ITEM 4.4TPC The Planning Company MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 20 March 2019 Otsego — City Code; Small Cell Wireless 101.01 ITEM 4.4 In 2017, the State of Minnesota adopted amendments to Statutes 237.162 and 237.163 allowing for private service providers to install small cell wireless facilities and wireless support structures within public rights-of-way. The Federal Communications Commission approved a Declaratory Ruling in 2018 further addressing regulation of small cell wireless facilities. The Statute provides guidelines and limitations on a city's ability to regulate the placement and installation of such facilities through a permitting process. The City has adopted Title 8, Chapter 6 of the City Code to manage public rights-of-way owned by the City. Amendment of the City Code is necessary to establish appropriate regulations for small wireless facilities and support structures in advance of a request to locate within City right-of-way. The City also regulates personal wireless communication facilities within Chapter 34 of the Zoning Ordinance for installation on private properties. The Federal rules and State Statute also address the City's regulation of small cell wireless from a zoning perspective. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 1 April 2019 to consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance addressing small cell wireless facilities. Exhibits: Small cell wireless facilities examples Draft ordinance ■ Location on City structure agreement template ANALYSIS Key elements of the Federal rules and State Statute regulating small cell wireless facilities and support structures within public rights-of-way include: ■ Cities cannot discriminate among service providers. ■ Cities cannot regulate small cell wireless facilities in a manner that prohibits or has the effect of prohibiting personal wireless services. ■ Cities must establish a permitting process for small cell wireless providers to locate within public rights-of-way. Applications for multiple small cell wireless facilities locations may be submitted in a batch of up to 15 locations within a two-mile radius. ■ The City must approve or deny an application for a small cell wireless location within the right-of-way within 90 days of a complete application being received. The City must allow for collocation of other small cell wireless facilities on existing wireless support structures for other providers subject to an expedited 60 day review process if located within the public right-of-way. ■ The City may charge the service provider to occupy the right-of-way up to $150 per location plus an additional $25 per location for maintenance, and service fees for electricity. ■ The City may limit the height of the wireless support structure to 50 feet, if not mounted on an existing utility pole, which can only extend 10 feet above the height of the existing structure. ■ Small cell wireless facilities not located within a public right-of-way must be allowed as a permitted use, except within residential districts where the City may require a conditional use permit. ■ The City may require an agreement separate from small cell wireless permit for installation of facilities or equipment on City -owned structures. The basic form of such an agreement needs to be provided for at the time the small cell wireless ordinances are adopted so that the service providers have an understanding of the terms. City staff has drafted amendments to Title 8, Section 6 of the City Code to implement regulations applicable to small cell wireless facilities and equipment within public rights-of-way that complies with the above requirements. The Public Works Subcommittee reviewed the proposed ordinance amendments at their meeting on 20 March 2019 and recommends approval. 2 The Federal Rules and State Statue also address zoning standards that the City may impose on small cell wireless facilities located outside of the public right-of-way on private properties. The performance standards allowed under the rules mirror the City's ability to regulate small cell wireless facilities within the public right-of-way. The administrative processing of small cell wireless applications under zoning are different, however. The City is required to allow small cell wireless facilities as a permitted use within business, industrial, and institutional districts. Any review of such facilities is limited to administrative procedures to confirm compliance with established performance standards and or building codes. The City may require a conditional use permit for installation of small cell wireless facilities within residential districts. The intent of the conditional use permit process would be to require Planning Commission review and City Council approval of any location within residential districts with conditions as necessary to address compatibility or aesthetic concerns and require further justification of a demonstrated need for the location of the small wireless facility. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the proposed ordinance regulating small cell wireless facilities as presented. POSSIBLE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of an ordinance amending the City Code to regulate small cell wireless facilities, as presented. 2. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 3 What Are Small Cell Deployments? Small cell deployments are complementary to towers, adding much needed coverage and capacity to urban and residential areas, venues, and anywhere large crowds gather Streetlights Utility Polks Slim Lino Poles Ant=., connected to nodes recat>,•e and transmit (/ (� /) wireless sigrals to and from (l/ 1J mobrlo tkvxos The cabinet holds f tgwpment that process wireless signals for multiple wve'ess carrion w1� -C IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllliillllllllll11111111111111 Samples In Public ROW optical fibs connects to other nodes and tames data to and from commumcatron hubs operatod by mw*$$ carriers III11111�11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Small Cell Antenna and Equipment ORDINANCE NO.: 2019 -XX CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING SMALL CELL WIRELESS FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 3-1-2.1 of the City Code (Fee Schedule – Engineering; ROW Permit) is hereby amendment to add the following provisions: ROW permit [Title 8, chapter 6 – Excavation fee $200.00 + cost incurred Obstruction fee $2.50/linear foot Small wireless facility F IF—F— Management fee F— 200. 00 I Annual lease fee for use of City -F 150.00 structure F—F Annual collocation maintenance fee 25.00 F—F Electrical service fee Cost incurred. Section 2. Title 8, Chapter 6 of the City Code (public rights-of-way management) is hereby amended to include the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: 8-6-2: ELECTION TO MANAGE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY: Pursuant to the authorit ranted to the city under state and federal statutory, administrative and common law. the city hereby_ elects pursuant to Minnesota statutes 237.163 subdivision 2(b), to manage rights of way within its jurisdiction. All right of way users, including the city, are subject to the provisions in this chapter. The city is exempt from the obligation of paving for permits or other fees imposed by this chapter. This chapter shall be interpreted consistently with the 1997 session laws. chapter 123 and 2017 session laws. chapter 94, substantially codified in Minnesota statutes sections _237.16 237.162, 237.163, 237.79. 237.81 and 238.086 (the "act") Minnesota statutes chapter 216D and other laws governing applicable rights of the city and users of the right of way. This chapter shall also be interpreted consistent with Minnesota rules 7819.0050 7819.9950 and Minnesota rules chapter 7560 where possible. To the extent any provisions of this chapter cannot be interpreted consistently with Minnesota rules, that interpretation most consistent with the act and other applicable statutory and case law is intended. Section 3. Section 8-6-3 of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management - Definitions) is hereby amended to revise the following definitions: MANAGEMENT COSTS: The actual costs incurred by the city for managing its public rights-of- way, including, but not limited to, costs associated with registering applicants; issuing, processing and verifying right of way or small wireless facility permit applications; inspecting job sites and restoration projects; maintaining, supporting, protecting, or moving user facilities during right of way work; determining the adequacy of right-of-way restoration; restoring work inadequately performed, including turf, sidewalks, trails and pavement, after providing notice and the opportunity to correct the work; revoking right of way or small wireless facility permits; and creating and updating mapping systems. Management costs do not include payment by a telecommunications right of way user for the use of the right of way,—; unreasonable fees of a third -party contractor used by the city as part of managing public right-of-way, including but not limited to any third -party contractor fee tied to or based upon customer counts, access lines_ revenue generated by the telecommunications right of way user, or revenue generated for the citvor the fees and cost of litigation relating to the interpretation of Minnesota session laws 2017. chapter 94,_Minnesota session laws 1997, chapter 123; Minnesota statutes section 237.162 or 237.163 or any ordinance enacted under those sections, or the city fees and costs related to appeals taken pursuant to section 8-6-22 of this chapter, RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT: Eit"eF theexcavationpermit or the obstruction permit, or both, depending on the context, or a small wireless facility permit, required by this chapter. TELECOMMUNICATION RIGHT OF WAY USER: A person owning or controlling a facility in the right of way, or seeking to own or control the same, which is used or is intended to be used for providing wireless service, or transporting telecommunication or other video, voice or data information. For purposes of this chapter, a cable communication system defined and regulated under Minnesota statutes chapter 238, and telecommunications activities related to providing natural gas or electric energy services, whetheF provided by a public utility as defined in Minnesota statutes section 2166.02, a municipality, a municipal gas or power agency organized under Minnesota statutes chapters 453 and 453A, or a cooperative electric association organized under Minnesota statutes chapter 308A, are not telecommunications right of way users for purposes of this chapter, except to the extent these entities are offering wireless services. Section 4. Section 8-6-3 of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management - Definitions) is hereby amended to add the following definitions: COLLOCATE OR COLLOCATION: To install, mount, maintain, modify, operate or replace a small wireless facility on, under. within, or adjacent to an existing wireless support structure that is owned privately or by the city. MICRO WIRELESS FACILITY: A small wireless facility that is no larder than 24 inches Iona. 15 2 inches wide. and 12 inches hiah. and whose exterior antenna. if anv. is no lonaer than 11 inches PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY OR RIGHT OF WAY: The surface, airspace above the surface and the area below the surface of any public street. highway, lane, path, alley, sidewalktrail, avenue. boulevard, drive. court, concourse, bridge, tunnel, park, parkway, skyway, waterway. dock, bulkhead, wharf, pier, easement or similar property or waters within the city owned by or under control of the city, or dedicated or otherwise conveyed to the city for general public use. including. but not limited to, any riparian right, which, consistent with the purposes for which it was created. obtained or dedicated, may be used for the purpose of installing_, operating and maintaining utility service facilities. No reference herein to a "public right of way" or "right of way" shall be deemed to be a representation or guarantee by the city that its interest or other right to control or use such property is sufficient to permit its use for the purpose of installing, operating and maintaining utility service facilities. PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY USER: A. A telecommunications right-of-way user as defined by Minnesota statutes section 237.162, subdivision 4; or B. A person or entity owning or controlling a facility in the right-of-way that is used or intended to be used for providing utility service. and who has a right under law, franchiseor ordinance to use the right-of-way. SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY: (1) A wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications: (i) each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than six (6) cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all its exposed elements could fit within an enclosure of no more than six (6) cubic feet: and lii) all other wireless equipment associated with the small wireless facility, excluding electric meters, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation boxes, battery backup power systems, grounding equipment, power transfer switches, cutoff switches, cable conduit. vertical cable runs for connection of power and other services, and any equipment concealed from public view within or behind an existing structure or concealment, is inaggregate no more than twenty eight (28) cubic feet in volume: or (2) a micro wireless facility. SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY PERMIT: The permit issued by the city authorizing the permittee to collocate a small wireless facility or install and maintain a wireless support structure. SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY PERMIT FEE: Money_ paid to the city_ by the permittee to cover the costs as provided in section 8-6-7 of this chapter. UTILITY POLE: A pole that is used in whole or in part to facilitate telecommunications or electric service. WIRELESS FACILITY: Equipment at a fixed location that enables the provision of wireless services between user equipment and a wireless service network. including: (1) equipment associated with wireless service: (2) a radio transceiver, antenna, coaxial or fiber-optic cable. regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration: and (3) a small wireless facility. Wireless facility does not include: (1) wireless support structures. (2) wireline backhaul facilities. or (3) coaxial or fiber-optic cables between utility poles or wireless support structures, or that are not otherwise immediately adjacent to or directly associated with a specific antenna. WIRELESS SERVICE: Any service using licensed or unlicensed wireless spectrum, including the use of Wi-Fi whether at a fixed location or by means of a mobile device, that is provided using wireless facilities. Wireless service does not include services regulated under Title VI of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, including a cable service under United States Code. title 47. section 522 clause(6). WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURE: A new or existing structure in a public right of wav designed to support or capable of supporting small wireless facilities. as reasonably determined by the city. WIRELINE BACKHAUL FACILITY: A facility used to transport communications data by wire from a wireless facility to a communications network. Section 5. Section 8-6-3 of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management - Definitions) is hereby amended to repeal the following definitions: Section 6. Section 8-6-5.A of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management — Registration Requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Registration Required: Each person who occupies, uses, or seeks to occupy or use, the right-of-way for purposes of placing, maintaining or repairing any equipment or facilities or small wireless facilities or wireless support structures in the right-of-way, including persons with installation and maintenance responsibilities by lease, sublease or assignment, must register with the Director. Registration will consist of providing application information and paying a registration fee. 2. No person may construct, install, repair, remove, relocate, collocate. or perform any other work on, or use any facilities or any part thereof in any right-of-way without first being registered with the Director. 4 Section 7. Section 8-6-7.A of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management — Permit Requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Permits Required: Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person may east ar avate-mav excavate, place a utility service, install or place facilities, or obstruct any right-of-way without first having obtained the appropriate right-of-way permit from the Director to do so. Excavation Permit: An excavation permit is required by a registrant to excavate that part of the right-of-way described in such permit and to hinder free and open passage over the specified portion of the right-of-way by placing facilities described therein, to the extent and for the duration specified therein. 2. Obstruction Permit: An obstruction permit is required by a registrant to hinder free and open passage over the specified portion of right-of-way by placing equipment described therein on the right-of-way, to the extent and for the duration specified therein. An obstruction permit is not required if a person already possesses a valid excavation permit for the same project. 3. Small Wireless Facility Permit: A small wireless facility permit is required_ by a registrant to erect or install a wireless support structure. to collocate a small wireless facility, or to otherwise install a small wireless facility in the specified portion of the right of way, to the extent specified therein. provided that such permit shall remain in effect for the length of time the facility is in use, unless lawfully revoked. Section 8. Section 8-6-7 of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management — Permit Requirements) is hereby amended to add the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: C. Small Wireless Facility Permit Applications: 1. Deadline for Action: The City shall approve or denv a small wireless facilitv permit application within ninety (90) days after receiving a complete application. The small wireless facility permit, and any associated encroachment or building permit shall be deemed approved if the city fails to approve or deny the application within the review periods established in this section. 2. Consolidated Applications: a. An applicant may file a consolidated small wireless facility permit application addressing the proposed collocation of up to fifteen (15) small wireless facilitiesor a greater number if agreed by the city, provided that all small wireless facilities in an application: 1) are located within a two (2) mile radius: 2) consist of substantially similar equipment: and (3) are to be placed on similar types of wireless support structures. b. In rendering a decision on a consolidated permit application, the city may approve some small wireless facilities and deny others, but may not use denial of one or more permits as a basis to deny all small wireless facilities in the application. 3. Tolling of Deadline for Action: The ninety (90) day deadline for action may be tolled if a. The city receives applications within a sinale seven-dav period from one or more applicants seeking approval of permits for more than thirty (30) small wireless facilities. In such case, the city may extend the ninety (90) dav deadline for all such applications by an additional 30 days by informing the affected applicants in writing of such extension. b. The applicant fails to submit all required documents or information and the city provides written notice of incompleteness to the applicant within thirty (30) business days of receipt of the application, clearly and specifically delineating all missing documents or information. Information delineated in the notice is limited to documents or information publicly required as of the date of application and reasonably related to the city's determination whether the proposed equipment falls within the definition of a small wireless facility and whether the proposed deployment satisfies all health. safety. and welfare regulations applicable to the small wireless facility permit request. Upon applicant's submittal of additional information in response to a notice of incompleteness, the city has ten (10) days to notify the applicant in writing of any information requested in the initial notice of incompleteness that is still missing. Second or subsequent notices of incompleteness may not specify documents or information that were delineated in the original notice of incompleteness. Requests for information not requested in the initial notice of incompleteness do not toll the ninety (90) day deadline for action. C. The city and applicant may agree in writing to toll the review period. Section 9. Section 8-6-7.D of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management — Issuance of Permit; Conditions is hereby amended to read as follows: Issuance Of Permit; Conditions: 1. If the applicant has satisfied the requirements of this chapter, the Director shall issue a permit. 2. The Director may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance of the permit and the performance of the applicant thereunder to protect the health, safety, and welfare or when necessary to protect the right-of-way and its current and future use. a. Installation, placement, location and relocation of facilities shall comply with all federal, state and local laws. b. Installation of all underground utilities shall be in accordance with the underground utilities regulations set forth in this section an_d all other applicable federal, state and local laws. C. Precautions shall be taken as are necessary to avoid creating unsafe or unsanitary conditions. d. Project operations and work shall be conducted in a manner so as to ensure the least obstruction to and interference with present and continued use of the right-of-way. e Precautions shall be taken to assure the safety of the general public employees, invitees and those who require access to abutting property including appropriate signage. f. The permittee shall notify abutting property owners with a forty eight (48) hour written notice prior to commencement of any permitted project. a. The permittee involved in underground projects shall register with Gopher State One Call and comply with the requirements thereof. h. The permittee shall comply with the "Minnesota Manual On _Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MMUTCD) at all times during anyproject work and shall protect and identify excavations and work operations with barricade flaps in the daylight hours and by warning lights at dusk and night. i. The permittee shall comply with all conditions of the permit. j. When any trail, sidewalk or driveway has been cut, city approved signage must be kept in place and maintained until restoration is complete. k. The permittee shall provide proper trench protection as required -by -OSHA o prevent any cave in: injury to property or persons: or enlargement of the excavation. I. Excavations, trenches and jacking pits off the roadway surface area or adjacent to the roadway or curbing shall be sheathed and braced. When unattended, all excavations, trenches and jacking pits shall be secured and protected to prevent surface drainage and access by unauthorized persons. M. The permittee shall protect the root growth of trees and shrubbery located within the right of way and adjacent thereto. n. The permittee shall coordinate project work and installation of facilities in collocations involving other right of way users. o. The permittee shall maintain access to all properties and cross streets during project work, including emergency vehicle access. P. The permittee shall physically locate property lines abutting the project work. The permittee shall replace, with the services of a Minnesota licensed surveyor, any property corners or monuments disturbed as a result of the rp oiect. g. The permittee shall complete restoration of the right of way in conformance with this section. r. No permittee, or any agent, subcontractor or employee thereof, shall use lugs (steel tracks) on any roadway surfaces. S. The permittee shall remove daily, or as required by the city, all dirt or debris from sidewalks, trails, public and private roadway surfaces and curbs and utters during project work. t. The permittee shall obtain all other necessary permits, licenses and approvals, pay all required fees therefor and comply with all requirements of local, state and federal laws. U. The permittee shall not do any work outside the project area as specified in the permit. V. The permittee shall conduct a public informational meeting__ for all major projects as deemed necessary by the city. W. In new subdivisions in which public utilities have been constructed. permit applications will not be accepted for review prior to construction plan completion by the subdivider's engineer and the mapping requirements specified in section 8-6-14 of this chapter have been satisfied. Construction plans shall be submitted to the small utility companies by the subdivider. X. Trenchless excavation/directional boring is prohibited more than forty eight inches (48") below grade unless the city engineer finds as built record drawings indicate that there are no existing utilities in the vicinity that could be impacted. 