03-19-19 PR PacketPARKS 1 0
Call to Order
Roll Call:
1. Open Forum.
2. Consider Agenda For Approval.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
7:00 PM
Prairie Center
3. Consider the Minutes:
3.1 January 15, 2019 Regular Meeting.
4. Unfinished Business
5. New Business
5.1 Election of Officers
5.2 Review of Pride in our Parks Program
5.3 Easter Day Review (Verbal)
6. Parks and Recreation Director's Update.
7. City Council Reports.
8. Adjourn.
The next regular Parks and Recreation Meeting will be
April 16, 2019 at Prairie Center at 7:OOPM
ITEM 3.1
Prairie Center
January 15, 2019
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Doug Cassady, Derrick Stark, Travis
Rittenbach, and Cara Husak.
Absent: Commissioners: Angela Hilde, Kitty Baltos and Jim Breitbach.
City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and City Council member Tina Goede.
Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Nick Jacobs, Parks Maintenance II
and Connie Schwecke, Administrative Assistant.
1. Open Forum.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant added 5.2 Great River Regional Trail Master Plan
Commissioner Husak motioned to approve the amended agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Rittenbach. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider Meeting Minutes.
3.1 December 17, 2018.
Commissioner Stark motioned to recommend to the City Council to
approve the regular meeting minutes as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business.
5. New Business.
5.1 2019 Field Usage and Fee Schedule.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented fee schedule and field usage.
Demant stated that the fees are set up per season ($75 ball field assignments and $50
soccer field assignments).
Commissioner Husak questioned the cancelation policy. Parks and Recreation Director
Demant stated the field usage fees were charged per season and not on an individual
Commissioner Cassady asked how many slots/fields the City schedules. Demant stated
there are 27-28 field slots with youth baseball using 13-14 slots and then the remaining
are used by little league and softball.
Commissioner Stark questioned when an organization requests a maintenance worker
to work a tournament, what is the cost. Demant stated the city charges were enough to
recoup the cost of the staff.
ITEM 3.1
Commissioners Cassady and Commissioner Stark both agreed this fee schedule is
cheaper than other surrounding communities.
Commissioner Stark motioned to recommend to the City Council the
2019 Field Usage and Fee Schedule. Seconded by Chair Dehn. All in
favor. Motion carried.
5.2 Great River Trail Master Plan RFP.
Parks and Recreation Director Ross Demant presented Great River Trail Master Plan.
After discussion, the commissioners agreed to proceed with the RFP.
Commissioner Husak motioned to recommend to the City Council the
Great River Trail Master Plan RFP for review. Seconded by Commission
Rittenbach. All in favor. Motion carried
6 Parks and Recreation Director Update.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant updated the commissioners on Norin Landing
shelter's and the Grand Opening for both new parks, Lefebvre Creek Greenway on June
18 at 6:O0pm and Norin Landing on July 16 at 6:00pm.
Mr. Demant stated staff was working with the City of Elk River to collaborate and offer
a Triathlon this summer.
Demant also stated that Mayor Stockamp was presented an MRPA award for all her
support and contributions to Otsego Parks and Recreation Department. Chair Dehn
congratulated the Mayor and stated it was a big honor for the City.
7. City Council Reports.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp gave an update to the commissioners. Mayor Stockamp
introduced new Councilmember Tina Goede who will serve as the alternate City Council
liaison to the Parks and Recreation Commission.
8. Adjourn.
Commissioner Cassady motioned to adjourn. Seconded by
Commissioner Stark. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:43
Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant
ITEM 5.1
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director
DATE: March 14, 2019
RE: Election of Officers
In accordance with the City Code 3-2-3: sub C, the Parks and Recreation Commission
shall hold its election of officers at the first meeting in March.
Listed bellowed is the established procedure for officer elections:
There are two officer positions to be voted for:
o Chair
o Vice- Chair
All Park and Recreation Commissioners are eligible for an officer position;
'Alternate' Commissioners are not eligible.
The Chair opens nominations:
o Nominations for Chair are first.
o A seated Parks and Recreation Commissioner may nominate another
eligible member; a Commissioner may not nominate themselves.
o Nominations do not need to be seconded.
o The Chair repeats the name of the nominee after each nomination.
o The Chair will ask "Is there any other nominations for Chair?'; if there
are no other nominations for the Chair position, the Chair will ask for
nominations forVice-Chair.
o After nominations for Vice -Chair are complete following the same
ITEM 5.1
process, the Chair declares nominations are closed.
o A Commissioner may decline the nomination during the process.
o The Chair will continue presiding during the voting process even if they
are one of the nominees.
