ITEM 3.6 Exploratory Well0tsc eF o MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Utility Manager Neidermeier January 28, 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.6 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: East Public Water System. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. No Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. The 2019 Utility budget scheduled funding for the exploration and identification of a new municipal well to Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. the five wells connected to the system are production limited for water quality reasons. Production wells Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approval of an exploratory well to identify the next water source supporting the East Public Water System. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROU ND/J USTIFICATION: The 2019 Utility budget scheduled funding for the exploration and identification of a new municipal well to support the East Public Water System. The need for an additional water source is warranted as three of the five wells connected to the system are production limited for water quality reasons. Production wells are also taxed from irrigation demands; seeing summer peak flows exceeding six times the winter use. The MN DNR Water Supply Planning recommends that water demands are met even with the loss of the highest production well. The addition of a municipal well will ensure this supply structure is met for the near future. The proposed test well location is on the Otsego Elementary School property (School). The location was chosen because of the proximity to municipal well 1 providing access to existing pipework and electrical. The City contacted three well contractors, and received responses from two well contractors to drill approximately three hundred fifty feet to the Mt. Simon aquifer. This aquifer has provided excellent capacity and good water quality at the nearby Well #6, located at School Knoll Park. Although the proposed location is anticipated to have similar water quality characteristics and capacity, an exploratory well is necessary to verify these assumptions as well as to conduct water quality testing on samples taken from the proposed location. Quotes Traut Companies: - Dual Rotary 10x6 at $61,146.00 with Gamma Log - Dual Rotary 10x4 at $56,646.00 with Gamma Log - Mud Rotary at $59,793.00 with alternate of Gamma Log for lump sum of $1,400.00 E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc.: - Mud Rotary at $77,070.00 with alternate of Gamma Log for lump sum of $1,500.00 Staff is recommending Traut Companies complete a 6" test well using the dual rotary method for $61,146.00. This method is expected to be less impactful to Well #1 located on the same property and provide a higher test pumping rate benefiting water capacity and quality information. A deduction of bollards and cement pad is recommended to reduce the cost to $59,771.00. The test well will be sealed after successful data collection to support cost of sealing the well. A grant from the Minnesota Department of Health will be sought to assist with the project as it supports our Wellhead Protection Program's "Data Collection — Implementation Action Item" which is a high priority goal within the Plan. The School District is verbally supportive of the future well. A full agreement will be sought to arrange access for the exploratory well. Land acquisition will be sought if data supports a productive and quality resource for a new public water supply well. Prior to initiation, the MN Department of Health will be notified of the City's intentions allowing the agency to complete their review process. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Quote - Traut Companies • Quote — E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc. POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the quote from Traut Companies for completing a 6" exploratory well using the dual rotary method in the amount of $59,771.00. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: 601— Water Fund Yes WELL DR/LL/NG FOR FIVE GENERA TIONS 15688 JARVIS STREET N.W. / ELK RIVER, MN 55330 (763) 427-6100 / FAX: (i www.ehrenner.com Proposal and Specifications City of Otsego Test Well Near #1 An Equal Opportunity Employer 10/16/18 CONTRACT This Agreement is made by and between City of Otsego (hereinafter the "Owner") and E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc. (hereinafter the "Contractor"). Project: The Owner has hired the Contractor to construct a Test Well for the Otsego Test Well near #1 in accordance with these Plans and Specifications. The work shall commence after the execution of this Agreement, delivery of a certificate of insurance from the contractor, and receipt of a notice to proceed. Location: The well shall be constructed at *location* in a location agreed upon by the Owner and Contractor and compliant with State and Local regulations. Regulatory Compliance: The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of Minnesota Statues 1031 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4725 (the Well Code), governing the