ITEM 4.7C Parks 10.16.2018ITEM 43C OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center October 16, 2018 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the special meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Angela Hilde, Kitty Baltos, Travis Rittenbach, Derrick Stark, Doug Cassady, Jim Breitbach and Cara Husak. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, City Council Members Vern Heidner and Corey Tanner. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Dan Licht, City Planner, Nick Jacobs, Parks Maintenance II, and Connie Schwecke, Administrative Assistant 1. Review of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Survey Results Parks and Recreation Director Demant introduced Gabrielle Grinde from HKGI who reviewed the community input results from the online survey, Social Pinpoint, stakeholder meetings and the Prairie Festival. Ms. Grinde stated that there were 582 participants who completed the survey, 82 comments and 329 views from Social Pinpoint. Of the community results, she stated river access, trails, splash pad/pool and baseball fields were among the most recommended improvements for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Ms. Grinde also reviewed the results of the Peer Community Comparison. 2. Wright County Public Health SHIP Presentation. Parks and Recreation Director Demant introduced Anna Bohanon from Wright County Public Health who presented the SHIP program. (Statewide Health Improvement Partnership) Ms. Bohanon discussed two programs and their benefits; Safe Routes to Schools and Otsego becoming a Bike and Walk Friendly Community. At the end of her presentation, Ms. Bohanon offered to be a support and contact person if the commission chooses to move forward with any of these programs. 2. Adjourn. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Stark. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:56 Pm. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center November 15, 2018 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the special meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Travis Rittenbach, Derrick Stark, and Jim Breitbach. Absent: Commissioners: Kitty Baltos, Doug Cassady, Cara Husak and Angela Hilde City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Dan Licht, City Planner, and Connie Schwecke, Administrative Assistant 1. Review Development History and Compressive Plan. City Planner Dan Licht presented on the history of the stages of Otsego development from 1990 -today including parks, housing and infrastructure. Mr. Licht also presented the future of Otsego's predicted growth of development and land usage from 2018- 2040. 2. Park Development Histor)L Mayor Jessica Stockamp presented a timeline of the history and creation of each park in Otsego from 2001 -today and she also discussed how each of the four community events were created including the Otsego Prairie Festival and how the growth of these events occurred. 3. Park Dedication. City Planner Licht discussed the City Code (10-8-15. H) how the City receives park dedication funds from developers and how the land is generally chosen for future parks. 4. Preview of Meeting on Nov 20, 2018 at 6:00pm Parks and Rec Director Demant passed out the Commission packet for the next meeting on November 20, 2018. Mr Demant requested each commissioner to review the packet and complete the worksheets on the Guiding Principles and the Key Findings for the November 20, 2018 Parks and.Rec Commission meeting. 5. Adjourn. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Chair Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:01 pm. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center November 20, 2018 6:00 PM Call to Order. Vice Chair Derrick Stark called the special meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Travis Rittenbach, Derrick Stark, and Jim Breitbach, Kitty Baltos, Doug Cassady, Cara Husak and Angela Hilde. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and City Council Member Corey Tanner Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Dan Licht, City Planner, Nick Jacobs, Park Maintenance, Amy Stemler Recreation Lead and Connie Schwecke, Administrative Assistant 1. Review of Otsego Parks and Rec System Master Plan. Gabrielle Grinde from HKGI reviewed information and the public survey results on the Otsego Parks and Rec System Master Plan. Ms. Grinde requested the commissioners to provide feedback regarding the seven guiding principles and after discussion the commissioners agreed the principles and the wording was correct. HKGI consultant Grinde discussed key findings from the public survey and the commissioners discussed and provided feedback to what they each felt were priorities. Some priorities were; continue developing neighborhood parks, continue developing a city wide connecting trail system and wayfinding signage, natural areas and updating Prairie Park. Ms. Grinde discussed a schedule regarding the updated draft of the Otsego Parks and Rec System Master Plan and requested the commissioners to continue to review and provide additional feedback with the master plan. 5. Adjourn. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Baltos. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:31 Pm. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant