ITEM 3.8 Regional Trail partnershipOtseF o MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Director Demant January 28, 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.8 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Great River Regional Trail Masterplan. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. No Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. During the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) planning discussions, staff presented a project that included Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. X Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends partnering with Wright County and the cities of Monticello and Clearwater to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Great River Regional Trail Masterplan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATION: During the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) planning discussions, staff presented a project that included partnering with Wright County and the communities of Monticello and Clearwater to create a masterplan for the Great River Regional Trail. If approved, the master plan would identify any future alignment, construction, wayfinding, amenities, acquisitions, phasing, public input, regional analysis, and costs associated with completing, maintenance and operations of the Great River Regional Trail. The goal of the Great River Regional Trail would be to enhance the regions recreational and multi -modal transportation system by providing connections between Otsego, Clearwater, and Monticello. The Great River Trail has the potential to connect numerous park facilities throughout the region and would potentially connect with the Crow River Regional Trail at the intersection of County Road 36 and County Road 42. Once a masterplan is created, regional trail designation can be pursued which would allow for potential access to funding to aid with the construction of the trail. The cost sharing for the masterplan was initially calculated using total mileage of trail that would potentially be located in each community. However, after further discussion, staff identified that most of the data that would be collected during the Great Regional Trail master planning process would be redundant with the information that is currently being collected during the Otsego Parks and Recreation Master Planning Process. For this reason, staff is recommending that the City of Otsego's cost sharing portion be reduced from an estimated $27,000 to an estimated $6,000 and allows the City to still be included in the Great River Regional Trail process. Once a consultant is selected for development of the master plan, Staff will bring back that proposal to the City Council for final approval. Below are the estimated cost sharing amounts for each of the partnering agencies. Wright County (15 miles) = $45,000 Otsego (8.6 miles) = $6,000 Monticello (5 miles) = $15,000 Clearwater (3 miles) = $9,000 I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: I • Great River Regional Trail Request for Proposals POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve partnering with Wright County and the cities of Monticello and Clearwater to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Great River Regional Trail Masterplan. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund #203 — Park Development Yes February 4, 2019 Wright County, in partnership with the Cities of Otsego, Monticello and Clearwater (owners), is seeking proposals to provide consulting services for the creation of a Master Plan for The Great River Regional Trail in accordance with the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission Master Planning Portal. Enclosed you will find a Request for Proposals (RFP). Proposals need to be submitted by March 1, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. to the Wright County Parks and Recreation Department located at 3500 Braddock Avenue NE, Buffalo, MN 55313. The Great River Regional Trail will enhance the regions recreational and multi -modal transportation system by providing connections between three municipalities, Clearwater, Monticello and Otsego. The Great River Trail has the potential to connect numerous park facilities including Otsego County Park, Montissippi County Park, and Warner Lake Park in Stearns County while providing trail links to the West Mississippi River Trail in Hennepin County, the proposed Beaver Island Trail in Stearns county and the proposed Crow River Regional Trail in Wright and Stearns County The master plan project will identify any future alignment, construction, wayfinding, amenities, acquisitions, phasing, public input, regional analysis, and costs associated with completing, maintenanceand operations of the Great River Regional Trail. I look forward to receiving your proposal. Please direct any questions regarding the RFP or process to me at 763-682-7693 or marc.mattice@co.wright.mn.us Sincerely, Marc Mattice Director of Parks and Recreation ...-: � ace600 _ a ht.mn.us/parks �wwwf Work Statement/Scope of Work The following scope identifies the requirements from the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission and provides clarity on the roles and responsibilities for each between the consulting firm and the owners. General Master Plan Description This section provides the basic information about the project and the organization responsible for it. The consultant will: • Develop the narrative to be reviewed by the owners. Site Description This section defines the regional context of the trail along with a brief introductory description. The consultant will: • Develop the narrative to be reviewed by the owners • Create a map illustrating the regional context. Site Information This section provides an overview of the existing and proposed site facilities and general site characteristics. The consultant will: • Create a series of graphic illustrations of the proposed and existing facilities and how they relate. • Develop the narrative to be reviewed by owners. Trends/Public Values This section summarizes public input, demographics, recreational trends, public values and economic opportunities that influenced the master planning process. The consultant will: • Collaborate with owners to develop and implement public outreach methods which may include the following: o User friendly survey materials to gain and record feedback. Survey should be developed to be completed either online or in-person. o Attending City Celebrations to increase awareness of the master plan and gain public input in-person from the public. o Supplying graphics and content to be used as part of social media campaign to gain public input. o Consultant may recommend alternative methods to gain public input. • Explore and review new trends and standards in regional trail development, develop new ideas, potential uses, and methods of implementation. Trends may include: o Wayfinding o Sustainable trail development o Education opportunities including highlighting the Mississippi River and amenities • Develop text to be reviewed by owners for final submittal. Classification Details This section describes in detail how the master plan proposal aligns with the criteria associated with the selected classification "Non -Motorized Regional Trail". The consultant will: • Develop the narrative to be reviewed by owners. Development/Acquisition This section describes the development and acquisition plans for the regional trail and provides detailed information about specific development features and potential acquisition of lands. The consultant will: • Prepare concept design alternatives for the following: o Preferred and alternative alignments o Review and integrate components of the City of Otsego's Park, Trail and Open Space Master Plan Completed in 2018 which focus on the Great River Trail proposed corridor and public input related to the project. o Develop a signage and wayfinding plan o Concept level development of a trail plan with field verification to review barricades (Reference to use — MN DNR and MN DOT Trail Planning, Guidelines) o Review, analyze, and make recommendations regarding existing trail system and connections o Analyze adjacent properties for potential impacts o Identify potential use conflicts and develop plans for mitigating or eliminating conflicts o Review accessibility guidelines and prepare an accessibility plan o Identify natural resource management activities, with trail corridor • Develop preliminary sketches for review with owners and revise accordingly. x5e�--- = "meq iW �' Fct.mn.us/parks �w�w,�rvfaced ook.