construction, repair, maintenance, and sealing of water wells. Owner: Contractor: City of Otsego E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc. *address* 15688 Jarvis Street NW *city, state, zip* Elk River, Minnesota Signature Printed Name and Title Witness: Date Signature Roger E. Renner, President Printed Name and Title Witness: Signature Date Signature Date Date Edwin Renner, Secretary Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title Otsego fest Well Near #1 - 10/16/18 2 BID SCHEDULE The Owner and Contractor agree that all work described in this document for the Otsego Test Well Near #1 shall be performed for the following unit prices: Item No. Description Estimated Units Unit Price Total Price 1 Mobilization 1 L.S. $9,800.00 $9,800.00 2 17" Borehole 100 Ft. $60.00 $6,000.00 3 12" Steel casing 103 Ft. $95.00 $9,785.00 4 12" Borehole Sandstone 170 Ft. $80.00 $13,600.00 5 12" Borehole in PDC 0 Ft. $120.00 $0.00 6 8" Steel Casing 273 Ft. $50.00 $13,650.00 7 8" Borehole 0 Ft. $40.00 $0.00 8 8" Borehole in PDC 0 Ft. $58.00 $0,00 9 4" Steel Casing 273 Ft. $25.00 $6,825.00 10 4" Open Hole 70 Ft. $18.00 $1,260.00 11 Neat Cement Grout Installed 17 Yds. $500.00 $8,500.00 12 FIR Development Equipment 1 L.S. $500.00 $500.00 13 Development 6 Hrs. $300.00 $1,800.00 14 FIR Pumping Equipment 1 L.S. $500.00 $500.00 15 Test Pumping 1 Hrs. $300.00 $300.00 16 8" Protop with 4" well Seal 1 L.S. $400.00 $400.00 17 Bollards with PVC outter Coating 3 Ft. $250.00 $750.00 18 Cement Pad around well 1 L.S. $1,000.00 $1,000.00 19 Drill Fluid Removal from Site/ 1000Gal 8 Trips $300.00 $2,400.00 Total Project Bid Alternate Items Gamma Log 1 L.S. $1,500.00 $77,070.00 Otsego Test well Near #1 — 10/16/18 3 WELL CONSTRUCTION Scope of Work This work shall consist of all labor and materials required to construct a 350 foot well completed in the Mt. Simon bedrock aquifer. It is intended that the well will produce 30 gallons per minute (GPM) of sand -free water (as defined by MN Rules 4725) for the purpose of groundwater testing. Geologic Conditions From (ft.) To (ft.) Formation 0 - 72 Sand, Gravel & Clay 72 - 112 Tunnel City 112 - 197 Wonewoc 197 - 260 Eau Claire 260 - 350 Mt. Simon Materials Materials used in the construction of the well shall be new and the best of their respective kinds. A. Well Casing - Well casings shall be 12", 8", and 4" inside diameter, black, steel, well casing meeting the minimum standards set forth in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4725.2350. Threaded and coupled or welded joints are acceptable. B. Grout Neat cement grout shall contain 21 bags (94lbs. Per bag) of Portland Type 11 or Type III cement with no more than 126 gallons of water per cubic yard. Well Construction Well construction shall consist of the following activities: A. Drill a 17 inch nominal diameter borehole through the glacial drift and 28 feet into the Tunnel City formation. B. Set 12 Inch casing to the bottom of the borehole, C. Grout casing in place with neat cement. D. Drill approximately 170 feet of 12" Borehole to the Mt. Simon Aquifer. E. Set 8 Inch casing to the bottom of the Borehole. F. Grout Casing in place with neat cement. Otsego Test Well Near #1 -- 10/16/18 G. Set 4" casing to the bottom of the 8 Inch Borehole. H. Grout Casing in place with neat cement. I. Drill 4" Open hole to the bottom of the Mt. Simon Aquifer. J. Develop the well to provide clean groundwater. K. Test pump. L. Disinfect the well. At all times during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall protect the well effectively against tampering and entrance of foreign matter with a suitable cap or cover. The Contractor shall also be responsible for any environmental damages to the ground surface to include spillage of any hydraulic fluids, diesel or any petroleum products into the subsoil from the drilling operations. Any damages shall be corrected by and at the expense of the Contractor. Well Development The contractor shall provide all necessary labor and equipment to develop the open hole portion of the well using air lifting, surging, and decompression methods. Development shall be continued until the well produces the maximum practical yield of sand -free groundwater. Water from development and test pumping shall be piped away from the well so it does not cause unwanted disturbance, as determined by the Owner. Test Pumping- Upon umping Upon completion of well development, the Contractor shall furnish, install and remove his own submersible pump and generator with sufficient lift and capacity to deliver a flow rate of 30 gallons per minute at the wellhead. Failure to utilize an adequate pump to create this flow will cause rejection of the test pump period until a pump of sufficient capacity is installed. Any electrical service necessary to operate the Contractor's test pump shall be provided by and at the Contractor's expense with no additional cost to the Owner. Water Quality Sample No water analysis to be performed. Otsego Fest Well Near #1 - 10/16/18 5 Disinfection After all test procedures have been made the well shall be disinfected in accordance with. procedure(s) recommended by the MDH. Abandonment of the Well