3. Small Wireless Facility Conditions: a. In addition to section 8-6-7.D.2 of this section, the erection or installation of a wireless support structure, the collocation of a small wireless facility, or other installation of a small wireless facility in the right of way, shall be subject to the following conditions: 1) A small wireless facility shall only be collocated on the particular wireless support structure, under those attachment specifications_ and at the height indicated in the applicable permit application. (2) No new wireless support structure installed within the right of way shall exceed fifty (50) feet above ground level in height without the city's written authorization, provided that the city may impose a lower height limit in the applicable permit to protect the public health, safety and welfare or to protect the right of way and its current use, and further provided that a wireless support structure that replaces an existing wireless support structure in the public right of way that is greater than fifty (50) feet above ground level in height may be placed at the height of the existing wireless support structure, subject to such conditions or requirements as may_ be imposed in the applicable permit. 3) No wireless facility constructed in the right of way after EFFECTIVE DATE may extend more than ten (10) feet above a wireless support structure existing on EFFECTIVE DATE. 4) Where an applicant proposes to install a new wireless support structure in the right-of-way, the new wireless support structure shall not be located within (600) feet of any existing wireless support structure in and around the riaht-of-way. 5 Wireless support structures: a) All new wireless support structures shall be of a monopole design not exceeding eighteen (18) inches in diameter. b) All replacement wireless support structure and equipment shall match the surrounding poles in structure design. materials, and color. (6) All of a small wireless facility that is affixed to a wireless support structure shall be the same or similar color of the wireless support structure as practical. 6) All electric, telephone, cable, fiber, or other utility lines necessary to operate a small wireless facility shall be installed within the applicable wireless support structure where practical and shall not be coiled or rolled up and externally attached to the wireless support structure or equipment boxes. 7) Where an applicant Droposes collocation on a decorative wireless support structure, sign, or other structure not intended to support small wireless facilities, the city may impose reasonable requirements to accommodate the particular design, appearance, or intended purpose of such structure. 8) Where an applicant proposes to replace a wireless support structure the city may impose reasonable restocking, replacement_ or relocation requirements on the replacement of such structure. b. Small Wireless Facility Agreement: 1) A small wireless facilitv shall onlv be collocated on a small wireless support structure owned or controlled by the city, or any other city asset in the right-of-way, after applicant has executed a standard small wireless facility_ collocation agreement with the city. The standard collocation agreement may require payment of the following set forth in section 3-2-1 of this title: a Management costs: b Annual rent on the city structure: c) An annual fee for maintenance associated with the collocation: d) Costs incurred for electrical service. 2) The standard collocation aareement shall be in addition to. and not in lieu of, the required small wireless facility permit provided, however, that the applicant shall not be additionally required to obtain a license or franchise in order to collocate. Issuance of a small wireless facility permit does not supersede, alter or affect any then -existing agreement between the city and applicant. Section 10. Section 8-6-7.D of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management — Denial of Permit) is hereby amended to read as follows: Denial Of Permit: 1. The Director may deny a permit for failure to meet the requirements and conditions 10 of this chapter or if the Director determines that the denial is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare or when necessary to protect the right-of-way and its current and future -use _ and: a. The city may deny a permit if the utility_ has failed to comply_ with previous permit conditions. b. The city may withhold issuance of a permit until conditions of previous permits are complied with. 2. The denial of a permit must be made in writing and must document the basis for the denial. The city must notify the applicant in writing_ within three (31 business days of the decision to deny a permit. 3. If an application is denied. the applicant may address the reasons for denial identified by the city and resubmit its application. If the application is resubmitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of denial, no additional application fee shall be imposed. The city must approve or deny the resubmitted application within thirty (30) days after submission Section 11. Section 8-6-7.E.1 of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management — Permit Fees is hereby amended to add the following provisions: C. Small Wireless Facility Permit Fee: The city shall impose a small wireless facility permit fee for the placement of small wireless facilities and wireless support structures in the public right of way in an amount sufficient to recover: (1) Management costs; and, (2) City engineering, make-ready, and construction costs associated with collocation of small wireless facilities. d. Cost of Initial Enaineerina Survev and Preparatory Construction Work Associated with Collocation: Any initial engineering survey and preparatory construction work associated with collocation must bepaid by the cost causer in the form of a onetime, nonrecurring, commercially reasonable, nondiscriminatory. and competitively neutral charge to recover costs associated with a proposed attachment. Section 12. Section 8-6-7.E.2 of the City Code (Public Rights -of -Way Management — Permit Fees is hereby amended to read as follows: 2. Payment Of Fees: Payment Of Permit Fees: No excavation permit, -GF obstruction permit or small wireless facility permit shall be issued without payment of the respective excavation, er obstruction or small wireless facility permit fees. The city may allow the applicant to pay such fees within thirty (30) days of billing. 11 Section 13. Section 11-2-2 of the City Code (Zoning Ordinance - Definitions) is hereby amended to add the following definitions: SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY: A. A wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications: (i) each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than six (6) cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all its exposed elements could fit within an enclosure of no more than six (6) cubic feet: and (ii) all other wireless equipment associated with the small wireless facility, excluding electric meters, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation boxes, battery backup power systems. rounding equipment, power transfer switches, cutoff switches, cable conduit, vertical cable runs for connection of power and other services, and any equipment concealed from public view within or behind an existing structure or concealment, is in aggregate no more than twenty eight (28) cubic feet in volume: or. B. A micro wireless -fa cility. WIRELESS FACILITY: Equipment at a fixed location that enables the provision of wireless services between user equipment and a wireless service network, including: A. Equipment associated with wireless service: B. A radio transceiver, antenna, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration: and C. A small wireless facility does not include: 1. Wireless support structures. 2. Wireline backhaul facilities. 3. Coaxial or fiber-optic cables between utility poles or wireless support structures, or that are not otherwise immediately_ adjacent to or directly_ associated with a specific antenna. WIRELESS SERVICE: Any service using licensed or unlicensed wireless spectrum, including the use of Wi-Fi whether at a fixed location or by means of a mobile device, that is _provided using wireless facilities. Wireless service does not include services regulated under Title VI of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, including a cable service under United States Code, title 47. section 522 clause(6). WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURE: A new or existing structure designed to support or capable of supporting small wireless facilities. 12 WIRELINE BACKHAUL FACILITY: A facility used to transport communications data by wire from a wireless facility to a communications network. Section 14. Section 11-34-4.B of the City Code (Zoning Ordinance - Antennas is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Business And Institutional District Standards: Antennas, Other Than Small Wireless. Located Upon A Public Structure: Personal wireless service antennas located upon a public structure shall comply with the following standards: a. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary for transmitting, receiving and switching equipment, it shall be situated in the rear yard of the principal use and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. b. An administrative permit is issued in compliance with the provisions of chapter 8 of this title. 2. Antennas, Other Than Small Wireless. Not Located Upon A Public Structure: Personal wireless service antennas not located upon a public structure shall require the processing of a conditional use permit and shall comply with the following standards: a. The applicant shall demonstrate by providing a coverage/interference analysis and capacity analysis prepared by a registered professional engineer that location of the antennas as proposed is necessary to meet the frequency reuse and spacing needs of the personal wireless service system and to provide adequate portable personal wireless service coverage and capacity to areas which cannot be adequately served by locating the antennas in a less restrictive district. b. The antennas shall be located on an existing structure, if possible, and shall not extend more than fifteen feet (15') above the structural height of the structure to which they are attached. C. If no existing structure which meets the height requirements for the antennas is available for mounting purposes, the antennas may be mounted on a single ground mounted pole; provided, that: (1) The pole not exceed seventy five feet (75') in height. (2) The setback of the pole from the nearest residential structure is not less than the height of the antenna. Exceptions to such setback may 13 be granted if a qualified structural engineer specifies in writing that any collapse of the pole will occur within a lesser distance under all foreseeable circumstances. d. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary for transmitting, receiving and switching equipment, it shall be situated in the rear yard of the principal use and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. e. Unless the antenna is mounted on an existing structure, a security fence not greater than eight feet (8') in height with a maximum opacity of fifty percent (50%) shall be provided around the support structure. The conditional use permit provisions of chapter 4 of this title are considered and determined to be satisfied. 3. Small wireless facilities and equipment as a permitted use, subject to the following standards: a. A small wireless facilitv shall onlv be collocated on the particular wireless support structure, under those attachment specifications, and at the height indicated in the applicable permit application. b. No new wireless support structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet above ground level in height. C. No wireless facility shall extend more than ten (10) feet above a wireless support structure. d. Where an applicant proposes to install a new wireless support structure, the new wireless support structure shall not be located within (600) feet of any existing wireless support structure. e. Wireless support structures: (1) All new wireless support structures shall be of a monopole design not exceeding eighteen (18) inches in diameter. (2) All replacement wireless support structure and equipment shall match the surrounding poles in structure design, materials, and color. 3) All of a small wireless facility that is affixed to a wireless support structure shall be the same or similar color of the wireless support structure as practical. 14 4) All electric, telephone, cable, fiber, or other utility lines necessary to operate a small wireless facility shall be installed within the applicable wireless support structure wherepractical and shall not be coiled or rolled up and externally attached to the wireless support structure or equipment boxes. Section 15. Section 11-34-4.0 of the City Code (Zoning Ordinance - Antennas is hereby amended read as follows: C. Industrial District Standards: Antennas, Other Than Small Wireless Facilities, Located Upon A Public Structure: Personal wireless service antennas located upon a public structure shall require the processing of an administrative permit and shall comply with the following standards: An administrative permit is issued in compliance with the provisions of chapter 8 of this title. 2. Antennas, Other Than Small Wireless Facilities Not Located Upon A Public Structure: Personal wireless service antennas not located upon a public structure shall require the processing of an administrative permit and shall comply with the following standards: a. The antennas shall be located upon a structure if possible. b. If no existing structure which meets the height requirements for mounting the antennas, the antennas may be mounted upon a supporting pole or tower not exceeding one hundred fifty feet (150') in height. Such pole or tower shall be located on a parcel having a dimension equal to the height of the pole or tower measured between the base of the pole or tower located nearest the property line and said property line, unless a qualified structural engineer specifies in writing that the collapse of the pole or tower will occur within a lesser distance under all foreseeable circumstances. C. An administrative permit is issued in compliance with the provisions of chapter 8 of this title. 3. Small wireless facilities and equipment as a permitted use, subject to the followina standards: a. A small wireless facility shall only be collocated on the particular wireless support structure, under those attachment specifications, and at the height indicated in the applicable permit application. b. No new wireless support structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet above ground level in height. 15 C. No wireless facility shall extend more than ten (10) feet above a wireless support structure. d. Where an applicant proposes to install a new wireless support structure, the new wireless support structure shall not be located within (600) feet of any existing wireless support structure. e. Wireless support structures: 1) All new wireless support structures shall be of a monopole desian not exceeding eighteen (18) inches in diameter. (2) All replacement wireless support structure and equipment shall match the surrounding poles in structure design, materials, and color. 3) All of a small wireless facility that is affixed to a wireless support structure shall be the same or similar color of the wireless support structure as practical. (4) All electric, telephone, cable, fiber, or other utility lines necessary to operate a small wireless facility shall be installed within the applicable wireless support structure where practical and shall not be coiled or rolled up and externally attached to the wireless support structure or equipment boxes. Section 16. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 8' day of April, 2019. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk 17 STANDARD SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY COLLOCATION AGREEMENT This Standard Small Wireless Facility Collocation Agreement (the "Agreement") made this day of , 2017, between the CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA, with its principal offices located at 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, NIN 55330 hereinafter designated as "CITY" and with its principal offices located at hereinafter designated as "USER". CITY and USER are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as a "Party". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY is the owner of, or holds a leasehold or other possessory interest in, certain wireless support structures, which are located within the public right-of-way ("ROW"); and WHEREAS, USER desires to collocate small wireless facilities in and/or upon certain of CITY'S wireless support structures located within the ROW and/or install, construct, and maintain new wireless support structures in the ROW; and WHEREAS, CITY and USER desire to enter into this Agreement to define the terms, covenants, and conditions which govern their relationship with respect to particular sites at which USER may collocate the small wireless facilities as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, CITY and USER acknowledge that they may enter into a supplement to this Agreement, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ("Supplement"), with respect to each particular location or site which CITY agrees to permit collocation. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, for themselves, their successors and assigns, do hereby covenant and agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following definitions: a. "Collocate" or "collocation": to install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or replace a small wireless facility on, under, within, or adjacent to an existing wireless support structure that is owned privately or by the CITY or other local government unit. b. "Communication Facility": wireless facilities and small wireless facilities, as those terms are defined in this Agreement. C. "Small wireless facility": (1) a wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications: (i) each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than 6 cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all its exposed elements could fit within an enclosure of no more than 6 cubic feet; and (ii) all other wireless equipment associated with the small wireless facility, excluding electric meters, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation boxes, battery backup power systems, grounding equipment, power transfer switches, cutoff switches, cable, conduit, vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services, and any equipment concealed from public view within or behind an existing structure or concealment, is in aggregate no more than 28 cubic feet in volume; or (2) a micro wireless facility. d. "Utility pole": a pole that is in whole or in part to facilitate telecommunications or electric service. e. "Wireless facility": (1) equipment at a fixed location that enables the provision of wireless services between user equipment and a wireless service network, including: (i) equipment associated with wireless service; (ii) a radio transceiver, antenna, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration; and (iii) a small wireless facility. (2) "Wireless facility" does not include: (i) wireless support structures; (ii) wireline backhaul facilities; or (iii) coaxial or fiber-optic cables (i) between utility poles or wireless support structures, or (ii) that are not otherwise immediately adjacent to or directly associated with a specific antenna. f. "Micro wireless facility": a small wireless facility that is no larger than 24 inches long, 15 inches wide, and 12 inches high, and whose exterior antenna, if any, is no longer than 11 inches. 2 g. "Wireless service": means any service using licensed or unlicensed wireless spectrum, including the use of Wi-Fi, whether at a fixed location or by means of a mobile device, that is provided using wireless facilities. Wireless service does not include services regulated under Title VI of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, including a cable service under United States Code, title 47, section 522, clause (6). h. "Wireless support structure": a new or existing structure in a public right-of-way designed to support or capable of supporting small wireless facilities, as reasonably determined by the CITY. i. "Wireline backhaul facility": a facility used to transport communications data by wire from a wireless facility to a communications network. II. USER REQUEST TO USE PREMISES. a. Permitted Uses. Subject to the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement, USER'S Communication Facility may be used solely for the following purposes: (i) the transmission and reception of wireless communication signals, including, but not limited to, wireless and internet services and uses incidental thereto ("USER'S Wireless Services"); and (ii) for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, removing and operating USER'S Communication Facility in accordance with this Agreement and in accordance with the transmission and reception of wireless communications signals authorized for use by USER by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") ("Permitted Uses"). The use of CITY'S wireless support structures and ROW by USER is nonexclusive, and CITY reserves the right to all CITY'S wireless support structures and ROW to be used by others, provided they do not interfere with USER'S use of USER'S Communication Facility. USER shall collocate and use each Premises (as hereinafter defined) only in accordance with the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement, good engineering practices and in compliance with all applicable Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"), and other federal, state, and local ordinances, statutes, laws, and regulations. b. Before USER shall collocate any Communication Facility on CITY'S wireless support structures or install a new wireless support structure, as shall be more fully described in each Supplement to be executed by the Parties, and shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Premises". USER shall submit an application in the form attached hereto as Exhibit `B" (the "Application") along with a proposed Supplement for each proposed Premises, and shall comply with all the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement. C. USER may submit a consolidated request to CITY for permission to collocate up to fifteen (15) small wireless facilities, provided that the small wireless facilities in the consolidated request: (1) are located within a two-mile radius; (2) consist of substantially similar equipment; and (3) are to be placed on similar types of wireless support structures. Such consolidated request shall include a separate draft Supplement for each small wireless facility. 3 d. Approval of this Agreement by CITY shall be in the form of an approved City Council Resolution. Following said approval of this Agreement, each individual Supplement may be approved by the City Administrator or his/her designee. e. USER shall have the non-exclusive right, at its sole cost and expense, to use each Premises, as identified in each individual Supplement, for the purpose of collocating equipment on CITY'S wireless support structure(s) or installing new wireless support structure(s) and uses incidental thereto, in a manner consistent with each Supplement ("Approved Use"). f. Regarding USER'S application for each individual Supplement: If, in the judgment of CITY, USER'S proposed use of the CITY'S wireless support structure or ROW is inconsistent with the CITY'S use thereof and does not comply with the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement, or any of CITY'S ordinances, rules, or regulations, the CITY in its sole discretion shall have the right to deny the Application of USER. CITY shall within ninety (90) days after receipt of a fully completed and executed Application and a Supplement by USER, notify USER in writing whether the Application is approved or denied. If CITY does not notify USER within ninety (90) days from the date that the Application was submitted, the Application shall be deemed approved, unless the ninety (90) day period has been tolled as provided by state law. CITY shall determine whether or not the Application is fully complete. g. With each Application and Supplement, USER shall furnish CITY detailed Construction Plans and Specifications for each individual Premises ("Plans"), together with necessary maps, indicating specifically the wireless support structures and ROW of CITY USER proposes to be used for USER'S Communication Facility, the number and character of the small wireless facilities to be placed on such structures, equipment necessary for USER'S use, replacements of existing wireless support structures ("Replacement Wireless Support Structures"), any additional wireless support structures which may be required ("New Wireless Support Structures"), and any new installations for utility transmission conduit, pull boxes, and appurtenances (the "Work"). Upon execution of a Supplement by USER, for each premises USER shall have the right to use the Premises for USER'S Communication Facility and may proceed with the Work in accordance with the terms of the Application, Plans, Supplement, and this Agreement. USER and its contractors and employees shall perform all Work