-co tivr- • Develop final concept plans that will guide future development, including a final plan with identification labels and images to illustrate design intent and phasing. • Define jurisdiction responsibilities for development, acquisition, maintenance • Develop text to be reviewed by owners for the final master plan submittal. Implementation This section describes the implementation plan for the Great River Regional Trail, including information about investments to -date, cost projections, and phasing. The consultant will: • Prepare preliminary cost estimates for items in the master plan. Cost estimates will be itemized and will be based on pricing for similar work on recent projects or by local contractors. • Prepare a phasing plan that illustrates the development and acquisition section. • Develop text to be reviewed by owners for the final master plan submittal. Operational Plan This section describes the operations plan for the trail, including responsibilities and annual costs. The consultant will: • Develop the narrative to be reviewed by owners. Programming Plan This section describes how the public will connect with the trail through programming, outreach, marketing, and research efforts. The consultant will: • Work with owners to develop a program plans that includes active and passive recreation opportunities and potential opportunities for education and/or research. • Develop text to be reviewed by owners for the final master plan submittal. Meeting and Additional Information A series of meetings will be necessary to coordinate the work efforts between county staff and the consultant. The following are the anticipated meetings: • Project kick-off meeting with all partners. • Three work sessions with owners to develop and review draft ideas. • Three work sessions to present final master plan • Three work sessions to be determined by owners or consultant • Two "pop-up" events as identified by partners at sponsored event to gain public input. o Monticello - Walk'n' Roll (DATE AND TIME) .mn.us/parks tiv� v facebb- k _` _ o Clearwater - Public Open House; Date and Time To Be Determined • Various communication by telephone or email to address concerns or thoughts. • Consultants will assist owners with meeting materials for a staff presentation to the Parks Commission, Councils, and Boards on the final master plan. • Owners will enter the final text and graphics into the online application portal. • File type to be provided to owners shall be Microsoft Word and/or InDesign Other Project Related Items Work is to be performed by or under the direct supervision of a Landscape Architect and/or Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Minnesota. 2. Respondent shall demonstrate extensive experience master planning regional trails. 3. Respondents are encouraged to propose additional tasks or activities that may improve the results of this project. These items should be separate from the required items and identified as optional services including additional fees. 4. Owners will provide the following information to the firm awarded the project upon request (a distribution agreement maybe required): a. 2018 aerial photography in SID or TIFF format b. 2 -foot contours in shape file format c. Parcel data for the trail corridor in shape file format d. Centerline data in shape file format e. Local and regional trail plans as adopted by each partner 5. All electronic or printed data and documents related to the planning and formation of the plan must be submitted in a format approved by the owner and will become property of the owner at the completion of the project Proposal Content 1. Letter of interest that includes a synopsis of the prime firm and sub - consultants, the team's qualifications, the project manager, the primary contact, and the project principal representing the contractual authority of the firm. 2. A project organizational chart. Identify team composition, if a team is proposed. Define key staff members who will be working on the project and explain their roles. Resumes of the project manager, principal, and staff identified as having a major role in the project. Include a listing of estimated hours for each member. Project understanding, approach, and coordination methods: Consulting firm shall describe understanding of the project and identify approach to fulfill the scope of services required. 4. Three project descriptions for recent projects of similar scope (regional or local trail master plans). Include specific types of experience your firm has had in the following areas: a. Planning and design of regional trails. b. Experience facilitating public input, regional trail design, natural communities, and master planning. c. Experience planning and designing around natural resources to enhance resources and user experience. d. Master planning with the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission Master Planning Portal. For each of the projects identified, provide references (name, email, and phone numbers). 5. Schedule: Consulting firm shall confirm key tasks, milestones, and critical path based upon county's proposed schedule. 6. Proposal and Fee Submission: a. The fee proposal should be submitted in a separate envelope labeled "Fee Proposal — Great River Regional Trail" with consultant name. b. Total lump sum fee for all services/labor/materials/electronic files/printed documents/reimbursables as described in scope of work. c. Proposed method of delivery of electronic files and number of printed documents delivered. d. Provide 4 printed copies of the completed proposal, and one electric copy. Note: All costs for project meetings and site visits necessary to facilitate completion of the project are to be included in the total fees and expenses listed above. MEW- t.mn.us/.parks �w�w�vface600k-co Estimated Project Schedule RFP's Due March 1, 2019 (4:00 P.M.) Anticipated Owner Recommendation March 15, 2019 Anticipated Owner Approval March 26, 2019 Completion of Master Plan November 1, 2019 Selection Process Overview Selection of a consultant for this project will follow a value -based process that includes an evaluation of technical qualifications, project duration, and price. All proposals received by the deadline will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the owners, which includes: • Monticello - City Manager • Clearwater - City Manager • Otsego — Park and Recreation Director • Wright County - Parks and Recreation Director Scoring is a competitive process in which the proposer submittals are weighted heavily not only for the ability to plan, but to show the potential for creating innovative ideas and the ability to implement those ideas on this project. The owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and/or to waive any informalities or irregularities during the selection process. t.mn.us/parks wtivw, ace60!