ORD 92-02i6 , 92- -/ CITY OF OTSEGO WRTGHT COUNTY, HnMESOTA, ORDINANCS N0. „ 92-02 AN ORDINANCE COMPREHENSIVELY AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CITY CODE, BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA, WHICH INCORPORATES THE "ZONING MAP OF OTSEGO" BY REFERENCE, THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section i Genera -1 _Rrovisiomus Chapter 20 and all amendments thereto are deleted and replaced in their entirety by the following: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Sections 9-14 Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Sections 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 27 39-49 Title and Application Rules and Definitions Administration -Amendments (Text and Map) Administration -Conditional Use Permits Administration -Variances Administration -Board of Adjustment Administration -Certificate of Occupancy Administration -Enforcement and Penalties Reserved Non -Conforming Lots, Buildings, Structures, and Uses General Building and PerformLnce Requirements General Yard, Lot Area and Suildinc Regulations Public Property/Rights-of-Way Building Relocation Model Homes Site/Building Plan Review Off -Street Parking Requirements Off -Street Loading Land Filling Operations Land Excavation/Grading Farms Animals Home Occupations Home Extended Businesses Day Care Nursery Facilities Adult Uses Essential Services Communication Reception/Transmissicn Wind Energy Conversion Systems (TIECS) Interim Uses Planned Unit Development Sign Regulations Reserved Section 50 Section 5.16 Section 52 Section 53 Section 54 Section 55 Section 56 Section 57 Section 58 Section 59 Section 60 Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section. Section 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 74 71 72 73 74 General Zoning District Provisions A-11 Agricultural -Rural. Service District A-2, Agricultural -Long Range Urban Sexvics District (General) R-1, Residential -Long Range Service Distr_ct (River Frontage) R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service Density (Large Lot) R-3, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (General) R-4, Residential -Urban Single Family District R-5, Residential -Single and Two Family District R-6, Residential -Townhouse, Quadraminium, and Low Density Multiple Family District R-7, Residential -High Dens' 'ty District R -MH, Manufacturing Housing Residential. District R -B, Residential/Business District B-1, Neighborhood Business Dist-rict B-2, Highway Commercial District B-3, General Business District B -W, Business /Turehousing District B -C, Business Campus District I-11 Limited Industrial District I-2, General Industrial District SNS Institutional District PUD, Planned Unit Development Shoreland Management Overlay District W, Wetlands Overlay District FP, Floodplain Overlay District Wild and Scenic Recreational Raver 'Diecr_c_ Section 2, Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be force and effect upon its passage and publication. pASSED this 13th day of April, 1992. ATTEST: le ? Jer me Perrault'; City Clerk f A, No _ Freaks, �� 2 Pursuant to Minnesota statutes, this Ordinance is published in summary fashion. Complete copies of the Zoning Ordinance text and map are available during business hours at the Otsego City Hail, 13474 95th Street DTE, Otsego, Minnesota 55330. Affidavit of Publicatio-ti OF OMGO 1f � al�u 9 ver i ►NCE NO.95.02 qAP• ER, �?-A , OF TSE ', 0RLYD iNpCCm4nw. ri ,, Repeption/1�ansmisaion �fx31".a� ,.�f.� �.� ski: S�i ��9.�i1T'1 hiP�.•yn, � ,..•.. a _.. w:.. : ,, . -r .;. r •'.�4�f3`raFf'.,R� afJi�fx`i�p� !rte{c.: i"al Zo District Pmviaions '.� +�.. �•�...,...;t..r cniturahRural Service District ' yy wltnral:Long RanBapl�T.rbaaa, Sembee District ((3�n- 4 t� r "'o+ r+mte +3w(Ropr boat- Irhmedi#te Urban tTerviaa ear ttt"I���[`'��'"'}}yy��p� f �' I r�. 4 'sl �r•i� i ,:`4 fi�t"1''b't. Z;C+{1;� ,�' `., f t ftealderttial=bnmediatb Uriian 8ervioe Dist�rigt,(Gte�exaj� " iileiutiiiitiTtban 8inale Family District �.��,.. ,�,'- . tisi�iiagle end o Family District •. Rdelfli+atlell ��bbwnhouse. Quadraminu�p, and Low Den Multiple Phimlly District'= .+a ;;?�Reaidential-Higlt•Deneity District y' ' I=� � ;:i;;, ,tr ' µ ,� Ati.^^ Ifl during Hous RoSidentiai DistZ'iC't ��3 � y-,1lesidendaY Business Llstl'ICt xe1ghborhi5id Busine— M Dibtricfr# 1 � 7 ' i eoti gii}�gyC0oyt}i—i 'iftfala'Dh1istri i9tll��iiiinee6� ct�'r � a�RrWi d �. d, i Bnblilese/WalebOusing ` Udiil anlp Die w :;e.* tail rl�l1 DiftTlct -� ; s: r � � , •. F P1W6 Uidt 1 eviiltYpment y ' land-moiltn rlsy D t'l7ve etldiide Overte�,Zlfstrict' �"Ad xk,t,� t �> It€. •.*� ,`, . 00 Over Overlay District 5 tit . d 8oenioItect+�ational River ihstrict and 9114 }' Norman F. Freake, Mayor Fi w :oral t,o� la pabliahed in ri�6Wry teat and map are available t: d'Otdeso� G�r-W,13474 96th Street NE, Otsego, j'h * '•: .t. •� Ot 1 l Y C ' I _ Iu .>z... .. ..... :(My6) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SHERBURNE) being duly sworn, on oath says t he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspa- per known as The Elk River Star News, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, forsuc- cessive weeks; it was first published on Wednesday, the _�2= day of aow ,19q;L, and was thereafter printed and pu lished on every Wednesday to and including Wednesday, the day of ,19 ; and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which ishereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice. abcdefahHklmnooarat-uv-wxvz T=' Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of -4 ,19�. At Alotar a ..i .. �.. U..ubX:y CINDY M. SCHIMINSKI RATE WMItW (1) Lowest classified rate paid by`.. commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter �NUMA I.UUN r r fi,,Makn Expires June 10, 1991 �� .•t•r�iti� w�ll'v ��"F