10-16-18 PR Minutes special meetingITEM 3.1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center October 16, 2018 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the special meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Angela Hilde, Kitty Baltos, Travis Rittenbach, Derrick Stark, Doug Cassady, Jim Breitbach and Cara Husak. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, City Council Members Vern Heidner and Corey Tanner. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Dan Licht, City Planner, Nick Jacobs, Parks Maintenance II, and Connie Schwecke, Administrative Assistant 1. Review of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Survey Results Parks and Recreation Director Demant introduced Gabrielle Grinde from HKGI who reviewed the community input results from the online survey, Social Pinpoint, stakeholder meetings and the Prairie Festival. Ms. Grinde stated that there were 582 participants who completed the survey, 82 comments and 329 views from Social Pinpoint. Of the community results, she stated river access, trails, splash pad/pool and baseball fields were among the most recommended improvements for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Ms. Grinde also reviewed the results of the Peer Community Comparison. 2. Wright County Public Health SHIP Presentation. Parks and Recreation Director Demant introduced Anna Bohanon from Wright County Public Health who presented the SHIP program. (Statewide Health Improvement Partnership) Ms. Bohanon discussed two programs and their benefits; Safe Routes to Schools and Otsego becoming a Bike and Walk Friendly Community. At the end of her presentation, Ms. Bohanon offered to be a support and contact person if the commission chooses to move forward with any of these programs. 2. Adjourn. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Stark. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:56 Pm. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant