ORD 97-12CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 97-12 ORDINANCE AMENDING OTSEGO INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. 97-3 CLARIFYING PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM MORATORIUM. The City of Otsego City Council Ordains as follows: section 1. Section 4. Exceptions, of Otsego Interim Ordinance No. 97-3 is. hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. Exceptions. Specifically exempted from this prohibition are the following: A. Applications for commercial or industrial subdivision. B. Allowable 1 per 40 land splits within agricultural areas. C. The issuance of building permits for individual residences, or accessory buildings upon lots which have been previously approved and which are in full compliance with the applicable lot requirements for a buildable lot within the zone in which they are located. D. Applications for Conditional Use Permits. E. Applications for variances. This interim ordinance shall not affect those development applications for residential subdivisions which have submitted a complete application to the City prior to the effective date of- - this ordinance, nor shall it affect the following proposed applications for subdivision which have already initiated discussions with the City regarding residential subdivision and which have taken substantial steps in preparation for such application, or have received related initial approvals: Lin -Bar II, Heritage Plains II, Fabian and Catherine Sadowski (that land identified as the north 40 acres of PID No. 118-500-223200 which lies within the City's immediate service area), and Eugene and Delaine Kreuser (that 30 acre parcel of land identified as PID No. 118-500-171401). The above specifically listed subdivisions shall be excluded from the moratorium established in this ordinance only upon the condition that they submit to the City a complete application for residential subdivision on or before March 1, 1997. Also specifically excluded from the Interim Ordinance is the following property, a portion of which was included in a proper application submitted prior to March 1, 1997 and a portion of which was submitted on a previous application, which was subsequently withdrawn: approximately 283 acres of land located north and south of County Road 39 between Kahler and Kadler Avenues (south of Island View Estates subdivision) as legally described on Exhibit A hereto attached. Section 2. This ordinance shall take affect from and after its passage and publication, and .shall remain in effect until the termination date of the original Interim Ordinance amended or any subsequent extension of that termination date. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 8TH day of September, 1997. IN FAVOR: wry Fournier, Mayor, Council Members, Vern Heidner and Virginia _ Wendel OPPOSED: Council Members Suzanne Ackerman and Mark Berning CITY OF OTSEGO Aarryyr er, Mayor 0 1 Beatty, I ity C1k Publish: Elk River Star NEws: 9/24/97 Post: City of OTsego Both Boards: 9/17/97 Developer Michael W. Emberton, Allied Mortgage of Brooklyn Center, Inc., Owner is Donald and Phyllis Greninger, 9383 Kadler Avenue NE, Otsego, MN for PID#118-800- 142402, all of the property located East of Kadler Avenue N.E. and North and South of County Road #39 (95TH ST NE) abutting Island View Estates to the North 186.63 approximate acres with any and all exceptions, and PID # 118-800-23210196.80 approximate acres East of Kadler Avenue NE with any and all exceptions. The total acres of the two parcels is approximately 283.43 Acres. This property lies in Sections 14 and 23, Township 121, Range 24, City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. See Attached Map outlined in black around this property. n. J EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATION