92-42PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE EDA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Resolution No. 92-42 WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority of the City of Otsego ( the "Authority"), pursuant to a Resolution dated October 20, 1992 has requested review of and comment on the Redevelopment Plan for the Otsego Community Center Project (hereinafter "Plan")dated October 20, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Plan has been received by the Otsego Planning Commission (hereinafter "Commission"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has transmitted the Plan and, by resolution, has applied to the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota (hereinafter "City"), for approval of the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Commission has reviewed the Plan and finds that the Plan will contribute to the development of increased economic activity in the City; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the Plan will increase the likelihood of low and moderate income housing development in certain portions of the City; and . WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Authority undertake and carry out the Plan pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047.; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds the Plan to be in conformance with the City Plan and projected and planned development within the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, that the Commission recommends approval of the. Redevelopment plan as submitted by the Board of Commissioners of the Otsego Economic Development Authority, said plan dated October 15, 1992. Approved this 2�1ST day of October , 1992 by the Otsego Planning Commission. airperson Carl A Swenson ATTEST: llm;l) !9- Lg�A� Se tr tary James R o les EDA6G