12-11-18 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes12-11-18 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Corey Tanner, Council
Member, Mayor Jessica Stockamp
Meeting was called to order by Toni at 7:05pm. The agenda was expanded to
include Zonja’s resignation. Minutes of the last meeting (October 9) were
approved. There was no meeting in November except for an
Informal meeting among Chris and members of the LeFebrve family for purposes
of recording some of their history and creating a park sign for the LeFebrve park
LeFebrve meeting:
Chris reviewed some of the materials she received from Gordy (612-210-9668)
and Kevin LeFebrve (612-919-6011) including family pictures. There is also an
article about the family in the May/June 2002 issue of the Otsego View. Toni will
request that from Tami Loff. The family homesteaded in Otsego in1851 and the
round barn was built in 1884. Toni will design and write the material for the Park
Otsego View article:
Barb Fissette was planning to write an article about the Bone Crushers, a
legendary baseball team from Otsego. Marie Corbin has a photo of the Bone
Crushers which would be fun to print.
Zonja Matushenko resigned from OHPC due to family obligations at this time. We
remembered the many things she has done and the high quality of her work. We
accepted with regret her resignation effective immediately. Corey remembered
she also had volunteered on the committee for the City’s 25th Celebration. We
discussed a couple of people Chris knew who might consider joining and she
will check on her neighbor who has shown some interest.
Chris shared a letter from a Jean Collins, 621 W. Oak Street, Lebanon, OR 97355
who had some historic material from Otsego she felt we might be interested in.
Chris will write to give her the address she should use and offer to pay for
Jessica explained the need for us to clean up the OHPC room so that other staff
can use the room at times we are not using it. The Prairie Center is running out of
space and needs to use our room at various time as a work space. The meeting
was adjourned at 8pm and the next hour was spent cleaning and organizing the
room so that other staff could use it. Next meeting is Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at
7 pm at the Prairie Center.
Gail Anderson, Recorder