95-21Final Revision 6/6/95 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO: 95-21 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS AND HUNTING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS. Section 1. Chapter 7 of the Otsego City Code (Police and Public Safety) is hereby amended to add the following: SECTION 1 FIREARM AND HUNTING REGULATIONS SECTION: 7-1-1: Discharge and Carrying Firearms Regulated 7-1-2: Definitions 7-1-3: Permitted Use of Firearms within the No -Discharge Zone 7-1-4: Permitted Use of Firearms outside the No -Discharge Zone 7-1-5: Prohibitions 7-1-6: Dangerous Weapons 7-1-7-A: Designated No -Discharge Zone 7-1-7-B: Map 7-1-8: Penalties 7-1-1: DISCHARGE AND CARRYING FIREARMS REGULATED: 7-1-2: DEFINITIONS: CARRY: The handling or transportation of a firearm concealed -or otherwise outside a person's domicile. DANGEROUS WEAPONS: Slingshot, clubs, blackjacks, spring guns, brass or metal knuckles or any knife with a switch blade which opens automatically under spring pressure with a button or release mechanism or by any other mechanical contrivance. 9 DISCHARGE: The firing or shooting of any firearm. DISMANTLED FIREARM: Any unloaded firearm or bow which is dismantled in such a manner so as to prevent discharge. ENCASED FIREARM: Any unloaded firearm or bow, placed in a case which is tied or otherwise secured in the manner provided. FINE SHOT: Shot sizes F through No. 12 inclusive. FIREARM: "Firearms" shall mean any device from which may be fired or ejected, one or more solid projectiles by means of a cartridge or shell or by the action of an explosive substance; or for which the propelling force is a spring, elastic band, carbon dioxide, air or other gas or vapor. LANDOWNER: Any person, group, firm or corporation owning, leasing or legally controlling any lands within the territorial limits of the City. SINGLE PROJECTILE: Any single projectile, whether contained in a metallic, paper, plastic or other cartridge including any method of loading a muzzle loader which results in a single projectile being discharged. SUITABLE BACKSTOP: Any natural or manmade barrier of sufficient mass, size or construction to wholly contain the projectile being discharged. WRITTEN PERMISSION: The following information must be included: The full name. address, date of birth and signature of the person authorized to hunt or discharge a firearm; the full name, address, and signature of the landowner. 7.1.3: PERMITTED USE OF FIREARMS WITHIN THE NO -DISCHARGE ZONE. The discharge or carrying of firearms that are not encased or dismantled is permitted under the following circumstances so long as no innocent party is endangered unless otherwise prohibited by State or Federal law. A. By law enforcement officers in the line of duty or military personnel in the line of duty or persons with a lawfully issued and currently valid "permit to carry a pistol' as defined by Minnesota Statute 624.714. .21 B. By any person to resist or prevent an offense which that person reasonably believes exposes himself or another to great bodily harm or death. C. By a certified Firearms Safety Training Instructor while participating in a Department of Natural Resources approved Firearms Safety Program. D. By any person while participating in a Department of Natural Resources approved Firearms Safety Program. E. By any person authorized to do so in writing by the Wright County Sheriff for the destruction of diseased, injured or dangerous birds, animals or reptiles. F. By any person on a rifle, trap, archery or target range established in accordance with the City's Zoning Ordinances or as part of a City - sponsored activity. G. By any person possessing, transporting or carrying handguns as specifically allowed by State law. H. By any person slaughtering farm animals which they own or with the permission of the owner. L By any person target practicing with a bow and arrow with target tips only, BB or pellet gun with parental supervision under the age of 18, against a suitable backstop, at least two hundred (200) feet from all buildings, unless the buildings are owned by them or unless they have the owner's permission carried on their person. Bow and arrow target practice may also take place within the confines of a building if a suitable backstop is used. J. By any person participating in a special hunting season, which season may not conflict with State law or regulations. established the City Council for the purpose of wildlife management. The season shall be established by the City Council when, based upon competent professional advice such as a conservation officer, a season is needed to reduce an animal population. The Council may authorize the use of single projectiles as part of the special hunt regulations set forth in the resolution. 9 7.1.4: PERMITTED USE OF FIREARMS OUTSIDE THE DESIGNATED NO - DISCHARGE ZONE. In addition to the conditions set forth is section 7.1.3, the discharge or carrying of firearms is permitted under the following circumstances so long as no innocent party is endangered unless otherwise prohibited by State or Federal law. A. By any person using projectiles for target practice provided that the projectiles are stopped by a suitable backstop and provided further that the discharge occurs at least five hundred (500) feet from all buildings, unless owned by them or with the owner's written permission carried on their person. B. By any person hunting with a single projectile in accordance with State and Federal regulations and provided further that the discharge occurs at least five hundred (500) feet from all buildings, unless owned by them or with the owner's written permission carried on their person. C. By any person hunting or target shooting with a shotgun using fine shot at least five (500) feet from all buildings, unless owned by them or with the owner's written permission carried on their person. 