ORD 00-13CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 0 0 -13 AMENDMENT TO OTSEGO ORDINANCE NO.95-21 ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS AND HUNTING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 7.1.3, PERMITTED USE OF FIREARMS WITHIN THE NO - DISCHARGE ZONE is hereby amended by adding the following: "K. By any person engaged in a City approved event reenacting an historic military engagement, or engaged in a periodic ceremony such as a funeral or Memorial Day observances where firearms have traditionally been discharged, provided that only blank cartridges or shells are used which make noise similar to the discharge of a firearm without the firing or ejection of solid projectiles. In the case of a historic military reenactment, the owner of the property upon which the reenactment is to occur shall notify both the City and the Wright Country Sheriff of the date, time and duration of the planned re-enactment at least two weeks prior to the proposed event. The City may approve or disapprove the planned event at its sole discretion, or may require the owner to comply with certain provisions as conditions of approval." Section 3. This amendment shall become effective upon it passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED this 26TH day of June, 2000 by the Otsego City Council IN FAVOR: Mayor Larry Fournier, C.M. Mark Berning, C.:M. Vern Heidner, C.M. Virginia Wendel and C.M. Suzanne Ackerman. OPPOSED: No One Posted: 7/6/2000 - Otsego City HAll Published: Elk River Star NEws - 7/12/2000 CITY OF OTSEGO iarry Fot� ' er, ayor w NAC I T S E G C