Voting is done by voice:
o The Chair will name the first nominee for Chair.
o The Chair will ask "all those in favor of [NAME] for the position of Parks
and Recreation Commission Chair say aye"
o This procedure is followed for each of the nominees in order of their
o If there is a tie, the process repeats until one nominee receives a
majority vote.
o A nominee may withdraw from the ballot voluntarily at anytime.
o Once there is a majority vote for a nominee, the Chair declares the
person with the majority vote as the winner.
o The vote process is repeated for the Vice -Chair position.
Once voting is complete and a winner declared for both Chair and Vice -Chair,
those persons assume their positions before proceeding with the rest of the
Source: Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised 11
Item 5.2
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director
DATE: March 14, 2019
RE: Pride in our Parks Program Review
The Pride in our Parks program encourages people of all ages, including residents,
community groups and businesses, to help keep Otsego clean, safe, and more
attractive. Volunteers assist in picking up debris, raking leaves, planting and
maintaining vegetation, special projects and to help identify needed repairs in our parks.
Volunteers make a two-year commitment for activities. Otsego Parks and Recreation
staff provide basic oversight, safety vests, tools and materials as needed. The City also
places a sign within the park crediting the individual, group or organization for their
Staff is recommending updates to the staff and department responsibilities that are
outlined in the current Pride in our Parks policy to reflect the most up to dates changes.
Currently, information for the program is provided the City's website under the Parks &
Recreation tab. Staff would like to review the current advertising efforts with the Parks
and Recreation Commission in order to create a strategy to recruit more volunteers for
the program.
Requested Action:
Staff is requesting that Commissioners review the information included in this memo
and provide a recommendation to staff on how to proceed with updates and
improvements to the Pride in our Parks program.
Pride in our Park Policy
1.01 :
Park and TrailRules
Waiver of Liability
1.01 : PURPOSE: The purpose of the Otsego Pride in Our Parks
program is to encourage business, civic groups or individuals to assist, on a
volunteer basis, in improving and maintaining City parks and trails to provide for
a welcoming and safe recreation experience for all users.
A Eligible Participants:
All persons eighteen (18) years of age or older.
2. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) years of age may
participate provided that at least one (1) person eighteen (18) years
of age or older is present as the primary responsible person to
supervise any work or service performed under the Pride in Our
Parks program.
3. The number of persons within a group participating in the Pride in
Our Parks program shall be sufficient to complete the activities set
forth by the approved program the group has committed to.
B. Application:
Requests to participate in the Otsego Pride in Our Parks program
shall be submitted to the City SleFkParks and Recreation
Department using the form provided by the City and shall include
the following information:
Name of organization.
Name, address and phone number of a primary contact
person at least eighteen (18) years of age or older.
G. Names and addresses forall participants; agesforany
participants under the age of eighteen (18) years.
Choice of park or trail facilities to adopt.
e. Proposed activity program.
Other information requested by City staff, the Parks and
Recreation Commission or City Council.
2. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall review the application
and proposed program activities and make a recommendation to
the City Council as to approval of the application taking into
consideration the capabilities of the participants and scope of the
activity program in relation to the facility to be adopted.
3. Upon receiving a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation
Commission, the City Council shall consider the application with
approval requiring a majority vote.
C. Participant Commitment:
Participants will be a positive representative of the City of Otsego
and a good role model for public service within the community.
2. Participants agree to a two (2) year commitment to the Pride in Our
Parks program; a two (2) year commitment shall not be required for
special projects approved under this Policy or as otherwise
recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and
approved by the City Council.
3. Participation in the Pride in Our Parks program may be renewed at
the end of the commitment period upon recommendation by the
Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City
4. The City Council may terminate a participant in the Pride in Our
Parks program at anytime.
D. City Support:
The City Council will award a certificate of appreciation to
participants at a regular City Council meeting.
2. A sign identifying the participants will be placed for individual
adoptions after acceptance of at least two (2) activity reports by the
Parks and Recreation Commission.
a. The City reserves the right to approve, edit and/or amend
content displayed on the sign.
3.- "�rksParks and Recreation staff will coordinate and oversee
participant activities.
4. The City will provide:
a. Trash bags and trash pick-up/disposal.
b. Other hand tools or safety equipment as determined by the
Parks and Recreation Director.
A. Areas to adopt may include entire parks or particular areas within specific
parks including thefollowing:
Neighborhood parks.
Playgounds, picnic areas, sports fields/courts within community
3. Trail segments.
4. Trees, shrubs, flower beds.
5. Undeveloped park land.
B. Pride in Our Parks program activities may include:
Inspection of the adopted park facilities a minimum of one (1) time
per month to pick up trash, identify needed repairs, light
replacement and report graffiti orvandalism.
2. Park maintenance a minimum of two (2) times per year for trash
pickup, rake grass or sand to remove leaves, sweep shelters,
sidewalks and trails and clean picnic tables and benches or other
activities as approved by the Public Works Supervisor.
3. Planting of flowers, shrubs and/or trees:
Plants to be installed must be of a type and size approved by
the PubliG WGrks Supep.,06e Parks and Recreation
b. Participants are required to maintain and waterinstalled
plants for a minimum of one growing season.
C. The scope of work may be limited to adoption of one or more
planting beds within a given park.
4. Other activities subject to review bythe Parks and Recreation
Commission and approval of the City Council.
C. Participants shall submit a monthly report of activities to the Parks and
Recreation Commission on the form provided by the City.
D. Activity Rules:
Work or service shall be limited to the approved activity within the
designated area upon Cityproperty.
2. Work orservice
nn Gnre shall extend beyend the hours of &00 AM and 10;00
gMshould only take place during park hours which is sunrise to
3. There must be at least one (1) person eighteen year of age or older
present or each five (5) persons under the age of eighteen (18).
4. Participants shall wear gloves and closed toe shoes while doing the
work or service.
5. The use of power tools, equipment and machinery by participants is
prohibited, unless approved by the PubliG Warks Supewise Parks
and Recreation Director.
6. Participants shall not attempt repair of City owned property and will
report any needed repairs to the PubliG Works Supewiso Parks and
Recreation Director, unless set forth as part of a participant's
approved Pride in Our Parks program.
Participants shall not attempt removal of any hazardous or
unreasonably large or heavy items and will report any such material
to the Public Works Supervisor.
E. All activities shall be coordinated with the Parks and
Recreation Department:
The date and time work or service is to be performed shall be
approved by the PubliG WgFks Supervise Parks and Recreation
Director at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the scheduled
The PubliG Works Supervise Parks and Recreation Director will
review any safety procedures and special instructions with
participants before each activity.
1.04: PARK AND TRAIL RULES: Participants in the Pride in Our Parks
program shall comply with all rules and regulations for City parks and trails
established in Chapter 6, Section 7 of the City Code.
1.05: AGREEMENT: Participants shall enter into an informal agreement
with the City of Otsego for volunteer services to maintain and make
improvements within City parks and trails in accordance with a work program
reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the City
Council and agreeing to waive liabilities as set forth by this Policy.
1.06: WAIVER OF LIABILITY: All participants in the Otsego Pride in Our
Parks program engaged in any -work or service performed -under this policy shall
s agreeing to the following:
A. All participants shall assume liability for and save the City of Otsego, its
agents and employees, harmless from and fully indemnify the City for any
and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action of any nature
arising out of the work or service to be done under the Pride in Our Parks
B. All participants shall not be considered employees, agents or contractors
of the City of Otsego and any and all claims made by the participants or
other party engaged in work or services to be done under the Pride in Our
Parks program shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the
City of Otsego.
C. All participants shall provide a signed waiver of liability in the form
provided by the City prior to any work or service activity being performed
under the Pride in Our Parks program.
ZI"ry UV
HINM1i(rO S.�
Group Name (or
Contact Information for Responsible Individual (minimum 98 years of age or older):
City: State: Zip Code :
* Please provide a separate list of all participants names, ages and contact information.
Program Proposal
Park or Area to be Adopted:
Scope of Work:
Terms and Conditions
This agreement shall be in effect for two (2) years from the date of City Council approval unless
terminated by the City.
2. The participant(s) shall develop and follow an activity program of the property in accordance with
the Pride in Our Parks policy of the City of Otsego.
The participant shall provide a monthly report all program activities to the Parks and Recreation
4. Each individual participating in the Adopt -A -Park program must sign a liability waiver in the form
provided by the City of Otsego.
5. Participants shall follow all park and trail regulations established by the City Code and adhere to
the Pride in Our Parks policy.
Participant: Date:
8899 Nashua Ave., NE, Otsego, MN 55330
Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823
Group Name (or Participa
Month of:
Contact Information for Responsible Individual:
Phone(d): (e): e-mail:
Activity Report:
Please e-mail this report to citvhallCg ci.otsego.mn.us by the first Monday of each month.