at its own expense and in such manner as to not interfere with CITY's use of the Property or the Premises. h. All wireless support structures used by USER under this Agreement, including any Replacement Wireless Support Structure or New Wireless Support Structure installed by USER, shall remain and/or become the property of CITY, and any cost and/or expense incurred by the USER for changes to existing wireless support structures, conduits, conductor pull boxes, facilities, and appurtenances, or related equipment, or installation of any Replacement Wireless Support Structures, or New Wireless Support Structures, conduits, conductor pull boxes, facilities, or appurtenances, or related equipment under this Agreement shall not entitle USER to ownership of any of said wireless support structures, conduits, conductor pull boxes, facilities, appurtenances, or related equipment. USER shall upon the completion of the installation of a Replacement Wireless Support Structure or New Wireless Support Structure deliver to the CITY a bill of sale of the applicable 0 Replacement Wireless Support Structure or New Wireless Support Structure in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C" ("Bill of Sale"). i. CITY reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to exclude any of CITY'S wireless support structures, conduits, conductor pull boxes, appurtenances, ROW and/or real property from use by USER if CITY determines that USER'S proposed use is contrary to generally applicable and reasonable health, safety, and welfare regulations, statutes, rules, or ordinances. III. PREMISES. Pursuant to all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement, and the applicable Application and Supplement executed by CITY, CITY may approve USER'S application for a particular Premises described in the Supplement, for the installation, operation and maintenance of Communication Facilities; together with the non-exclusive right of ingress and egress over the applicable ROW, seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day to and from the Premises. The entirety of CITY'S ROW and real property is referred to herein as the "Property". The primary use and purpose of the Property, inclusive of the Premises, is to provide for traffic control, street lighting and the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the CITY and the general public ("Primary Use"). CITY'S operations and use of the Property take priority over USER'S operations. USER agrees that the following priorities of use, in descending order, shall apply in the event of interference with CITY's Communication System for emergency public safety needs, Premises repair or reconditioning, or other conflict while this Agreement is in effect, and USER'S use shall be subordinate accordingly: (1) CITY'S use; (2) Public safety agencies, including law enforcement, fire, and ambulance services that are not related to CITY; (3) Other governmental agencies where use is not'related to public safety; (4) Pre-existing licensees or permittees of CITY (if any); (5) USER'S Permitted Use. In the event there poses an immediate threat of substantial harm or damage to the health, safety, and welfare of the public and/or the Property/Premises, as solely determined by CITY ("Public Threat"), the CITY may take any and all actions the CITY determines are required to address such Public Threat provided that promptly after such actions that affect the Premises, and in no event later than seventy-two (72) hours after such actions, CITY gives written notice to USER of CITY'S emergency actions. If CITY determines that the conditions of a Public Threat would be benefited by cessation of USER'S operations of the applicable USER'S Equipment, USER shall immediately 5 cease its operations on the Premises upon notice from CITY to do so, and the Term (as defined herein) of the applicable Supplement shall terminate. In the event there are not sufficient electric, telephone, cable, or fiber utility sources located at the Premises or on the Property, USER may request approval from the CITY, by submitting to CITY a written plan for installation, to install such utilities on, over, and/or under the Property and to the Premises as necessary for USER to operate its Approved Use ("Utility Plan"). All electric, telephone, cable, fiber, or other utility necessary for operation of USER'S Communication Facility, hereinafter referred to jointly as "Utilities" shall be installed underground by use of directional boring or within the applicable wireless support structure. CITY shall, in its sole discretion, notify USER that it approves, denies, or modifies the plan within ninety (90) business days of receipt of the Utility Plan, and in the case of any denial or modification of the Utility Plan, CITY shall state the reasons therefor. USER must, at the time of Application and at any future time as requested by CITY, obtain and submit to CITY a structural engineering study carried out by a qualified structural engineer, showing that the wireless support structure(s) is (are) able to support USER'S Communication Facility ("Structural Study"). Said study must be signed by an engineer licensed in Minnesota per Minnesota Rule 1800.4200 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 326. If the Structural Study finds that any proposed structure is inadequate to support the proposed loads of USER'S Equipment, USER shall not install the Communication Facility and the Application shall be denied. IV. INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT. a. Construction Plans For the initial installation of all USER'S Communication Facilities and for any and all subsequent revisions and/or modifications thereof, or additions thereto, at the time of application for each individual Supplement, USER shall provide CITY with two (2) sets of construction plans ("Construction Plans") consisting of the following: Line or CAD drawings showing the location and materials of all planned installations of USER'S Equipment and an Engineer's Estimate of all materials and construction methods; Diagrams, Shop Drawings, and Pictures of the applicable USER's Communication Facility; A complete and detailed inventory of all USER's antennas, cables, and other personal property of USER'S Communication Facility to be installed on the Premises. CITY retains the right to survey the installed Communication Facility. All Plans shall be easily readable and subject to prior written approval by CITY, prior to installation of the applicable USER'S Communication Facility, which approval shall not be withheld, conditioned or delayed without cause. In accordance with Section II.f, above, CITY shall have ninety (90) days to review and comment on the Plans. Should the Plans need to be 0 revised based on the comments provided by CITY and/or the CITY'S structural engineer, no construction of the applicable USER'S Communication Facility shall commence until final approval has been granted by CITY. The Plans shall have affixed to them the signature of USER'S engineer who shall be licensed in the State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Rule 1800.4200 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 326. CITY review and response shall be at USER's expense. b. Construction Scheduling At least ten (10) business days prior to USER'S construction mobilization for installation of USER'S Communication Facility for the applicable Premises, USER shall conduct a meeting with CITY and all the applicable contractors on the Premises or other location as agreed upon and at a minimum the meeting shall be attended by a representative of CITY and USER'S contractors and all of the parties involved in the installation of USER'S Communication Facility. C. Construction Inspection All construction activity shall be subject to inspection and approval by CITY and/or CITY'S engineers. Inspection may be performed at any time during the course of the construction activity reasonably determined by CITY, at USER'S expense. Construction work performed without approval of CITY will not be accepted and shall be removed or uninstalled at USER'S sole expense. USER shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with said inspection and approval of the installation of USER'S Communication Facility by CITY and/or its engineers. d. USER'S Exposed Communications FacilitX All of USER'S Communication Facility that is to be affixed to a wireless support structure on the Premises which has exterior exposure shall be as close to the color of the wireless support structure as is commercially available to the USER. For exposed cables, wires or appurtenances, CITY reserves the right to require USER to provide cables, wires or appurtenances in manufactured colors which are commercially available, in lieu of painting. Damage by USE Any damage to the Property, the Premises, or CITY'S wireless support structures or equipment caused by USER in any manner shall be repaired or replaced at USER's sole cost and expense and to CITY'S satisfaction within thirty (30) days of written notice by CITY to USER setting forth the required repairs. f. As -Built Drawings Within thirty (30) days after USER activates the USER'S Communication Facility, USER shall provide CITY with an "As -Built" drawing in electronic file format compatible with CITY'S record file system consisting of As -Built drawings of the Communication Facility installed at the applicable Premises or Property, which shall show the actual location of all 7 USER'S Communication Facility equipment. Said drawings shall be accompanied by a complete and detailed site survey of the Property and an inventory of all USER'S Communication Facility equipment. g. Permits for Installation USER is required to obtain from CITY, or any other applicable governing agency, any and all permits required for a complete installation of USER'S Communication Facility or any utilities necessary for the operation of USER'S Communications Facility, at USER'S sole cost and expense. Said permits shall include, but not be limited to: ROW Permits Obstruction/Excavation, Small Wireless Facility Permit, Meter Hooding, Storm Water, etc. permits ("Permits"). Applicable fees for any permit shall be borne by USER and USER shall be bound by the requirements of said permits. h. New Wireless Support Structures If CITY permits USER to install a new wireless support structure in the ROW, such wireless support structure shall not exceed fifty (50) feet above ground level, subject to local zoning regulations, and shall be separated from other wireless support structures by a minimum of 600 feet. If CITY permits USER to install a new wireless support structure that replaces an existing wireless support structure that is higher than fifty (50) feet above ground level, the replacement structure may be placed at the height of the existing structure. i. Alteration or Modifications USER may not add, change, modify or alter any of USER'S Communication Facilities from that set forth and/or shown on the applicable Plan or as then currently constructed, without the prior written approval of the CITY, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed; provided, however, USER may repair and maintain the USER'S equipment and may replace USER'S existing equipment with equipment that is substantially similar in appearance, without CITY'S approval, provided the replacement equipment meets all of the conditions of this Agreement including all applicable Ordinances of CITY. USER agrees to reimburse CITY for all reasonable costs incurred by the CITY in connection with any alteration, modification, or addition to USER'S Communication Facility pursuant to this paragraph, including but not limited to plan review, structural review, site meetings, inspection time, and as -built updating because of USER'S changes, and attorney's fees for drafting and/or reviewing documents. V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, PROPERTY, AND PERMITTEE'S COMMUNICATION FACILITIES. a. Wireless Support Structures and Property CITY reserves the right to take any and all action CITY deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to repair, maintain, alter, or improve CITY'S wireless support structures, Premises, and Property. 