In the event that the Contractor fails to drill the Well in compliance with the Well Code or must abandon the well because of loss of tools; the Contractor shall seal the abandoned hole with neat cement grout. Materials and labor committed to construction of the failed well and sealing of the well shall be at the Contractor's own expense. The Contractor may attempt to salvage any materials used in construction of the failed attempt and those materials shall remain the Contractor's property. Gamma Log If required, the Contractor shall perform a gamma log for determination of the formations of the test hole to assure compliance with the Minnesota Dept. of Health Well Rules. Based on the gamma log report, recommendations from the contractor shall be provided to the Owner with regard to the final depth of the casing and open hole. Clean-up All areas disturbed by the contractor shall be restored to a rough grade condition. The contractor shall remove all debris generated by the construction of the well including drill cuttings. End of Section Otsego Test Well Near #1 - 10/16/.18 6 PAYMENTS AND CONDITIONS Invoices will be submitted at the end of each month for work completed and approved by the Owner. Payment will be made within 30 days of the invoice less 5% retainage. Retainage shall be paid after completion and acceptance of the project, meeting all terms and conditions of the specifications. While an attempt has been made to predict the geologic conditions (below the ground surface) at the drilling site, the potential exists that unanticipated conditions may be encountered. Additional materials, labor, and equipment required to accommodate unanticipated conditions will be cause for changes to the contract price. The total number of units in the Bid Schedule are estimates only and are subject to increase or decrease based on actual geologic conditions. The quantity and quality of water produced by a well is dependent on conditions and geology of the site and cannot be guaranteed. The Owner is responsible for payment of the work performed and materials used regardless of the water quality or productivity of the well. Submittals ! Operation and Maintenance Manuals The Well Contractor shall provide two bound copies of Owner's and Operator's Manuals which shall include the following information: A. Minnesota Department of Health Notification Form B. Minnesota Department of Health Well and Boring Record C. Gamma log D. Test pump report E. Report of water analysis An annual appropriations permit is required for wells producing more than 10,000 gallons per day or 1,000,000 gallons per year. The Owner shall make application for permit to appropriate ground water from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters. End of Section Otsego Test Well Near #1 10/16/18 7 MUD ROTARY :B,ID:SCHEDULE,, The Owner and Contractor agree that all work described in this document for the Otsego Test Well Near #1 shall be performed for the following unit prices: Item Estimated No, Description Units Unit Price Total Price 1 Mobilization 1 L.S. 2,100.00 2,100.00 2 17" Borehole 100 Ft. 50.00 5,000.00 3 12" Steel casing 103 Ft. 85,00 8,755,00 4 12" Borehole Sandstone 170 Ft. 40.00 6,800.00 5 12" Borehole in PDC 0 Ft. 50.00 0.00 6 " Steel Casing 273 Ft. 52,00 14,196,00 7 8" Borehole 0 Ft. 40.00 0.00 8 8" Borehole in PDC 0 Ft. 50.00 0.00 9 4" Steel Casing 273 Ft. 14.00 3,822.00 10 4" Open Hole 70 Ft. 35.00 2,450.00 11 Neat Cement Grout Installed 17 Yds, 475.00 8,075,00 12 FIR Development Equipment 1 L.S, 350.00 350.00 13 Development 6 Hrs, 275.00 1,650.00 14 FIR Pumping Equipment 1 L.S. 350.00 350.00 15 Test Pumping I Hrs. 145.00 145.00 16 8" Protop with 4" well Seat 1 L.S. 325.00 325.00 17 Bollards with PVC outer Coating 3 Ft, 175.00 525.00 18 Cement Pad around well 1 L.S. 850,00 850.00 19 Drill Fluid Removal from Site/ IOOOGal 8 Trips 550.00 4,400.00 Total Project Bid 59,793,00 Alternate Items Gamma Log I L.S. 1,400,00 Otsego Test Well Near #1 — 10/16/18 3 141 28th Ave South PO BOX 547 Waite Park, MN 56387-0547 320-251-5090 Email: davet@trautcompanies.com DUAL ROTARY Mudless quote 10"x 61' well DATE: 1/8/2019 PHONE # NAME: Otsego test well near #1 ADDRESS: Same ATTN: Kurt Neidermeier F Description 1 Mobilization & demobilization 13 10" steel casing 14 Drill 10" open hole 18 Furnish & install 6" steel casing 22 Grout 20 Drill 6" open hole 27 FIR development EQ. 29 Well development 31 FIR 30 gpm test pump 32 Test pumping 33 10" protop 34 Bollards with PVC outer coating 35 Cement pad around well 36 Drill fluid removal from site ( 8000 gallons) 37 Gamma log FAX # EMAIL JOB # Unit Unit Price QTY Totals LS $ 8,915.00 1 $ 8,915.00 LF $ 58.00 100 $ 5,800.00 LF $ ,_ 75.00 273 $ 20,475.00 LF $ 32.00 273 $ 8,736.00 CY $ 615.00 5 $ 3,075.00 LF $ 65.00 70 $ 4,550.00 LS $ 1,250.00 1 $ 1,250.00 HRS $ 325.00 6 $ 1,950.00 LS $ 350.00 1 $ 350.00 HRS $ 145.00 1 $ 145.00 LS $ 325.00 1 $ 325.0.0 aft $ 175.00 3 $ 525.00 LS $ 850.00 1 $ 850.00 Tris $ 350.00 8 $ 2,800.00 LS $ 1,400.00 1 $ 1,400.00 TOTAL cost 10X6 well DEDUCT for 4" well TOTAL for 10X4"well $ 61,146.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 56,646.00 �i .® cn .3 m 0