7.1.5: PROHIBITIONS: Except as specifically allowed in Section 7.1.3 & 7.1.4. A. The discharge of a firearm is prohibited. B. Hunting using a firearm with a single projectile or with a BB gun is prohibited. C. Carrying or discharge of a firearm by any person under the age of fourteen (14) is prohibited except when accompanied by parent, adult guardian or certified safety training instructor. D. The aiming of any firearm, whether loaded or not, at or towards any human being is hereby prohibited. E. The carrying of an uncased firearm in a motor vehicle, in a place or area open to the public, or in any private place or area unless the private place or area is owned by the person carrying the firearm or with the owner's permission is prohibited. F. No person shall discharge a firearm while traveling on or using a wild, scenic, or recreational river, except for the purpose of hunting during those times and in those areas in which hunting for protected animals is allowed. 0 7.1.6: DANGEROUS WEAPONS: A. Weapons Prohibited: No minor under the age of 18 shall wear under his clothes, conceal about his person or within a motor vehicle, display in a threatening manner, or sell, offer for sale or carry or use any dangerous weapon. B. Exceptions: The prohibition of this Section shall not be construed to forbid any law enforcement officer from carrying or using dangerous weapons in the proper discharge of his or her duties. 7.1.7.A: DESIGNATED NO DISCHARGE ZONE: The City Council shall cause to be published a map designating the areas within the City where no discharge is allowed. Such map shall be published no later than 1 September on an annual basis. Discharge in areas not designated on the map for discharge is prohibited. 7.1.7.B: MAP: See attached map 7.1.8: PENALTIES: Any person who violates provisions of this Ordinance upon conviction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished in accordance with the provision for misdemeanor penalty under State law as amended, plus costs of prosecution, for each offense. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. . Adopted by the City Council, this 24TH day of July 1995. ATTEST: Norman F. Freske, Mayor .J— Publish: Star News 8/9/95 Post: 7/28/95 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT vit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N06 96-21 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS AND HUNTING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 7 of the Otsego City Code (Police and Public Safety) is hereby amended to add the following: SECTION 1 FIREARM AND HUNTING N TING REGULATINS SECTION: 0 7-1-1: Discharge and Carrying Firearms Regulated 7-1-2: Definitions 7-1-3: Permitted Use of Firearms within the No -Discharge Zone 7-1-4: Permitted Use of Firearms outside the No -Discharge Zone 7-1-6: Prohibitions 7-1-6: Dangerous Weapons 7-1-7-A: Designated No -Discharge Zone 7-1-7-13: Map 7-1-8: Penalties 7-14: DISCHARGE AND CARRY- ING FIREARMS REGULATED: 7-1-2: DEFINITIONS: CARRY: The handling or transporta- tion of a firearm concealed. or, other- wise outside a person's domicile. DANGEROUS WEAPONS: Slingshot,. clubs, blackjacks, spring guns, brass or metal knuckles or any knife with a switch blade with opens automatically, under spring pressure with a button or release mechanism or by any other mechanical contrivance. 'DISCHARGE: The firing or shooting of,any firearm. DISMANTLED FIREARM: Any unloaded firearm or bow which is dis- mantled in such a manner so as to prevent discharge. ' ENCASED FIREARM: Any unloaded 'firearm or bow, placed in a case which is tied or otherwise secured in the manner provided. FINE SHOT: Shot sizes F through No: 12 inclusive. FIREARM: "Firearms" shall mean any device from which may be fired or ejected, one or more solid projectiles by means of a cartridge or shell or by the action of Wri explosive substance; or for which the propelling force is a spring, elastic band, carbon dioxide, air or other gas or vapor. LANDOWNER: Any person, group, firm or corporation owning,ands sing or legally controlling any l the territorial limits of the City. SINGLE PROJECTILE:Any single projectile, whether contained in a metallic, paper, plastic or other car- tridge including any method of load- ing a muzzle loader which results in a single projectile being discharged. SUITABLE BACKSTOP: Any natur- al or manmade barrier of. sufficient mass, size or construction, to wholly contain the projectile being dis- charged: WRITTEN PERMISSION:. The fol- lowing inform&dbft'hiiift be, included* The full name; address, date of birth and signature of the person autho- rized to hunt or discharge a firearm; the full name, address and signature -Tnn xrnI n.,.. A'* —' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SHERBURNE) being duly sworn, on oath says is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspa- per known as The Elk River Star News, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. 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