ITEM 5.1 Truth in Taxation PresentationCITY OF sera Truth in Taxation 2019 Budget & Property Tax Levy Presentation & Public Input December 10, 2018 Before We Start o Property Valuation Questions • That is not the focus of this meeting. 16 The Board of Equalization meeting for those questions is held between April 1— May 31. For Payable 2019, was held 4-23-2018. Truth in Taxation o Required by Statute 275.065, subd. 7 n* Purpose Discussion of 2019 Budgets Discussion of Levy for Taxes Payable in 2019 Discussion of Capital Improvement Plan Public Input Otsego Strategic Vision Is a strong organization committed to leading the community through innovative communication. o Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. O Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost effective manner. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options and employment opportunities. o Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural resources. Budget Process — General Fund Staff prepare Proposed Budgets Proposed Budgets Reviewed City Council & Staff Occurs During Special City Council Meetings (open to public) Q,Preliminary Tax Levy & Budget Certified September 10, 2018 o Additional Budget Review 0 Final Budget Adoption t. Truth in Taxation Public Input X19 General Fund - F 2018 2019 ($) Budget Budget Change Revenue Source Taxes $ 3,981,581 $ 4,190,235 $ 208,654 Cable Franchise Fee 136,000 140,000 4,000 Licenses & Permits 876,238 982,401 106,163 Intergovernmental 58,800 70,800 12,000 Charges for Services 111,575 162,820 51,245 Investment Interest 42,000 65,000 23,000 Miscellaneous 171,840 201,200 29,360 Tota 1 $ 5,378,034 $ 5,812,456 $ 434,422 Per Capita $ 336 $ 350 2019 General Fund - Expenditures Economic Parks & Development Recreation 2% 12% Public Works 22% General Government 24% Public Safety 40% Public Works 22% 0 2019 Economic Parks & Development Recreation 2% 12% General Government 23% Public Safety 41% 2018 2019 ($) Budget Budget Change Why?W General Government City Council $ 141,487 $ 140,689 $ (798) City Administrator 159,963 167,519 7,556 Wages & Benefits Administration 323,142 329,532 6,390 Wages & Benefits Elections 24,000 1,650 (22,350) No election in 2019 Assessing 94,111 112,680 18,569 Contractual Increase/ New Construction Fees Finance 202,390 226,386 23,996 Wages & Benefits / Software Upgrade Information Technology 97,080 91,600 (5,480) Legal 111,600 91,000 (20,600) Adjustment to Reflect 2016-2018 Actuals Pra i ri e Center 38,241 42,319 4,078 City Hall & PW Building 115,202 112,286 (2,916) Old Town Hall 3,600 3,300 (300) Total $ 1,310,816 $ 1,318,961 $ 8,145 Per Capita $ 82 $ 79 Public Safety Pol ice Services Public Safety Commission Fire Protection Building Inspection Emergency Management Animal Control Tota I 2018 2019 ($) Bud.Ret Budget Change $ 1,168,320 $ 1,329,240 3,060 3,060 573,917 633,893 369,367 390,333 3,100 2,600 14,400 15,300 W $ 160,920 Increased Contracted Hours from Sheriff's Office 59,976 Contract Basis Increase (Parcels +Tax Capacity) 20,966 Convert Office Assistant from 32 HRS to Full Time (500) 900 $ 2,132,164 $ 2,374,426 $ 242,262 Per Capita $ 133 $ 143 Public Works Streets Engineering Street Li ghti ng FI eet Ma i ntena nce Tota I Per Capita 2018 2019 ($) Budget Budget Chan Wh $ 751,586 $ 845,709 $ 94,123 FT Maintenance Addition / Existing Wages & Benefits 91,350 81,400 (9,950) 142,400 145,660 3,260 218,819 225,120 6,301 $ 1,204,155 $ 1,297,889 $ 93,734 $ 75 $ 78 _J 2018 2019 ($) -1 T— Budget Budget Change Why? Culture & Recreation Pa rk Ma i ntena nce $ 408,608 $ 481,687 $ 73,079 FT Ma i ntena nce Add iti on / Exi sti ng Wages & Benefits Recreation 203,951 222,753 18,802 Wages & Benefits Heritage Preservation Commission 2,480 2,480 - Tota 1 $ 615,039 $ 706,920 $ 91,881 Per Capita $ 38 $ 43 Economic Development Planning Commission Planning Economic Development Tota I Per Capita 2018 2019 ($) Budget BUdRet Chan Whv? $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ - 97,200 96,000 (1,200) Adjustmentto Reflect 2016-2018 Actuals 14,660 14,260 (400) $ 115,860 $ 114,260 $ (1,600) $ 7 $ 7 2019 Tax Levy - Factors o Market Value • Wright County Assessor sets valuations o Board of Appeal &Equalization (4-23-2018) Current environment has an increasing trend o 2018 Assessment / 2019 Payable Residential: 8.09% Increase Commercial / Industrial: 0.07% Decrease Agricultural: 12.04% Increase X19 Tax Levv - Factc 11 2018 ISD County City School Total Elk River Area - 728 39.946 36.556 36.137 112.639 STMA - 885 39.946 36.556 47.950 124.452 Monti cel to - 882 39.946 36.556 15.621 92.123 2019 ISD County City School Total Elk River Area - 728 44.171 36.224 32.716 113.111 A - 885 44.171 36.224 47.137 127.532 4OLMOnti cel I o - 882 44.171 36.224 16.966 97.361 2019 Tax Levy - Factors o Tax Capacity • No legislative changes in class rate system Change dependent upon market value • New Construction o Residential -429 New Permits (2016+2017) o Commercial & Industrial — P&F Machining, Nystrom & Associates 2018 2019 ($) Levy _�-- Levy Change Components of Tax Levy General Revenue $ 3,986,000 $ 4,210,000 $ 224,000 Capital Reserves 1,396,756 1,705,000 308,244 Debt Service 655,000 734,293 79,293 Tax Abatements 65,546 60,816 (4,730) Total $ 6,103,302 $ 6,710,109 $ 606,807 Per Capita Comparisons City of Otsego $ 381 $ 404 6.06% Statewide $ 463 n/a Source = LMC (2016) Tax Rate Comparisons City of Otsego 36.556 36.224 -0.91% Statewide 46.520 n/a Source = LMC (2016) Region 7W 47.165 n/a Source = LMC (2016) Metro Cities (10-25k) 46.960 n/a Source = LMC (2016) Greater MN Cities (10-25k) 52.448 n/a Source = LMC (2016) City of Rogers 36.810 37.630 Source = County City of Elk River 48.779 47.939 Source = City City of St. Michael 37.963 37.025 Source = County City of Al bertvi I I e 49.158 49.125 Source = County 2019 Tax Levy — Tax Capac $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Residential Commercial & Agricultural Personal Industrial Property 2016 2017 2018 2019 18% ity 2018 4% 3% 75% Residential _ Commercial & Industrial Agricultural -d Personal Property 2019 3% 3% 17% 77% Residential Median Appraised Value Less: Market Value Exclusion Taxable Market Value Class Rate Tax Capacity City of Otsego - Tax Rate City of Otsego - Estimated Taxes Commercial Arbitrary Example Tax Capacity City of Otsego - Tax Rate City of Otsego - Estimated Taxes 2018 2019 $ 217,206 $ 220,572 (17,691) (17,389) 199,515 203,183 1.00% 1.00% 1,995 2,032 36.556 36.224 S 729 $ 736 $ 700,000 $ 695,100 13,250 13,152 36.556 36.224 (%) Change 1.55% Source - Wright County Max Benefit = $30,400 / Phase Out = $413,778 Subtract MV Exclusion from Estimated MV Set by Legislature (Over $500k is 1.25%) Taxable MV Multiplied by Class Rate -0.91% Tax Levy Divided by Tax Capacity * 100 0.91% Tax Capacity Multiplied by Tax Rate Comments -0.70% County Indicated C/I Growth Class Rates are 1.50%- 2.00% $ 4,844 $ 4,764 -1.64% Tax Capacity Multiplied by Tax Rate 2019 Tax Levy — Uses (Median Value) Tax Abatements Fire Parks & Recreation Debt Service Street Maintenance & Street Lights Police Governmental Services Capital Reserves 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2019 2018 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) O 10 Year Plan (2019-2028) n* The CIP does not provide final authority City Council approves each item specifically before expenditures incurred O Estimated 2019 Investment = $6,035,645 Proposed items have feasible funding sources Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Significant 2019 Items Public Utility Systems Addition of Municipal Well #9 - $1.1M Design Phase — East WWTF Solids Processing - $1.1M Construction of Permanent Lift Station #7 - $235k Streets Maintenance - $445k Reconstruction - $873k 851h & Maciver Street Construction - $2.1M CSAH 19, 37 & 38 Local Share - $501k Vehicle Fleet - $518k opcial Revenue Funt Revenues Taxes Description Subtotal Expenditures Services & Other Charges Subtotal Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Budget Budget 2018 2019 161,105 $ 157,754 161.105 157.754 108,548 150,311 108,548 150,311 $ 52,557 $ 7,443 Remaining Steps o City Council to take Public Input 0* Consideration of Resolutions Adopting the 2019 Annual Operating Budgets Setting the Final Tax Levy for Payable 2019 Adopting the 2019-2028 CIP Questions Adam Flaherty City Administrator / Finance Director aflaherty@ci.otsego.mn.us (763) 441-4414