RES 19-13CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT RESOLUTION NO. 2019-13 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FEES RELATED TO STREETS WHEREAS, the City of Otsego's population is growing and is anticipated to continue growing in accordance with the City Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, city streets are one of the four major types of infrastructure local government is responsible to provide to protect public safety and health; city streets represent a separate but integral piece of the network of roads supporting movement of people and goods; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego's existing street infrastructure is sufficient to support the current community population and work force within existing neighborhoods, commercial districts and industrial parks; and, WHEREAS, developers, builders, and new homeowners a n d b u s i n e s s e s are driving the need for street improvements, including new streets, street expansions, and street reconstruction; and WHEREAS, municipal statutory authority appropriately exists for fees related to the costs of municipal parks, sanitary sewerutilities, and waterutilities; and WHEREAS, this municipal statutory authority does not exist for infrastructure development fees related to street improvements; and WHEREAS, existing funding mechanisms, such as Municipal State Aid (MSA), property taxes and special assessments, have limited applications, leaving cities under -equipped to address growing needs; and WHEREAS, neighborhood streets are constructed according to city standards by developers; and WHEREAS, funding sources for n e w s t re e t s o r expanded streets and intersections to support new development have historically come from infrastructure development fees; and 1 WHEREAS, the infrastructure development fee mechanism f o r f u n d i n g s t r e e t infrastructure needs related to development is no longer allowed as a result of the Harstad vs. Woodbury court case; and WHEREAS, costs of growth in the short term should not be supported by current residents through community tax and/or utility fee increases but rather by those that represent the growth; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego finds it is difficult to develop adequate funding systems to support the City's needed street improvements related to growth while complying with existing State statutes; and WHEREAS, cities need flexible policies and greater resources in order to meet growing demands for street improvements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, that the City Council supports legislation that would authorize cities to levy infrastructure development fees to fund municipal street improvements as a necessary component of growth. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota this 11th Day of March 2019. Motion by: Darkenwald Second by: Warehime All in favor: Stockamp, Those opposed: None CITY OF OTSEGO ri �sica L. Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk Darkenwald, Tanner, Warehime, Goede 2