ORD 96-02CITY OF OTSEGO ORDINANCE NO. %--2 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PRESENCE AND CONDUCT OF MINORS ON STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES; DEFINING DUTIES OF PARENTS OR OTHERS IN CARE OF MINORS; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that there has been an increase in juvenile crime between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. by persons under the age of 18; and WHEREAS, this increase in juvenile crime poses a danger to the health, safety and general welfare of the juveniles and of the general public; and WHEREAS, Juveniles are particularly vulnerable at night time hours to become victims of crime due to their inability to make critical decisions in a mature and experienced manner; and WHEREAS, A juvenile curfew seeks to regulate juvenile activities carried out at night time hours upon the streets and in public places and establishments where the risk of danger to juveniles can be the greatest; and WHEREAS, A curfew for those under the age of 18 will be in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare and will help to attain the foregoing objectives and to diminish the undesirable impact of such conduct on the citizens of the City of Otsego. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO. a. Curfew Hours mean 10:00 p.m., every day of the week, until 5:00 a.m. of the following day. b. Establishment means any privately owned place of business operated for a profit to which the public is invited, including but not limited to any place of amusement or entertainment. C. Guardian means (1) a person who, under court order, is the guardian of the person of a minor; or (2) a public or private agency with whom a minor has been placed by a court. d. Minor means any person under 18 years of age. e. Parent means a person who is a natural parent, adoptive parent or step- parent of another person. f. Public place means any place to which the public or a substantial group of the public has access and includes, but is not limited to, streets, highways, and the common areas of schools, hospitals, apartment houses, office buildings, transport facilities and shops. g. Remain means to (1) loiter, linger, or stay; or (2) fail to leave the premises when requested to do so by a police officer or the owner, operator or other person in control of the premises. SECTION 2. RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for: a. any minor to remain in any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the city during curfew hours unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian; b. any parent or guardian to permit, either knowingly or by insufficient control, allow the minor to remain in any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the City during curfew hours unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian; C. any owner, operator, or any employee of an establishment to knowingly allow a minor to remain upon the premises of the establishment during curfew hours unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Any minor apprehended while violating any of the restrictions of Section 2 above shall be escorted home and placed in the custody of the minor's parent or guardian. a. A person who violates a provision of this chapter is guilty of a separate offense for each day or part of a day during which the violation is committed, continued or permitted. N b. Any minor who is convicted of a violation of this ordinance after the case has been referred for prosecution in the trial court under Minn. Stat, 260.15, and any adult person having the care and custody of such minor, is: i Minors --Guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $75.00 or community service time as deemed necessary by the presiding judge, plus all costs of prosecution of this ordinance for a first offense. ii Parents --Guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $75.00 or community service time as deemed necessary by the presiding judge, plus all costs of prosecution of this ordinance for a first offense; iii Minors --Guilty of a petty misdemeanor and a fine not to exceed $200.00 or community service time as deemed necessary by the presiding judge, plus all costs of prosecution of this ordinance for a second offense within six months of a prior conviction under this ordinance; iv Parents --Guilty of a petty misdemeanor and a fine not to exceed $200.00 or community service time as deemed necessary by the presiding judge, plus all costs of prosecution of this ordinance for a second offense within six months of a prior conviction under this ordinance; SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. The terms and provisions of this ordinance are severable. If any provision of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. It is intended that this Curfew Ordinance be held inapplicable in such cases, if any, where its application would be unconstitutional. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage by the City Council and publication in the official city newspaper. Passed 28th day of March, 1996. Mayor, Norman F. Freske (Seal) Published in the Elk River Star News on April 10th, 1996. Posted 4-1-96 3 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF OTSEGO ORDINANCE NO.964 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PRESENCE AND CONDUCT OF MINORS ON STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES; DEFIN„„x ING DUTIES OF PARENTS OR OTH- ERS IN CARE OF MINORS; PRO-,` VIDING FOR PROCEDURES AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS'"' THEREOF WHEREAS, the City Council had determined that there has been Is increase in juvenile crime between tha``} hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a,m. bye;` persons under the age of 18; and WHEREAS, this increase in juve•, nile crime poses a danger to' "the;k health, safety and general welfare of,. the juveniles and of the general pub- lic; and WHEREAS, Juveniles are particu- larly vulnerable at night time hours,0 become victims of crime due to thI inability to make critical decisions in a,,. mature and experienced manner, and WHEREAS, A Juvenile curfeW seeks to regulate juvenile activities carried out at night time hours upon: the streets and in public places 0,04 establishments where the risk gtdaxl,. ger to juveniles can be greatest, and WHEREAS, A curfew for thoa under the age of 18 will be in fife;,`, interest of the public health, safety and general welfare and will e 1Ito attain the foregoing objectives and tQ diminish the undesirable impact such conduct on the citizens of the,' City of Otsego. NOW, THEREFORE, ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO. , SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS In thtal section: a. Curfew Hours mean 10:00 every day of the week until 6:00 a.m: to the following day, b. Establishment means any prim vately owned place of business operat-' ed for a profit to which the public is invited, including but not limited to . any place of amusement or entertain- ment. C. Guardian means (1) a person who, under court order, is the guardian of the person of a minor; or (2) a public or private agency with whom a mfnbr =i has been placed by a court. d. Minor means any person under'1A years of age. rI e. Parent means a person who is a natural parent, adoptive parent or step-parent of another person. f, Public place means any place to which the public or substantial group of the public has access and includes, r but is not limited to, streets, hijb;' ways, and the common areas of schools, hospitals, apartment housest", office buildings, transport facilitieq and shops, g. Remain means to (1) loiter, lb!W# of stay; or (2) fail to leave the premiss, es when requested to do so by a police` officer or the owner, operator or oth6i+ person in control of the premises. SECTION 2. RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for: 4 _ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. 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