ITEM 6.1 Comp PlanOtSTe F o MINNESOTA CDP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 10 December 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 6.1—Comprehensive Plan STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Plan. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Held by Planning Commission 3 December 2018 Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. The City Council recently accepted the Otsego Wastewater Master Plan regarding long-term capacity for Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. evaluate existing capacity and establish benchmarks for system improvements, including capacity Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff and the Planning Commission recommend adoption of a resolution amending the Comprehensive Plan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 3 December 2018 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City Council recently accepted the Otsego Wastewater Master Plan regarding long-term capacity for the City's East and West Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTFs). The purpose of this study was to evaluate existing capacity and establish benchmarks for system improvements, including capacity expansions. Defining trigger points for capacity improvements is part of the City's overall growth management strategy on-going development guided by the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan sets forth a Future Land Use Plan to direct the type and location of development in the future. Integral to the Future Land Use Plan is an Urban Service Staging Plan that defines areas of the City to which sewer and water utilities are to be provided and establishes areas for orderly expansion of the sewer districts. With completion of the Wastewater Master Plan, City staff is proposing amendments to the Urban Service Staging Plan map. The proposed amendments involve expansion of both the East and West Sewer Districts, as well as revisions to the boundaries of the Urban Service Expansion Areas. A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 3 December 2018 to consider the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. There were no comments from the public. The Planning Commission had no questions or comments. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: I ■ Planning Report dated 29 November 2018 ■ Resolution 2018-81 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-81 amending the Comprehensive Plan to revise the boundaries established by the Urban Service Staging Plan. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: T b I PC The Planning Company MEMORANDUM 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 29 November 2018 RE: Otsego — Comprehensive Plan; Urban Service Staging Plan TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND The City Council recently accepted the Otsego Wastewater Master Plan regarding long-term capacity for the City's East and West Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTFs). The purpose of this study was to evaluate existing capacity and establish benchmarks for system improvements, including capacity expansions. Defining trigger points for capacity improvements is part of the City's overall growth management strategy on-going development guided by the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan sets forth a Future Land Use Plan to direct the type and location of development in the future. Integral to the Future Land Use Plan is an Urban Service Staging Plan that defines areas of the City to which sewer and water utilities are to be provided and establishes areas for orderly expansion of the sewer districts. With completion of the Wastewater Master Plan, City staff is proposing amendments to the Urban Service Staging Plan map. The proposed amendments involve expansion of both the East and West Sewer Districts, as well as revisions to the boundaries of the Urban Service Expansion Areas. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 3 December 2018 to consider the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Exhibits: Existing Urban Service Staging Plan map Proposed Urban Service Staging Plan map Proposed Future Land Use map ANALYSIS Existing Sewer Districts. City staff plats and building permits within each sewer district to track available lot supply and monitor capacity allocation within each sewer district as shown below: WWTF Lots % Lots Vacant Acres Capacity Final WWTF Building Lots Unplatted (RECS) Platted Capacity Permitted Land > 5.0 ac. Guided for Residential Use East 5,486 2,826 51.5% 1,971 855 780ac. West 3,428 2,753 80.3% 2,483 270 210ac. TOTAL 8,914 5,579 62.6% 4,461 1,118 990ac. At a current rate of constructing 200 to 400 residential dwellings per year City wide, the available supply of final platted lots within the East and West Sewer Districts is three to five years. The existing boundaries of the East and West Sewer District are relatively unchanged from the initial areas established in 1998 (East) and 2004 (West) with an undeveloped supply of land equal to 6 to 12 years of absorption at 2.5 dwelling units per gross acre per year. The East District includes the area west of TH 101 served by a sewer forcemain connected to the lift station at River Road (CSAH 42) and Quaday Avenue that collects the sewer discharge for development to the north, west, and south. The south boundary of this gravity sewer shed is 70th Street. The west boundary of this area is currently Odean Avenue plus 100 acres west of Odean Avenue at 75th Street. The Mississippi River forms the north boundary of the sewer shed. Development east of TH 101 at River Road (CSAH 42) and south is gravity service to the East WWTF. ■ The boundaries of the West Sewer District are defined as 80th Street to the north, an east boundary % mile east of MacIver Avenue, the City's south boundary with St. Michael and Albertville, and west boundary with Monticello Township. Most of the current development to the west of the West WWTF gravity flows to the facility. To the east of the MacIver Avenue is a lift station that collects sewer flow from development in that area. Prairieview Elementary and Middle School is served by a small lift station designed to accommodate the school and a second building on the same property. There is adequate capacity in both the East and West WWTFs to accommodate additional development. Geographically, development in both the East and West Sewer district is reaching the limits of the current boundaries. Although the current supply is of undeveloped land is estimated at 6 to 12 years, there are a limited number of parcels available by ownership. The available residential land supply must take into consideration the likelihood that not all property owners are interested in selling for development and provide flexibility in this regard. 0a A supply of at least 5 years of developable residential land within each Sewer District is considered a minimum threshold. Development of commercial and industrial lands is more difficult to forecast and will be served on an as needed basis due to the economic development benefits of such land uses to the City. It is necessary, therefore, for the City to consider expansion of the current East and West Sewer District boundaries to ensure an available supply of land to meet development demand and ensure on-going development consistent with the capacity and financing plans for City utilities. Proposed Urban Service Staging Plan. The City Engineer has evaluated the gravity sewer shed for the East and West Sewer Districts. City staff proposes that the East and West Sewer Districts be expanded to include all areas that can be served by existing trunk gravity sewer. ■ The East Sewer District is to be expanded to include an additional 140 acres west of Odean Avenue and north of 70th Street (CSAH 38) that can be served by gravity sewer being extended from the east. The West Sewer District is to be expanded to include an additional 1,000 acres. This includes areas north of 80th Street that will gravity flow south to the West WWTF. The majority of the proposed expansion includes areas to the east of the current West Sewer District along the 70th Street (CSAH 38) corridor that will gravity flow to the lift station located within Martin Farms. No expansion of the West Sewer District to the north and east of the current sewer district is planned along the MacIver Avenue and 85th Street corridor. Expansion of sewer utilities to this area will require construction of a forcemain from the location of the temporary lift station at Prairie View Elementary north to a permanent lift station to be constructed at Mason Avenue and 87th Street. The boundary of Urban Service Expansion Area W1 is proposed to be adjusted to reflect the gravity sewer shed boundaries of the area served by this future lift station. ■ The Wastewater Master Plan identified that the East WWTF will have more ultimate capacity than the West WWTF. The Urban Service Staging Plan has been revised to change the Urban Reserve Area designated for the future industrial area south of 70th Street (CSAH 38) as Urban Service Reserve Area E3 directing service needs for this area to the East WWTF. The area along the Nashua Avenue corridor that includes the City Campus has been defined as Urban Service Reserve Area E4. This area will be served by a lift station located on the City Campus that will be directed to the terminus of gravity sewer at the west side of the Ashwood plat to the East WWTF. 3 The boundaries of the Urban Service Staging Plan are overlaid upon the Future Land Use Plan. Amendment of the Urban Service Staging Plan also requires amendment to the Future Land Use plan to illustrate the revised boundaries for the Sewer Districts and Urban Service Reserve Areas accordingly. The majority of the areas being added to the Sewer Districts is guided for low density residential uses that will consist primarily of traditional single-family dwellings. Development density for residential uses in Otsego averages 2.5 dwelling units per acre. Based on the guided land use and anticipated development density, expansion of the East and West Sewer Districts as proposed will allow for development of approximately 350 and 2,500 dwelling units, respectively. This number of potential dwelling units represents a seven to 15 -year supply of lots assuming average construction of 200 to 400 new homes each year. However, inclusion of the additional acres within the Sewer Districts does not convey a right to develop. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan incudes an Interim Land Use Plan that addresses the criteria for allowing development of land uses guided by the Future Land Use Plan. Parcels are to be maintained under A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District zoning with an allowed development density of one dwelling unit per 40 acres until such time as provision is made for: 1. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: A proposed development shall be consistent with the goals, policies and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and which follow planned public improvement corridors or constitute an infilling of development shall be deemed consistent with the City's growth management policies and the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Adequate Waste Disposal Systems: A proposed development shall be deemed to have adequate waste disposal systems if within the Sewer Service District, there is adequate sewer capacity in the present system to support the proposed development if constructed to its maximum permissible density after reasonable sewer capacity is reserved for planned public facilities and commercial and industrial development projected for the next five (5) years; or if in areas outside of the Sewer Service District, there is adequate on-site sewer capacity potential to support the development if constructed to the maximum permissible density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Adequate Water Supply: A proposed development shall be deemed to have an adequate water supply if the proposed development has adequate sources of water, either from public systems or private wells, to serve the proposed development if constructed to its maximum permissible density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan without causing an unreasonable depreciation of existing water supplies for surrounding areas. 4. Adequate Stormwater Management: A proposed development shall provide for adequate management and treatment of stormwater runoff if: 0 Surface or subsurface water retention and runoff is such that it does not constitute a danger to the structural security of structures within the proposed development. b. Structures within the proposed development will not result in pollution of water sources from erosion and siltation. The proposed development and related site grading will not cause harmful and irreparable damage from erosion and siltation on downhill or downstream land. d. Factors to be considered in making these determinations may include: average rainfall for the area; the relation of the land to the floodplain; the nature of soils and subsoils and their ability to adequately support surface water runoff and waste disposal systems; the slope of the land and its effect on effluents; and the presence of streams as related to effluent disposal. Adequate Streets: A proposed development shall be deemed to have adequate streets to serve the development when: a. Streets that serve the proposed development are of such a width, grade, stability, vertical and horizontal alignment, site distance and surface condition that an increase in traffic volume generated by the proposed development will not create a hazard to public safety and general welfare, not aggravate an already hazardous condition, and when, with due regard to the advice of Wright County and/or the Minnesota Department of Transportation, said streets are appropriate for the intended use. The traffic volume generated by the proposed development would not create unreasonable congestion or unsafe conditions on streets existing at the time of the application or proposed for completion within the next two (2) years. 6. Adequate Public Service Capacity: A proposed development shall be determined to have necessary public service capacity when recreational facilities, police protection, fire protection and other public facilities that must be provided at public expenses can reasonably be provided for within the next two (2) years. 7. Consistency with the Capital Improvement Plan: A proposed development shall be deemed consistent with the Capital Improvement Plans when improvements and/or services necessary to accommodate the proposed subdivision have been programmed in the Otsego, Wright County or other regional capital improvement plans or that a revision to capital improvement programs can be accommodated. N The Interim Land Use Plan strategy allows the City the maximum level of discretion as to the timing of development through the need to approve a Zoning Map amendment. This approach ensures that proposed development is to be adequately served by infrastructure and City services and also can be used as a growth management tool to avoid an over -supply of any one type of land use as defined by the City. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of an amendment to the 2012 Comprehensive Plan revising the boundaries of the Urban Service Staging Plan as presented. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of an amendment of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan related to the Urban Service Staging Plan. B. Motion to table for further discussion. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Kurt Neidermeier, Utility Manager Andy MacArthur, City Attorney r ,,,1 _,_, _.._mirmo -a Eli i -ONa �c�:'i� Bill RESOLUTION NO.: 2018 - 81 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO REVISE THE BOUNDARIES SET FORTH BY THE URBAN SERVICE STAGING PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has adopted a Comprehensive Plan on 10 December 2012 that was most recently amended on 23 July 2018; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan establishes goals, policies and programs to provide direction, guidance and management for on-going development of the City; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan establishes an Urban Service Staging Plan designating areas of the City to which municipal sewer and water utilities are to be made available; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan outlines criteria for expansion of the established sewer districts that includes maintaining a supply of land available for development as guided by the Future Land Use Plan relative to available sewer and water utility capacity and the capacity of other City infrastructure and services; and, WHEREAS, the City has initiated an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan to revise the boundaries of the sewer districts as set forth by the Urban Service Staging Plan; and, WHEREAS, the requested amendment is consistent with the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan: ■ Boundary limits for urban development shall be clearly delineated and expanded in a staged manner such that urban uses be prohibited from prematurely encroaching into rural areas. ■ Promote infill development and follow an orderly pattern for urban expansion that maximizes investment in existing utility and transportation infrastructure. ■ Establish growth control mechanisms that allow specific annual levels of residential development that can be accommodated in a fiscally responsible manner based on existing service capacities. ■ The City shall plan its utility service and street extensions to accommodate long term growth and urban expansion in the community. WHEREAS, the planning report dated 29 November 2018 prepared by the City Planner, the Planning Company LLC, are incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, The Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 3 December 2018 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that proposed amendment of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 10th day of December, 2018. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 2