements and the Prairie Parking Lot and School Knoll Park ADA improvements. A water filtration and drinking water system was discussed for Prairie Center; replacement of carpet in the upstairs of City Hall was discussed; City Hall LED lighting replacement was discussed and the City Council concurred for City staff to explore that sooner than 2020 due to the cost savings that would occur. Public Works storage expansion; Street Operations Manager Lamson reviewed the need for additional cold storage. He stated the city currently has around 15,000 sq. ft. of cold storage; further stating the building was built for expansion to double in size. CM Darkenwald said it would be helpful to see the original plans from back in 2006 and for City staff to get ideas from contractors on different options. CM Tanner suggested getting information from surrounding Cities and what they do and have done. The City Council concurred that a tour of the current storage facility would be helpful along with a worksession to explore options. They concurred they would be open to storage of the City vehicles outside if it means getting by longer without the expansion. Capital Improvement Revolving CIP; City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty recommended the City look closer at this fund next year. Roundabout Landscaping; there was discussion on the roundabout median and possibility of getting volunteer groups to plant and/or maintain the landscaping on the roundabout. Parks and Recreation Director Demant to contact Mick Raeker who has donated daylily's in the past. City staff to review options and this item will be brought back to the City Council for review. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty gave an overview of the budget process for Councilmember elect Tina Goede. Stating the City Council has reviewed the budget in its entirety since around July. Property Tax Levy; the City Council concurred as presented. This will be brought to the City Council for final adoption on December 10. Mayor Stockamp recommended City staff add some simple break down of taxes on the City website. Stating a lot of residents do not understand the data. She referenced Wright County's website. CM Darkenwald and the City Council asked Councilmember elect Tina Goede if she had any questions or concerns with information reviewed this evening. She questioned if the city has looked at used vehicle and equipment replacement. She also asked if the City has considered sharing equipment. She stated that Eric Bullen from the City of Albertville had spoken to her on a website that advertises used equipment. City staff explained that the City does explore all options, they have purchased used equipment in the past and do look at auction sites and that the City is able to purchase from state contract to receive additional savings. Councilmember elect Tina Goede also questioned Park Equipment replacement; wondering if single items are ever replaced instead of whole replacement. Parks and Recreation Director Demant said yes that they city purchases on state contract on this as well for additional savings. Councilmember elect Tina Goede stated it looks good at this time and thanked City Council and staff for information received this evening. 2. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:06 PM. Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk