ITEM 3.3A OHP 1.8.2019 MinutesITEM 3-3A 1-8-19 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Councilman Corey Tanner Chris called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. Minutes from the December meeting were approved after striking the last two words of the first paragraph and adding "LeFebvre Creek Park." Park Si.Rns & Otsego View article on LeFebvre Currently a sign material needs to be written for LeFebvre Creek Park. Also, an article about the LeFebvre family needs to be written for the Otsego View newsletter, due January 23. Jessica told about how Richard LeFebvre is on the 4th floor of the new Guardian Angels retirement home overlooking the Mississippi and the property his family used to own, and his cousin, Eddie LeFebvre, is on the 4th floor where he can see his former home farm where the round barn sits. We decided this would make a good story start. Toni received the article from the May/June 2002 issue of the Otsego View requested from Tami which is about the round barn. Chris will try to contact Richard and Eddie LeFebvre and Gail and Chris will write an article for the next issue of the Otsego View on the LeFebvre family in Otsego. Toni has not received any response to her request to Barb Fissette asking about Barb's wish to write a story about the Bone Crushers, a legendary baseball team from Otsego. Package of historical items from Jean Collins of Oregon: Chris received the package of materials from the woman who had written earlier that she had some historical items from Otsego. Chris showed us that what she had was a copy of the booklet we had published on Will Holt's diary from 1877 to 1890. There were also some clippings from the Elk River paper about Otsego residents' obituaries and news in the 1950's. Ms. Collins stated she was not able to find the material she had wanted to send but will keep looking. Jessica announced that assignments to Council re: committees are changing in February and she will be moving to another Committee, Corey will stay with OHPC and we will also have the new Council member, Tina Goede, as an advisor. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, at 7pm. Meeting adjourned at Bpm. Gail Anderson