8 b. Structure Reconditioning and Repair (1) From time to time, CITY paints, reconditions, or otherwise improves or repairs the wireless support structures, Premises and Property or improvements thereon ("Reconditioning Work"). USER shall cooperate with CITY to allow CITY to carry out Reconditioning Work in a manner that minimizes interference with CITY'S Reconditioning Work. (2) Except in cases of emergency, prior to commencing Reconditioning Work, CITY shall provide USER with not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice of the Reconditioning Work CITY intends to perform. Upon receiving such notice, it shall be the sole responsibility of USER to take adequate measures to cover or otherwise protect the applicable USER'S Communication Facility from the consequences of such activities, including but not limited to paint, splatter and/or debris fallout. CITY reserves the right to require USER to remove all USER'S Communication Facility during CITY'S Reconditioning Work. (3) During CITY'S Reconditioning Work, and with written approval of CITY in CITY'S sole discretion, USER may maintain a mobile site on the Premises or on any land owned or controlled by CITY in the immediate area of the Premises determined suitable by CITY. If the Premises will not accommodate mobile equipment, it shall be USER'S responsibility to locate auxiliary sites for USER'S Communication Facility during the Reconditioning Work. (4) USER may request a modification of CITY'S procedures for carrying out Reconditioning Work in order to reduce the interference with USER'S approved use. If CITY agrees to the modification, USER shall be responsible for all incremental cost and expense related to the modification of CITY'S procedures for Reconditioning Work. C. Premises USER shall, at its own cost and expense, maintain the USER'S Communication Facility in good and safe condition, and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building, and other life safety codes. USER shall obtain from CITY any and all permits required for the purposes of maintaining the USER's Communication Facility and pay all applicable fees for any permits required by the CITY. d. Notice of completion of Maintenance and Repair CITY shall provide notice to USER when the Reconditioning Work has been completed, after which USER may, at its own cost, remove any measures installed to cover or protect the Equipment. Within ten (10) days of said notice, USER shall remove any mobile site placed on the Premises or any other land owned by CITY or any auxiliary site within the CITY. VI. CONDITION OF PREMISES. 7 Where the Premises and/or Property includes one or more wireless support structures, CITY will keep and maintain the wireless support structures in good repair and condition as CITY deems necessary for their primary use and in the ordinary course of business of CITY. CITY makes no warranty or guarantee as to the condition of any Premises with regard to USER'S intended use of the same. VII. TERM, RENT, AND FEES. a. Term. This Agreement shall be for a term of ten (10) years ("Initial Term") commencing upon the execution hereof by both Parties. Each Supplement shall be effective as of the date of execution of the applicable Supplement by both Parties (the "Effective Date"). The initial term of each Supplement shall be for ten (10) years and shall commence based on the first day of the month following the day that the applicable Supplement is signed by the CITY (the "Commencement Date") and shall terminate on the termination of the initial term or any applicable Renewal Term. CITY shall notify USER in writing of the Commencement Date for each Supplement. On the Commencement Date of each Supplement, payment of the applicable Rent shall commence and be due at the annual Base Rent as set forth in this Agreement and shall be paid hereinafter as set forth. CITY and USER acknowledge and agree that payment of the initial Base Rent and any electrical service reimbursement payment, as hereinafter described, for each supplement shall be made by USER within sixty (60) days of the applicable Commencement Date. b. Rent. To reimburse CITY for its costs related to the management of the Premises, USER shall pay to CITY a Base Rent ("Base Rent") equal to One Hundred Seventy -Five and No/Dollars ($175.00) per year for rent and maintenance of each Premises described in the Supplement (i.e., wireless support structure) upon which USER has been granted approval for USER's Communication Facility. If practical, as determined by USER in its sole discretion, and if permitted by the local utility company servicing the Premises, USER shall contract with said local utility company, to furnish and install an electrical meter for the measurement of electrical power used by USER'S installation and USER shall be responsible for the cost of the installation of the meter and all electricity used by USER and shall be billed separately by the applicable utility company. If an electric meter is not installed, as set forth above, the CITY shall be paid a monthly fee of (i) $73 per radio node less than or equal to 100 max watts; (ii) $182 per radio node over $100 max watts, or the actual costs of electricity, if the actual costs exceed the amounts in item (i) or (ii). The first year's Base Rent and any Electrical Service Reimbursement payment due on all Supplements with a Commencement Date other than January 1, shall be prorated to the end of the year in which the Commencement Date occurs. For example, for all Supplements executed by CITY and USER, the first year's Base Rent and Electrical Service Reimbursement (if any) shall be prorated to the end of 2019 based on the actual Commencement Date for year 2019 and the remaining days in 2019. Similarly, for all Supplements that expire or otherwise terminate on a date other than December 31, the Base Rent and Electrical Service Reimbursement (if any) shall be prorated from the beginning of the year to the end of the month in which the Supplement expires or otherwise terminates. Subsequent to the initial payment of pro -rated Base Rent and 10 Electrical Service Reimbursement (if any) in the year of the Commencement Date, the Base Rent and Electrical Service Reimbursement (if any) due hereunder for all subsequent years shall be paid prior to January 1St of each succeeding year. USER shall pay CITY in addition to Base Rent, the following if not already paid by USER: (i) all building and Permit fees; (ii) an administrative fee for this Agreement in the amount Two Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($2,500.00) and an administrative fee of One Thousand and No/100 dollars ($1,000.00) for each Supplement ("CITY'S Administrative Fees"), which shall be paid within sixty (60) days after the CITY sends USER an invoice for the applicable CITY'S Administrative Fees for this Agreement or for any Applications submitted by USER whether or not CITY grants the USER the permit for the applicable USER'S Communication Facility. All invoices for Administration Fees shall be sent to USER at the following address: The parties further acknowledge and agree that, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 237.163, subd. 6, CITY may charge to USER, and USER shall pay to CITY, a reasonable fee in an amount to be determined by CITY when USER causes CITY to incur costs as a result of actions or inactions of USER. Upon agreement of the Parties, USER may pay the Base Rent and Electrical Service Reimbursement (if any) by electronic funds transfer and in such event, CITY agrees to provide to USER the CITY'S bank routing information for such purpose upon request of USER. VIII. EXTENSIONS. This Agreement shall be automatically extended for three (3) additional five (5) year terms (such five (5) year term is referred to as a "Renewal Term") unless USER terminates this Agreement at the end of the Initial Term or any Renewal Term by giving CITY written notice of the intent to Terminate at least three (3) months prior to the end of the then current Term. Each Supplement shall be automatically extended for three (3) additional five (5) year terms, or until the expiration or termination of this Agreement, whichever is earlier, unless USER terminates the applicable Supplement at the end of the applicable Supplement's Initial Term ("Supplement Initial Term") or any Renewal Term of the applicable Supplement ("Supplement Renewal Term") by giving CITY written notice of the intent to terminate at least three (3) months prior to the end of the then current term. The Supplement Initial Term and all Supplement Renewal Terms or the Initial Term or any Renewal Term of this Agreement shall be collectively referred to herein as the "Term." IX. USE; GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS. USER shall use the Premises only for the Approved Use. It is understood and agreed that USER'S permission to use the Premises is contingent upon its obtaining and maintaining all of the certificates, permits and other approvals (collectively the "Governmental Approvals") that may be required by any Federal, State or other governmental authorities as well as a satisfactory structural analysis, and a radio frequency analysis as stated in this Agreement. In the event that 11 (i) any application for such Governmental Approvals should be finally rejected; (ii) any Governmental Approval issued to USER is canceled, expires, lapses, or is otherwise withdrawn or terminated; or (iii) USER determines that such Governmental Approvals may not be obtained in a timely manner, USER shall have the right to terminate the applicable Supplement. Notice of USER's exercise of its right to terminate shall be given to CITY in accordance with the notice provisions set forth herein and shall be effective upon the later of. (a) the receipt of such notice as set forth in the NOTICE section of this Agreement; (b) upon such later date as designated by USER; or (c) upon USER's removal of USER'S Communication Facility as required under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. All Base Rent paid to said termination date shall be retained by CITY. Upon such termination, the applicable Supplement shall be of no further force or effect except to the extent of the representations, warranties and indemnities made by each Party to the other thereunder. Otherwise, the USER shall have no further obligations for the payment of rent to .CITY for the terminated Supplement. X. INDEMNIFICATION. USER shall, to the extent permitted by law, indemnify, defend, and hold CITY harmless against any claim of liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of the use of the Property and/or the Premises by USER, its employees, contractors or agents, except to the extent such claims or damages may be due to or caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of CITY, or its employees, contractors, or agents. ►:ice �►t�-iY_17:��� a. The Parties hereby waive and release any and all rights of action for negligence against the other, its officers, directors, employees, and agents which may hereafter arise on account of damage to the wireless support structure, the Premise or Property resulting from any fire, or other casualty of the kind covered by standard fire insurance policies with extended coverage, regardless of whether or not, or in what amounts, such insurance is now or hereafter carried by the Parties, or either of them. These waivers and release shall apply between the Parties and they shall also apply to any claims under or through either Party as a result of any asserted right of subrogation. All such policies of insurance obtained by either Party concerning the Premises or the Property shall waive the insurer's right of subrogation against the other Party. b. USER agrees that at its own cost and expense, it will maintain commercial general liability insurance with limits of $4,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury (including death) and $4,000,000 general aggregate. USER will provide Certificates of Insurance evidencing the coverage required and including CITY as an additional insured as its interest may appear under this Agreement. The insurance policies shall be issued by a company (rated A:VII or better by Best Insurance Guide) licensed, authorized, or permitted to do business in the State of Minnesota. The policies shall be primary and noncontributory. The policies shall also insure the indemnification obligation(s) contained in this Agreement and any Supplement. C. USER shall maintain worker's compensation insurance in compliance with the statutory requirements of the State of Minnesota and Employer's Liability with a limit of 12 $1,000,000 each accident/disease/policy limit and shall provide for waiver or subrogation by the insurance company. d. USER shall maintain Comprehensive Automobile Liability with a limit of $1,000,000 combined single limit each accident, which shall include coverage for all owned, hired and non -owed vehicles. XII. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. CITY shall not be liable to the USER, or any of its respective agents, representatives, or employees for any lost revenue, lost profits, loss of technology, rights or services, incidental, punitive, indirect, special or consequential damages, loss of data, or interruption or loss of use of service, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, whether under theory of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. XIII. ANNUAL TERMINATION. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, provided USER is not in default hereunder beyond applicable notice and cure periods, USER shall have the right to terminate each Supplement upon the annual anniversary of the Commencement Date provided that three (3) months prior notice is given to CITY. XIV. INTERFERENCE. a. USER shall obtain and provide CITY, at USER'S sole cost and expense, a radio frequency interference study ("RF Report") carried out by an independent professional radio frequency engineer ("USER'S RF Engineer") showing that the use of USER'S proposed "radio frequency," as shown on any Application will not interfere with any existing, licensed communications facilities on the Premises, or CITY'S communications facilities ("CITY'S Communication System"). The USER'S RF Engineer shall provide the applicable RF Report to CITY on or before thirty (30) days of the applicable Application. b. USER shall provide CITY with a radiation study of USER'S proposed Communication Facility equipment, to be used in any of USER'S Communication Facilities, showing there is no risk or danger to the general public from USER'S proposed Communication Facility equipment ("Radiation Report"). CITY may have the Radiation Report reviewed by CITY'S radiation engineer ("Radiation Engineer") to determine if there is a risk or danger to the general public from USER'S Communication Facility. If there is a danger to the public from USER'S proposed Communication Equipment, USER shall not use said equipment in any of USER'S Communication Facilities. USER shall be responsible for all cost relating to the Radiation Report and the review of the Radiation Report by CITY'S Radiation Engineer. C. USER shall implement all measures at the transmission site required by FCC regulations, including but not limited to posting signs and markings. CITY shall cooperate with and permit USER to implement all reasonable measures in order for USER to fulfill FCC obligations. CITY agrees that in the event any future party causes an applicable Premises to 13 exceed FCC Radio Frequency radiation limits, as measured on the Premises, CITY shall hold such future party liable for all such later -arising non-compliance. d. USER agrees to install USER'S Communication Facility in compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement and all FCC rules and regulations, and good engineering practices and according to the Plans, Application, applicable Supplement and this Agreement. USER further agrees that the USER'S use of the USER'S Communication Facility will not cause radio frequency interference to CITY'S Communication Systems, provided such systems are lawfully installed and operated. In the event of interference with CITY'S Communications System, USER shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after USER'S receipt of notice of such interference from CITY, as provided in this Section eliminate the interference or cease using USER'S interfering equipment, except for short tests necessary for the elimination of the interference, until the interference is cured to the reasonable satisfaction of the CITY. If USER, in the event of interference with CITY'S Communication Systems, fails to correct the interference within twenty-four (24) hours or cease using the interfering equipment within said time, except for testing purposes, or demonstrate that USER'S Communication Facility is not the cause of the interference, USER shall cease operation of its Communication Facility or provide CITY with evidence the USER'S Communication Facility is not the cause of the interference. It is further agreed that CITY does not guarantee to USER non-interference to the operation of USER'S Communication Facility by CITY'S Communication Systems or other current users of the Premises or Property (if any). CITY will use its best efforts to notify other users of the Premises or Property of the interference among USER and other users of the Premises or Property. The Parties agree that such reasonable evidence of interference that is likely caused by USER'S use or operation of USER'S Communication Facility warrants an emergency response and the Notice provision of this Agreement shall not apply. Rather, CITY shall provide USER reasonable evidence that the interference is likely caused by the USER'S use or operation of USER'S Equipment verbally by telephone to USER'S Network Operations CENTER at C__) Upon CITY providing USER notice of reasonable evidence that any interference is likely caused by USER'S use or operation of USER'S Equipment USER shall send a qualified technician or representative to the Premises within eight (8) hours from the time that the notice of reasonable evidence is provided by CITY. The required eight (8) hour emergency response time under these circumstances is applicable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The qualified technician or representative shall be capable of assessing the situation and eliciting the necessary response, including any repairs, alterations, or modifications to USER'S Communication Facility. Prior to adding and/or modifying USER'S Communication Facility or any frequencies on a wireless support structure or the Premises, as permitted under this Agreement, USER agrees to notify the CITY of the modified frequencies so that CITY can determine whether or not the modified frequencies will cause radio interference to CITY'S Communication Systems. Or other licensees and/or occupants on the applicable wireless support structure or Premises. Upon 14 request of CITY, USER shall, at USER'S cost and expense, provide CITY with an interference study showing there is not any interference with CITY'S Communication Systems as a result of the modification of the frequencies. The CITY, in its sole discretion, shall retain the right provided herein to submit the interference study results to CITY'S RF Engineer for review. If the USER fails to perform an interference study requested by CITY and submit the results to the CITY, the CITY may have an interference study performed and the USER shall pay the CITY the cost of said interference study. XV. REMOVAL AT END OF TERM. USER shall, prior to expiration of the Term, or within ninety (90) days after any earlier termination of a Supplement, remove USER'S Communication Facility, conduits, fixtures, and all personal property and restore the applicable wireless support structure and Premises to its original condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. CITY agrees and acknowledges that all of USER'S Communication Facility, conduits, fixtures, and personal property of USER shall remain the personal property of USER and USER shall have the right to remove the same at any time during the Term. All wireless support structures, conduit, and pole boxes are and shall remain property of CITY. If USER fails to remove USER'S Communication Facility, USER shall pay rent at twice the then existing monthly rate or the existing monthly pro -rata basis if based upon a longer payment term, until such time as the removal of the Equipment, fixtures, and all personal property are completed. Contemporaneously with the delivery to CITY of the Application required by this Agreement USER shall at its cost and expense deliver to CITY an irrevocable letter of credit ("Letter of Credit") in favor of CITY in the principal amount of Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($50,000.00) to secure USER'S obligation to remove USER'S Communication Facilities according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event USER fails to remove USER'S Communication Facilities and restore the Property, reasonable wear and tear and casualty damage excepted, CITY may do so and USER shall reimburse CITY for all costs incurred by CITY, including but not limited to CITY staff time and legal, planning or engineering services, related to CITY's removal of the USER'S Communications Facility and restoring the Property. CITY may draw upon the Letter of Credit in an amount that will reimburse CITY for its actual costs to remove any of USER'S Communication Facilities and any amount remaining of the Letter of Credit after the removal of USER'S Communication Facilities by CITY will be refunded to USER. If the Letter of Credit is insufficient to cover CITY's costs of removing any of USER'S Communication Facilities, USER shall pay to CITY the deficiency within thirty (3 0) days of written notice of the amount of the deficiency. USER shall pay CITY for any storage of USER's Communications Facilities if removed. XVI. NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY - CONDITIONAL GRANT CITY makes no representation or warranty regarding the condition of its title to the Property or its right to grant to USER use or occupation thereof under this Agreement. The approval granted herein is "as is" and "where is." USER is entering into this Agreement and USER'S use of the Property is subject to USER'S own investigation and acceptance. USER'S rights granted pursuant to this Agreement are subject and subordinate to all limitations, 15 restrictions, and encumbrances relating to CITY'S interest in the Property that may affect or limit CITY'S right to grant those rights to USER. XVII. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement and each Supplement under it may be sold, assigned or transferred by USER without any approval or consent of CITY to the USER'S principal, affiliates, subsidiaries of its principal or to any entity which acquires all or substantially all of USER'S assets in the market defined by the FCC in which the Property is located by reason of a merger, acquisition, or other business reorganization. No change of stock ownership, partnership interest, or control of USER shall constitute an assignment hereunder. This Agreement and each Supplement may not be sold, assigned, or transferred without the express written consent of CITY. USER shall provide written notice of all sales, assignments, or transfers within 60 days thereof. In the event CITY approves any sale, assignment, or transfer, USER shall not be relieved of any of its obligations under this Agreement or any of the Supplements whose term has not expired or otherwise terminated at the time of such sale, assignment, or transfer. The USER may not sublet any space on a wireless support structure or allow any other party to collocate on any wireless support structure without the express written consent of CITY. XVIII. NOTICES All notices hereunder must be in writing and shall be deemed validly given if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested or by commercial courier, provided the courier's regular business is delivery service and provided further that it guarantees delivery to the addressee by the end of the next business day following the courier's receipt from the sender, addressed as follows (or any other address that the Party to be notified may have designated to the sender by like notice): CITY: City of Otsego Attn: City Administrator 13400 901h Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 USER: Notice shall be effective upon actual receipt or refusal as shown on the receipt obtained pursuant to the foregoing. XIX. DEFAULT NO In the event there is a breach by a Party with respect to any of the provisions of this Agreement or any Supplement or its obligations hereunder, the non -breaching Party shall give the breaching Party written notice of such breach. After receipt of such written notice, the breaching Party shall have thirty (30) days in which to cure any breach, provided the breaching Parry shall have such extended period as may be required beyond the thirty (30) days if the breaching Party commences the cure within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter continuously and diligently pursues the cure to completion. A Parry's failure to cure a breach within the time period set forth herein shall constitute a "Default". XX. REMEDIES In the event of a Default by either Party, without limiting the non -defaulting Party in the exercise of any right or remedy which the non -defaulting Party may have by reason of such Default, the non -defaulting Party may terminate this Agreement and/or the applicable Supplement and/or may pursue any remedy now or hereafter available to the non -defaulting Party under the law of the State of Minnesota provided, however, the USER'S sole remedy is to terminate this Agreement or any Supplement and remove the applicable USER'S Communication Facility pursuant to the terms hereof. Further, upon a Default, CITY may at its option (but without obligation to do so), perform USER'S duty or obligation on USER'S behalf, including but not limited to the obtaining of reasonably required insurance policies. The costs and expenses of any such performance by CITY shall be due and payable by USER upon invoice therefor. XXI. CASUALTY In the event of damage by fire or other casualty to the wireless support structure or Premises that cannot reasonably be expected to be repaired within forty-five (45) days following same or which CITY elects not to repair, or if the wireless support structure or Property is damaged by fire or other casualty so that such damage may reasonably be expected to disrupt USER'S operations at the Premises for more than forty-five (45) days, then USER may, at any time following such fire or other casualty, provided CITY has not completed the restoration required to permit USER to resume its operation at the Premises, terminate the Supplement upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to CITY. Any such notice of termination shall cause the Supplement to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as the expiration date of the Supplement. The Base Rent shall abate during the period of repair following such fire or other casualty in proportion to the degree to which USER'S use of the Premises is impaired. XXIII. APPLICABLE LAWS USER shall, at USER'S sole cost and expense, comply with (a) all ordinances, rules, laws and statutes of all applicable governmental agencies including, but not limited to, the CITY'S, to the extent that they relate to USER'S use of the Premises; and (b) all building codes due to the collocation of USER'S Communication Facility being made by USER to a wireless support structure and/or Premises; and (c) all Permits. 17 XXIV. CONDEMNATION. If the whole or any part of the Property shall be taken by any public authority under the power of eminent domain, or is sold to any entity having the power of eminent domain under threat of condemnation, then the term of this Agreement or the applicable Supplements shall cease as of the date of the granting of the petition or date of the closing. All rentals paid to said termination date shall be retained by CITY. Any award, compensation, or damages, shall be paid to and be the sole property of CITY, but nothing herein shall preclude USER from claiming against the condemning authority with respect to moving expenses and loss of personal property, and receiving an award therefor. XXV. DATA PRACTICES. This Agreement and the Supplements are subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practice Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13 (Data Practices Act). All government data, as defined in the Data Practices Act Section 13.02, Subd 7, which is created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by USER in performing any of the functions of the CITY during performance of this Agreement or a Supplement is subject to the requirements of the Data Practice Act and USER shall comply with those requirements as if it were a government entity. XXVL MISCELLANEOUS a. Approval of Supplement. Each Supplement to this Agreement shall be executed by the Mayor and City Administrator after the USER has complied with all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement and the applicable Application has been approved. b. Authority. Each of the Parties hereto warrants to the other that the person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of that Party has the full right, power, and authority to enter into and execute this Agreement on that Party's behalf and that no consent from any other person or entity is necessary as a condition precedent to the legal effect of this Agreement. C. Complete Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement supersedes all prior discussions and negotiations and contains all agreements and understandings between the CITY and the USER. This Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by all Parties. All Exhibits are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. d. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall run with the Premises and Property, inure to the benefit of and be binding on the respective Parties and their respective successors and permitted assignees. e. Enforcement and Attorneys' Fees. The prevailing Party in any action or proceeding in court to enforce the terms of this Agreement including any appeals shall be entitled to receive its reasonable attorney's fees and other reasonable costs and expenses from the non -prevailing party. 18 f. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. g. Severability. If any term of this Agreement is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of this Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect. h. Estoppel Information. Each Party shall from time to time, within sixty (60) days after written request from the other Party, execute, acknowledge and deliver an estoppel certificate indicating that this Agreement and any amendments hereto are in full force and effect, setting out the current monthly rental amount, date rent is paid through, expiration date of the then current term, and acknowledging that there are not, to such Party's knowledge, any uncured defaults, or specifying such defaults, if any, are claimed. i. Brokers. If either Party is represented by a real estate broker in this transaction, that Party shall be fully responsible for any fee due such broker in this transaction, and shall hold the other Party harmless from any claims for commission by such broker. j. No Waiver. No provision of this Agreement will be deemed waived by either Party unless expressly waived in writing by the waiving Party. No waiver shall be implied by delay or any other act or omission of either Party. No waiver by either Parry of any provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of such provision with respect to any subsequent matter relating to such provision. k. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above in this Agreement are hereby incorporated in this Agreement as though they were set forth in the body hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their respective seals the day and year first above written. CITY: City of Otsego, Minnesota By Date: By: _ 19 Jessica L. Stockamp Title: Mayor G Tami Loff Date: USER: By: _ Name:- Title:— Date: ame:Title:Date: 20 Title: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" SUPPLEMENT TO STANDARD SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY COLLOCATION AGREEMENT 1. This Supplement to Standard Small Wireless Facility Collocation Agreement ("the Supplement") is made this day of , 2017 between the City of Otsego, Minnesota, with its principal offices located at 13400 901h Street NE, Otsego, Minnesota 55330 ("CITY"), and , with its principal place of business located at ("USER"). 2. Standard Small Wireless Facility Collocation Agreement. This Supplement is a Supplement as referenced in that certain Standard Small Wireless Facility Collocation Agreement between CITY and USER, dated the day of '2019, (the "Agreement"). The CITY and USER agree that all of the terms and conditions of the Agreement are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof without the necessity of repeating or attaching the Agreement and are in full force and effect except as they may be modified by this Supplement. In the event of a conflict, contradiction, modification, or inconsistency between any term of the Agreement and this Supplement, the terms of this Supplement shall govern. Capitalized terms used in this Supplement shall have the same meaning described for them in the Agreement unless otherwise indicated herein. 3. Premises. The Property owned by CITY is located at Otsego, Minnesota; the Premises approved by the CITY for USER'S use hereunder is described on Exhibit "1" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4. Term. The Commencement Date and the Term of this Supplement shall be as set forth in the Agreement. 5. Consideration. Annual Base Rent for this Supplement shall be One Hundred Seventy - Five and No/100 Dollars ($175.00) and shall be payable as set forth in the Agreement. [Insert one of the following: "USER shall furnish and install an electrical meter for the measurement of electric power used by USER'S installation. Or, ifan electric meter is not installed.• "USER shall pay a monthly fee of Seventy -Three and No/100 Dollars ($73.00) per radio node less than or equal to 100 max watts." Or "USER shall pay a monthly fee of One Hundred Eight -Two and No/100 Dollars ($182.00) per node over 100 max watts."] 6. Site Specific Terms. (Include any site-specific terms) Any Replacement Wireless Support Structure or New Wireless Support Structure installed by USER pursuant to the Plans at the location shown on Exhibit "1" attached hereto upon completion of the installation of the wireless support structure shall be conveyed to the CITY without consideration to or from CITY pursuant to a Bill of Sale. CITY will thereafter be responsible for the wireless support structure as provided in the Agreement. USER shall at 21 USER'S sole cost and expense, remove, dispose and/or discard any wireless support structure that USER removed and installed a replacement wireless support structure in place thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their respective seals the day and year first above written. CITY: City of Otsego, Minnesota By: [EXHIBIT ONLY - NOT FOR EXECUTION] Jessica L.Stockamp Title: Mayor Date: AND By: [EXHIBIT ONLY - NOT FOR EXECUTION] Tami Loff Title: City Clerk Date: USER: By: [EXHIBIT ONLY - NOT FOR EXECUTION] Name: Title: Date: 22 EXHIBIT 46 1" Premises (Include Map, Wireless Support Structure Diagram, Site Plan and Table Listing All Wireless Support Structure Locations) 23 EXHIBIT "B" SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY COLLOCATION AGREMENT SUPPLEMENT APPLICATION FOR CITY REVIEW UNDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND DATED THE DAY OF , 2017 ("AGREEMENT") 1. Attach one (1) set of detailed construction plans and specifications ("Plans") and one (1) completed engineering grade plan sheets for each site ("Grade Plans") signed by a Minnesota Licensed Engineer and one electronic copy of each. 2. Attach the application fee of $0.00; checks payable to the City. 3. Attach copy of permission from a wireless support structure owner if any wireless support structure is owned by an agency or party other than the City. 4. If Plans and Grading Plans are approved by City, one (1) set of each with City comments will be returned (emailed) to the Applicant. 5. Submit a check in the amount of $0.00, to be held in escrow by the City, to be used by the City to pay all Administrative Fees incurred by the City under the terms of the Agreement, the balance, if any, to be returned upon construction completion and delivery of completed as-builts in AutoCAD format to the City. The following items must be checked and on file prior to Application being considered complete for review. ❑ Collocation Agreement (if applicable) ❑ Performance Bond Applicants Name: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Company Name: Phone Number: Fax Number: Billing Address: City: State: Zip: Company Job/ID Number: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STRUCTURAL REPORT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: Start Date: Number of Construction Days During Schedule: Completion Date: By signing this application, I (the applicant/company) hereby acknowledge that 1 must adhere to all provisions of the City Code Title 8 Chapter 6 and any other applicable ordinances. The applicant shall also comply with the regulations of all other governmental agencies for the protection of the public. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE:_ DATE: For Office Use: Plan Meeting Date: Agenda Item Number: Approved Plan Number: Application Received: Decision Deadline: Date Stamp: 24 EXHIBIT "C" BILL OF SALE FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, ("Seller") sells and conveys to the City of Otsego, Minnesota ("Buyer"), the following personal property: one (1) wireless support structure except any of Seller's communications equipment affixed thereto (the "Personal Property") located in the public right-of-way of in the City of Otsego, State of Minnesota as described in Standard Small Wireless Facility Collocation Agreement Supplement between the Buyer and Seller dated the day of , 2019. SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE PERSONAL PROPERTY'S MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. BY ITS ACCEPTANCE OF THIS BILL OF SALE, BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS FULLY INSPECTED THE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND BUYER ACCEPTS THE SAME. This Bill of Sale merely conveys to Buyer all right, title and interest, if any, of Seller in the Personal Property, but this shall not convey any of the communications equipment or appurtenances of Seller that are collocated, installed, attached, mounted, or otherwise connected to the Personal Property. This Bill of Sale contains the entire agreement and representations of the parties related to the sale of the Personal Property, may not be altered except by a written instrument signed by both parties, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. SELLER: By:_ Name: Title: Date: 25